Why Liberals hate the Gospel Message


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
Why Liberals hate the Gospel Message​

A recent AP report stated that a coalition of religious leaders in Chicago has asked Southern Baptists to not bring missionaries to their city next summer. The reason? They fear that the gospel message will spark violence against Jews, Hindus and Muslims.

To the mind of a liberal, the gospel message, and the missionaries who deliver it, are the source of violence and hate. Are these not the same people who cry aloud for tolerance, diversity and pluralism? Can you imagine the outcry of the press had such a letter been sent from Southern Baptists to virtually any other religious group?

To be sure, the Christian church began in a baptism of persecution. This is, in itself, quite remarkable. Why? Because the Roman Empire prided itself in being the most tolerant, pluralistic kingdom to ever exist. Some historians have noted that there were as many gods in Rome as there were people. In this environment of tolerance and freedom, all worshipped in complete security. Everyone, that is, except Christians.

Christians were persecuted mercilessly. They were throw to lions, imprisoned, tortured, sawn asunder, beheaded and made to fight in the amphitheaters. But, why? Why would this tolerant, pluralistic, multicultural, diverse society hate Christians so much? If everyone one else could worship their gods, why could not Christians worship Jesus Christ? There are two basic reasons.

One, the gospel message demands that Christ, and Christ alone, be given the place of preeminence and authority in our hearts. That fact alone is anathema to the mind of a liberal.

Caesar didn’t mind if a Christian worshipped Christ as long as he reserved coequal authority to the state. Caesar was willing to share his power with God as long as God shared his power with him. In the Roman mind, Caesar was god.

This is pretty much the same with liberals today. In their minds, the state is sovereign. If you want to worship a spiritual god, that is fine with them. Call him by whatever name you wish. Worship him in whatever way you wish. Ultimately, however, you must recognize that the state is sovereign over your life. Government is god.

Genuine Christianity recognizes no king but Jesus, however. No government, no potentate, no ruler can usurp His authority. That reality enrages liberals.

Secondly, the gospel message is a frighteningly exclusive message. It says there is no other way to God except through Jesus Christ. This, too, inflames the modern day Caesar.

To the liberal mind, man (and the government he creates) is his own god. Man accounts only to himself. Man is at once, creator, savior and sovereign. To suggest that man might actually have to answer to a holy, righteous, personal God is more than they can stand. To then suggest that this holy, righteous God has demanded that all men worship at the feet of His Son is something utterly unacceptable. Give liberals control of government and persecution against Christianity always follows in time.

The thing that separated the United States from all previous nations and cultures was that its very existence was created as a sanctuary for Christians. America was a place where religious people in general and Christians in particular were afforded a safe haven to worship in peace. At the time of America’s founding over 98% of our people professed to be Christian!

And, contrary to the notion that the gospel breeds hate and violence, it has been Christian America that has afforded the greatest degree of liberty and freedom to people of other faiths! Take the message of pluralism and tolerance to the Muslim controlled and Hindu controlled nations of the world and see what it buys you!

The gospel message birthed this nation. The gospel message protected this nation. The gospel message was the catalyst for prosperity and peace for this nation. When the gospel message is no longer welcomed in this nation, America will have forfeited its purpose for being a nation. In truth, without the gospel message, the nation we know as America no longer exists.

"Secondly, the gospel message is a frighteningly exclusive message. It says there is no other way to God except through Jesus Christ. This, too, inflames the modern day Caesar."

This isn't a message that liberals alone don't like. This is a message that logical people don't like. If you say that the only way to get to heaven is through Christ and the only other option is hell then you are pretty much saying that God created plenty of people for the sole purpose of damning them to hell as soon as they die. Christianity in this sense is what is intolerant. If you don't agree with Christians you burn in hell for all of eternity. Sounds like a good deal to me. But the only problem is most people choose their religion relative to what they were taught when they were younger. If your parents were Hindu and instilled Hinduism into you, there is no way you would just have some magical awakening one day and decide to be a Christian. You would probably just try to do whatever your religion tells you. Same thing if you are Jewish or any other religion. Certainly I wouldn't expect Christians to convert to other religions so I don't see why Christians say that there way is the only way. It's kinda snobby if you think about it. Your essentially saying that your religion is superior to all others. What makes you so sure? After all there is no proof whatsoever to veriry any religion or proof that God even exists. So how do Christians assume that their faith reigns supreme above all others?

I would think that such an elite religion wouldn't be based on a book that constantly contradicts itself and according to most historians and scientists is nothing more than a collection of fairy tales written by primitive people to try to explain the unkown and make a few laws to get people to act properly.
Powerman said:
"Secondly, the gospel message is a frighteningly exclusive message. It says there is no other way to God except through Jesus Christ. This, too, inflames the modern day Caesar."

This isn't a message that liberals alone don't like. This is a message that logical people don't like. If you say that the only way to get to heaven is through Christ and the only other option is hell then you are pretty much saying that God created plenty of people for the sole purpose of damning them to hell as soon as they die. Christianity in this sense is what is intolerant. If you don't agree with Christians you burn in hell for all of eternity. Sounds like a good deal to me. But the only problem is most people choose their religion relative to what they were taught when they were younger. If your parents were Hindu and instilled Hinduism into you, there is no way you would just have some magical awakening one day and decide to be a Christian. You would probably just try to do whatever your religion tells you. Same thing if you are Jewish or any other religion. Certainly I wouldn't expect Christians to convert to other religions so I don't see why Christians say that there way is the only way. It's kinda snobby if you think about it. Your essentially saying that your religion is superior to all others. What makes you so sure? After all there is no proof whatsoever to veriry any religion or proof that God even exists. So how do Christians assume that their faith reigns supreme above all others?

I would think that such an elite religion wouldn't be based on a book that constantly contradicts itself and according to most historians and scientists is nothing more than a collection of fairy tales written by primitive people to try to explain the unkown and make a few laws to get people to act properly.

What's wrong with thinking other people are going to hell? A chrisitian will still love the sinner. You're the thought police dude. If you don't believe you're going to hell, why do you care that others think you are?

And you never answered, are you a jew?

All religions think their religions are right. Why do christians get to you so bad? You're a nazi.
Powerman said:
This isn't a message that liberals alone don't like. This is a message that logical people don't like.

I'm more "logical" than anything else. I have an anylitical mind, and I like the message just fine.

Powerman said:
If you say that the only way to get to heaven is through Christ and the only other option is hell then you are pretty much saying that God created plenty of people for the sole purpose of damning them to hell as soon as they die.

Wrong. He gave you the ability to make the right choice.

Powerman said:
Christianity in this sense is what is intolerant.

There's nothing more "intolerant" than a person who "doesn't believe"... namely you.

Powerman said:
If you don't agree with Christians you burn in hell for all of eternity. Sounds like a good deal to me. But the only problem is most people choose their religion relative to what they were taught when they were younger. If your parents were Hindu and instilled Hinduism into you, there is no way you would just have some magical awakening one day and decide to be a Christian. You would probably just try to do whatever your religion tells you. Same thing if you are Jewish or any other religion. Certainly I wouldn't expect Christians to convert to other religions so I don't see why Christians say that there way is the only way. It's kinda snobby if you think about it. Your essentially saying that your religion is superior to all others. What makes you so sure? After all there is no proof whatsoever to veriry any religion or proof that God even exists. So how do Christians assume that their faith reigns supreme above all others?

And you are just another garden variety, shrill, livid liberal, slicing and dicing away at Christianity. You take every opportunity available to run it into the dirt along with the people who believe. Secondly, whether or not you're going to hell has got NOTHING to do with whether or not you AGREE with Christians. It's all got to do with YOU.

Powerman said:
I would think that such an elite religion wouldn't be based on a book that constantly contradicts itself and according to most historians and scientists is nothing more than a collection of fairy tales written by primitive people to try to explain the unkown and make a few laws to get people to act properly.

And I didn't see anything more than anger and hate for Christians in your entire post. You are living, posting, proof of exactly what the article purports. You were a great example of the liberals hatred for Christianity. Thanks for validating my article.
"Wrong. He gave you the ability to make the right choice."

That's bullshit. If you are born into a family that practices another religion and you are brought up with that you don't really have much of a choice. I've always wondered what happens to the secluded tribes in Africa that have never even heard of Jesus. Do they burn in hell? If so then God put them on the earth for the sole puspose of immediately damning their sould. You can't just find Christ if he isn't introduced to you. And if you are already devout in another faith wouldn't it be rather taboo of you by your own beliefs to just convert to another religion? Certainly you can see the loss of logic in your line of thinking. It's arrogant for Chrsitans to think that all others are burning in hell when the only reason they are Christians(for the most part) is either where they were born or who their parents were.
rtwngAvngr said:
What's wrong with thinking other people are going to hell? A chrisitian will still love the sinner. You're the thought police dude. If you don't believe you're going to hell, why do you care that others think you are?

And you never answered, are you a jew?

All religions think their religions are right. Why do christians get to you so bad? You're a nazi.

I'm not Jew. I'm somewhat of an agnostic I suppose. Christians really don't bother me that much. I just think that they are arrogant about their faith at times and don't think much for themselves. If I lived in a country with nothing but Muslims I'd probably be bitching about them. And I know a lot about Christianity so it's the one subject I'm educated enough to speak out about. And it's not all Christians that bother me. It's the bible thumping born again Christians and the fundamentalists trying to shove junk science into schools that piss me off. I also have a very short tolerance for people who claim that homosexuality is a sin when it is in fact part of someones genetic makeup. You are genetically predisposed to being homosexual. It's not a choice or a sin. If it were a sin then why is no straight person ever tempted to do it?
Powerman said:
"Wrong. He gave you the ability to make the right choice."

That's bullshit. If you are born into a family that practices another religion and you are brought up with that you don't really have much of a choice.

Read up where 'somebody' wrote they grew up in the church, yet moved away from what they were taught... ;)

I've always wondered what happens to the secluded tribes in Africa that have never even heard of Jesus. Do they burn in hell? If so then God put them on the earth for the sole puspose of immediately damning their sould.

I don't give two rats asses - Frankly, those kind of HUGE moral judgements are best left to God. (shrug).

And if you are already devout in another faith wouldn't it be rather taboo of you by your own beliefs to just convert to another religion? Certainly you can see the loss of logic in your line of thinking. It's arrogant for Chrsitans to think that all others are burning in hell when the only reason they are Christians(for the most part) is either where they were born or who their parents were.

Arrogance? Talk about loss of logic...No religion is worth a shit if the followers are instructed to make allowances that their faith could be in vain - that their religion could be false.
"I'm more "logical" than anything else. I have an anylitical mind, and I like the message just fine."

OK then maybe you can follow this train of logic then.

1. The bible is not historically possible because science and logic tells us that it is not
2. The bible wasn't actually written by God even though most people believe it to be the "insprired word of God" Fair enough but I'll believe that about as much as I'll buy that whole papal infallability thing. How convenient!
3. OK so say the bible is the inspried "word of God"...we would only need one Gospel because God doesn't make mistakes. The fact that there is 4 gospels is proof enough that it isn't the actual word of God and merely stories of men.
4. The bible itself contradicts itself several hundred times at least if not getting in to the thousands.
5. Most of the bible conflicts with what most Christians teach about the bible. For example. You just told me that we have free will. Well not according to the bible. Remember the story of Exoudus? God claimed to have mind control over the pharoah and said that he would harden pharoahs heart so that he would not let his people go. Apparently he did this so he could have fun with his plagues and kill children. Most Christians are pro life and show compassion for others. Yet God himself commands his people to take no prisoners of war on several occasions, ordering the slaughter of infants and the slicing up of pregnant women. Of course most Christians don't know this because they don't read the bible anyway. And then when they do read it they try to justify it somehow even though it goes against every fiber of their morals.

Another example of how dogma and the bible get mixed up is that most Christians believe that God is all powerful when the bible says on certain occasions that it is not true. Of course there are other parts that conflict with these but they do exist. For example, the time that God tried to kill Moses and was not successful. Or the time that God played hide and seek with Adam and Eve because he couldn't find them. Obviously an omni everything God would have already known. Maybe if Christians were more in line with what the bible teaches I could tolderate it a bit more. Christians should all be pro choice, pro death penalty etc. according to the bible.
Powerman said:
"I'm more "logical" than anything else. I have an anylitical mind, and I like the message just fine."

OK then maybe you can follow this train of logic then.

1. The bible is not historically possible because science and logic tells us that it is not

See? Here's what you do. You don't know something, so you assume it's 'false' or 'otherwise not factual'. Your very words betray your (Factual, supportable) ignorance of the Bible, and (my assumption) God. The rest of your post isn't worth reading because the premise behind them (#1 in your list) is flawed.
-=d=- said:
See? Here's what you do. You don't know something, so you assume it's 'false' or 'otherwise not factual'. Your very words betray your (Factual, supportable) ignorance of the Bible, and (my assumption) God. The rest of your post isn't worth reading because the premise behind them (#1 in your list) is flawed.

The bible isn't scientifically factual. That much is obvious. It is not a historically factual book. Maybe if you read the rest of the post you would learn something.
Powerman said:
The bible isn't scientifically factual. That much is obvious. It is not a historically factual book. Maybe if you read the rest of the post you would learn something.

There are certainly VERY many secular-verifiable parts of scripture. Somebody who has done even a modicum of research can admit the fact.
-=d=- said:
There are certainly VERY many secular-verifiable parts of scripture. Somebody who has done even a modicum of research can admit the fact.

Yeah I read a website about that. One of the examples they gave was "there are a lot of stars in the sky." Well that's like saying that piss is yellow. It isn't much proof of a divine knowledge of science infused into the books.

Then they had another that claimed that the earth was round even though they have others contradicting it saying that the earth is flat and rests upon pillars.

There are plenty of completely absurd things in the bible that conflict with science. Stories of dragons and leviathans, massive population increases over short periods of time, people living to be 930 years old etc...
Powerman said:
I'm somewhat of an agnostic I suppose. Christians really don't bother me that much. I just think that they are arrogant about their faith at times and don't think much for themselves. If I lived in a country with nothing but Muslims I'd probably be bitching about them.
Probably not. They'd kill you for that. So either you would have been bitching about them, or you never would have started to begin with.

Just a small, but I believe important, distinction.

So they think we are going to hell, who cares?

It's not as if they are physically ushering you toward hell.

In their own way they are trying to help. A lot of people are Christians, and people are different, so the manifestation of their help may take many forms. Some kindly, some not so much so.

Again who cares? People could tell me all day long I'm going to hell and I don't think it would bother me overly much.

You think they are arrogant. They think they are right.

I'll tell you what though: you aren't going to convert anyone telling them their book is a pack of plagiarised lies.

Live and let live I say.
Powerman said:
The bible isn't scientifically factual. That much is obvious. It is not a historically factual book. Maybe if you read the rest of the post you would learn something.

The history of the Jewish people is dead accurate in the Bible. And has been proven so time and again by the archeological record.
Maybe it is you who haven't read it. Have you ever read the Bible?

Why don't you just STFU!! You don't believe fine. Don't attempt to denigrate the religion you profess to not believe. Oh and say hi to ole scratch in the afterlife...
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I don't even know where to start, so I won't. Powerman, you're a Christophobic troll who's interested in nothing more than inflaming Christians. 1 thing I have yet to see you do is actually list a contradiction in the Bible or list 1 thing in there that has been scientifically PROVEN (not assumbed, but proven) false. In fact, the astronomical record actually SUPPORTS the passage in the Bible where the sun hung in the same place in the sky long enough for the Israelites to win a battle, and this is just one example among many. If you think Christianity is a big lie, then go enjoy not believing it, but stop trying to make me mad by posting this drivel.
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Powerman said:
I'm not Jew. I'm somewhat of an agnostic I suppose. Christians really don't bother me that much. I just think that they are arrogant about their faith at times and don't think much for themselves. If I lived in a country with nothing but Muslims I'd probably be bitching about them. And I know a lot about Christianity so it's the one subject I'm educated enough to speak out about. And it's not all Christians that bother me. It's the bible thumping born again Christians and the fundamentalists trying to shove junk science into schools that piss me off. I also have a very short tolerance for people who claim that homosexuality is a sin when it is in fact part of someones genetic makeup. You are genetically predisposed to being homosexual. It's not a choice or a sin. If it were a sin then why is no straight person ever tempted to do it?

OK, I'm prepared to agree with most of what you say here. Now can you stop saying it repeatedly and move on to a different topic? Because being unbelievably boring is a bigger sin than following the wrong religious path.
I'm not Jew. I'm somewhat of an agnostic I suppose. Christians really don't bother me that much. I just think that they are arrogant about their faith at times and don't think much for themselves. If I lived in a country with nothing but Muslims I'd probably be bitching about them. And I know a lot about Christianity so it's the one subject I'm educated enough to speak out about. And it's not all Christians that bother me. It's the bible thumping born again Christians and the fundamentalists trying to shove junk science into schools that piss me off. I also have a very short tolerance for people who claim that homosexuality is a sin when it is in fact part of someones genetic makeup. You are genetically predisposed to being homosexual. It's not a choice or a sin. If it were a sin then why is no straight person ever tempted to do it?

Would you get off this Powerman? NOBODY, not even the apparently omnipotent entity you refer to as science knows what causes homosexuality. All that's there is a bunch of guesses, so stop stating that it's fact. Oh, and what's your definition of junk science, anyway? Something that disagrees with your atheistic views? I've seen credible source after credible source swatted away from your face with a cry of "junk science." Truth is, I've begun to think that you just sort of hand-picked what you thought was correct and won't tolerate any disagreement, no matter how credible the sourse. The other 6 billion+ people on the planet could disagree with you and you'd call them all stupid, ignorant, liars, or junk scientists.

And if you do know, for a fact, that homosexuality is genetic, I beg to see the evidence, and anything else the great and omnipotent Powerman can shower upon we ignorant masses. How about what crashed in Roswell, or what caused the Siberian Mega-explosion of 1908? Perhaps you can also tell us where Natalee Holloway is so Hannity will shut the hell up about it. Maybe next, you can tell us, in your infinite knowledge, the secret to a happy life. Oh wait, you cant, because you're a bitter Christophobe who just won't admit that you hate Christianity, though I'd wager you have spent at least 90% of all time and effort put into the board doing nothing but bashing Christians. You were so anxious to bash us, in fact, that you presented an article from THE ONION, of all places, as fact. Do you even check your sources?
A sample of the threads started by Pale Rider in the last 10 days:

Why liberals hate the gospel message

Why liberals hate america

Democrats hate minorities

Liberals hate christians

Death to liberalism

Anti-jewish liberals

Oh wait, you cant, because you're a bitter Christophobe who just won't admit that you hate Christianity, though I'd wager you have spent at least 90% of all time and effort put into the board doing nothing but bashing Christians.

In his defense, he bashed a specific <u>type</u> of Christian...which you followed up with a "..like to bash us...".. Are you saying you're one of those types of Christians? Or, are you trying to say those types don't exist? Because I can assure you they most certainly do - they're the same types that I bash, and I'm no more a "Christophobe" than you are (nice word, BTW).
Hobbit said:
Would you get off this Powerman? NOBODY, not even the apparently omnipotent entity you refer to as science knows what causes homosexuality. All that's there is a bunch of guesses, so stop stating that it's fact. Oh, and what's your definition of junk science, anyway? Something that disagrees with your atheistic views? I've seen credible source after credible source swatted away from your face with a cry of "junk science." Truth is, I've begun to think that you just sort of hand-picked what you thought was correct and won't tolerate any disagreement, no matter how credible the sourse. The other 6 billion+ people on the planet could disagree with you and you'd call them all stupid, ignorant, liars, or junk scientists.

And if you do know, for a fact, that homosexuality is genetic, I beg to see the evidence, and anything else the great and omnipotent Powerman can shower upon we ignorant masses. How about what crashed in Roswell, or what caused the Siberian Mega-explosion of 1908? Perhaps you can also tell us where Natalee Holloway is so Hannity will shut the hell up about it. Maybe next, you can tell us, in your infinite knowledge, the secret to a happy life. Oh wait, you cant, because you're a bitter Christophobe who just won't admit that you hate Christianity, though I'd wager you have spent at least 90% of all time and effort put into the board doing nothing but bashing Christians. You were so anxious to bash us, in fact, that you presented an article from THE ONION, of all places, as fact. Do you even check your sources?

After reading down from "my" last post, you sure saved me a lot of time Hobbit by me not having to respond to powerman the great. Well said my good man... BRAVO! :bow2: :beer: :rock: :clap:

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