Why Justice Gorsuch Sided With the Court's Liberals


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
I felt slightly upset when I read that he agrees to turn over a law calling for the immediate deportation of illegal felons. How could he do that?

Well, this article from the CATO Institute answers the question and makes it crystal clear to me that Justice Gorsuch is doing what he was appointed to – upholding the constitution.

His concurrence argues that courts must review and strike down unconstitutionally vague statutes, not just to ensure fair notice to potential defendants, but also to enforce the separation of powers between the branches of government:


On the whole, Justice Gorsuch’s opinion in this case is an encouraging sign that he’s aware of and attuned to this set of concerns. Hopefully the newest member of the Court will continue to apply this level of exacting review to vague and arbitrary statutes across the board.

The whole piece @ Justice Gorsuch on Overcriminalization and Arbitrary Prosecution

Gorsuch's Immigration Vote Wasn't About Partisan Values — It Was About America's Foundation @ Gorsuch's Immigration Vote Wasn't About Partisan Values — It Was About America's Foundation
His opinion and vote are a reminder of the difference between being a justice and being a politician. A justice upholds the law and the Constitution, even when the result is something that he would not prefer. A politician "interprets" the law in the way most convenient to obtaining the desired result.

This is EXACTLY why his nomination was a good deal for the American people.

At the same time, I cannot disagree with the other Conservatives on the court; it is a matter on which reasonable people can disagree.

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