Why it's too late for the Russian/Trump investigation to go away.


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
For one, when Trump started asking how to pardon himself and his spawn, he admitted guilt to something. After all, there is only a single prerequisite for a pardon, that you are guilty.

The money trail.

Flynn and Manafort are not billionaires. They are nearly broke. And hurting. They might be two nuts close to cracking.

Trump gave investigators a "Red Line".

and finally,

The intelligence community hates Trump. He gave away classified material putting who knows how many into danger. If he has everyone fired, the New York Times will end up with a pallet of documents dropped off on it's doorstep.

Democrats only need either the House or the Senate and it's all over for Trump. Those investigations obviously won't go away. Not after chants of "Lock Her Up".
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Top Democratic senator: There is 'powerful' evidence that Flynn 'broke significant criminal laws'

"This evidence is powerful in showing that Gen. Flynn broke significant criminal laws," Blumenthal said. "The DIA letter, the DOD letter, the inspector general letter, all testify to a flagrant violation of federal criminal statutes that must be investigated and prosecuted."

Reps. Jason Chaffetz and Cummings, the top Republican and Democrat on the House Oversight Committee, said in a joint press conference on Tuesday that Flynn appeared to have broken the law.
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Trump counting Bill's "change".

It's better with "tiny" hands. Makes things seem so massive.
Between 6 and 10 months. If it doesn't happen then, it never will.
Yeah but Barry Hussein was in charge. Didn't president Barry say that there was absolutely no connection between the Russians and the political stability of the election system? Barry Hussein cancelled the Space Shuttle program and U.S. scientists were forced to rely on Russian stuff to supply the international space station that shared secrets between U.S. space technology and Russia about freaking space exploration.
Yeah but Barry Hussein was in charge. Didn't president Barry say that there was absolutely no connection between the Russians and the political stability of the election system? Barry Hussein cancelled the Space Shuttle program and U.S. scientists were forced to rely on Russian stuff to supply the international space station that shared secrets between U.S. space technology and Russia about freaking space exploration.
Wow, talk about change of subject. In just one paragraph. From the Russians hacking our election to the space program.

So much of the Space Program relies on science. Republicans think science is a "faith". Odd they would bring up one of their major failures.

Scientists Say Bush Stifles Science and Lets Global Leadership Slip

Gee. Look at that. Scientists warned us about Bush and now they warn us about Trump. Seems they were right both times.

Bush White House still promoting creationism - Bad Astronomy
For one, when Trump started asking how to pardon himself and his spawn, he admitted guilt to something. After all, there is only a single prerequisite for a pardon, that you are guilty.

The money trail.

Flynn and Manafort are not billionaires. They are nearly broke. And hurting. They might be two nuts close to cracking.

Trump gave investigators a "Red Line".

and finally,

The intelligence community hates Trump. He gave away classified material putting who knows how many into danger. If he has everyone fired, the New York Times will end up with a pallet of documents dropped off on it's doorstep.

Democrats only need either the House or the Senate and it's all over for Trump. Those investigations obviously won't go away. Not after chants of "Lock Her Up".
It was too late the minute Mewler was appointed, you dumbass.
It's too late for the snowflake witch hunt to go away because walking away with nothing would be humiliating.

Just like when they pulled this shit with Bush, they finally settled for taking down Scooter Libby on something that had nothing to do with Bush. They HAD to get someone for something to justify their BS.

The same is true now. To save face, especially having so many democrats' crimes exposed along the way, the Democrats have to bag someone in the GOP ... for anything.
Didn't president Barry say that there was absolutely no connection between the Russians and the political stability of the election system?

NO.......but do place your head right back up your ass.....LOL
I just skim through these snowflake threads real fast any more. They all start out with some mind boggling bull shit, lies and fake news, followed by the OP's whiny melt down trash, and then the thread quickly just turns into an insult fest.

I guess that's what the USMB is in for, for the next 7 1/2 years, because PRESIDENT Trump isn't going anywhere.

Poor little prog snowflakes... the butt hurt is SOOOO epic, it's almost beyond comprehension. It has driven them to the brink of insanity.
He is the best betrayer ever. No one can do it like him. Only Trump can bring down this country. And Republicans vow to help him, I'm sure.
Nobody does treason like Obama. Telling Putin to wait till after the election so he could work with him better.
You don't understand what Treason is. Treason is showing the world the Russians are in charge of the Oval Office and giving them classified information just because you can.
It's too late for the snowflake witch hunt to go away because walking away with nothing would be humiliating.

Just like when they pulled this shit with Bush, they finally settled for taking down Scooter Libby on something that had nothing to do with Bush. They HAD to get someone for something to justify their BS.

The same is true now. To save face, especially having so many democrats' crimes exposed along the way, the Democrats have to bag someone in the GOP ... for anything.
Democratic crimes? Like equal pay for equal work. Daycare. School lunches for poor children? Healthcare?

Oh those rotten Democrats. Why can't they be heartless bastards like the GOP?

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