Why is the South such an embarrassment?

Why do liberals constantly bring up the south?
Personally I dont give a crap one way or another about the north other than the fact that they keep moving south in droves.
I mean really,whats with the obsession?
Good old fashioned anti-white bigotry.
Whenever we hear someone from the south say they want "their country back" or to return to the good old days, it means that they want return to the time when the federal government allowed them to be terrorists

BBC ON THIS DAY | 21 | 1961: Freedom Riders spark Montgomery riots
More garbage from British left wing nuts who don't know jack about this country.

The events happened. People who defend such things are terrorist sympathizers.

Do these people like being poor?

Is the GOP in love with poverty?

To the GOP is the ideal American fat, dumb, and poor?

I think Obama wants to make some southern states poor by putting coal companies out of business. Also, southern states have more illegal aliens. The stats you provided were from the first four years of Obama.
It was run by terrorists for 100 years after the Civil War, and some of those states still fly the terrorist flag.
They're not terrorists. They're patriots!

That's what ISIS believes about themselves. But just like racists, they are just idiots who never learned to use any higher part of their brains. Their thinking is limited to the reptile part of the brain, such that they barely can be considered human beings at all. That is why no decent person cares at all when a terrorist dies. They offered only evil to mankind, and have never had any redeeming quality.
Yeah its so bad that the South is booming economically. People are flocking here from up North....so much so that the South now has a larger population than any other region. Our cities are thriving. Business is relocating here. We have the best food best women best football best weather.

America's future is the South.

We do...however....have over 50% of all the nation's African Americans and a massive % of illegal aliens. That's where the poverty and low educational scores are rooted.
I love it when these racist right wingers bring up such nonsense. Look at the map again. What about the states that are more than 90% white but are Republican and poor as fuck.


West Virginia. Only a measly 3% are black and yet one fifth live below the poverty line. And we know how Republicans love, they simply love to fuck over the poor. And West Virginia is both poor and Republican.

Only 7% of Oklahoma is black, yet 17% live below the poverty level.

Then there is Kentucky. a whopping 8% black yet a staggering 19% live below the poverty level.

The problem is as clear as the Bush administration. With a majority Republicans house and senate and Supreme Court, he was able to run on pure GOP policies of trickle down and tax cuts and the Bush/GOP doctrine. And now the GOP won't invite him to their convention and here they are, pushing the same trickle down shit that ruined the country under him. And they are so fucking ignorant, they won't even look at their own policies. They just blame GOP failure on Bush and Obama. Trickle down is shit. It's stupid. It doesn't work.

Do these people like being poor?

Is the GOP in love with poverty?

To the GOP is the ideal American fat, dumb, and poor?
If it keeps dumb bastard yankees out of my beloved south I will embrace ANYTHING that makes you hate it here! Nothing makes us happier than a north bound yankee.
The South apparently is still not done fighting the Civil War, at least let them get to prohibition in the timeline to start expecting them to think as modern Americans.
A legacy of slavery in the South's economic model is "still" having a labor pool that operates as cheaply as possible. This means keeping the general public in a perpetually low quality of life.

It's laid bare when you look at the minimum wage levels state by state...the South is almost universally among the lowest.

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