Why muslims cannot assimilate. And don't even want to. Diversity destroys.


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Stupid liberals assume that muslims think the same as westerners. Totally false.

Why Moslems Cannot Assimilate

Oct 24 2017 I spoke with fellow research journalist Peter Goodchild on his understanding of Moslems in Western countries. Could you give us an idea as to how and why Moslems cannot and do not assimilate into Western countries?

“The Muslim world-view differs greatly from that of the Westerner,” said Goodchild. “Largely because Muslims are tribalist. There are many forms of Islamic culture, and tribalism is very much an Arabic characteristic, but it is common throughout the Muslim world. Muslim tribalism is also similar to that of native people in the Americas, or in Africa. Allegiance is to the tribe, not to a “country.” Arabic countries did not even exist until such political entities were forced upon them in the 20th century by the British and the Americans. The essence of tribalism is that a man’s (and secondarily a woman’s) loyalty is to the tribe. (Even in my Omani classrooms in 2008-11, if there was a student in a class who was not in the same tribe as the other students, then there could be trouble.) Muslims have two names, just as Westerners do, but the big difference is that a Westerner’s last name is a family name, whereas a Muslim’s last name is that of a tribe.

“Because a Muslim belongs to a tribe, he is raised from birth to regard people outside his own tribe as enemies. Because other people are enemies, it is senseless to speak of a “crime” against them. For example, killing someone from another tribe is not “murder.” “Lawrence of Arabia” fell into this problem when he was trying to unite the Arabs and get them to side with the British against the Turks in WWI.
“The issue of tribalism came up — with apparently little awareness on the part of Westerners — in the last few years, when large numbers of Muslim migrants poured into Europe. Westerners were appalled by the “crimes” being committed. But from a Muslim perspective these were not crimes at all. And from a Muslim perspective, Westerners are basically subhuman because they have no tribes. Because they have no tribes it is senseless to say that a Muslim is committing a “crime” against such people.

“Again as in the Americas or in Africa, a member of a tribal society regards his women as his property. The more women the better! To a tribalist, a law enforcing monogamy is senseless. Why should a man be deprived of a chance to increase his women or his donkeys or camels? And why should a man have to accord a woman the same rights as a man?
In the India tribes, one name that stands out here in America is Patel. Seems they are tribal as you say as well, because they don't allow or condone marriage with a westerner. Their traditions are much different than ours are, and they don't eat meat. They burn alot of incense as well. Yes, we as Americans should always be aware of these differences, and make sure that those who are anti-assimilators don't get empowered even up above the most average of the AMERICANS who are here.
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Why do so-called progressives support muslims knowing how anti-women they are?? Answer - progs are racist to the core and hate all white people. They support anyone that wants to destroy white america.
Why do so-called progressives support muslims knowing how anti-women they are?? Answer - progs are racist to the core and hate all white people. They support anyone that wants to destroy white america.
I will alert the Amish, the Mennonites, and the Hasdic Jews that they are not normal (and white) enough for you. Since we have religious liberty here, you are allowed not to assimilate, you will have to exist stage right. Need boxes?
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I will alert the Amish, the Mennonites, and the Hasdic Jews that they are not normal (and white) enough for you. Since we have religious liberty here, you are allowed not to assimilate, you will have to exist stage right. Need boxes?

HAHAHA. Now you loony libs are equating the amish with muslims???!!! HAHAHA

Like most americans, i love the amish. They are smart and hard working and DON'T go on welfare.. They are the opposite of muslims. THINK
I will alert the Amish, the Mennonites, and the Hasdic Jews that they are not normal (and white) enough for you. Since we have religious liberty here, you are allowed not to assimilate, you will have to exist stage right. Need boxes?

HAHAHA. Now you loony libs are equating the amish with muslims???!!! HAHAHA

Like most americans, i love the amish. They are smart and hard working and DON'T go on welfare.. They are the opposite of muslims. THINK
All religions are treated the same here, moron. THINK!
Why would muslims assimilate, It's against their religion
Stupid liberals assume that muslims think the same as westerners. Totally false.

Why Moslems Cannot Assimilate

Oct 24 2017 I spoke with fellow research journalist Peter Goodchild on his understanding of Moslems in Western countries. Could you give us an idea as to how and why Moslems cannot and do not assimilate into Western countries?

“The Muslim world-view differs greatly from that of the Westerner,” said Goodchild. “Largely because Muslims are tribalist. There are many forms of Islamic culture, and tribalism is very much an Arabic characteristic, but it is common throughout the Muslim world. Muslim tribalism is also similar to that of native people in the Americas, or in Africa. Allegiance is to the tribe, not to a “country.” Arabic countries did not even exist until such political entities were forced upon them in the 20th century by the British and the Americans. The essence of tribalism is that a man’s (and secondarily a woman’s) loyalty is to the tribe. (Even in my Omani classrooms in 2008-11, if there was a student in a class who was not in the same tribe as the other students, then there could be trouble.) Muslims have two names, just as Westerners do, but the big difference is that a Westerner’s last name is a family name, whereas a Muslim’s last name is that of a tribe.

“Because a Muslim belongs to a tribe, he is raised from birth to regard people outside his own tribe as enemies. Because other people are enemies, it is senseless to speak of a “crime” against them. For example, killing someone from another tribe is not “murder.” “Lawrence of Arabia” fell into this problem when he was trying to unite the Arabs and get them to side with the British against the Turks in WWI.
“The issue of tribalism came up — with apparently little awareness on the part of Westerners — in the last few years, when large numbers of Muslim migrants poured into Europe. Westerners were appalled by the “crimes” being committed. But from a Muslim perspective these were not crimes at all. And from a Muslim perspective, Westerners are basically subhuman because they have no tribes. Because they have no tribes it is senseless to say that a Muslim is committing a “crime” against such people.

“Again as in the Americas or in Africa, a member of a tribal society regards his women as his property. The more women the better! To a tribalist, a law enforcing monogamy is senseless. Why should a man be deprived of a chance to increase his women or his donkeys or camels? And why should a man have to accord a woman the same rights as a man?
We've heard this same argument against Mexicans.....against Catholics....against Italians....against Jews.....against Poles...against the Irish.....

The history of the "Know Nothings" repeats itself.
I will alert the Amish, the Mennonites, and the Hasdic Jews that they are not normal (and white) enough for you. Since we have religious liberty here, you are allowed not to assimilate, you will have to exist stage right. Need boxes?

HAHAHA. Now you loony libs are equating the amish with muslims???!!! HAHAHA

Like most americans, i love the amish. They are smart and hard working and DON'T go on welfare.. They are the opposite of muslims. THINK
It's funny how you left out the Mennonites and the Hasadic Jews in your reply......
Stupid liberals assume that muslims think the same as westerners. Totally false.

Why Moslems Cannot Assimilate

Oct 24 2017 I spoke with fellow research journalist Peter Goodchild on his understanding of Moslems in Western countries. Could you give us an idea as to how and why Moslems cannot and do not assimilate into Western countries?

“The Muslim world-view differs greatly from that of the Westerner,” said Goodchild. “Largely because Muslims are tribalist. There are many forms of Islamic culture, and tribalism is very much an Arabic characteristic, but it is common throughout the Muslim world. Muslim tribalism is also similar to that of native people in the Americas, or in Africa. Allegiance is to the tribe, not to a “country.” Arabic countries did not even exist until such political entities were forced upon them in the 20th century by the British and the Americans. The essence of tribalism is that a man’s (and secondarily a woman’s) loyalty is to the tribe. (Even in my Omani classrooms in 2008-11, if there was a student in a class who was not in the same tribe as the other students, then there could be trouble.) Muslims have two names, just as Westerners do, but the big difference is that a Westerner’s last name is a family name, whereas a Muslim’s last name is that of a tribe.

“Because a Muslim belongs to a tribe, he is raised from birth to regard people outside his own tribe as enemies. Because other people are enemies, it is senseless to speak of a “crime” against them. For example, killing someone from another tribe is not “murder.” “Lawrence of Arabia” fell into this problem when he was trying to unite the Arabs and get them to side with the British against the Turks in WWI.
“The issue of tribalism came up — with apparently little awareness on the part of Westerners — in the last few years, when large numbers of Muslim migrants poured into Europe. Westerners were appalled by the “crimes” being committed. But from a Muslim perspective these were not crimes at all. And from a Muslim perspective, Westerners are basically subhuman because they have no tribes. Because they have no tribes it is senseless to say that a Muslim is committing a “crime” against such people.

“Again as in the Americas or in Africa, a member of a tribal society regards his women as his property. The more women the better! To a tribalist, a law enforcing monogamy is senseless. Why should a man be deprived of a chance to increase his women or his donkeys or camels? And why should a man have to accord a woman the same rights as a man?

An Unfit Species Whose Evolutionary Expiration Date Is Long Overdue

Although politically incorrect biology, it would be more accurate to refer to these unevolved creatures' grouping as herds, rather than "tribes."
Stupid liberals assume that muslims think the same as westerners. Totally false.
We've heard this same argument against Mexicans.....against Catholics....against Italians....against Jews.....against Poles...against the Irish.....
The history of the "Know Nothings" repeats itself.

We've also heard the argument against nazis and klansmen. Sometimes it's a good argument. THINK, america-hater.
Islam is the second largest religion in the world, the newest revelation from God after that of Moses and Jesus, both Prophets in Islam. THINK, dumbass.

Calling it a religion doesn't make it one. Islam is a political movement. Like all nitwits, you judge things by what they are called. THINK
Islam is the second largest religion in the world, the newest revelation from God after that of Moses and Jesus, both Prophets in Islam. THINK, dumbass.

Calling it a religion doesn't make it one. Islam is a political movement. Like all nitwits, you judge things by what they are called. THINK
Islam is not a political movement. Islam is the submission of the believer to God. Your false view of the faith doesn't change what all you betters know, Islam is a religion and it is here to stay, deal with it, Snowflake.

And if you learned it you'd actually like large parts of it. They are allowed to wage war, to kill their enemies. Your kind of thing. LEARN and THINK, dumbass.
Islam is not a political movement. Islam is the submission of the believer to God. Your false view of the faith doesn't change what all you betters know, Islam is a religion and it is here to stay, deal with it, Snowflake.

And if you learned it you'd actually like large parts of it. They are allowed to wage war, to kill their enemies. Your kind of thing. LEARN and THINK, dumbass.

Don't call me a killer. I never killed nobody that didn't have it coming.
Islam is not a political movement. Islam is the submission of the believer to God. Your false view of the faith doesn't change what all you betters know, Islam is a religion and it is here to stay, deal with it, Snowflake.

And if you learned it you'd actually like large parts of it. They are allowed to wage war, to kill their enemies. Your kind of thing. LEARN and THINK, dumbass.

Don't call me a killer. I never killed nobody that didn't have it coming.
If you killed anyone then you are, by definition, a killer. And I didn't call you that but I said you'd like that part, which I'm sure you do. The are also pro-family, pro-unity. You'd like that as well.
If you killed anyone then you are, by definition, a killer. And I didn't call you that but I said you'd like that part, which I'm sure you do. The are also pro-family, pro-unity. You'd like that as well.

I'm not pro-family. And pro-unity??? HAHAHA. We need to declare liberals traitors and hunt them down and then feed them to the ovens.

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