Why not testify?

Anybody who watched the Jan hearings on Tuesday knows that the patriotic Cassidy delivered some serious body blows to Trump. She was very credible in her testimony, ...
Her credibility has been destroyed. Several agents have said that her testimony was false. Others who she claimed told her something said that they never said it.

Anybody who watched the Jan hearings on Tuesday knows that the patriotic Cassidy delivered some serious body blows to Trump. She was very credible in her testimony, which since she was under oath, and subject to verification by Meadows, obviously delivering facts.

Since then, Trump world has worked overtime to paint her as a false witness against Trump, a liar and deceiver. And, they have done this with no evidence whatsoever, none nada!

But, for Trump and his minions, there is a solution. Trump and Meadows should both insist on testifying, under oath, before the Committee to set the record straight. And, what have they got to lose? The truth never hurts, and it stands the test of time. It's past time for Trump to step up, unless that is, he is convinced he will strike out convincingly and that Liz will make a fool out of him.
Credible? She said he said. That's not credible.
Sure thing.

As I've said many, many times: If you suspect something, investigate. If you find something, prosecute. If they're found guilty, nail 'em. If someone helped them, nail them too. Regardless of their political affiliation.

It's a shame you Trumpsters won't say that. I'm so very glad I'm not like you.
We’re glad we’re not like you. We prefer honesty and rationality. You? Not so much. We both know (but you won’t admit the basic reality): this isn’t an “investigation” at all. It’s not even a show trial. It’s just a cheap farce.
Sure thing.

As I've said many, many times: If you suspect something, investigate. If you find something, prosecute. If they're found guilty, nail 'em. If someone helped them, nail them too. Regardless of their political affiliation.

It's a shame you Trumpsters won't say that. I'm so very glad I'm not like you.
Your suspicions must have some basis other than a partisan motivated accusation. Then when and if you investigate and nothing is found, in your mind that means you need more investigations. Then zero evidence means you need to prosecute for a massive cover-up
We’re glad we’re not like you. We prefer honesty and rationality. You? Not so much. We both know (but you won’t admit the basic reality): this isn’t an “investigation” at all. It’s not even a show trial. It’s just a cheap farce.
It is such a blessing not being that stupid and illogical as these dopes...lolol
Your suspicions must have some basis other than a partisan motivated accusation. Then when and if you investigate and nothing is found, in your mind that means you need more investigations. Then zero evidence means you need to prosecute for a massive cover-up
Yep, that's what we're seeing from the orange cult.
She's courageous and more patriotic than Trump's lackies. She definitely knows more about the US Constitution than Trump.
She doesn't know the US constitution from her daily constitutiinal. She has no idea that the Bil of Rights is part of the US constitution . She's a moron
She knows.. slandering her doesn't change what Trump did.
She knows nothing. She was intimidated by a garbage disposal. She's as dumb as a concrete block only less useful.

She advocates eliminating eating meat and air travel. She wants to eliminate the best source of power on earth, nuclear power. She's an idiot. Only another idiot would vote for her
She knows nothing. She was intimidated by a garbage disposal. She's as dumb as a concrete block only less useful.

She advocates eliminating eating meat and air travel. She wants to eliminate the best source of power on earth, nuclear power. She's an idiot. Only another idiot would vote for her

Typical Trump rant demeaning women. You've got it down pat.
You see the committee is a one sided affair.

false. kevin mcspineless had the opportunity to have a ( 9/11 style ) commission. he chose not to. do you know what that woulda consisted of?

BOTH sides would have had INDEPENDANT seats ( no active congress critters )

BOTH sides would have had EQUAL numbers of members.

BOTH sides would have had EQUAL subpoena power.

BOTH sides would have had EQUAL denials of witness' availability.

mcspineless denied the motion. so the next step was the select comittee. UNDER HOUSE RULES, the majority got the final say as to whom was seated & whom was denied.

mcspineless knew that by seating 2 of the 5 members were knee deep in insurrection shit - they would be turned down. that way, he could claim that it was allllllllllllllllllll biased & a sham. BTW ... pelosi agreed to 3 as being 'credible' members of congress. hmmmmmm....

now mcspineless has to live with that decision & the committee has proven to be quite effective in their presentation; since some 60% of americans are viewing donny as culpable.

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