Why is Trump being attacked for wanting to use the McCarran-Walter Act?


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
A president's job is to protect citizens. That is the number one priority and should never be ignored in favor of foreign citizens.

Obama said it was unconstitutional to try and stop terrorists from entering with the refugees. He and the Dems think that people who were rejected by every Muslim country should have a right to come here even if it means an increased threat to American citizens. The majority of Americans have concerns about improperly vetted refugees.

Carter utilized the law in 1979 when he kept Iranians from entering and he even made the Iranians here check in and many were deported for outstaying their visas. He did it for the safety of Americans, which is what he should have done.

Our law also states that anyone wanting to migrate here must be of good moral character and attached to the principles of the U.S. Constitution. Since the Muslims refuse to take any oath, that should be cause to refuse immigration. The majority want sharia law, which is the opposite of our constitution and Bill of Rights.

How can we allow people to become citizens when they have allegiance to another form of government? Islam is government. They also should not be allowed to run for office if they are Muslims who believe in sharia law because that means they are incapable of separating their own church and state since they are one and the same. And neither are in accordance with our laws. We can't allow people to come here and deny women and children their rights and who will only live according to sharia law.

We should insist that any Muslims coming here will take an oath to live by our consitution. And if they can't, then they can't come here.

Freedom of religion to the left these days means appreciating Islam and stopping Christianity. While Muslims are allowed to pray many times each day at work and school, even while in the military, Christians aren't even supposed to have a bible while at work.

This is nothing more than bending over to Muslims. We don't give Christians a break when they cite faith as a reason for not doing certain things, such as catering or photographing a gay wedding, but Muslims can demand that they have the right to delegate tasks to others if the jobs doesn't comply wth sharia. They do not serve gays, either, but nary a peep from the left over that.

Trump wants to limit any Muslims from entering until we can sort the refugees from the terrorists. He would have that right, according to our own laws. Obama says it's un-American but I can't think of anything more American than protecting our safety, freedom and liberty.

Obama said it was unconstitutional to try and stop terrorists from entering with the refugees.

Where did you get your operation to remove your conscience so you could tell lies with a straight face?

Or, more likely, how many pounds of gray matter did you have removed so you could be nothing more than a parrot repeating blazingly obvious lies without engaging a single brain cell in critical thinking?

Carter utilized the law in 1979 when he kept Iranians from entering and he even made the Iranians here check in and many were deported for outstaying their visas. He did it for the safety of Americans, which is what he should have done.

And then Reagan allowed 11,000+ Iranian refugees in. Because he was a Republican with balls, unlike you weaseling coward pseudocons of today.

And not one of those refugees blew anything up! Despite Iran being a state sponsor of terror which had blown up at least two of our embassies and a Marine barracks and committed to taking down The Great Satan. Reagan allowed in refugees despite the US government having nowhere near the sophisticated vetting technologies we have today.
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How can we allow people to become citizens when they have allegiance to another form of government? Islam is government.

No, it isn't. It is a religion. And our Constitution plainly states there will be NO religious test for officeholders.

You fucking tards only love the Constitution when it suits you. And you make it plain every day you haven't even read it, much less understand it.

Israel is at war with muslim terrorists, much worse than we are, and they just increased the number of Arabs in their Knesset last year. They have elected five muslims.

Out of only 120 seats.
Obama said it was unconstitutional to try and stop terrorists from entering with the refugees.

Where did you get your operation to remove your conscience so you could tell lies with a straight face?

Or, more likely, how many pounds of gray matter did you have removed so you could be nothing more than a parrot repeating blazingly obvious lies without engaging a single brain cell in critical thinking?

Carter utilized the law in 1979 when he kept Iranians from entering and he even made the Iranians here check in and many were deported for outstaying their visas. He did it for the safety of Americans, which is what he should have done.

And then Reagan allowed 11,000+ Iranian refugees in. Because he was a Republican with balls, unlike you weaseling coward pseudocons of today.

And not one of those refugees blew anything up! Despite Iran being a state sponsor of terror which had blown up at least two of our embassies and a Marine barracks and committed to taking down The Great Satan. Reagan allowed in refugees despite the US government having nowhere near the sophisticated vetting technologies we have today.

Really? Iran sponsored which terrorist events? Got links to go with that??
A president's job is to protect citizens. That is the number one priority and should never be ignored in favor of foreign citizens.

Obama said it was unconstitutional to try and stop terrorists from entering with the refugees. He and the Dems think that people who were rejected by every Muslim country should have a right to come here even if it means an increased threat to American citizens. The majority of Americans have concerns about improperly vetted refugees.

Carter utilized the law in 1979 when he kept Iranians from entering and he even made the Iranians here check in and many were deported for outstaying their visas. He did it for the safety of Americans, which is what he should have done.

Our law also states that anyone wanting to migrate here must be of good moral character and attached to the principles of the U.S. Constitution. Since the Muslims refuse to take any oath, that should be cause to refuse immigration. The majority want sharia law, which is the opposite of our constitution and Bill of Rights.

How can we allow people to become citizens when they have allegiance to another form of government? Islam is government. They also should not be allowed to run for office if they are Muslims who believe in sharia law because that means they are incapable of separating their own church and state since they are one and the same. And neither are in accordance with our laws. We can't allow people to come here and deny women and children their rights and who will only live according to sharia law.

We should insist that any Muslims coming here will take an oath to live by our consitution. And if they can't, then they can't come here.

Freedom of religion to the left these days means appreciating Islam and stopping Christianity. While Muslims are allowed to pray many times each day at work and school, even while in the military, Christians aren't even supposed to have a bible while at work.

This is nothing more than bending over to Muslims. We don't give Christians a break when they cite faith as a reason for not doing certain things, such as catering or photographing a gay wedding, but Muslims can demand that they have the right to delegate tasks to others if the jobs doesn't comply wth sharia. They do not serve gays, either, but nary a peep from the left over that.

Trump wants to limit any Muslims from entering until we can sort the refugees from the terrorists. He would have that right, according to our own laws. Obama says it's un-American but I can't think of anything more American than protecting our safety, freedom and liberty.


First of all Obama NEVER said that it would be unconstitutional to NOT allow terrorists in this country. That's one of the most ridiculous statements from a Reich winger that I have ever read.

Currently Syrian refugees go through an 18 month process before they are allowed into this country, and the overwhelming majority that are allowed in are Christians themselves, fleeing from ISIL.

The average processing time for refugee applications is 18 to 24 months, but Syrian applications can take significantly longer because of security concerns and difficulties in verifying their information.
How do Syrian refugees get into the U.S.? - CNNPolitics.com

A little reading wouldn't hurt you one bit.

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We should insist that any Muslims coming here will take an oath to live by our constitution. And if they can't, then they can't come here.

Sorry, this will not work. An oath is just words. Only a small percentage of Muslims need to be admitted that violate their oath to create big headaches for the US. NO Muslims should be admitted. Of course, what's stopping Muslims from claiming to be Christians to gain entry? Settle refugees elsewhere. I don't care where, just not within US borders.

18 months to 2 years is the average wait and vetting time for a refugee.

No matter how fully vetted a Muslim is, adherents of Islam are unstable time bombs. There is no telling when they will turn to the fundamental beliefs of their faith, be "radicalized", and cause havoc. In this day and age, letting refugees into America makes me think of the Trojan Horse.
We should insist that any Muslims coming here will take an oath to live by our constitution. And if they can't, then they can't come here.

Sorry, this will not work. An oath is just words. Only a small percentage of Muslims need to be admitted that violate their oath to create big headaches for the US. NO Muslims should be admitted. Of course, what's stopping Muslims from claiming to be Christians to gain entry? Settle refugees elsewhere. I don't care where, just not within US borders.

18 months to 2 years is the average wait and vetting time for a refugee.

No matter how fully vetted a Muslim is, adherents of Islam are unstable time bombs. There is no telling when they will turn to the fundamental beliefs of their faith, be "radicalized", and cause havoc. In this day and age, letting refugees into America makes me think of the Trojan Horse.

What you're stating is that you do not want to let in Syrian Christians, is that right? Donald Trump has flip-flopped all over this issue. One week he was for letting in Syrian refugees, the next week he wasn't, and now he is for it again.
Trump's flip-flops: A small handful of The Donald's policy shifts
A president's job is to protect citizens. That is the number one priority and should never be ignored in favor of foreign citizens.

Obama said it was unconstitutional to try and stop terrorists from entering with the refugees. He and the Dems think that people who were rejected by every Muslim country should have a right to come here even if it means an increased threat to American citizens. The majority of Americans have concerns about improperly vetted refugees.

Carter utilized the law in 1979 when he kept Iranians from entering and he even made the Iranians here check in and many were deported for outstaying their visas. He did it for the safety of Americans, which is what he should have done.

Our law also states that anyone wanting to migrate here must be of good moral character and attached to the principles of the U.S. Constitution. Since the Muslims refuse to take any oath, that should be cause to refuse immigration. The majority want sharia law, which is the opposite of our constitution and Bill of Rights.

How can we allow people to become citizens when they have allegiance to another form of government? Islam is government. They also should not be allowed to run for office if they are Muslims who believe in sharia law because that means they are incapable of separating their own church and state since they are one and the same. And neither are in accordance with our laws. We can't allow people to come here and deny women and children their rights and who will only live according to sharia law.

We should insist that any Muslims coming here will take an oath to live by our consitution. And if they can't, then they can't come here.

Freedom of religion to the left these days means appreciating Islam and stopping Christianity. While Muslims are allowed to pray many times each day at work and school, even while in the military, Christians aren't even supposed to have a bible while at work.

This is nothing more than bending over to Muslims. We don't give Christians a break when they cite faith as a reason for not doing certain things, such as catering or photographing a gay wedding, but Muslims can demand that they have the right to delegate tasks to others if the jobs doesn't comply wth sharia. They do not serve gays, either, but nary a peep from the left over that.

Trump wants to limit any Muslims from entering until we can sort the refugees from the terrorists. He would have that right, according to our own laws. Obama says it's un-American but I can't think of anything more American than protecting our safety, freedom and liberty.


First of all Obama NEVER said that it would be unconstitutional to NOT allow terrorists in this country. That's one of the most ridiculous statements from a Reich winger that I have ever read.

Currently Syrian refugees go through an 18 month process before they are allowed into this country, and the overwhelming majority that are allowed in are Christians themselves, fleeing from ISIL.

The average processing time for refugee applications is 18 to 24 months, but Syrian applications can take significantly longer because of security concerns and difficulties in verifying their information.
How do Syrian refugees get into the U.S.? - CNNPolitics.com

A little reading wouldn't hurt you one bit.


Total horseshit. Christians are something like 0.3% of the total. The Obama administration is obviously imposing a religious test on so-called "refugees:" no Christians allowed.
What you're stating is that you do not want to let in Syrian Christians, is that right?

Anyone "let in" to the US poses a risk. Some pose bigger risks than others. People from the Middle East are at the higher end of the risk scale. There has to be a better way to satisfy our humanitarian desires than to put Americans at risk by settling refugees in the US. Let's find that way so that Syrian Christians and Muslims can live in safety (somewhere) without putting anyone living in American in jeopardy.
How can we allow people to become citizens when they have allegiance to another form of government? Islam is government.

No, it isn't. It is a religion. And our Constitution plainly states there will be NO religious test for officeholders.

You fucking tards only love the Constitution when it suits you. And you make it plain every day you haven't even read it, much less understand it.

Israel is at war with muslim terrorists, much worse than we are, and they just increased the number of Arabs in their Knesset last year. They have elected five muslims.

Out of only 120 seats.
Refugees aren't office holders. The Constitution doesn't protect foreigners who aren't on U.S. soil. We can exclude all the Muslims we like.
What you're stating is that you do not want to let in Syrian Christians, is that right?

Anyone "let in" to the US poses a risk. Some pose bigger risks than others. People from the Middle East are at the higher end of the risk scale. There has to be a better way to satisfy our humanitarian desires than to put Americans at risk by settling refugees in the US. Let's find that way so that Syrian Christians and Muslims can live in safety (somewhere) without putting anyone living in American in jeopardy.

There's absolutely no justification for bringing them here. It would be cheaper to build them condos in Syria or Jordan.
Obama said it was unconstitutional to try and stop terrorists from entering with the refugees.

Where did you get your operation to remove your conscience so you could tell lies with a straight face?

Or, more likely, how many pounds of gray matter did you have removed so you could be nothing more than a parrot repeating blazingly obvious lies without engaging a single brain cell in critical thinking?

Carter utilized the law in 1979 when he kept Iranians from entering and he even made the Iranians here check in and many were deported for outstaying their visas. He did it for the safety of Americans, which is what he should have done.

And then Reagan allowed 11,000+ Iranian refugees in. Because he was a Republican with balls, unlike you weaseling coward pseudocons of today.

And not one of those refugees blew anything up! Despite Iran being a state sponsor of terror which had blown up at least two of our embassies and a Marine barracks and committed to taking down The Great Satan. Reagan allowed in refugees despite the US government having nowhere near the sophisticated vetting technologies we have today.
Muslims weren't known to be dangerous in 1980. We have learned a few things since then.
18 months to 2 years is the average wait and vetting time for a refugee.
How does that possibly work in a nation torn by civil war?

How does one do a background check in Allepo these days?
Many are in overflowing refugee camps in surrounding countries from what I am aware...
OK, so lets say we have a family from Allepo. How does the US government get the Syrian government to do a back ground check on this family WHEN THEY DO NOT CONTROL ALLEPO?

And even if they did, the likelihood that there is no neighborhood left to canvas anyway is huge, so they do a black list check and then give them approvals, feigning it is legit when it is not.
But they're just yearning to breathe free!

Of course, so were the Marielitos Carter let into the country and they turned South Florida into a war zone.
A president's job is to protect citizens. That is the number one priority and should never be ignored in favor of foreign citizens.

Obama said it was unconstitutional to try and stop terrorists from entering with the refugees. He and the Dems think that people who were rejected by every Muslim country should have a right to come here even if it means an increased threat to American citizens. The majority of Americans have concerns about improperly vetted refugees.

Carter utilized the law in 1979 when he kept Iranians from entering and he even made the Iranians here check in and many were deported for outstaying their visas. He did it for the safety of Americans, which is what he should have done.

Our law also states that anyone wanting to migrate here must be of good moral character and attached to the principles of the U.S. Constitution. Since the Muslims refuse to take any oath, that should be cause to refuse immigration. The majority want sharia law, which is the opposite of our constitution and Bill of Rights.

How can we allow people to become citizens when they have allegiance to another form of government? Islam is government. They also should not be allowed to run for office if they are Muslims who believe in sharia law because that means they are incapable of separating their own church and state since they are one and the same. And neither are in accordance with our laws. We can't allow people to come here and deny women and children their rights and who will only live according to sharia law.

We should insist that any Muslims coming here will take an oath to live by our consitution. And if they can't, then they can't come here.

Freedom of religion to the left these days means appreciating Islam and stopping Christianity. While Muslims are allowed to pray many times each day at work and school, even while in the military, Christians aren't even supposed to have a bible while at work.

This is nothing more than bending over to Muslims. We don't give Christians a break when they cite faith as a reason for not doing certain things, such as catering or photographing a gay wedding, but Muslims can demand that they have the right to delegate tasks to others if the jobs doesn't comply wth sharia. They do not serve gays, either, but nary a peep from the left over that.

Trump wants to limit any Muslims from entering until we can sort the refugees from the terrorists. He would have that right, according to our own laws. Obama says it's un-American but I can't think of anything more American than protecting our safety, freedom and liberty.


First of all Obama NEVER said that it would be unconstitutional to NOT allow terrorists in this country. That's one of the most ridiculous statements from a Reich winger that I have ever read.

Currently Syrian refugees go through an 18 month process before they are allowed into this country, and the overwhelming majority that are allowed in are Christians themselves, fleeing from ISIL.

The average processing time for refugee applications is 18 to 24 months, but Syrian applications can take significantly longer because of security concerns and difficulties in verifying their information.
How do Syrian refugees get into the U.S.? - CNNPolitics.com

A little reading wouldn't hurt you one bit.


Total horseshit. Christians are something like 0.3% of the total. The Obama administration is obviously imposing a religious test on so-called "refugees:" no Christians allowed.


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