Why Is There No Video Evidence Of This Picture?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Every video of this meeting cuts away to a shot behind his limo before this pic was taken. Why????

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mRhJwjwXqc&feature=related]Raw Video: Tense Exchange Between Obama, Brewer - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNHankcp4dk&feature=related]Obama's war of words with governor - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMQDVLUrq6k&feature=related]Webcast: Jan Brewer and President Obama - YouTube[/ame]

The press has gone viral over this. They're using the race-card to attack Jan Brewer when in fact the whole exchange was instigated by Obama.
Ah so photographic and eyewitnesses aren't enough?

You believe what? Governor Jan "The Butcher" Brewer (With two bodies under her belt) admitted to the altercation. And she had a "letter" in her hand ready to be confrontational with the President.
Ah so photographic and eyewitnesses aren't enough?

You believe what? Governor Jan "The Butcher" Brewer (With two bodies under her belt) admitted to the altercation. And she had a "letter" in her hand ready to be confrontational with the President.

yes, she should have approached him on her knees with her eyes averted, in deference to muslim tradition.
In his own words Obama explains what happened.

In an interview with ABC’s Diane Sawyer, Obama denied having a “tense” encounter with Brewer.

“I think it’s always good publicity for a Republican if they’re in an argument with me,”
Obama said. “But this was really not a big deal. She wanted to give me a letter, asking for a meeting. And I said, ‘We’d be happy to meet.’
She handed him a letter inviting him to Lunch, and he freaked out. And then of course the corrupt Liberal Press freaked out too. He really is a big baby.
I wonder who the next boogyman will be.

I remember the days when you could trust the media.

This is why I think they have no business being involved in politics in this country in any capacity.....and that includes debates.
Dear Media,

Here are the rules:

If any Republican questions Obama or any Black politician about their positions or agenda- the Republican is a racist. Period.

If any Democrat questions a Black Republican about their agenda or positions - the Black Republican is a sell out and Uncle Tom.

Please remember these rules and follow them in all reportage.


The poverty pimp and race baiting industry.
Dear Media,

Here are the rules:

If any Republican questions Obama or any Black politician about their positions or agenda- the Republican is a racist. Period.

If any Democrat questions a Black Republican about their agenda or positions - the Black Republican is a sell out and Uncle Tom.

Please remember these rules and follow them in all reportage.


The poverty pimp and race baiting industry.

Rules for Radicals. It's very sad.
Dear Media,

Here are the rules:

If any Republican questions Obama or any Black politician about their positions or agenda- the Republican is a racist. Period.

If any Democrat questions a Black Republican about their agenda or positions - the Black Republican is a sell out and Uncle Tom.

Please remember these rules and follow them in all reportage.


The poverty pimp and race baiting industry.

Link to anyone "playing the race card" in reference to this?
Arizona Conservatives were calling Brewer a RINO before this incident, and by next month they'll go back to hating her.
Dear Media,

Here are the rules:

If any Republican questions Obama or any Black politician about their positions or agenda- the Republican is a racist. Period.

If any Democrat questions a Black Republican about their agenda or positions - the Black Republican is a sell out and Uncle Tom.

Please remember these rules and follow them in all reportage.


The poverty pimp and race baiting industry.

Link to anyone "playing the race card" in reference to this?
Liberals call Brewer confrontation with Obama racist, advocate violence - Spokane Conservative | Examiner.com
Bill Maher Monologue, Jan Brewer racist finger, Jan 27 2012 - Kick! Making Politics Fun - A liberal dose of political humor
Jesse Jackson Says Brewer Confrontation with Obama Was Racist (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

There are hundred more.....
Dear Media,

Here are the rules:

If any Republican questions Obama or any Black politician about their positions or agenda- the Republican is a racist. Period.

If any Democrat questions a Black Republican about their agenda or positions - the Black Republican is a sell out and Uncle Tom.

Please remember these rules and follow them in all reportage.


The poverty pimp and race baiting industry.

Link to anyone "playing the race card" in reference to this?
Liberals call Brewer confrontation with Obama racist, advocate violence - Spokane Conservative | Examiner.com
Bill Maher Monologue, Jan Brewer racist finger, Jan 27 2012 - Kick! Making Politics Fun - A liberal dose of political humor
Jesse Jackson Says Brewer Confrontation with Obama Was Racist (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

There are hundred more.....

Well, since you only linked to Bill Maher telling a joke, and king race-baiter Jesse Jackson, I'm curious as to what these "hundreds" are.

But I concede that you're at least partially right.
Dear Media,

Here are the rules:

If any Republican questions Obama or any Black politician about their positions or agenda- the Republican is a racist. Period.

If any Democrat questions a Black Republican about their agenda or positions - the Black Republican is a sell out and Uncle Tom.

Please remember these rules and follow them in all reportage.


The poverty pimp and race baiting industry.

Link to anyone "playing the race card" in reference to this?
They don't have it.
Like everything the RepubliCON$ spew, it's all made-up.
Well, according to reports, Brewer went out onto the tarmac to greet Obama and hand him an envelope requesting a meeting. Obama told her that he had issues with the way that she wrote about her last visit to the Oval Office in her book "Dining on Scorpions", because the way she wrote it was fictionalized at best.

She then got upset and started waving her finger at him and yelling.

The next day? Her book sales went nuclear.

She just yelled at him to boost her book sales.

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