Why Liberals Hate Free Speech


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Liberals are the power in the political realm....and they illustrate what Lord Action meant about power absolutely corrupting those who control it.

1." ...do any of you actually remember a time when liberals truly supported and believed in freedom of speech.... genuine,bona fide agreement with the principle that liberty includes allowing those with whom you disagree to have access to the marketplace of ideas, and that this marketplace itself will decide which are the best ones. You know, Voltaire's "I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it," and all that?

I can't either. Probably nobody can who was not born during or before World War II,

2.... those on the Left do not believe in free speech. They simply do not accept the fundamental principle that people of all opinions ought to be able to express those opinions without being punished for it, or at least hindered to the greatest degree possible in their ability to express themselves.

3. [Thus the] editorial in Harvard's student newspaper The Crimson, in which Sandra Korn, a student columnist and "women's studies" major (who didn't see that one coming?) obligingly calls for academic totalitarianism,

"Yet the liberal obsession with 'academic freedom" seems a bit misplaced to me. .... No academic question is ever 'free' from political realities. If our university community opposes racism, sexism, and heterosexism, why should we put up with research that counters our goals simply in the name of "academic freedom"?

"Instead, I would like to propose a more rigorous standard: one of 'academic justice. When an academic community observes research promoting or justifying oppression, it should ensure that this research does not continue.

"The power to enforce academic justice comes from students, faculty, and workers organizing together to make our universities look as we want them to do. Two years ago, when former summer school instructor Subramanian Swamy published hateful commentary about Muslims in India, the Harvard community organized to ensure that he would not return to teach on campus. I consider that sort of organizing both appropriate and commendable. Perhaps it should even be applied more broadly...

There, in a nutshell, is the modern liberal attitude toward freedom of speech, and by extension freedom of thought. If research doesn't substantiate the cultural goals and priorities of today's Neo-Fascists, then we must ensure that it "does not continue." Why liberals hate freedom of speech

If speech refutes the Left's positions on any number of issues, then it has to be silenced. "Academic justice" means suppression of all those naughty things that people might say that contradict us.

As far as speech is concerned, the Left definitely prefers a command economy over the free market.

A perusal of a number of your links proves that what are called Liberals today are actually no different from what would, correctly, be known a fascists.
Liberals today are actually no different from what would, correctly, be known a fascists.

i prefer to call them commies!!

Fair enough.

Every one of these is based on the same view, and variations of the same methodology:

Communism, socialism, Liberalism, Progressivism, Nazism and fascism.

Depending on the strength the have at the moment, they seamlessly morph from one to the other.
Can you name a liberal college that in its student handbook actually warns students against exercising their free speech rights?

Oh gee you can't?

Hmmm... I can name a famous CONSERVATIVE school that does. Bob Jones University.

"We desire to treat students fairly and to serve their needs effectively. We are open to constructive input regarding how we may improve our service to students, campus life and the testimony of BJU. Mass and social media are powerful tools to communicate truth. In the spirit of honor and wisdom,


students should not use media to disparage BJU

but should instead pursue truth in love by following this grievance process."

So who hates free speech again? lol

4. "... the Left most definitely qualifies as a "knowledge-control cult." ...One of the classic marks of a cult group is that it seeks, as the term suggests, to control the knowledge held and made available to its members.

Members may be forbidden to read anything except for the writings of the group or its leader.

Members are warned to stay away from outside sources of information. They may even be forbidden to interact with their families or with friends they had before joining the group, unless they are actively trying to recruit them.

Sources of information that contradict the group's teachings are not just critiqued, but are demonized as evil and dangerous influences. The leader is held up as the only source of knowledge or information, and is lionized accordingly." Why liberals hate freedom of speech
This thread is just a re-run of this one:

Only Fascists Assail Free Speech | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

...thus proving my point that the OP loses the argument in one thread, then runs off and waits awhile before starting the same thread over again.

Read the old thread, and enjoy how she gets demolished.

Gee....I sure hope so!

A couple of months have gone by, and you Liberal fascists still hate free speech!

253 responses in that thread, and you Liberals joined in with a chorus of "is not, is not...!"

I don't know how to thank you enough for helping me spread the truth!
This thread is just a re-run of this one:

Only Fascists Assail Free Speech | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

...thus proving my point that the OP loses the argument in one thread, then runs off and waits awhile before starting the same thread over again.

Read the old thread, and enjoy how she gets demolished.

Gee....I sure hope so!

A couple of months have gone by, and you Liberal fascists still hate free speech!

253 responses in that thread, and you Liberals joined in with a chorus of "is not, is not...!"

I don't know how to thank you enough for helping me spread the truth!

I proved you wrong repeatedly.

I showed you that Bob Jones University officially condemns free speech in its handbook.

Show me where liberal colleges do that.
This thread is just a re-run of this one:

Only Fascists Assail Free Speech | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

...thus proving my point that the OP loses the argument in one thread, then runs off and waits awhile before starting the same thread over again.

Read the old thread, and enjoy how she gets demolished.

Gee....I sure hope so!

A couple of months have gone by, and you Liberal fascists still hate free speech!

253 responses in that thread, and you Liberals joined in with a chorus of "is not, is not...!"

I don't know how to thank you enough for helping me spread the truth!

I proved you wrong repeatedly.

I showed you that Bob Jones University officially condemns free speech in its handbook.

Show me where liberal colleges do that.

Please....do your best not to seem like more of a fool than you usually appear.

How could I stand for free speech....and you 'prove me wrong"?

Free speech is a principle upon which this nation was founded....

...and your side:
"Principle is nothing to liberals. Winning is everything."

Winning....even when it means imposing fascism.
Last edited:
"... the Left most definitely qualifies as a"knowledge-control cult."

5. "Doesn't the way the Left continues to shill for Barack Obama, even despite all of his obvious lies and frankly ludicrous statements and claims, seem just a little bit cultish to you? Doesn't the obsession that the Left has with demonizing and muzzling Fox News (which isn't really all that "right wing") seem the same?

How about the calls for ObamaCare supporters to harass their family members over the holidays to try to get them on board with the Unaffordable No-Care Act?

A "women's studies" major with a skull full of mush exhorting her fellow-travelers to excise the cancer of speech diversity from among the faithful? Totally fits the pattern."

And don't forget to report your neighbors to Big Brother!
Aug 5, 2009 - The official White House blog asks Americans: “If you get an email or see ... health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to [email protected].” ...
This thread is just a re-run of this one:

Only Fascists Assail Free Speech | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

...thus proving my point that the OP loses the argument in one thread, then runs off and waits awhile before starting the same thread over again.

Read the old thread, and enjoy how she gets demolished.

Gee....I sure hope so!

A couple of months have gone by, and you Liberal fascists still hate free speech!

253 responses in that thread, and you Liberals joined in with a chorus of "is not, is not...!"

I don't know how to thank you enough for helping me spread the truth!

I proved you wrong repeatedly.

I showed you that Bob Jones University officially condemns free speech in its handbook.

Show me where liberal colleges do that.

Please....do your best not to seem like more of a fool than you usually appear.

How could I stand for free speech....and you 'prove me wrong"?

Free speech is a principle upon which this nation was founded....

...and your side:
"Principle is nothing to liberals. Winning is everything."

Winning....even when it means imposing fascism.

Who's Coulter? Is she so much smarter than you that you have to rely on her even for stupid remarks?

Show me the liberal colleges that restrict free speech as POLICY, right in their handbooks, as does CONSERVATIVE Bob Jones U.
This thread is just a re-run of this one:

Only Fascists Assail Free Speech | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

...thus proving my point that the OP loses the argument in one thread, then runs off and waits awhile before starting the same thread over again.

Read the old thread, and enjoy how she gets demolished.

Gee....I sure hope so!

A couple of months have gone by, and you Liberal fascists still hate free speech!

253 responses in that thread, and you Liberals joined in with a chorus of "is not, is not...!"

I don't know how to thank you enough for helping me spread the truth!

I proved you wrong repeatedly.

I showed you that Bob Jones University officially condemns free speech in its handbook.

Show me where liberal colleges do that.

Please....do your best not to seem like more of a fool than you usually appear.

How could I stand for free speech....and you 'prove me wrong"?

Free speech is a principle upon which this nation was founded....

...and your side:
"Principle is nothing to liberals. Winning is everything."

Winning....even when it means imposing fascism.

Who's Coulter? Is she so much smarter than you that you have to rely on her even for stupid remarks?

Show me the liberal colleges that restrict free speech as POLICY, right in their handbooks, as does CONSERVATIVE Bob Jones U.

"Who's Coulter? Is she so much smarter than you that you have to rely on her ...."

So....you're reason for popping out from under the rock today is for education?

No problem...

Now, jot this down:

Citing an authority with an established reputation is better, of course, than citing someone whose credentials are not so lofty. (http://www.ccc.commnet.edu/mla/practical_guide.shtml)
Composition Patterns: Developing an Argument
This thread is just a re-run of this one:

Only Fascists Assail Free Speech | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

...thus proving my point that the OP loses the argument in one thread, then runs off and waits awhile before starting the same thread over again.

Read the old thread, and enjoy how she gets demolished.

Gee....I sure hope so!

A couple of months have gone by, and you Liberal fascists still hate free speech!

253 responses in that thread, and you Liberals joined in with a chorus of "is not, is not...!"

I don't know how to thank you enough for helping me spread the truth!

I proved you wrong repeatedly.

I showed you that Bob Jones University officially condemns free speech in its handbook.

Show me where liberal colleges do that.

Did someone ask about how Liberal universities are raising another generation of anti-free speech fascists?

6. "[Thus] the response that some of the students at Swarthmore had recently to the presence of Robert George, a conservative academic, when he was on campus as part of a debate with Cornell West, a professor noted for his radical Left views. Note again that the debate itself featured one Righty and one Lefty – so both sides of the aisle were evenly represented. So what to make of the statement by Swarthmore student and left-wing catechumen Erin Ching,

"What really bothered me is, the whole idea is that at a liberal arts college, we need to be hearing a diversity of opinion...I don't think we should be tolerating [George's] conservative views because that dominant culture embeds these deep inequalities in our society."

Who would have thought that a liberal arts college, with its traditional ideals of open inquiry and the championing of unpopular beliefs, would ever need to be hearing a diversity of opinions?

... these same types of barely-educated, closed-minded children such as Ms. Ching mistakenly believe themselves to already be "diverse" because in the mantras of the left-wing cult, "diversity" means "whatever disagrees with traditional ideas," while "conformity" means "holding to traditional ideas."

Hence, when young puppies like Erin Ching and her enablers in [Liberal] university administrations rigidly enforce ideological conformity by punishing anyone who is pro-life, pro-traditional marriage, pro-capitalism, or pro-2nd amendment (all of which have happened on American campuses), they think they're being "diverse," while tolerating these things is viewed as "conformity" and "being dictated to by the Man."
Why Liberals Hate Freedom Of Speech - Conservative Crusader


"What really bothered me is, the whole idea is that at a liberal arts college, we need to be hearing a diversity of opinion...."

This thread is just a re-run of this one:

Only Fascists Assail Free Speech | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

...thus proving my point that the OP loses the argument in one thread, then runs off and waits awhile before starting the same thread over again.

Read the old thread, and enjoy how she gets demolished.

Gee....I sure hope so!

A couple of months have gone by, and you Liberal fascists still hate free speech!

253 responses in that thread, and you Liberals joined in with a chorus of "is not, is not...!"

I don't know how to thank you enough for helping me spread the truth!

I proved you wrong repeatedly.

I showed you that Bob Jones University officially condemns free speech in its handbook.

Show me where liberal colleges do that.

Did someone ask about how Liberal universities are raising another generation of anti-free speech fascists?

6. "[Thus] the response that some of the students at Swarthmore had recently to the presence of Robert George, a conservative academic, when he was on campus as part of a debate with Cornell West, a professor noted for his radical Left views. Note again that the debate itself featured one Righty and one Lefty – so both sides of the aisle were evenly represented. So what to make of the statement by Swarthmore student and left-wing catechumen Erin Ching,

"What really bothered me is, the whole idea is that at a liberal arts college, we need to be hearing a diversity of opinion...I don't think we should be tolerating [George's] conservative views because that dominant culture embeds these deep inequalities in our society."

Who would have thought that a liberal arts college, with its traditional ideals of open inquiry and the championing of unpopular beliefs, would ever need to be hearing a diversity of opinions?

... these same types of barely-educated, closed-minded children such as Ms. Ching mistakenly believe themselves to already be "diverse" because in the mantras of the left-wing cult, "diversity" means "whatever disagrees with traditional ideas," while "conformity" means "holding to traditional ideas."

Hence, when young puppies like Erin Ching and her enablers in [Liberal] university administrations rigidly enforce ideological conformity by punishing anyone who is pro-life, pro-traditional marriage, pro-capitalism, or pro-2nd amendment (all of which have happened on American campuses), they think they're being "diverse," while tolerating these things is viewed as "conformity" and "being dictated to by the Man."
Why Liberals Hate Freedom Of Speech - Conservative Crusader


"What really bothered me is, the whole idea is that at a liberal arts college, we need to be hearing a diversity of opinion...."


I asked you which liberal colleges have an official anti-free speech policy aimed at students who might criticize the college,

comparable to the policy CONSERVATIVE Bob Jones U. has?
This thread is just a re-run of this one:

Only Fascists Assail Free Speech | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

...thus proving my point that the OP loses the argument in one thread, then runs off and waits awhile before starting the same thread over again.

Read the old thread, and enjoy how she gets demolished.

Gee....I sure hope so!

A couple of months have gone by, and you Liberal fascists still hate free speech!

253 responses in that thread, and you Liberals joined in with a chorus of "is not, is not...!"

I don't know how to thank you enough for helping me spread the truth!

I proved you wrong repeatedly.

I showed you that Bob Jones University officially condemns free speech in its handbook.

Show me where liberal colleges do that.

Please....do your best not to seem like more of a fool than you usually appear.

How could I stand for free speech....and you 'prove me wrong"?

Free speech is a principle upon which this nation was founded....

...and your side:
"Principle is nothing to liberals. Winning is everything."

Winning....even when it means imposing fascism.

Who's Coulter? Is she so much smarter than you that you have to rely on her even for stupid remarks?

Show me the liberal colleges that restrict free speech as POLICY, right in their handbooks, as does CONSERVATIVE Bob Jones U.

"Who's Coulter? Is she so much smarter than you that you have to rely on her ...."

So....you're reason for popping out from under the rock today is for education?

No problem...

Now, jot this down:

Citing an authority with an established reputation is better, of course, than citing someone whose credentials are not so lofty. (http://www.ccc.commnet.edu/mla/practical_guide.shtml)
Composition Patterns: Developing an Argument

She has a reputation as a conservative propagandist.

And the baseless opinion she expressed does not get less baseless just because she said it.

You might as well have said it. It's equally stupid coming from either of your cakeholes.

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