Why I’m leaving the Republican Party…and Endorsing President Obama.

Why I’m leaving the Republican Party…and Endorsing President Obama.
by: Jeff Wartman

Full article: Why I’m leaving the Republican Party…and Endorsing President Obama. | Jeff Wartman

I’m leaving the Republican Party. No longer can I say with a clear conscience that the Republican Party is focused on solving problems that will benefit average Americans.

Solving problems is about pragmatically viewing data to decide upon the most effective public policy solutions. Many times, problem solving is the complete opposite of adhering to a rigid political ideology that dictates policy regardless of consequences. Our public servants need to be looking at what has worked, what has not worked, and using those judgments to form policy moving forward. The Republican Party refuses to look at what works and what doesn’t — they simply base policy on whether it fits into a rigid anti-government philosophy, whether it is good policy or not. Essentially, the effectiveness of policy is completely and totally irrelevant to Republicans. Additionally, the Republican Party believes more strongly in obstructing anything that President Obama proposes than in real solutions that would create jobs and help the average American.

Additionally, I have specific grievances with the current “know-nothing” incarnation of the Republican Party:...

Read the entire article at JeffWartman.com Why I’m leaving the Republican Party…and Endorsing President Obama. | Jeff Wartman

Could it be your the 2nd dumbest human being to walk THE FACE OF THE EARTH next to Obummer????
Why I’m leaving the Republican Party…and Endorsing President Obama.
by: Jeff Wartman

Full article: Why I’m leaving the Republican Party…and Endorsing President Obama. | Jeff Wartman

I’m leaving the Republican Party. No longer can I say with a clear conscience that the Republican Party is focused on solving problems that will benefit average Americans.

Solving problems is about pragmatically viewing data to decide upon the most effective public policy solutions. Many times, problem solving is the complete opposite of adhering to a rigid political ideology that dictates policy regardless of consequences. Our public servants need to be looking at what has worked, what has not worked, and using those judgments to form policy moving forward. The Republican Party refuses to look at what works and what doesn’t — they simply base policy on whether it fits into a rigid anti-government philosophy, whether it is good policy or not. Essentially, the effectiveness of policy is completely and totally irrelevant to Republicans. Additionally, the Republican Party believes more strongly in obstructing anything that President Obama proposes than in real solutions that would create jobs and help the average American.

Additionally, I have specific grievances with the current “know-nothing” incarnation of the Republican Party:...

Read the entire article at JeffWartman.com Why I’m leaving the Republican Party…and Endorsing President Obama. | Jeff Wartman

Could it be your the 2nd dumbest human being to walk THE FACE OF THE EARTH next to Obummer????

No, that would be Texas governor Rick Perry.
GDP has been growing since 2009.
The stock market has doubled since 2009.
Americans net worth is up $9 trillion dollars since 2009.
3.2 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
Auto sales are up.
Retail sales are up.
Home sales are up.
Unemployment is down.

GM was saved, and is now the number one automaker in the world.

Bin Laden and Gaddafi are dead, and we are out of Iraq.

Obama has done a very good job.

Stock Market: Good or Evil?

Stock market good.

Ponzi schemes based on derivatives that destroyed the world economy evil.
The federal gubmint wasn't chartered to "solve problems"...Its role is supposed to be the protector of the rights of every individual, to provide a framework of justice when said rights are violated (rather than be the chief violator of them) and maintain the nation's borders.

Also, those who don't want a (reputedly) benevolent nanny state aren't exhibiting any "rigid anti-gubmint philosophy"...The merely want public servants to stay in their box, where they belong.

Strawman fail.

This is fringe thinking. Most Americans don't understand how radical the right wing agenda is. But issue after issue we strike your radical ideas down.

Of course government solves problems. Thru Regulations. Remember back in the day we had a problem. Cars were emitting too much bad emissions. Remember? So the government regulated cars so they had to meet a certain standard.

Problem solved. It cost the car companies to solve this problem, but they wouldn't do it until OUR government told them they must.

Are you a millionaire or a house slave? Do you understand the right wing agenda? They won't shrink government or solve the debt problem. They'll just cut benefits, safety nets, social programs and entitlements that once made it great to live in America. Everything is socialism! This is what the Koch brothers want us to swallow. Herman Cain is their mouthpiece and clearly you are swallowing it. Stop drinking the coolaid! Its tainted. Fox is rotting your middle class brain. Or is it god, gays, racism or guns that got you suckered into voting with the top 1%. Master treat you right up in the house? Well we field slaves have had enough. All over the world revolution is spreading. ENough! The rich have waged class warfare on us. How rich are you really? You got it good enough and don't want to rock the boat?

Want to go somewhere where you pay no taxes? Go to Pakistan. Great place to live I hear.
The federal gubmint wasn't chartered to "solve problems"...Its role is supposed to be the protector of the rights of every individual, to provide a framework of justice when said rights are violated (rather than be the chief violator of them) and maintain the nation's borders.

Also, those who don't want a (reputedly) benevolent nanny state aren't exhibiting any "rigid anti-gubmint philosophy"...The merely want public servants to stay in their box, where they belong.

Strawman fail.

This is fringe thinking. Most Americans don't understand how radical the right wing agenda is. But issue after issue we strike your radical ideas down.

There's no denying that your side is winning. Government continues to expand it's control and influence over all areas of our lives. Congrats!
The federal gubmint wasn't chartered to "solve problems"...Its role is supposed to be the protector of the rights of every individual, to provide a framework of justice when said rights are violated (rather than be the chief violator of them) and maintain the nation's borders.

Also, those who don't want a (reputedly) benevolent nanny state aren't exhibiting any "rigid anti-gubmint philosophy"...The merely want public servants to stay in their box, where they belong.

Strawman fail.

This is fringe thinking. Most Americans don't understand how radical the right wing agenda is. But issue after issue we strike your radical ideas down.

There's no denying that your side is winning. Government continues to expand it's control and influence over all areas of our lives. Congrats!

Not growing enough.

The banks and Wall Street brokers need more reigning in.

Bring back Glass Steagall.
Your concern over same-sex marriage is uninformed and ignorant to say the least. Any state can legalize same-sex marriage. Likewise, any state can define marriage as between one man and one woman. But of course, if you like Barry then you like the federal government DICTATING what they want to. Personally, I believe that it is a state question, just like abortion. If California wants to legalize it, pass legislation that lets the state pay for it, I say GREAT. But I don't want my state involved in providing abortions and I do believe marriage is between one man and one woman.

I guess you are unaware the federal government is very much involved in heterosexual marriage. It officially recognizes it when it comes to inheritance, income taxes, and in many other legal conditions. So same sex marriage will never be equal until it accepted by the federal government and recognized throughout the nation.

Your federal government made marriage a national level issue. Your federal government has been DICTATING what rewards married people get over single people for a very long time.


But the defector in the OP does not seem to be aware that Obama is about as likely to legalize gay marriage as Mitch McConnell is.
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The federal gubmint wasn't chartered to "solve problems"...Its role is supposed to be the protector of the rights of every individual, to provide a framework of justice when said rights are violated (rather than be the chief violator of them) and maintain the nation's borders.

Also, those who don't want a (reputedly) benevolent nanny state aren't exhibiting any "rigid anti-gubmint philosophy"...The merely want public servants to stay in their box, where they belong.

Strawman fail.

This is fringe thinking. Most Americans don't understand how radical the right wing agenda is. But issue after issue we strike your radical ideas down.

There's no denying that your side is winning. Government continues to expand it's control and influence over all areas of our lives. Congrats!
And when Government gets thier control? Losers like this guy will wonder why Gubmint doesn't give them more choice because it doesn't fit with his individual situation...
This is fringe thinking. Most Americans don't understand how radical the right wing agenda is. But issue after issue we strike your radical ideas down.

There's no denying that your side is winning. Government continues to expand it's control and influence over all areas of our lives. Congrats!
And when Government gets thier control? Losers like this guy will wonder why Gubmint doesn't give them more choice because it doesn't fit with his individual situation...

Like what?
This is fringe thinking. Most Americans don't understand how radical the right wing agenda is. But issue after issue we strike your radical ideas down.

There's no denying that your side is winning. Government continues to expand it's control and influence over all areas of our lives. Congrats!

Not growing enough.

The banks and Wall Street brokers need more reigning in.

Bring back Glass Steagall.

Hell yes, get everyone under the yoke. How else will achieve our great national purpose?
This is fringe thinking. Most Americans don't understand how radical the right wing agenda is. But issue after issue we strike your radical ideas down.

There's no denying that your side is winning. Government continues to expand it's control and influence over all areas of our lives. Congrats!

Not growing enough.

The banks and Wall Street brokers need more reigning in.

Bring back Glass Steagall.

Me: Chris, is Wall Street good or evil?
Chris: Yes
There's no denying that your side is winning. Government continues to expand it's control and influence over all areas of our lives. Congrats!
And when Government gets thier control? Losers like this guy will wonder why Gubmint doesn't give them more choice because it doesn't fit with his individual situation...

Like what?
Situations for individuals are infinite. one size does NOT fit all.

Sheep as you FAIL to recognize this fact.
The federal gubmint wasn't chartered to "solve problems"...Its role is supposed to be the protector of the rights of every individual, to provide a framework of justice when said rights are violated (rather than be the chief violator of them) and maintain the nation's borders.

Also, those who don't want a (reputedly) benevolent nanny state aren't exhibiting any "rigid anti-gubmint philosophy"...The merely want public servants to stay in their box, where they belong.

Strawman fail.

This is fringe thinking. Most Americans don't understand how radical the right wing agenda is. But issue after issue we strike your radical ideas down.

There's no denying that your side is winning. Government continues to expand it's control and influence over all areas of our lives. Congrats!

"expand its control and influence over our lives"

Do you hear yourself? Ever consider Rush and Fox and the Koch brothers are brainwashing you with that stuff?

Look at a liberal complaint.

"Oh man, did you hear the government passed a tax break for companies moving their operations overseas? Why would they do that? They should tarriff that company for leaving, not give them tax breaks"

See, very specific.

Stop talking about TOO MANY regulations. What specific regulations are you talking about? Because the corporations want to eliminate a lot of good regulations.

But you guys talk in general terms. As if you are trying to make the word regulation a bad word.

Entitlements!!!! Which ones? Etc.

Bush was spying on your phone calls. Your side defended it. So don't cry about it now. Too late. Now you cry because Obama's in office. Get over it. You opened the gene's bottle.
Government continues to expand it's control and influence over all areas of our lives. Congrats!

So you, too, must agree that the Department of Homeland Security and the recent NDAA are very bad things.

Yep. Biggest reason I can't vote for Obama. Second only to the health care fiasco.

They said the same thing after the New Deal. Anything wrong with Obamacare, they will iron out. But at least we got some reform. Some was better than what Bush gave us. For example, pre existing conditions don't exist anymore. The GOP didn't even want to agree with that. Let people die or go bankrupt. The CEO of Blue Cross needs a boat.

You know what? Its too bad the Insurance Lobbyists and GOP obstructed real healthcare reform. Thanks for reminding me of another reason to not vote GOP. It was on their watch so many people lost their healthcare. The costs went up 200% from 2000-2006 when the GOP ran the entire government.

People want to forget why Obama was elected and why he was pushing for healthcare reform in the first place. As if there wasn't a problem with healthcare before Obama.
You're not a democrat.....

Well, unless you believe the federal government has superiority.

Democrats never did accept the Tenth Amendment

I think the Tenth Amendment is the wedge between the two parties.

Of course back in the days democrats were "federalists."

It hurts my soul these days to hear a progressive "liberal" refer to himself or herself as a "liberal."

Democrats were never liberal......

Democrats err federalists have been opposed to civil liberties since day one....

Right. I'm not a Democrat anymore. Right. I said that.

I feel betrayed by the Democrats shift so far left that there are Communist nations that have a better embrace of Free Enterprise than my former Democrat Party

I've find it funny that guys like FDR and Kennedy were totally obsessed and fearful of communism, yet the modern progressive democrats are nothing but socialists and communists.

Of course they will be the first to to praise JFK or FDR....

Progressives are a joke.... They're fucking tyrants...

I'm not a democrat, however there is little difference between a classical liberal, libertarian, republican or a blue dog....

At least we all acknowledge and respect the constitution...

Progressives have no respect for the constitution or our first Ten Amendments...

Our Constitution to them is nothing more than an "old outdated document." Ironically they continue to point at it when it is convenient to do so...

You do not have an educated understanding of what those terms actually mean.
I am so tired of people pretending to be former Republicans as if that somehow gives themselves some credibility. If your ideas don't have merits on their own, saying you used to be a member of a party doesnt give you any credibility.

I'm an elected member of the party leadership. Clearly, it means a lot more than a keyboard warrior like you.

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