Why Israel Lies

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Gold Member
May 21, 2014
Fuck israel
Israel engages in the kinds of jaw-dropping lies that characterize despotic and totalitarian regimes. It does not deform the truth; it inverts it. It routinely paints a picture for the outside world that is diametrically opposed to reality. And all of us reporters who have covered the occupied territories have run into Israel’s Alice-in-Wonderland narratives, which we dutifully insert into our stories — required under the rules of American journalism — although we know they are untrue.

I saw small boys baited and killed by Israeli soldiers in the Gaza refugee camp of Khan Younis. The soldiers swore at the boys in Arabic over the loudspeakers of their armored jeep. The boys, about 10 years old, then threw stones at an Israeli vehicle and the soldiers opened fire, killing some, wounding others. I was present more than once as Israeli troops drew out and shot Palestinian children in this way. Such incidents, in the Israeli lexicon, become children caught in crossfire. I was in Gaza when F-16 attack jets dropped 1,000-pound iron fragmentation bombs on overcrowded hovels in Gaza City. I saw the corpses of the victims, including children. This became a surgical strike on a bomb-making factory. I have watched Israel demolish homes and entire apartment blocks to create wide buffer zones between the Palestinians and the Israeli troops that ring Gaza. I have interviewed the destitute and homeless families, some camped out in crude shelters erected in the rubble. The destruction becomes the demolition of the homes of terrorists. I have stood in the remains of schools — Israel struck two United Nations schools in the last six days, causing at least 10 fatalitiesat one in Rafah on Sunday and at least 19 at one in the Jebaliya refugee camp Wednesday — as well as medical clinics and mosques. I have heard Israel claim that errant rockets or mortar fire from the Palestinians caused these and other deaths, or that the attacked spots were being used as arms depots or launching sites. I, along with every other reporter I know who has worked in Gaza, have never seen any evidence that Hamas uses civilians as “human shields.”
Why Israel Lies

they lie
Israel engages in the kinds of jaw-dropping lies that characterize despotic and totalitarian regimes. It does not deform the truth; it inverts it. It routinely paints a picture for the outside world that is diametrically opposed to reality. And all of us reporters who have covered the occupied territories have run into Israel’s Alice-in-Wonderland narratives, which we dutifully insert into our stories — required under the rules of American journalism — although we know they are untrue.

I saw small boys baited and killed by Israeli soldiers in the Gaza refugee camp of Khan Younis. The soldiers swore at the boys in Arabic over the loudspeakers of their armored jeep. The boys, about 10 years old, then threw stones at an Israeli vehicle and the soldiers opened fire, killing some, wounding others. I was present more than once as Israeli troops drew out and shot Palestinian children in this way. Such incidents, in the Israeli lexicon, become children caught in crossfire. I was in Gaza when F-16 attack jets dropped 1,000-pound iron fragmentation bombs on overcrowded hovels in Gaza City. I saw the corpses of the victims, including children. This became a surgical strike on a bomb-making factory. I have watched Israel demolish homes and entire apartment blocks to create wide buffer zones between the Palestinians and the Israeli troops that ring Gaza. I have interviewed the destitute and homeless families, some camped out in crude shelters erected in the rubble. The destruction becomes the demolition of the homes of terrorists. I have stood in the remains of schools — Israel struck two United Nations schools in the last six days, causing at least 10 fatalitiesat one in Rafah on Sunday and at least 19 at one in the Jebaliya refugee camp Wednesday — as well as medical clinics and mosques. I have heard Israel claim that errant rockets or mortar fire from the Palestinians caused these and other deaths, or that the attacked spots were being used as arms depots or launching sites. I, along with every other reporter I know who has worked in Gaza, have never seen any evidence that Hamas uses civilians as “human shields.”
Why Israel Lies

they lie
Why is that tiny strip of sand so important to you in a world in chaos?

Oh yeah. It has Jews in it.

Racist scum.
Israel’s immense contribution to humanity is recognized with 5 Nobel Prizes in science, among the 10 most prodigious countries in the world. Remarkable achievement The Nobel effect

22 worthless Arab countries, 57 Muslim, have zero Nobel Prizes in science


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When you're brainwashed from birth to believe that you're 'God's chosen people', you can define reality any how you want...
Israel engages in the kinds of jaw-dropping lies that characterize despotic and totalitarian regimes. It does not deform the truth; it inverts it. It routinely paints a picture for the outside world that is diametrically opposed to reality. And all of us reporters who have covered the occupied territories have run into Israel’s Alice-in-Wonderland narratives, which we dutifully insert into our stories — required under the rules of American journalism — although we know they are untrue.

I saw small boys baited and killed by Israeli soldiers in the Gaza refugee camp of Khan Younis. The soldiers swore at the boys in Arabic over the loudspeakers of their armored jeep. The boys, about 10 years old, then threw stones at an Israeli vehicle and the soldiers opened fire, killing some, wounding others. I was present more than once as Israeli troops drew out and shot Palestinian children in this way. Such incidents, in the Israeli lexicon, become children caught in crossfire. I was in Gaza when F-16 attack jets dropped 1,000-pound iron fragmentation bombs on overcrowded hovels in Gaza City. I saw the corpses of the victims, including children. This became a surgical strike on a bomb-making factory. I have watched Israel demolish homes and entire apartment blocks to create wide buffer zones between the Palestinians and the Israeli troops that ring Gaza. I have interviewed the destitute and homeless families, some camped out in crude shelters erected in the rubble. The destruction becomes the demolition of the homes of terrorists. I have stood in the remains of schools — Israel struck two United Nations schools in the last six days, causing at least 10 fatalitiesat one in Rafah on Sunday and at least 19 at one in the Jebaliya refugee camp Wednesday — as well as medical clinics and mosques. I have heard Israel claim that errant rockets or mortar fire from the Palestinians caused these and other deaths, or that the attacked spots were being used as arms depots or launching sites. I, along with every other reporter I know who has worked in Gaza, have never seen any evidence that Hamas uses civilians as “human shields.”
Why Israel Lies

they lie
Why is that tiny strip of sand so important to you in a world in chaos?

Oh yeah. It has Jews in it.

Racist scum.

A far better question might be: why shouldn't the injustice of Israel be so 'important?' This is akin to taking any comparable news event and questioning why it is important...the question itself begs for deflection...and that's really your game...BTW: don't whine 'why us Jews?' until you can explain why they are entitled to do what they do in Palestine!
Israel engages in the kinds of jaw-dropping lies that characterize despotic and totalitarian regimes. It does not deform the truth; it inverts it. It routinely paints a picture for the outside world that is diametrically opposed to reality. And all of us reporters who have covered the occupied territories have run into Israel’s Alice-in-Wonderland narratives, which we dutifully insert into our stories — required under the rules of American journalism — although we know they are untrue.

I saw small boys baited and killed by Israeli soldiers in the Gaza refugee camp of Khan Younis. The soldiers swore at the boys in Arabic over the loudspeakers of their armored jeep. The boys, about 10 years old, then threw stones at an Israeli vehicle and the soldiers opened fire, killing some, wounding others. I was present more than once as Israeli troops drew out and shot Palestinian children in this way. Such incidents, in the Israeli lexicon, become children caught in crossfire. I was in Gaza when F-16 attack jets dropped 1,000-pound iron fragmentation bombs on overcrowded hovels in Gaza City. I saw the corpses of the victims, including children. This became a surgical strike on a bomb-making factory. I have watched Israel demolish homes and entire apartment blocks to create wide buffer zones between the Palestinians and the Israeli troops that ring Gaza. I have interviewed the destitute and homeless families, some camped out in crude shelters erected in the rubble. The destruction becomes the demolition of the homes of terrorists. I have stood in the remains of schools — Israel struck two United Nations schools in the last six days, causing at least 10 fatalitiesat one in Rafah on Sunday and at least 19 at one in the Jebaliya refugee camp Wednesday — as well as medical clinics and mosques. I have heard Israel claim that errant rockets or mortar fire from the Palestinians caused these and other deaths, or that the attacked spots were being used as arms depots or launching sites. I, along with every other reporter I know who has worked in Gaza, have never seen any evidence that Hamas uses civilians as “human shields.”
Why Israel Lies

they lie
Why is that tiny strip of sand so important to you in a world in chaos?

Oh yeah. It has Jews in it.

Racist scum.

A far better question might be: why shouldn't the injustice of Israel be so 'important?' This is akin to taking any comparable news event and questioning why it is important...the question itself begs for deflection...and that's really your game...BTW: don't whine 'why us Jews?' until you can explain why they are entitled to do what they do in Palestine!
Take your issue up with the UN and international law. UN established the nation and international law says you lose the ground you lost after starting wars.
Israel engages in the kinds of jaw-dropping lies that characterize despotic and totalitarian regimes. It does not deform the truth; it inverts it. It routinely paints a picture for the outside world that is diametrically opposed to reality. And all of us reporters who have covered the occupied territories have run into Israel’s Alice-in-Wonderland narratives, which we dutifully insert into our stories — required under the rules of American journalism — although we know they are untrue.

I saw small boys baited and killed by Israeli soldiers in the Gaza refugee camp of Khan Younis. The soldiers swore at the boys in Arabic over the loudspeakers of their armored jeep. The boys, about 10 years old, then threw stones at an Israeli vehicle and the soldiers opened fire, killing some, wounding others. I was present more than once as Israeli troops drew out and shot Palestinian children in this way. Such incidents, in the Israeli lexicon, become children caught in crossfire. I was in Gaza when F-16 attack jets dropped 1,000-pound iron fragmentation bombs on overcrowded hovels in Gaza City. I saw the corpses of the victims, including children. This became a surgical strike on a bomb-making factory. I have watched Israel demolish homes and entire apartment blocks to create wide buffer zones between the Palestinians and the Israeli troops that ring Gaza. I have interviewed the destitute and homeless families, some camped out in crude shelters erected in the rubble. The destruction becomes the demolition of the homes of terrorists. I have stood in the remains of schools — Israel struck two United Nations schools in the last six days, causing at least 10 fatalitiesat one in Rafah on Sunday and at least 19 at one in the Jebaliya refugee camp Wednesday — as well as medical clinics and mosques. I have heard Israel claim that errant rockets or mortar fire from the Palestinians caused these and other deaths, or that the attacked spots were being used as arms depots or launching sites. I, along with every other reporter I know who has worked in Gaza, have never seen any evidence that Hamas uses civilians as “human shields.”
Why Israel Lies

they lie
Why is that tiny strip of sand so important to you in a world in chaos?

Oh yeah. It has Jews in it.

Racist scum.

A far better question might be: why shouldn't the injustice of Israel be so 'important?' This is akin to taking any comparable news event and questioning why it is important...the question itself begs for deflection...and that's really your game...BTW: don't whine 'why us Jews?' until you can explain why they are entitled to do what they do in Palestine!

I suggest you write a strongly worded email to the UN........ no need to bother with punctuation.........just type out in all caps your frustration that your sweaty, feverish tirades are doing nothing but making you the object of ridicule.
"Take your issue up with the UN and international law. UN established the nation and international law says you lose the ground you lost after starting wars."

Good grief you have no idea of the pablum you spout...the UN did NOT establish Israel, and international law is raped by the Israelis...your ignorance is nothing short of breathtaking...
Israel engages in the kinds of jaw-dropping lies that characterize despotic and totalitarian regimes. It does not deform the truth; it inverts it. It routinely paints a picture for the outside world that is diametrically opposed to reality. And all of us reporters who have covered the occupied territories have run into Israel’s Alice-in-Wonderland narratives, which we dutifully insert into our stories — required under the rules of American journalism — although we know they are untrue.

I saw small boys baited and killed by Israeli soldiers in the Gaza refugee camp of Khan Younis. The soldiers swore at the boys in Arabic over the loudspeakers of their armored jeep. The boys, about 10 years old, then threw stones at an Israeli vehicle and the soldiers opened fire, killing some, wounding others. I was present more than once as Israeli troops drew out and shot Palestinian children in this way. Such incidents, in the Israeli lexicon, become children caught in crossfire. I was in Gaza when F-16 attack jets dropped 1,000-pound iron fragmentation bombs on overcrowded hovels in Gaza City. I saw the corpses of the victims, including children. This became a surgical strike on a bomb-making factory. I have watched Israel demolish homes and entire apartment blocks to create wide buffer zones between the Palestinians and the Israeli troops that ring Gaza. I have interviewed the destitute and homeless families, some camped out in crude shelters erected in the rubble. The destruction becomes the demolition of the homes of terrorists. I have stood in the remains of schools — Israel struck two United Nations schools in the last six days, causing at least 10 fatalitiesat one in Rafah on Sunday and at least 19 at one in the Jebaliya refugee camp Wednesday — as well as medical clinics and mosques. I have heard Israel claim that errant rockets or mortar fire from the Palestinians caused these and other deaths, or that the attacked spots were being used as arms depots or launching sites. I, along with every other reporter I know who has worked in Gaza, have never seen any evidence that Hamas uses civilians as “human shields.”
Why Israel Lies

they lie

That's one journalist. Albeit a Pulitzer Prize one. But one that just DECLARES that Hamas is innocent of hiding in Hospitals and UN schools. I think it's pretty established that they DO and this journalist just wants to write a "script" -- not an actual balanced story of the conflict.

For every rock throwing incident -- there's a prequel. And a lot of actions that can't be interpreted by just dropping in and standing there. When you put your children into the streets to make your "war" for you -- bad things will happen. For GENERATIONS -- if the Palestinians continue to focus on the demise of Israel and NOT the CREATION of Palestine.
Israel engages in the kinds of jaw-dropping lies that characterize despotic and totalitarian regimes. It does not deform the truth; it inverts it. It routinely paints a picture for the outside world that is diametrically opposed to reality. And all of us reporters who have covered the occupied territories have run into Israel’s Alice-in-Wonderland narratives, which we dutifully insert into our stories — required under the rules of American journalism — although we know they are untrue.

I saw small boys baited and killed by Israeli soldiers in the Gaza refugee camp of Khan Younis. The soldiers swore at the boys in Arabic over the loudspeakers of their armored jeep. The boys, about 10 years old, then threw stones at an Israeli vehicle and the soldiers opened fire, killing some, wounding others. I was present more than once as Israeli troops drew out and shot Palestinian children in this way. Such incidents, in the Israeli lexicon, become children caught in crossfire. I was in Gaza when F-16 attack jets dropped 1,000-pound iron fragmentation bombs on overcrowded hovels in Gaza City. I saw the corpses of the victims, including children. This became a surgical strike on a bomb-making factory. I have watched Israel demolish homes and entire apartment blocks to create wide buffer zones between the Palestinians and the Israeli troops that ring Gaza. I have interviewed the destitute and homeless families, some camped out in crude shelters erected in the rubble. The destruction becomes the demolition of the homes of terrorists. I have stood in the remains of schools — Israel struck two United Nations schools in the last six days, causing at least 10 fatalitiesat one in Rafah on Sunday and at least 19 at one in the Jebaliya refugee camp Wednesday — as well as medical clinics and mosques. I have heard Israel claim that errant rockets or mortar fire from the Palestinians caused these and other deaths, or that the attacked spots were being used as arms depots or launching sites. I, along with every other reporter I know who has worked in Gaza, have never seen any evidence that Hamas uses civilians as “human shields.”
Why Israel Lies

they lie

That's one journalist. Albeit a Pulitzer Prize one. But one that just DECLARES that Hamas is innocent of hiding in Hospitals and UN schools. I think it's pretty established that they DO and this journalist just wants to write a "script" -- not an actual balanced story of the conflict.

For every rock throwing incident -- there's a prequel. And a lot of actions that can't be interpreted by just dropping in and standing there. When you put your children into the streets to make your "war" for you -- bad things will happen. For GENERATIONS -- if the Palestinians continue to focus on the demise of Israel and NOT the CREATION of Palestine.

I agree... I'm just wondering why an article about a terrorist organization like Hamas that uses children as human shields has to be "balanced".
Israel engages in the kinds of jaw-dropping lies that characterize despotic and totalitarian regimes. It does not deform the truth; it inverts it. It routinely paints a picture for the outside world that is diametrically opposed to reality. And all of us reporters who have covered the occupied territories have run into Israel’s Alice-in-Wonderland narratives, which we dutifully insert into our stories — required under the rules of American journalism — although we know they are untrue.

I saw small boys baited and killed by Israeli soldiers in the Gaza refugee camp of Khan Younis. The soldiers swore at the boys in Arabic over the loudspeakers of their armored jeep. The boys, about 10 years old, then threw stones at an Israeli vehicle and the soldiers opened fire, killing some, wounding others. I was present more than once as Israeli troops drew out and shot Palestinian children in this way. Such incidents, in the Israeli lexicon, become children caught in crossfire. I was in Gaza when F-16 attack jets dropped 1,000-pound iron fragmentation bombs on overcrowded hovels in Gaza City. I saw the corpses of the victims, including children. This became a surgical strike on a bomb-making factory. I have watched Israel demolish homes and entire apartment blocks to create wide buffer zones between the Palestinians and the Israeli troops that ring Gaza. I have interviewed the destitute and homeless families, some camped out in crude shelters erected in the rubble. The destruction becomes the demolition of the homes of terrorists. I have stood in the remains of schools — Israel struck two United Nations schools in the last six days, causing at least 10 fatalitiesat one in Rafah on Sunday and at least 19 at one in the Jebaliya refugee camp Wednesday — as well as medical clinics and mosques. I have heard Israel claim that errant rockets or mortar fire from the Palestinians caused these and other deaths, or that the attacked spots were being used as arms depots or launching sites. I, along with every other reporter I know who has worked in Gaza, have never seen any evidence that Hamas uses civilians as “human shields.”
Why Israel Lies

they lie

That's one journalist. Albeit a Pulitzer Prize one. But one that just DECLARES that Hamas is innocent of hiding in Hospitals and UN schools. I think it's pretty established that they DO and this journalist just wants to write a "script" -- not an actual balanced story of the conflict.

For every rock throwing incident -- there's a prequel. And a lot of actions that can't be interpreted by just dropping in and standing there. When you put your children into the streets to make your "war" for you -- bad things will happen. For GENERATIONS -- if the Palestinians continue to focus on the demise of Israel and NOT the CREATION of Palestine.

I agree... I'm just wondering why an article about a terrorist organization like Hamas that uses children as human shields has to be "balanced".

Because -- Hamas in Gaza has chosen to fight in densely packed city centers. AND for any military, there are miscalculations, bad intel, bad mistakes that will be made. They shouldn't be hidden. Not if they are OURS in the US or for Israel. Even if Israel takes precautions, there will be still be stories making them look reckless and careless.

If Hamas wants to provoke military encounters by firing missiles into Israel -- they should USE some of that concrete and building material for bomb shelters and "civilian safe zones". But they won't. The resultant civilian casualties are part of their planning.
Israel engages in the kinds of jaw-dropping lies that characterize despotic and totalitarian regimes. It does not deform the truth; it inverts it. It routinely paints a picture for the outside world that is diametrically opposed to reality. And all of us reporters who have covered the occupied territories have run into Israel’s Alice-in-Wonderland narratives, which we dutifully insert into our stories — required under the rules of American journalism — although we know they are untrue.

I saw small boys baited and killed by Israeli soldiers in the Gaza refugee camp of Khan Younis. The soldiers swore at the boys in Arabic over the loudspeakers of their armored jeep. The boys, about 10 years old, then threw stones at an Israeli vehicle and the soldiers opened fire, killing some, wounding others. I was present more than once as Israeli troops drew out and shot Palestinian children in this way. Such incidents, in the Israeli lexicon, become children caught in crossfire. I was in Gaza when F-16 attack jets dropped 1,000-pound iron fragmentation bombs on overcrowded hovels in Gaza City. I saw the corpses of the victims, including children. This became a surgical strike on a bomb-making factory. I have watched Israel demolish homes and entire apartment blocks to create wide buffer zones between the Palestinians and the Israeli troops that ring Gaza. I have interviewed the destitute and homeless families, some camped out in crude shelters erected in the rubble. The destruction becomes the demolition of the homes of terrorists. I have stood in the remains of schools — Israel struck two United Nations schools in the last six days, causing at least 10 fatalitiesat one in Rafah on Sunday and at least 19 at one in the Jebaliya refugee camp Wednesday — as well as medical clinics and mosques. I have heard Israel claim that errant rockets or mortar fire from the Palestinians caused these and other deaths, or that the attacked spots were being used as arms depots or launching sites. I, along with every other reporter I know who has worked in Gaza, have never seen any evidence that Hamas uses civilians as “human shields.”
Why Israel Lies

they lie

That's one journalist. Albeit a Pulitzer Prize one. But one that just DECLARES that Hamas is innocent of hiding in Hospitals and UN schools. I think it's pretty established that they DO and this journalist just wants to write a "script" -- not an actual balanced story of the conflict.

For every rock throwing incident -- there's a prequel. And a lot of actions that can't be interpreted by just dropping in and standing there. When you put your children into the streets to make your "war" for you -- bad things will happen. For GENERATIONS -- if the Palestinians continue to focus on the demise of Israel and NOT the CREATION of Palestine.

I agree... I'm just wondering why an article about a terrorist organization like Hamas that uses children as human shields has to be "balanced".

Because -- Hamas in Gaza has chosen to fight in densely packed city centers. AND for any military, there are miscalculations, bad intel, bad mistakes that will be made. They shouldn't be hidden. Not if they are OURS in the US or for Israel. Even if Israel takes precautions, there will be still be stories making them look reckless and careless.

If Hamas wants to provoke military encounters by firing missiles into Israel -- they should USE some of that concrete and building material for bomb shelters and "civilian safe zones". But they won't. The resultant civilian casualties are part of their planning.

all true.... which is why one doesn't have to be "balanced" in talking about terrorists like Hamas. sometimes it's ok to take a side... like with nazis and terrorists.
Israel engages in the kinds of jaw-dropping lies that characterize despotic and totalitarian regimes. It does not deform the truth; it inverts it. It routinely paints a picture for the outside world that is diametrically opposed to reality. And all of us reporters who have covered the occupied territories have run into Israel’s Alice-in-Wonderland narratives, which we dutifully insert into our stories — required under the rules of American journalism — although we know they are untrue.

I saw small boys baited and killed by Israeli soldiers in the Gaza refugee camp of Khan Younis. The soldiers swore at the boys in Arabic over the loudspeakers of their armored jeep. The boys, about 10 years old, then threw stones at an Israeli vehicle and the soldiers opened fire, killing some, wounding others. I was present more than once as Israeli troops drew out and shot Palestinian children in this way. Such incidents, in the Israeli lexicon, become children caught in crossfire. I was in Gaza when F-16 attack jets dropped 1,000-pound iron fragmentation bombs on overcrowded hovels in Gaza City. I saw the corpses of the victims, including children. This became a surgical strike on a bomb-making factory. I have watched Israel demolish homes and entire apartment blocks to create wide buffer zones between the Palestinians and the Israeli troops that ring Gaza. I have interviewed the destitute and homeless families, some camped out in crude shelters erected in the rubble. The destruction becomes the demolition of the homes of terrorists. I have stood in the remains of schools — Israel struck two United Nations schools in the last six days, causing at least 10 fatalitiesat one in Rafah on Sunday and at least 19 at one in the Jebaliya refugee camp Wednesday — as well as medical clinics and mosques. I have heard Israel claim that errant rockets or mortar fire from the Palestinians caused these and other deaths, or that the attacked spots were being used as arms depots or launching sites. I, along with every other reporter I know who has worked in Gaza, have never seen any evidence that Hamas uses civilians as “human shields.”
Why Israel Lies

they lie

That's one journalist. Albeit a Pulitzer Prize one. But one that just DECLARES that Hamas is innocent of hiding in Hospitals and UN schools. I think it's pretty established that they DO and this journalist just wants to write a "script" -- not an actual balanced story of the conflict.

For every rock throwing incident -- there's a prequel. And a lot of actions that can't be interpreted by just dropping in and standing there. When you put your children into the streets to make your "war" for you -- bad things will happen. For GENERATIONS -- if the Palestinians continue to focus on the demise of Israel and NOT the CREATION of Palestine.

I agree... I'm just wondering why an article about a terrorist organization like Hamas that uses children as human shields has to be "balanced".

Because -- Hamas in Gaza has chosen to fight in densely packed city centers. AND for any military, there are miscalculations, bad intel, bad mistakes that will be made. They shouldn't be hidden. Not if they are OURS in the US or for Israel. Even if Israel takes precautions, there will be still be stories making them look reckless and careless.

If Hamas wants to provoke military encounters by firing missiles into Israel -- they should USE some of that concrete and building material for bomb shelters and "civilian safe zones". But they won't. The resultant civilian casualties are part of their planning.
Nice list of Israel's talking points. :clap::clap::clap::clap:
Israel engages in the kinds of jaw-dropping lies that characterize despotic and totalitarian regimes. It does not deform the truth; it inverts it. It routinely paints a picture for the outside world that is diametrically opposed to reality. And all of us reporters who have covered the occupied territories have run into Israel’s Alice-in-Wonderland narratives, which we dutifully insert into our stories — required under the rules of American journalism — although we know they are untrue.

I saw small boys baited and killed by Israeli soldiers in the Gaza refugee camp of Khan Younis. The soldiers swore at the boys in Arabic over the loudspeakers of their armored jeep. The boys, about 10 years old, then threw stones at an Israeli vehicle and the soldiers opened fire, killing some, wounding others. I was present more than once as Israeli troops drew out and shot Palestinian children in this way. Such incidents, in the Israeli lexicon, become children caught in crossfire. I was in Gaza when F-16 attack jets dropped 1,000-pound iron fragmentation bombs on overcrowded hovels in Gaza City. I saw the corpses of the victims, including children. This became a surgical strike on a bomb-making factory. I have watched Israel demolish homes and entire apartment blocks to create wide buffer zones between the Palestinians and the Israeli troops that ring Gaza. I have interviewed the destitute and homeless families, some camped out in crude shelters erected in the rubble. The destruction becomes the demolition of the homes of terrorists. I have stood in the remains of schools — Israel struck two United Nations schools in the last six days, causing at least 10 fatalitiesat one in Rafah on Sunday and at least 19 at one in the Jebaliya refugee camp Wednesday — as well as medical clinics and mosques. I have heard Israel claim that errant rockets or mortar fire from the Palestinians caused these and other deaths, or that the attacked spots were being used as arms depots or launching sites. I, along with every other reporter I know who has worked in Gaza, have never seen any evidence that Hamas uses civilians as “human shields.”
Why Israel Lies

they lie

That's one journalist. Albeit a Pulitzer Prize one. But one that just DECLARES that Hamas is innocent of hiding in Hospitals and UN schools. I think it's pretty established that they DO and this journalist just wants to write a "script" -- not an actual balanced story of the conflict.

For every rock throwing incident -- there's a prequel. And a lot of actions that can't be interpreted by just dropping in and standing there. When you put your children into the streets to make your "war" for you -- bad things will happen. For GENERATIONS -- if the Palestinians continue to focus on the demise of Israel and NOT the CREATION of Palestine.

I agree... I'm just wondering why an article about a terrorist organization like Hamas that uses children as human shields has to be "balanced".

Because -- Hamas in Gaza has chosen to fight in densely packed city centers. AND for any military, there are miscalculations, bad intel, bad mistakes that will be made. They shouldn't be hidden. Not if they are OURS in the US or for Israel. Even if Israel takes precautions, there will be still be stories making them look reckless and careless.

If Hamas wants to provoke military encounters by firing missiles into Israel -- they should USE some of that concrete and building material for bomb shelters and "civilian safe zones". But they won't. The resultant civilian casualties are part of their planning.

These are simply transparent lies, which have the effect of saying considerably more about those employing them than their intended target. The IDF rules of engagement make no distinction between combatants and civilians---they deliberately target children!! If you wan to whine and moan about Hamas take it to the Israeli officials who politically sponsored and financed the Islamic group against the secular---and increasingly moderate PLO!!!
Israel engages in the kinds of jaw-dropping lies that characterize despotic and totalitarian regimes. It does not deform the truth; it inverts it. It routinely paints a picture for the outside world that is diametrically opposed to reality. And all of us reporters who have covered the occupied territories have run into Israel’s Alice-in-Wonderland narratives, which we dutifully insert into our stories — required under the rules of American journalism — although we know they are untrue.

I saw small boys baited and killed by Israeli soldiers in the Gaza refugee camp of Khan Younis. The soldiers swore at the boys in Arabic over the loudspeakers of their armored jeep. The boys, about 10 years old, then threw stones at an Israeli vehicle and the soldiers opened fire, killing some, wounding others. I was present more than once as Israeli troops drew out and shot Palestinian children in this way. Such incidents, in the Israeli lexicon, become children caught in crossfire. I was in Gaza when F-16 attack jets dropped 1,000-pound iron fragmentation bombs on overcrowded hovels in Gaza City. I saw the corpses of the victims, including children. This became a surgical strike on a bomb-making factory. I have watched Israel demolish homes and entire apartment blocks to create wide buffer zones between the Palestinians and the Israeli troops that ring Gaza. I have interviewed the destitute and homeless families, some camped out in crude shelters erected in the rubble. The destruction becomes the demolition of the homes of terrorists. I have stood in the remains of schools — Israel struck two United Nations schools in the last six days, causing at least 10 fatalitiesat one in Rafah on Sunday and at least 19 at one in the Jebaliya refugee camp Wednesday — as well as medical clinics and mosques. I have heard Israel claim that errant rockets or mortar fire from the Palestinians caused these and other deaths, or that the attacked spots were being used as arms depots or launching sites. I, along with every other reporter I know who has worked in Gaza, have never seen any evidence that Hamas uses civilians as “human shields.”
Why Israel Lies

they lie

That's one journalist. Albeit a Pulitzer Prize one. But one that just DECLARES that Hamas is innocent of hiding in Hospitals and UN schools. I think it's pretty established that they DO and this journalist just wants to write a "script" -- not an actual balanced story of the conflict.

For every rock throwing incident -- there's a prequel. And a lot of actions that can't be interpreted by just dropping in and standing there. When you put your children into the streets to make your "war" for you -- bad things will happen. For GENERATIONS -- if the Palestinians continue to focus on the demise of Israel and NOT the CREATION of Palestine.

I agree... I'm just wondering why an article about a terrorist organization like Hamas that uses children as human shields has to be "balanced".

Because -- Hamas in Gaza has chosen to fight in densely packed city centers. AND for any military, there are miscalculations, bad intel, bad mistakes that will be made. They shouldn't be hidden. Not if they are OURS in the US or for Israel. Even if Israel takes precautions, there will be still be stories making them look reckless and careless.

If Hamas wants to provoke military encounters by firing missiles into Israel -- they should USE some of that concrete and building material for bomb shelters and "civilian safe zones". But they won't. The resultant civilian casualties are part of their planning.

all true.... which is why one doesn't have to be "balanced" in talking about terrorists like Hamas. sometimes it's ok to take a side... like with nazis and terrorists.

You do understand that Israel was founded on
Israel engages in the kinds of jaw-dropping lies that characterize despotic and totalitarian regimes. It does not deform the truth; it inverts it. It routinely paints a picture for the outside world that is diametrically opposed to reality. And all of us reporters who have covered the occupied territories have run into Israel’s Alice-in-Wonderland narratives, which we dutifully insert into our stories — required under the rules of American journalism — although we know they are untrue.

I saw small boys baited and killed by Israeli soldiers in the Gaza refugee camp of Khan Younis. The soldiers swore at the boys in Arabic over the loudspeakers of their armored jeep. The boys, about 10 years old, then threw stones at an Israeli vehicle and the soldiers opened fire, killing some, wounding others. I was present more than once as Israeli troops drew out and shot Palestinian children in this way. Such incidents, in the Israeli lexicon, become children caught in crossfire. I was in Gaza when F-16 attack jets dropped 1,000-pound iron fragmentation bombs on overcrowded hovels in Gaza City. I saw the corpses of the victims, including children. This became a surgical strike on a bomb-making factory. I have watched Israel demolish homes and entire apartment blocks to create wide buffer zones between the Palestinians and the Israeli troops that ring Gaza. I have interviewed the destitute and homeless families, some camped out in crude shelters erected in the rubble. The destruction becomes the demolition of the homes of terrorists. I have stood in the remains of schools — Israel struck two United Nations schools in the last six days, causing at least 10 fatalitiesat one in Rafah on Sunday and at least 19 at one in the Jebaliya refugee camp Wednesday — as well as medical clinics and mosques. I have heard Israel claim that errant rockets or mortar fire from the Palestinians caused these and other deaths, or that the attacked spots were being used as arms depots or launching sites. I, along with every other reporter I know who has worked in Gaza, have never seen any evidence that Hamas uses civilians as “human shields.”
Why Israel Lies

they lie

That's one journalist. Albeit a Pulitzer Prize one. But one that just DECLARES that Hamas is innocent of hiding in Hospitals and UN schools. I think it's pretty established that they DO and this journalist just wants to write a "script" -- not an actual balanced story of the conflict.

For every rock throwing incident -- there's a prequel. And a lot of actions that can't be interpreted by just dropping in and standing there. When you put your children into the streets to make your "war" for you -- bad things will happen. For GENERATIONS -- if the Palestinians continue to focus on the demise of Israel and NOT the CREATION of Palestine.

I agree... I'm just wondering why an article about a terrorist organization like Hamas that uses children as human shields has to be "balanced".

Because -- Hamas in Gaza has chosen to fight in densely packed city centers. AND for any military, there are miscalculations, bad intel, bad mistakes that will be made. They shouldn't be hidden. Not if they are OURS in the US or for Israel. Even if Israel takes precautions, there will be still be stories making them look reckless and careless.

If Hamas wants to provoke military encounters by firing missiles into Israel -- they should USE some of that concrete and building material for bomb shelters and "civilian safe zones". But they won't. The resultant civilian casualties are part of their planning.

all true.... which is why one doesn't have to be "balanced" in talking about terrorists like Hamas. sometimes it's ok to take a side... like with nazis and terrorists.

You do understand that Israel was literally founded on terrorism right???? Every Israeli leader was a terrorist and nothing these vipers have done in the time since has deviated one iota from their cowardly commitment to state-sanctioned terror...your moral hypocrisy seems to compete with your elective ignorance...
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