Why is the South such an embarrassment?

.... Lincoln utterly destroyed the South. .....

The traitorous 'confederate' idiots destroyed the South.

They were no more traitors than George Washington.

Yes they were. Stop being so stupid.

No they were not. You stating they are, is stating the British should still control the colonies and the United States should not exist.

You're about to witness an enormous volcano of nastiness like nothing you have witness before.

It's ok, I'm used to making liberals look stupid. They think their pathetically predictable insults are indicative of their imagined towering intellects.

They can't imagine getting completely wrecked by some ignorant southern redneck (literally in my case).....till it happens.
.... Lincoln utterly destroyed the South. .....

The traitorous 'confederate' idiots destroyed the South.

The South is hardly destroyed. Some of you idiots really ought to get our and travel a little.

The South was destroyed during the Civil War. Then it was looted for decades by Yankee carpet baggers. It's been catching up ever since.

Well, Atlanta certainly came back. It is one of the most modern and beautiful cities there anywhere.
Some parts of it aren't so beautiful

No kidding. It does have some good points though. The Loop however isn't one of 'em.
The South apparently is still not done fighting the Civil War, at least let them get to prohibition in the timeline to start expecting them to think as modern Americans.

You are an absolute Fool. Why don't you get out of the house and away from USMB and visit the South. Florida just overtook New York as third in the nation in population. We have a whole lot better way of life than most folks in the North. That's why they all move here when they retire. We are able to spend much of our time outdoors engaging in outdoor pursuits. Atlanta, Ga is one of the most beautiful of modern cities and headquarters to many national and international companies. Most of the South is booming compared to the North and is attracting many northern companies. You are a prejudiced and ignorant bigot.

So you take everything too seriously or you don't recognize satire? Or you are an ad writer for the Georgia tourist bureau? lol

Relax Kanye.
.... Lincoln utterly destroyed the South. .....

The traitorous 'confederate' idiots destroyed the South.

The South is hardly destroyed. Some of you idiots really ought to get our and travel a little.

The South was destroyed during the Civil War. Then it was looted for decades by Yankee carpet baggers. It's been catching up ever since.

But when African Americans equate the institution of slavery with their current share of American wealth you shout "Get over it, it's been over 200 years.
why are you in the blue/North states such Snobs and think yourselves better than everyone? that's the question Enquiring minds wants to know.
A legacy of slavery in the South's economic model is "still" having a labor pool that operates as cheaply as possible. This means keeping the general public in a perpetually low quality of life.

It's laid bare when you look at the minimum wage levels state by state...the South is almost universally among the lowest.
No, it means they have jobs instead of shipping them overseas. They benefit from northern companies in union strongholds moving down. Being unemployed is a low quality life.
It's days like this past weekend and coming weeks that make me say to my northeastern friends:

"Thank God I'm in Houston"
The South isn't all bad. There are still many old school courteous folks there. More so than in places in the Northeast. I enjoyed some of my time living in the South. But i gotta admit, there are still too many camo-wearing, gun-obsessed, sister-fucking, Walmart-shopping, white racists, for my taste.
.... Lincoln utterly destroyed the South. .....

The traitorous 'confederate' idiots destroyed the South.

The South is hardly destroyed. Some of you idiots really ought to get our and travel a little.

The South was destroyed during the Civil War. Then it was looted for decades by Yankee carpet baggers. It's been catching up ever since.

But when African Americans equate the institution of slavery with their current share of American wealth you shout "Get over it, it's been over 200 years.

Well that's what they tell us. Good for one, good for the other right?
The South isn't all bad. There are still many old school courteous folks there. More so than in places in the Northeast. I enjoyed some of my time living in the South. But i gotta admit, there are still too many camo-wearing, gun-obsessed, sister-fucking, Walmart-shopping, white racists, for my taste.
Lol, is that so?

Then name me one camo-wearing, gun-obsessed, sister-fucking, Walmart-shopping, white racist, liar.

Do these people like being poor?

Is the GOP in love with poverty?

To the GOP is the ideal American fat, dumb, and poor?
Poverty is picked by the individual, not the village. Dumbass
Hell, the numbers would have been even more lopsided, had the South not sent its 'Colored Folk' up North during the Great Migration...

The lower cost of living in the South makes its percentage of impoverished much higher than it is elsewhere.

And the huge percentage of illegals and blacks also pushed the rate up.

IT is funny how Northerners like to compare their higher percentage white populations to Southern population with anywhere from 30% to 50% blacks.

Blacks are still having a hard time assimilating into the population due to the Democrats doing everything they possibly can to prevent black assimilation.
The South isn't all bad. There are still many old school courteous folks there. More so than in places in the Northeast. I enjoyed some of my time living in the South. But i gotta admit, there are still too many camo-wearing, gun-obsessed, sister-fucking, Walmart-shopping, white racists, for my taste.
There is a father and daughter in new jersey that want to marry and have children. So , what's your point?
The South isn't all bad. There are still many old school courteous folks there. More so than in places in the Northeast. I enjoyed some of my time living in the South. But i gotta admit, there are still too many camo-wearing, gun-obsessed, sister-fucking, Walmart-shopping, white racists, for my taste.
Lol, is that so?

Then name me one camo-wearing, gun-obsessed, sister-fucking, Walmart-shopping, white racist, liar.

Too many to count in the South. Accepted norms there. They are pretty much backwards kooks. But they make up much of the Republican Party Base. The Party can't survive without their votes.
The South did nothing traitorous, and it certainly did nothing to justify turning it into a smoking rubble.

You mean other than starting the Civil War? Yea, they did nothing smart anyway.
The South did not start the Civil War, the North did. Read up on the Norths refusal to transfer their military bases over to the south and the one at Pensecola firing on a civilian delegation to emphasize their 'NO!'

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