Why is Gingrich’s attack upon conservative talk radio a non issue among supporters?


Gold Member
May 24, 2009

I am disappointed that Gingrich voting to have the federal government regulating the political content of radio and tv talk shows appears to be a non issue among those who support him when our Constitution declares in crystal clear language that Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Perhaps the majority of today‘s “conservatives” do not recall the1980s and/or listened to radio talk shows back then which had a substantial number of “conservative” talk show hosts who exposed the lies and distortions of a progressive dominated print media. And this drove our progressive pinko crowd up a wall. How dare a “conservative” point of view was allowed to filter through and “control the electronic media”, and effectively be heard by America? Keep in mind at the time the print media was, as is currently the case today, infested with and controlled by un-American progressives. But conservatives finally found their outlet and our un-America progressive crowd was determined to shut it down with the Fairness in Broadcasting Act of 1987, and Gingrich was one of the advocates of this censorship in broadcasting! For a list of the snakes, RINOs and pinko progressives who were in favor of folks in government regulating the political content of radio and tv talk shows, CLICK HERE

Fortunately, President Ronald Reagan vetoed the bill on June 22, 1987 which had passed both Houses, and our pinko progressive’s domination of the print media is today counter balanced by our radio and tv talk media, which could change if progressives get their way! Keep in mind that dictatorships and communist governments exercise the very power which New Gingrich was willing to place in Congress’ hands!

So, has Mr. Gingrich changed his mind on his blatant attack upon our Constitution and freedom of speech? Having listened to Mr. Gingrich before and while he was drummed out of Congress, I don’t believe this snake has changed his ways but rather, is now seeking retribution and will do and say anything to get his finger on the switch. His progressive un-American record is very long and very intentional. He has spat upon our Constitution too many times and repeatedly sold out America in the past for “conservative” Americans to believe his mission is anything other than revenge against those who were not smitten by his “father knows best” attitude while in Congress.

There is still time for conservatives to reconsider and take note of the real Newt Gingrich!


Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me
"There is still time for conservatives to reconsider Gingrich". Anytime you see alleged conservatives post this crap you can bet it is another dirty trick courtesy of the DNC and Soros left wing propaganda machine.

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