Why Is The Biden/Harris Administration Trying So Hard to Help Ukraine?

Goading Russia into a war with Ukraine was a political ploy to bolster Biden's popularity. It didn't work.
This has been in planning for a long time, even before 2008 when Russia annexed Crimea, and again in 2014 when Victoria Nuland went over there and initiated the color revolution. It has been "our" plan for a long time to encircle Russia, and Ukraine could have had our version of freedom, but we wanted UN troops on Russia's doorstep, and Putin reacted as they knew he would. I would be very surprised if Biden knew WTF is going on in any county at any time. What is even scarier is the the American public is less aware than he is. This is as Malcolm X used to say the chickens coming home to roost, they started some shit with no exit strategy just high hopes and bullshit. BTW, a big hangup in the "budget crisis" is how much money do we give to Zelensky. You or I can't even know who starts this shit, much less vote them out.
Actually I do. If they did, they would have stopped the war in Ukraine already. Which never would have happened if Trump was president btw.
They would have stopped that war? Really ? How? There is only one way that anybody could stop it and that would be by handing Ukraine to Russia. That what Trump would do and there would be dire consequences which you do not seem to comprehend. You just keep on regurgitating MAGA talking points like "the war would not have happened if Trump were president" but I am sure your can't actually explain that, just like Trump can't
They would have stopped that war? Really ? How? There is only one way that anybody could stop it and that would be by handing Ukraine to Russia. That what Trump would do and there would be dire consequences which you do not seem to comprehend. You just keep on regurgitating MAGA talking points like "the war would not have happened if Trump were president" but I am sure your can't actually explain that, just like Trump can't

I don't know what Trump would do but that isn't it. There's probably a really good reason that he doesn't want anybody else to know though as loose lips sink ships and it probably has something to do with our enemies finding out his strategy.
I don't know what Trump would do but that isn't it. There's probably a really good reason that he doesn't want anybody else to know though as loose lips sink ships and it probably has something to do with our enemies finding out his strategy.
You don't know so so make up some shit? Stick to your MAGA talking points. You will still sound foolish but not quite as pathetic
There is only one way that anybody could stop it and that would be by handing Ukraine to Russia.
The pressure point was insisting Ukraine be admitted to the UN. Russia was not going to let us station nuclear weapons on the border no more than we did in Cuba. Russia and Ukraine would have settled and there would have been peace, although that wouldn't play here. If we hadn't expanded the conflict and threatened Russia with world war it was still possible, now it isn't. What you seem to know about the situation is based on daily news drops with pictures of handpicked orphans holding teddy bears presented by a paid shill "reporter" with a eutotrash accent telling you to save our demoracy, Bullshit. Wake the fuck up
The pressure point was insisting Ukraine be admitted to the UN. Russia was not going to let us station nuclear weapons on the border no more than we did in Cuba. Russia and Ukraine would have settled and there would have been peace, although that wouldn't play here. If we hadn't expanded the conflict and threatened Russia with world war it was still possible, now it isn't. What you seem to know about the situation is based on daily news drops with pictures of handpicked orphans holding teddy bears presented by a paid shill "reporter" with a eutotrash accent telling you to save our demoracy, Bullshit. Wake the fuck up
What a spectacular display of ignorance! Ukraine was a founding member of the UN October 24, 1945.

In 1992, Ukraine signed the Lisbon Protocol and it joined the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty as a non-nuclear weapon state in 1994. The transfer of all nuclear material took some time, but by 2001

No former Soviet state hosts any NATO nuclear weapons.
extra way to earn a buck?
how ?


The pressure point was insisting Ukraine be admitted to the UN. Russia was not going to let us station nuclear weapons on the border no more than we did in Cuba. Russia and Ukraine would have settled and there would have been peace, although that wouldn't play here. If we hadn't expanded the conflict and threatened Russia with world war it was still possible, now it isn't. What you seem to know about the situation is based on daily news drops with pictures of handpicked orphans holding teddy bears presented by a paid shill "reporter" with a eutotrash accent telling you to save our demoracy, Bullshit. Wake the fuck up
See post 29 fool.
They would have stopped that war? Really ? How? There is only one way that anybody could stop it and that would be by handing Ukraine to Russia. That what Trump would do and there would be dire consequences which you do not seem to comprehend. You just keep on regurgitating MAGA talking points like "the war would not have happened if Trump were president" but I am sure your can't actually explain that, just like Trump can't
Russia did not (and would not) invade Ukraine while Trump was President. You obviously do not understand the Art of the Deal or Asymmetric Negotiation, both of which Trump is a master. His results are irrefutable. But go ahead and try.
Russia did not (and would not) invade Ukraine while Trump was President. You obviously do not understand the Art of the Deal or Asymmetric Negotiation, both of which Trump is a master. His results are irrefutable. But go ahead and try.
You obviously do not understand the simple logic that the fact that Putin did not invade while Trump was president does not mean that he did not invade BECAUSE Trump was president. I will grant you that there is the possibility that Putin held off while Trump was in the White House, only because he saw Trump as a useful idiot and did not want to do anything to jeopardize his reelection . That is in no way to Trumps credit.

Aside from that, Trump has NO INFLUENCE with Putin. Putin has no respect for him and like most people see him as a buffoon and a weak dictator wannabee. The only thing that he is a master of is fraud, lies and gaslighting people like you

As far as Trump being a master negotiator or a brilliant deal maker goes, you would have to be as delusional as he is to believe that. He is a failed businessman, a failed president and a failure as a human being. The Art of the Deal? Really he did not even write it, and he certainly did not live by it

Power Asymmetry, Trump, and the Art of No Deal | Psychology Today

1. Good negotiators do a lot of research in advance so they understand how they value things, what are the likely interests of the other party, and what are the best alternatives to making a deal.
2. Good negotiators are patient. They play the long game. Good negotiators don't just negotiate once and then run away to enjoy the spoils. They have lasting relationships that rely on people honoring their commitment.
3. Good negotiators are honorable and trustworthy and establish themselves as people you want to make a deal with, which helps them maintain the relationships they create.
Trump's recent series of failures suggest that he does none of these things. His long history of successes and failures are based on an entirely different strategy: power asymmetry. Power asymmetry in negotiation is based on dealing with people who are generally weaker than you.
He just shits all over people who are weaker than him, and thanks to gullible sycophants like you, he is empowered to do so Putin is smarter and more powerful in relation to Trump than all of you MAGA magots thrown together
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