Why is Obama allowing Ukraine to use ISIS Chechen jihadists in the east?Sheikh Mansur Battalion

Bullshit. It was the Crusades.


But seriously now.

ISIS wasn't formed in a prison camp. Baghdadi only took over AQI which was total chump change at the time and moved into SYRIA. Broke away from AQ finally and formed ISIS.

Get your time lines right.

Now where Bush was involved was thinking it was a swell idea to allow the US to train Chechens in Georgia. The US produced ISIS Military Commander. al Shishani.

A US star pupil. Nice eh?

A miscalculation on the part of Bush-----he placed his trust in a jihadist dog

thank you dancer -----for your endorsement of my "back at you" comment regarding the allegation "THE USA CREATED ISIS"--------you excited a bad
memory in my mind-----I treated a little girl long ago-----whose rapist GOT OFF
virtually scot free------because the defense noted that she, herself, had removed
her own panties when he had her in a choke-hold. (her report, but I believed
every word------I am not a JUDGE)

I love you so. Y

Bullshit. It was the Crusades.


But seriously now.

ISIS wasn't formed in a prison camp. Baghdadi only took over AQI which was total chump change at the time and moved into SYRIA. Broke away from AQ finally and formed ISIS.

Get your time lines right.

Now where Bush was involved was thinking it was a swell idea to allow the US to train Chechens in Georgia. The US produced ISIS Military Commander. al Shishani.

A US star pupil. Nice eh?

A miscalculation on the part of Bush-----he placed his trust in a jihadist dog

thank you dancer -----for your endorsement of my "back at you" comment regarding the allegation "THE USA CREATED ISIS"--------you excited a bad
memory in my mind-----I treated a little girl long ago-----whose rapist GOT OFF
virtually scot free------because the defense noted that she, herself, had removed
her own panties when he had her in a choke-hold. (her report, but I believed
every word------I am not a JUDGE)
You are one genuine soul I have met on the net.

I am proud to know you. I can't explain it. Nor can you. We try to piece it together from our parents and historians. My heart breaks because so many refuse to tell the truth.

Two of you are so funny. This is like a human double side tape.....
I helped veterans and homeless people........ can I get a hug too? LOL.

of course, we are all humans of good will-------la la la "God" rest ye merry gentlemen, let nothing you dismay...... ~~~~ la la la (a platonian embrace of
brotherly love~~~~~ ((((((( OIO ))))))) )
and you would stop that HOW?

Good question. On one hand these dirtbags call Obama a dictator and then on the other hand they criticize him for not being a dictator (and intervening in foreign affairs). I wish the stupid idiots would make their mind up

Obama created ISIS.

But because this douche bag at the top of the world didn't get TODAY ISIS rules.

Wrong. Al-baghdadi started putting ISIS together after being held in Camp Bucca in Iraq in 2005-2006. Look it up, twit.


US Prison camp in Iraq accidentally formed ISIS

How the Islamic State evolved in an American prison

Oh for crying out loud. The AQI were just a rag tag group of mostly knuckle dragging neanderthals at that stage.

And when they entered Syria under Baghdadi they still were nobodies until a Chechen military mastermind and brilliant tactician became Baghdadi's right hand man. I'll give credit where credit is due.

The US trained him very very well.
Sounds like you are calling ISIL the JV Team until your imaginary hero Shishani popped into the picture.

Imaginary hero? He's very for real. And he's very lethal. Absolutely brilliant on the field. Of that there is no doubt.

For Baghdadi his hands were tied even when he moved into Syria because he was still AQ. Remember AQ had been declining big time not because anything we had accomplished against them but al Nusra was a mess in Syria; AQ around the world were just old timeys revelling in the accomplishments of bin Laden.

Nobodies. Old has beens. New kids on the block and bloody terrors now with military expertise with al Shishani. New blood. New direction. Broke off from the oldies but goldies and BECAME ISIS.
Good question. On one hand these dirtbags call Obama a dictator and then on the other hand they criticize him for not being a dictator (and intervening in foreign affairs). I wish the stupid idiots would make their mind up

Obama created ISIS.

But because this douche bag at the top of the world didn't get TODAY ISIS rules.

Wrong. Al-baghdadi started putting ISIS together after being held in Camp Bucca in Iraq in 2005-2006. Look it up, twit.


US Prison camp in Iraq accidentally formed ISIS

How the Islamic State evolved in an American prison

Oh for crying out loud. The AQI were just a rag tag group of mostly knuckle dragging neanderthals at that stage.

And when they entered Syria under Baghdadi they still were nobodies until a Chechen military mastermind and brilliant tactician became Baghdadi's right hand man. I'll give credit where credit is due.

The US trained him very very well.
Sounds like you are calling ISIL the JV Team until your imaginary hero Shishani popped into the picture.

Imaginary hero? He's very for real. And he's very lethal. Absolutely brilliant on the field. Of that there is no doubt.

For Baghdadi his hands were tied even when he moved into Syria because he was still AQ. Remember AQ had been declining big time not because anything we had accomplished against them but al Nusra was a mess in Syria; AQ around the world were just old timeys revelling in the accomplishments of bin Laden.

Nobodies. Old has beens. New kids on the block and bloody terrors now with military expertise with al Shishani. New blood. New direction. Broke off from the oldies but goldies and BECAME ISIS.
Nothing he has done has been brilliant. He is responsible for crucifying and beheading children and promoting the rape of thousands of young Christian girls, many of were then executed by various perverted methods. That is who your are cheering for, or at least praising.
Suggest you look up the latest about your hero. Russians and Iraqi's claim he has been captured by US Special Forces. Pentagon is denying the reports. Must have been some other red-bearded Chechen they caught.
Obama created ISIS.

But because this douche bag at the top of the world didn't get TODAY ISIS rules.

Wrong. Al-baghdadi started putting ISIS together after being held in Camp Bucca in Iraq in 2005-2006. Look it up, twit.


US Prison camp in Iraq accidentally formed ISIS

How the Islamic State evolved in an American prison

Oh for crying out loud. The AQI were just a rag tag group of mostly knuckle dragging neanderthals at that stage.

And when they entered Syria under Baghdadi they still were nobodies until a Chechen military mastermind and brilliant tactician became Baghdadi's right hand man. I'll give credit where credit is due.

The US trained him very very well.
Sounds like you are calling ISIL the JV Team until your imaginary hero Shishani popped into the picture.

Imaginary hero? He's very for real. And he's very lethal. Absolutely brilliant on the field. Of that there is no doubt.

For Baghdadi his hands were tied even when he moved into Syria because he was still AQ. Remember AQ had been declining big time not because anything we had accomplished against them but al Nusra was a mess in Syria; AQ around the world were just old timeys revelling in the accomplishments of bin Laden.

Nobodies. Old has beens. New kids on the block and bloody terrors now with military expertise with al Shishani. New blood. New direction. Broke off from the oldies but goldies and BECAME ISIS.
Nothing he has done has been brilliant. He is responsible for crucifying and beheading children and promoting the rape of thousands of young Christian girls, many of were then executed by various perverted methods. That is who your are cheering for, or at least praising.
Suggest you look up the latest about your hero. Russians and Iraqi's claim he has been captured by US Special Forces. Pentagon is denying the reports. Must have been some other red-bearded Chechen they caught.

The Chechen has nothing to do with Baghdadi's and ISIS interpretation of the Law.

And Camp I praise his military accomplishments because they are worth praising. Much like I would praise Rommel. Or Napoleon. I'm not big into war games but I have always been impressed with friend or foe on battles won.

BTW there is another red bearded Chechen that is high ranking. You should check into it. Know your enemy.

Obama created ISIS.

But because this douche bag at the top of the world didn't get TODAY ISIS rules.

Wrong. Al-baghdadi started putting ISIS together after being held in Camp Bucca in Iraq in 2005-2006. Look it up, twit.


US Prison camp in Iraq accidentally formed ISIS

How the Islamic State evolved in an American prison

Oh for crying out loud. The AQI were just a rag tag group of mostly knuckle dragging neanderthals at that stage.

And when they entered Syria under Baghdadi they still were nobodies until a Chechen military mastermind and brilliant tactician became Baghdadi's right hand man. I'll give credit where credit is due.

The US trained him very very well.
Sounds like you are calling ISIL the JV Team until your imaginary hero Shishani popped into the picture.

Imaginary hero? He's very for real. And he's very lethal. Absolutely brilliant on the field. Of that there is no doubt.

For Baghdadi his hands were tied even when he moved into Syria because he was still AQ. Remember AQ had been declining big time not because anything we had accomplished against them but al Nusra was a mess in Syria; AQ around the world were just old timeys revelling in the accomplishments of bin Laden.

Nobodies. Old has beens. New kids on the block and bloody terrors now with military expertise with al Shishani. New blood. New direction. Broke off from the oldies but goldies and BECAME ISIS.
Nothing he has done has been brilliant. He is responsible for crucifying and beheading children and promoting the rape of thousands of young Christian girls, many of were then executed by various perverted methods. That is who your are cheering for, or at least praising.
Suggest you look up the latest about your hero. Russians and Iraqi's claim he has been captured by US Special Forces. Pentagon is denying the reports. Must have been some other red-bearded Chechen they caught.

I do agree with dancer on a single point------shit is shit and it TRANSFERS AND
ADAPTS easily from one pile to the next. What was AQ easily become ISIS----
and indistinguishable from lumps of the new pile. A caliphatist is a caliphatist----
whether Baathist shit or AQ shit of Isis shit or al nusra shit------six of one, half dozen of the other

Oh for crying out loud. The AQI were just a rag tag group of mostly knuckle dragging neanderthals at that stage.

And when they entered Syria under Baghdadi they still were nobodies until a Chechen military mastermind and brilliant tactician became Baghdadi's right hand man. I'll give credit where credit is due.

The US trained him very very well.
Sounds like you are calling ISIL the JV Team until your imaginary hero Shishani popped into the picture.

Imaginary hero? He's very for real. And he's very lethal. Absolutely brilliant on the field. Of that there is no doubt.

For Baghdadi his hands were tied even when he moved into Syria because he was still AQ. Remember AQ had been declining big time not because anything we had accomplished against them but al Nusra was a mess in Syria; AQ around the world were just old timeys revelling in the accomplishments of bin Laden.

Nobodies. Old has beens. New kids on the block and bloody terrors now with military expertise with al Shishani. New blood. New direction. Broke off from the oldies but goldies and BECAME ISIS.
Nothing he has done has been brilliant. He is responsible for crucifying and beheading children and promoting the rape of thousands of young Christian girls, many of were then executed by various perverted methods. That is who your are cheering for, or at least praising.
Suggest you look up the latest about your hero. Russians and Iraqi's claim he has been captured by US Special Forces. Pentagon is denying the reports. Must have been some other red-bearded Chechen they caught.

I do agree with dancer on a single point------shit is shit and it TRANSFERS AND
ADAPTS easily from one pile to the next. What was AQ easily become ISIS----
and indistinguishable from lumps of the new pile. A caliphatist is a caliphatist----
whether Baathist shit or AQ shit of Isis shit or al nusra shit------six of one, half dozen of the other
It is ridiculous to compare a regional commander like Shishani whose claim to fame is his allowing a herd of barbarians to rape and pillage to the likes of Rommel and Napoleon. This is nothing more than a groupie like infatuation with a horrible human being who does not deserve the praise she continuously heaps on him. He terrorized his enemies by the use of sheer animalistic brutality. The guy led his so-called army on a terror campaign of crucifying and for the lucky, beheading innocents, including children. He allowed his animals to rape and murder the victims. That is who TD is praising and comparing to Rommel and Napoleon.
So why is Obama allowing this to happen in the Ukraine? NATO and Obama have some 'splaining to do.

"During the past two months, connections between Ukraine and ISIS have moved up the chain of command, as evidenced by a top Ukrainian official giving his public support for ISIS. Just last week, weapons -- including a FN-6 antiaircraft missile system -- from the Ukrainian military "magically" ended up in the hands of ISIS which "were meant to be delivered to the militant group in Syria via smuggling routes in Turkey."

Soon after, the Russian hacking group CyberBerkut claimed it is "in possession of documents indicating that employees of the Ukrainian state-owned defense conglomerate Ukroboronprom had discussions with Qatari government officials over the possible sale of surface-to-air missiles [the S-125-2D Pechora-2D (NATO reporting name SA-3 Goa)] in September," weapons that were almost undoubtedly destined for ISIS. According to the leaked documents, the U.S. embassy in Doha also approved the deal.

What a mess. The question for the West now is who they would rather having controlling Ukraine's territory in the near future -- ISIS or Russia -- and the answer is clearly the latter. If the West wants to build a common coalition against the Islamic State, the best approach may be to remove the Islamic State of Turkey from NATO, allow Russia to take Ukraine, and then invite Russia into NATO (or whatever new alliance seems appropriate) in our common cause against the global jihad."

Articles: The Ukraine-ISIS Alliance
Oh for crying out loud. The AQI were just a rag tag group of mostly knuckle dragging neanderthals at that stage.

And when they entered Syria under Baghdadi they still were nobodies until a Chechen military mastermind and brilliant tactician became Baghdadi's right hand man. I'll give credit where credit is due.

The US trained him very very well.
Sounds like you are calling ISIL the JV Team until your imaginary hero Shishani popped into the picture.

Imaginary hero? He's very for real. And he's very lethal. Absolutely brilliant on the field. Of that there is no doubt.

For Baghdadi his hands were tied even when he moved into Syria because he was still AQ. Remember AQ had been declining big time not because anything we had accomplished against them but al Nusra was a mess in Syria; AQ around the world were just old timeys revelling in the accomplishments of bin Laden.

Nobodies. Old has beens. New kids on the block and bloody terrors now with military expertise with al Shishani. New blood. New direction. Broke off from the oldies but goldies and BECAME ISIS.
Nothing he has done has been brilliant. He is responsible for crucifying and beheading children and promoting the rape of thousands of young Christian girls, many of were then executed by various perverted methods. That is who your are cheering for, or at least praising.
Suggest you look up the latest about your hero. Russians and Iraqi's claim he has been captured by US Special Forces. Pentagon is denying the reports. Must have been some other red-bearded Chechen they caught.

I do agree with dancer on a single point------shit is shit and it TRANSFERS AND
ADAPTS easily from one pile to the next. What was AQ easily become ISIS----
and indistinguishable from lumps of the new pile. A caliphatist is a caliphatist----
whether Baathist shit or AQ shit of Isis shit or al nusra shit------six of one, half dozen of the other
It is ridiculous to compare a regional commander like Shishani whose claim to fame is his allowing a herd of barbarians to rape and pillage to the likes of Rommel and Napoleon. This is nothing more than a groupie like infatuation with a horrible human being who does not deserve the praise she continuously heaps on him. He terrorized his enemies by the use of sheer animalistic brutality. The guy led his so-called army on a terror campaign of crucifying and for the lucky, beheading innocents, including children. He allowed his animals to rape and murder the victims. That is who TD is praising and comparing to Rommel and Napoleon.

Fuck off with the groupie shit. al Shishani's command has been successful taking over large swathes of Syria and Iraq. Period full stop. 300 ISIS vs 10,000 Iraqis over Ramadi.

Stop being so damn bitchy. I'm not continually heaping praise on him. I'm just recognizing we aren't dealing with cave dwellers but a very modern terror force and a successful one to boot. Who are armed to the teeth and have been waging a very successful jihad and promo war. Cripes they have fighters who have joined from over 80 countries.

And who are now in the Ukraine. Fighting along side the nazis endorsed by Kiev.
regarding who should control Ukraine------I don't know where I got the idea-----something HISTORICAL----not that I have positive view of the COSSACKS
(something equivalent to Nazis) but I thought the Ukranians should control
Ukraine------my understanding is the relationships between Russia and Ukranians
has ALWAYS been strained-------not that I care much. I may be wrong
PS my understanding of UKRANIAN history is that it had been EXPLOITED
by Russia for centuries
leave dancer alone-------she thinks she owns the UKRAINE

Hey have you been keeping up with the Nazi side of life in the Ukraine? And they said there were no Nazis in the west. :lol: All Putin propaganda right?

Local Jews in shock after Ukrainian city of Konotop elects neo-Nazi mayor


Local Jews in shock after Ukrainian city of Konotop elects neo-Nazi mayor

who said there are no Nazis in the "WEST"------the Ukraine has been a hot bed of anti-Semitism ever since it turned to Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy----it is also besmirched by Islamic influences. Stalin was an intense anti semite----from
his eastern orthodox background. Tonight is a special holiday for some jews------
something that developed in and around Ukraine------it commemorates the jews
killed in honor of Christmas in the Ukraine and the surrounding area.

Who said no nazis in the west?

Check the board and you will see who not only denies the nazis but put out full blown posts that deny nazis in the Ukraine don't exist.

Posters who have no problem embracing the current Ukraine government that embraces Bandera and others.

And beyond the posters here you can find many quotes in the media denouncing the claim that there are nazis in Kiev and the west.

Politicians and media.

who? I do not know anyone who denies the fact that there were UKRANIANS who licked the asses of Nazis-----specifically for the GENOCIDE OF JEWS that both the UKRANIAN EASTERN ORTHOs and the CATHOLIC NAZIS liked the idea. It is not even something NEW

Seriously rosie you don't know any one?

dont bother with him,he/she is one of many paid infiltraters who have penetrated this site with the sole intention of trolling.I put this troll on ignore over a year ago.
Hey have you been keeping up with the Nazi side of life in the Ukraine? And they said there were no Nazis in the west. :lol: All Putin propaganda right?

Local Jews in shock after Ukrainian city of Konotop elects neo-Nazi mayor


Local Jews in shock after Ukrainian city of Konotop elects neo-Nazi mayor

who said there are no Nazis in the "WEST"------the Ukraine has been a hot bed of anti-Semitism ever since it turned to Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy----it is also besmirched by Islamic influences. Stalin was an intense anti semite----from
his eastern orthodox background. Tonight is a special holiday for some jews------
something that developed in and around Ukraine------it commemorates the jews
killed in honor of Christmas in the Ukraine and the surrounding area.

Who said no nazis in the west?

Check the board and you will see who not only denies the nazis but put out full blown posts that deny nazis in the Ukraine don't exist.

Posters who have no problem embracing the current Ukraine government that embraces Bandera and others.

And beyond the posters here you can find many quotes in the media denouncing the claim that there are nazis in Kiev and the west.

Politicians and media.

who? I do not know anyone who denies the fact that there were UKRANIANS who licked the asses of Nazis-----specifically for the GENOCIDE OF JEWS that both the UKRANIAN EASTERN ORTHOs and the CATHOLIC NAZIS liked the idea. It is not even something NEW

Seriously rosie you don't know any one?

dont bother with him,he/she is one of many paid infiltraters who have penetrated this site with the sole intention of trolling.I put this troll on ignore over a year ago.

I have known lots of people -----include EASTERN ORTHODOX and CATHOLIC persons from Ukraine. -----(history of western CIV was a freshman requirement
in my college-----the prof was an eastern orthodox Ukranian-------he forgot all about
"western civ"-----and talked incessantly about the UKRAINE)

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