Why It's Notable That A Slew Of New Members Elected To Congress Are Military Veterans


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Gold Supporting Member
Apr 17, 2009
Canis Latrans
Maybe this will mean better things from Congress :)

Why It's Notable That A Slew Of New Members Elected To Congress Are Military Veterans

At least 16 new members of Congress elected on Tuesday are military veterans. That is out of 150 veterans who ran as candidates. Now, that didn't used to be so notable. Thirty years ago, half of all members of Congress were military veterans. That number has shrunk, and some observers link that decline to a decline in civil discourse and bipartisan compromise. It also means veterans who do run for office these days stand out more, as NPR's Quil Lawrence report

LAWRENCE: Those were ads for Dan Crenshaw, retired SEAL, a Republican from Texas, and Mikie Sherrill, chopper pilot and Democrat from New Jersey. They both won seats in the House of Representatives. Veteran status was hardly a guarantee. Many vets lost close races, including two other female combat pilots, Amy McGrath in Kentucky and MJ Hegar in Texas, both Democrats running in deep-red districts. But with a few races still being tallied, the new Congress may double the number of female veterans serving and will have the largest number of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans to date. Rye Barcott, a former Marine, says he's hoping that will mean Congress does what it's supposed to do.

RYE BARCOTT: What's exciting about these group of vets that have won is that they've committed to serve in a cross-partisan coalition and talk to each other across party lines and get things done.

LAWRENCE: Barcott has that commitment in writing. He leads a super PAC called With Honor which funded dozens of vet candidates, both Republicans and Democrats. All those candidates, including Sherrill and Crenshaw, signed a pledge to meet with the opposite party, co-sponsor legislation and serve with civility.

BARCOTT: Core of the mission is really to be - to have this commitment to serving in a cross-partisan way. And Lord knows we need it.
Unfortunately it looks like Arizona is going to lose the first woman to fly combat missions to a career politician and former Green Party member.

McSalley did it to herself. She moved towards the right rather than the middle as Sinema did. She went along with every aspect of Trump's agenda. Good riddance if it happens.
Unfortunately it looks like Arizona is going to lose the first woman to fly combat missions to a career politician and former Green Party member.

McSalley did it to herself. She moved towards the right rather than the middle as Sinema did. She went along with every aspect of Trump's agenda. Good riddance if it happens.
What actually happened was Sinema's extremely well funded campaign repacked a Socialist Green Party Arizona hater into a cutesy sleeveless dress wearing moderate. Something she certainly is NOT. McSally ran as McSally, Sinema ran as imposter.
Unfortunately it looks like Arizona is going to lose the first woman to fly combat missions to a career politician and former Green Party member.

They just lost an American war hero and legend

Someone conservatives despised
That is a fair point. McCain deserves to remembered as a war hero IMO. I also believe he remained too long and I don't believe he was the same man mentally that he was in his 50s or 60s. Term limits yo.
Even more amazing is how many women are now in congress and Republicans want to legislate women's bodies. What a conundrum.
There’s less military in congress because we haven’t had a draft in like 45 years .
Unfortunately it looks like Arizona is going to lose the first woman to fly combat missions to a career politician and former Green Party member.

They just lost an American war hero and legend

Someone conservatives despised
I went to a veteran's breakfast at a megachurch. It was all patriotic at first, but quickly turned into a propaganda show.

There were several slide shows, and at one point they showed a slide of American POWs from the Vietnam conflict. The photo of the POWs was one taken by the North Vietnamese, and the narrator made a point of how they made the prisoners look defeated, and what a disgusting thing that was.

As I looked around the room, I thought to myself that every man in the room probably voted for President Bone Spur who said these men aren't heroes and that he only likes people who weren't captured.

There were far more honorable people from which the GOP could have chosen to be the leader of the Free World. Far more honorable
There’s less military in congress because we haven’t had a draft in like 45 years .
I've always been pro draft. I believe everyone should serve.
If you love the country, prove it.
Unfortunately it looks like Arizona is going to lose the first woman to fly combat missions to a career politician and former Green Party member.

They just lost an American war hero and legend

Someone conservatives despised
I went to a veteran's breakfast at a megachurch. It was all patriotic at first, but quickly turned into a propaganda show.

There were several slide shows, and at one point they showed a slide of American POWs from the Vietnam conflict. The photo of the POWs was one taken by the North Vietnamese, and the narrator made a point of how they made the prisoners look defeated, and what a disgusting thing that was.

As I looked around the room, I thought to myself that every man in the room probably voted for President Bone Spur who said these men aren't heroes and that he only likes people who weren't captured.

There were far more honorable people from which the GOP could have chosen to be the leader of the Free World. Far more honorable
I know other veterans who think that guy is slime.
In fact, the entire Republican Party is slime. They hurt veterans.

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