Why most Republican candidates are phonies on illegal immigration.


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
Listen to our Republican candidates running to be our next president and the chances are when they are asked about the 10–20 million illegal aliens who are here, they will avoid addressing that question and sternly instruct us, as if we are little children, “we must first secure the border, and then we’ll have a conversation about dealing with illegal aliens who are here.”

But an honorable candidate concerned with America’s general welfare who sees the devastating financial and social consequences inflicted upon American Citizens by the millions of poverty stricken, poorly educated, unskilled, and often criminally inspired and disease carrying aliens who have invaded our borders, would most certainly have a plan of action to deal with this very real problem, and would not hesitate to lay out that plan to those interested when given the opportunity.

Unfortunately, I do not expect our complicit media personalities during the upcoming debate to ask each of our candidates: “Assuming the border has been secured, what is your plan to deal with the tens of millions of illegal entrants who are here?

Of course, an honorable candidate who is genuinely concerned about the general welfare of the United States and her citizens would have a modest plan ready to be put into effect, even before the border is secured!

One of the most effective elements in dealing with Obama’s ongoing invasion of our borders, is to make it very uncomfortable for illegal entrants to stay in our country, which would also deter foreigners from entering our country illegally.

For example, here is a modest proposal which I believe most patriotic American citizens would support.

Increase the surveillance of our borders using the National Guard. Illegal entrants caught should be photographed, fingerprinted, checked for any prior offenses committed in the U.S., and given the chance to immediately return to where they came from or suffer the same hospitality as the Mexican Government has shown Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi

Illegal entrants who are already in our country who are arrested for a criminal offense are to be immediately returned to their own country on their first offense, and if they are caught reentering are given a few years in jail and then returned to their country of origin.

Any illegal entrant caught on our soil loses the opportunity of entering our country legally for ten years.

Illegal entrants should be cut off every welfare program. Those with children are given a two or three week notification before being cut off, which gives them time to return to their own country.

Employers who hire illegal entrants must be have harsh penalties imposed upon them, which should include jail time for a second offense.

Now, which of our candidates will step up an offer a specific plan, and why are our media personalities not pressing these candidates on what shall be done with the tens of millions of illegal entrants who are here and inflicting devastating social and financial consequences upon American citizens?


To support Jeb Bush is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving legal status and work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders!
Nativists, old buddies and buddettes.

The illegals, overwhelmingly, the most of them, are already "home" here. We are not going to round them up. We are not going to cut off programs to their children, most of whom are citizens.

Secure border, hiring reform, and immigration discussion. All in one bill.
Everybody is pretty much fucked with the illegal alien issue. Dems need them for votes to keep their power and Repubs are fucked because they realize that crops need to be harvested and the able and not willing labor force is sitting on the porch enjoying Schlitz. Now what???
Jeb Bush is the white Obama. Both proponents of the Americas, and the expense of America.

The difference between the two is, Jeb Bush is the mouthpiece for our Global Governance Crowd. Obama hates America and is doing everything possible to destroy America's economic and military might.


When will the America People realize we have an Islamic cell operating out of our nation's White House? Will they come to this conclusion when Obama allows Iran to make the component parts for a nuclear arsenal?
Everybody is pretty much fucked with the illegal alien issue. Dems need them for votes to keep their power and Repubs are fucked because they realize that crops need to be harvested and the able and not willing labor force is sitting on the porch enjoying Schlitz. Now what???
View attachment 46425

Where are you getting the nonsense that all the growers are Republicans? By the way, there are unlimited visas for legal, foreign crop pickers so why wouldn't the crops get picked? Only 3% of illegals are picking crops anyway and the rest are doing jobs Americans are willing to do.
Everybody is pretty much fucked with the illegal alien issue. Dems need them for votes to keep their power and Repubs are fucked because they realize that crops need to be harvested and the able and not willing labor force is sitting on the porch enjoying Schlitz. Now what???
View attachment 46425

Where are you getting the nonsense that all the growers are Republicans? By the way, there are unlimited visas for legal, foreign crop pickers so why wouldn't the crops get picked? Only 3% of illegals are picking crops anyway and the rest are doing jobs Americans are willing to do.
Wow… I made no implications that all growers are Repubs. If you look at it closer you can see that crop harvesting and voting are not mutually exclusive. Dem growers kill two flies with one swat..getting the votes and harvesting done from the same illegal alien. That is all..
Just anecdotal evidence that Capitalism is useless to the Right. We have a Commerce Clause and an official Mint at our disposal; why can the Capital Right do no better than simply lie to their stockholders and ask for a (tax) bailout.
Everybody is pretty much fucked with the illegal alien issue. Dems need them for votes to keep their power and Repubs are fucked because they realize that crops need to be harvested and the able and not willing labor force is sitting on the porch enjoying Schlitz. Now what???
View attachment 46425

Where are you getting the nonsense that all the growers are Republicans? By the way, there are unlimited visas for legal, foreign crop pickers so why wouldn't the crops get picked? Only 3% of illegals are picking crops anyway and the rest are doing jobs Americans are willing to do.
Wow… I made no implications that all growers are Repubs. If you look at it closer you can see that crop harvesting and voting are not mutually exclusive. Dem growers kill two flies with one swat..getting the votes and harvesting done from the same illegal alien. That is all..

You mentioned only Republicans when it comes to the growers. Don't try to back track now.
Everybody is pretty much fucked with the illegal alien issue. Dems need them for votes to keep their power and Repubs are fucked because they realize that crops need to be harvested and the able and not willing labor force is sitting on the porch enjoying Schlitz. Now what???
View attachment 46425

Where are you getting the nonsense that all the growers are Republicans? By the way, there are unlimited visas for legal, foreign crop pickers so why wouldn't the crops get picked? Only 3% of illegals are picking crops anyway and the rest are doing jobs Americans are willing to do.
Wow… I made no implications that all growers are Repubs. If you look at it closer you can see that crop harvesting and voting are not mutually exclusive. Dem growers kill two flies with one swat..getting the votes and harvesting done from the same illegal alien. That is all..

You mentioned only Republicans when it comes to the growers. Don't try to back track now.
If you are such a fucktard that every little detail has to be explained to you, stay at the kids' table. It is self evident that deems kill 2 flies with 1 swat… now, you can sit down...
Everybody is pretty much fucked with the illegal alien issue. Dems need them for votes to keep their power and Repubs are fucked because they realize that crops need to be harvested and the able and not willing labor force is sitting on the porch enjoying Schlitz. Now what???
View attachment 46425

Where are you getting the nonsense that all the growers are Republicans? By the way, there are unlimited visas for legal, foreign crop pickers so why wouldn't the crops get picked? Only 3% of illegals are picking crops anyway and the rest are doing jobs Americans are willing to do.
Wow… I made no implications that all growers are Repubs. If you look at it closer you can see that crop harvesting and voting are not mutually exclusive. Dem growers kill two flies with one swat..getting the votes and harvesting done from the same illegal alien. That is all..

You mentioned only Republicans when it comes to the growers. Don't try to back track now.
If you are such a fucktard that every little detail has to be explained to you, stay at the kids' table. It is self evident that deems kill 2 flies with 1 swat… now, you can sit down...

I quote your own words, Mr. Potty mouth. "Repubs are fucked because they realize that crops need to be harvested". No where did you admit that there are Democrat growers that want illegal aliens also. So try and deny your own words now.
Everybody is pretty much fucked with the illegal alien issue. Dems need them for votes to keep their power and Repubs are fucked because they realize that crops need to be harvested and the able and not willing labor force is sitting on the porch enjoying Schlitz. Now what???
View attachment 46425

And yet Republicans has the best opportunity to reform the immigration.
And yet the right wingers are the number one complainers about illegals.
On the side...Illegals are here either we like it or not. You cannot round them up, cannot shoot them on the spot, cannot starved, deny health care etc.
They held jobs but not paying taxes. Driving without d/l, no insurance. So why don't we bring them out of hiding. So they can start paying taxes, deductibles etc. like other legal immigrants. I mean only illegals with U.S. citizen through birthrights. Do we have better realistic solutions?
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And yet Republicans has the best opportunity to reform the immigration.
Existing laws need to be enforced. It is not happening.
On the side...Illegals are here either we like it or not. You cannot round them up, cannot shoot them on the spot, cannot starved, deny health care etc.
They took a chance she they left their homeland and they know it. When you admit you are defeated this is what what happens to you:
I do not understand some Americans supporting illegals that are taking other Americans jobs. Don't these people want other Americans doing these jobs, and paying taxes? It is beyond comprehension that anyone can make a reasonable argument to screw their fellow citizens, and yet they do!
Many Americas will simply oppose the far right on this issue because they hate the far right on other issues.

Many Americans have illegals as relatives.

Democrats want new voters.

Republican Big Business wants cheap labor.

Put owners and managers in jail for knowingly hiring illegals and sell the companies and fine the stock holders their dividends.

Illegal hiring will end immediately.
And yet Republicans has the best opportunity to reform the immigration.
Existing laws need to be enforced. It is not happening.
On the side...Illegals are here either we like it or not. You cannot round them up, cannot shoot them on the spot, cannot starved, deny health care etc.
They took a chance she they left their homeland and they know it. When you admit you are defeated this is what what happens to you:
View attachment 46890

Defeated? You have a better idea or suggestion? I don't watch fake wrestling.
I do not understand some Americans supporting illegals that are taking other Americans jobs. Don't these people want other Americans doing these jobs, and paying taxes? It is beyond comprehension that anyone can make a reasonable argument to screw their fellow citizens, and yet they do!

American Citizens are being made into tax slaves to support the economic needs of the tens of millions who have invaded our borders!

See Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children

Here are some of the findings:

•In 2009 (based on data collected in 2010), 57 percent of households headed by an immigrant (legal and illegal) with children (under 18) used at least one welfare program, compared to 39 percent for native households with children.

•A large share of the welfare used by immigrant households with children is received on behalf of their U.S.-born children, who are American citizens. But even households with children comprised entirely of immigrants (no U.S.-born children) still had a welfare use rate of 56 percent in 2009.

•Households with children with the highest welfare use rates are those headed by immigrants from the Dominican Republic (82 percent), Mexico and Guatemala (75 percent), and Ecuador (70 percent). Those with the lowest use rates are from the United Kingdom (7 percent), India (19 percent), Canada (23 percent), and Korea (25 percent).

•The states where immigrant households with children have the highest welfare use rates are Arizona (62 percent); Texas, California, and New York (61 percent); Pennsylvania (59 percent); Minnesota and Oregon (56 percent); and Colorado (55 percent).

•We estimate that 52 percent of households with children headed by legal immigrants used at least one welfare program in 2009, compared to 71 percent for illegal immigrant households with children. Illegal immigrants generally receive benefits on behalf of their U.S.-born children.

•Illegal immigrant households with children primarily use food assistance and Medicaid, making almost no use of cash or housing assistance. In contrast, legal immigrant households tend to have relatively high use rates for every type of program.

•High welfare use by immigrant-headed households with children is partly explained by the low education level of many immigrants. Of households headed by an immigrant who has not graduated high school, 80 percent access the welfare system, compared to 25 percent for those headed by an immigrant who has at least a bachelor’s degree.

•An unwillingness to work is not the reason immigrant welfare use is high. The vast majority (95 percent) of immigrant households with children had at least one worker in 2009. But their low education levels mean that more than half of these working immigrant households with children still accessed the welfare system during 2009.



To support Jeb Bush is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving legal status and work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders!

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