Why Islam is The Most Dangerous Ideology


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

First thing I noticed is the correct terminology as an ideology and not a religion.

Islamism wants the entire world governed by Shariah,” he said, explaining that the U.S., Europe and Israel are seen as enemies by these extremists. “And anyone who opposes Islamist expansionism is the enemy and must be destroyed.”

Watch for yourself and see if there is anyone one can disagree with this – except for the we know who posters.

Read story @ Author Breaks Down Exactly Why He Believes ‘Islamism’ Is the ‘World’s Most Dangerous Ideology’ in Under Five Minutes and VIDEO: Viral Video Exposes Why Islam Is "The Most Dangerous Ideology"... 165,000 Views In 1 Day
So do Christians. If Islam is guilty of anything it's copycatting Christianity.

Islam's dangerous as a religion because instead of a central figure who's educated and smarter than his teachers (as with Jesus in the Infancy Gospels) it has an illiterate who then is spoken of admirably for being so. Now look at the mjaority of the global Islamic population - illiterates.

When a religion appeals to the lowest common denominator it becomes very dangerous since the lcd describes the majority of the planet.
Totalitarian Utopian Ideology-----the stuff of which genocides are made.
they ALL come to the same goal. Holy Roman Empire>>>>Inquisition
Third Reich>>Auschwitz, Stalin >>> millions dead Pol pot---more
millions, Mao ?? millions ---anyway --lots Moghul rule
over india--- 100 million Islamic control in Nigeria----millions.
Current sunni caliphate-----on the road to millions current Shiite
caliphate-----on the road to millions. The buzz words which portend disaster
are always the same. From Nikita banging on the table screaming
YOUR GRANDCHILDREN WILL GROW up under communism all the way
to ACHMADINEJAD announcing "ISLAM IS the religion for the world"-----
that's why I got a bit sensitive to FRANCIS and his -----somewhat
UNIVERSAL approach and the response of the idiots -------"its like having
Christ on earth"---------OY The last group of catholics who thought they
had found their messiah were THE NAZIS
Cameron speaks out against radical Islam...

Cameron Cracking Down on 'Poison' of Radical Islam
Thursday, October 08, 2015 - British Prime Minister David Cameron is raising red flags about radical Islam's influence in Great Britain.
He's vowing to crack down on extremist schools and institutions that are radicalizing young people there. "This ideology, this diseased view of the world, it's become an epidemic infecting minds from the mosques of Mogadishu to the bedrooms of Birmingham," the prime minister said.


His speech comes after numerous British youths fled the country to join ISIS terrorists fighting in Iraq and Syria. "Girls, not much older than my eldest daughter, swapping loving family homes and straight-A futures for a life of servitude under ISIL, in a land of violence and oppression. Boys, boys who could do anything they want to in Britain, who've benefited from all this country stands for, instead ending up in the desert wielding a knife," he explained.

Cameron contends that's happening because some children are being indoctrinated several hours per day in Islamic madrassas, operating in Britain. "In some madrassas, we've got children being taught that they shouldn't mix with people of other religions, being beaten, swallowing conspiracy theories about Jewish people," Cameron said. "These children should be having their minds opened and their horizons broadened, not having their heads filled with poison and their hearts filled with hate," he continued. Cameron said all religious schools will now be required to register for inspections, and the schools that are teaching intolerance will be "shut down."

Cameron Cracking Down on 'Poison' of Radical Islam - World - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 - CBN.com
Only took one post to pull the Christian Card out.

But but but, Christianity, the Crusades, and stuff !
Actually Delta, surprisingly, does not do that. Delta seems to have an innate characteristic to mask his true intention upfront. His first and second paragraph do not align, as is his style.
The OP doesn't mention Radical Islam, which is the problem, not Islam.

Radical islam = very religious muslim
Like very religious christians.

nope------try reading the koran or try talking to muslims or -----
if you can-----visit a mosque or talk to an adolescent muslim boy.
In the USA ---amongst religious Christian kids----the big time heroes
for boys are the best baseball players. Amongst religious jewish
boys the big time heroes are any jew who plays professional
baseball. Among religious Christian girls the big time hero is
the best folk singer------Among religious jewish girls the big time
hero is any good looking jewish actor. Amongst religious muslim
girls and boys ----the big time hero is the guy who got the
biggest kill pile in the latest terrorist action. Osama was a
heart throb for the muslimah set
The OP doesn't mention Radical Islam, which is the problem, not Islam.

Radical islam = very religious muslim
Like very religious christians.

nope------try reading the koran or try talking to muslims or -----
if you can-----visit a mosque or talk to an adolescent muslim boy.
In the USA ---amongst religious Christian kids----the big time heroes
for boys are the best baseball players. Amongst religious jewish
boys the big time heroes are any jew who plays professional
baseball. Among religious Christian girls the big time hero is
the best folk singer------Among religious jewish girls the big time
hero is any good looking jewish actor. Amongst religious muslim
girls and boys ----the big time hero is the guy who got the
biggest kill pile in the latest terrorist action. Osama was a
heart throb for the muslimah set
I've been to mosques when traveling and spent time in Turkey, but never met a terrorist.
The OP doesn't mention Radical Islam, which is the problem, not Islam.

Radical islam = very religious muslim
Like very religious christians.

nope------try reading the koran or try talking to muslims or -----
if you can-----visit a mosque or talk to an adolescent muslim boy.
In the USA ---amongst religious Christian kids----the big time heroes
for boys are the best baseball players. Amongst religious jewish
boys the big time heroes are any jew who plays professional
baseball. Among religious Christian girls the big time hero is
the best folk singer------Among religious jewish girls the big time
hero is any good looking jewish actor. Amongst religious muslim
girls and boys ----the big time hero is the guy who got the
biggest kill pile in the latest terrorist action. Osama was a
heart throb for the muslimah set
I've been to mosques when traveling and spent time in Turkey, but never met a terrorist.

I do not believe that you understood what was being said in the mosques.
I have been in churches of several different colors-------I have been in mosques and have had close encounters with muslims of -----both colors. and I have been
in dozens of synagogues and had close encounters with jews from many many differing hues and shades-------- east and west and south and north. The only
persons and places in which hatred was taught OUTRIGHT-----was in mosques and
the only persons who justified terrorism -------have been muslims----my experience in this field dates all the way back to the mid sixties (that was the 20th century).
I have a relative from Turkey-------his family had been in Turkey since the time of
whore Isabella------he speaks both Turkish and Ladino------perhaps he can
help you--------feel free to ask questions
The OP doesn't mention Radical Islam, which is the problem, not Islam.

Radical islam = very religious muslim
Like very religious christians.

nope------try reading the koran or try talking to muslims or -----
if you can-----visit a mosque or talk to an adolescent muslim boy.
In the USA ---amongst religious Christian kids----the big time heroes
for boys are the best baseball players. Amongst religious jewish
boys the big time heroes are any jew who plays professional
baseball. Among religious Christian girls the big time hero is
the best folk singer------Among religious jewish girls the big time
hero is any good looking jewish actor. Amongst religious muslim
girls and boys ----the big time hero is the guy who got the
biggest kill pile in the latest terrorist action. Osama was a
heart throb for the muslimah set
I've been to mosques when traveling and spent time in Turkey, but never met a terrorist.

I do not believe that you understood what was being said in the mosques.
I have been in churches of several different colors-------I have been in mosques and have had close encounters with muslims of -----both colors. and I have been
in dozens of synagogues and had close encounters with jews from many many differing hues and shades-------- east and west and south and north. The only
persons and places in which hatred was taught OUTRIGHT-----was in mosques and
the only persons who justified terrorism -------have been muslims----my experience in this field dates all the way back to the mid sixties (that was the 20th century).
I have a relative from Turkey-------his family had been in Turkey since the time of
whore Isabella------he speaks both Turkish and Ladino------perhaps he can
help you--------feel free to ask questions
I take it your relative isn't Muslim, and is anti-Muslim like you.
Radical islam = very religious muslim
Like very religious christians.

nope------try reading the koran or try talking to muslims or -----
if you can-----visit a mosque or talk to an adolescent muslim boy.
In the USA ---amongst religious Christian kids----the big time heroes
for boys are the best baseball players. Amongst religious jewish
boys the big time heroes are any jew who plays professional
baseball. Among religious Christian girls the big time hero is
the best folk singer------Among religious jewish girls the big time
hero is any good looking jewish actor. Amongst religious muslim
girls and boys ----the big time hero is the guy who got the
biggest kill pile in the latest terrorist action. Osama was a
heart throb for the muslimah set
I've been to mosques when traveling and spent time in Turkey, but never met a terrorist.

I do not believe that you understood what was being said in the mosques.
I have been in churches of several different colors-------I have been in mosques and have had close encounters with muslims of -----both colors. and I have been
in dozens of synagogues and had close encounters with jews from many many differing hues and shades-------- east and west and south and north. The only
persons and places in which hatred was taught OUTRIGHT-----was in mosques and
the only persons who justified terrorism -------have been muslims----my experience in this field dates all the way back to the mid sixties (that was the 20th century).
I have a relative from Turkey-------his family had been in Turkey since the time of
whore Isabella------he speaks both Turkish and Ladino------perhaps he can
help you--------feel free to ask questions
I take it your relative isn't Muslim, and is anti-Muslim like you.

he is not muslim ------a relative by marriage----he is a jew. What is your point?.
I found discussion interesting with him-------he grew up in Turkey -------speaks the
language. He also speaks Ladino and Hebrew-------I speak bits and pieces of
Hebrew and Spanish. Years before Erdogan emerged as the islamicist
dog that he is--------I said to him------something like------sorta ' turkey will never
go nuts like Taliban style and Iran etc etc----turks are moderate about shariah
sh*t etc etc. ' He managed to let me know that the potential for turkey going
ape sh*t nuts in the shariah manner is very real and the sickness had afflicted turkey in intervals in the past. Iranian muslims I knew in the 60s
and 70s in the USA were perfectly normal people--------but even they were
a bit disturbed by growing "fanaticism" in that country

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