Why is USMessageboard.com no longer a secure encrypted site?

I tried to download the machine gun-----but it hasn't gotten to me yet
try opera

I'm getting that message from my browser, the USMessageboard.com is not a secure site, and passwords, credit card numbers etc can be viewed by others.

is anyone else showing that USMB is no longer a secure site or is it just me????

Bwhaaaaaaa, I don't get it? :(
Well with my own preventive measures I am good with it.

1 - Microsoft Essentials anti viral firewall.

2 - unique email address for this forum.

3 - unique log-in.

4 - unique password.

5 - NEVER use your credit card.
All right, everybody pay attention...

Next time someone posts a thread like this, you know, an "Is just me or...", just pretend it's just them...

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