Why I don't have high hopes for Obama

Now look at you Grama....get to bed!!!! :lol:


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In the last 25 years the standard of living has been raised for EVERYONE. No one has seen their standard of living reduced. They have color tvs, air conditioning, microwaves, game consoles and at least one car. As far as standard of living goes, it might never have reached this level of equality of standards between rich and poor before. Now we're talking about degrees. It's the difference between a Chevy and a Ferrari, or an air conditioned, central heated, one bedroom apartment and a 27 room mansion. What we have is not an inequality over standards but envy over the 27 room mansion.

Poverty today is synonymous with squalor and filth which is entirely under the control of the person making the complaint.
Actually, the middle class in the US has decreased while it's rising worldwide.

Middle class - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Recent growth of the global middle class

In February 2009, The Economist announced that over half the world's population now belongs to the middle class, as a result of rapid growth in emerging countries. It characterized the middle class as having a reasonable amount of discretionary income, so that they do not live from hand to mouth as the poor do, and defined it as beginning at the point where people have roughly a third of their income left for discretionary spending after paying for basic food and shelter. This allows people to buy consumer goods, improve their health care, and provide for their children's education. Most of the emerging middle class consists of people who are middle-class by the standards of the developing world but not the rich one, since their money incomes do not match developed country levels, but the percentage of it which is discretionary does. By this definition, the number of middle-class people in Asia exceeded that in the West sometime around 2007 or 2008.[12]
The Economist's article pointed out that in many emerging countries the middle class has not grown incrementally, but explosively. The rapid growth results from the fact that the majority of the people fall into the middle of a right-skewed bell-shaped curve, and when the peak of the population curve crosses the threshold into the middle class, the number of people in the middle class grows enormously. In addition, when the curve crosses the threshold, economic forces cause the bulge to become taller as incomes at that level grow faster than incomes in other ranges. The point at which the poor start entering the middle class by the millions is the time when poor countries get the maximum benefit from cheap labour through international trade, before they price themselves out of world markets for cheap goods. It is also a period of rapid urbanization, when subsistence farmers abandon marginal farms to work in factories, resulting in a several-fold increase in their economic productivity before their wages catch up to international levels. That stage was reached in China some time between 1990 and 2005, when the middle class grew from 15% to 62% of the population, and is just being reached in India now.
The Economist predicted that surge across the poverty line should continue for a couple of decades and the global middle class will grow enormously between now and 2030.
As the American middle class is estimated at approximately 45% of the population,[13][14][15] The Economist's article would put the size of the American middle class below the world average. This difference is due to the extreme difference in definitions between The Economist's and many other models.[discuss]
In 2010, a working paper by the OECD estimated that 1.8 billion people were now members of the global middle class.[16]
For Grandma

Another debunked lie. Social Security is not a ponzi scheme, we pay into our own fund from the time we start working until we retire. We are not paying for someone else

How can I find out how much is in my personal Social Security fund?
Obama is simply not a very bright person. He is unable to tell bad economic advice from a good one, much less to come up with good ideas on his own. He is in permanent state of confusion about the policy issues and that makes him overly cautious.

And that is a problem, because with Republican party so far in the la-la land, there is no one who can tell the truth to Americans.The truth is that if we want to keep Social Security and Medicare afloat we have to rise taxes. The population is aging and new medical treatments and drugs are being invented that can prolong people lives -- but at a cost. So if we want our seniors to live in dignity and have access to modern healthcare, we have to spend a bigger share of our income to finance the social programs.

Another truth is that the advances in technology increase the inequality. The economy was growing in the past 30 years, but the middle class living standards stagnated because all additional economic output is being sent to the top earners. The rich see their living standards rising fast at the expense of the rest. That calls for more wealth redistribution, not less.

After all, the US economy was growing faster in 50s, when the top marginal taxes were at 91%.

Somebody has to tell this to American people, somebody has to challenge the voodoo orthodoxy that has been guiding the US economic policy since Reagan times. I may be wrong, but I have little hopes that Obama will ever become that person. He is just too slow and too timid.

Oh for fucks sake picklehead, americans knew obama was a liar and voted him into a second term americans deserve to be lied to so sit back and watch them get what's coming their way. and laugh right out loud.

I talked to a guy who voted for Obama. I asked him why. He said because Romney had off shore accounts. He also said Romney did nothing in Mass. I asked him what Obama has done,,,,,,crickets could be heard chirping. He also said he now votes for some Republicans, yet he did not name one that He actually did vote for.
For Grandma

Another debunked lie. Social Security is not a ponzi scheme, we pay into our own fund from the time we start working until we retire. We are not paying for someone else

How can I find out how much is in my personal Social Security fund?

Easy. Zero no need to look.
For Grandma

Another debunked lie. Social Security is not a ponzi scheme, we pay into our own fund from the time we start working until we retire. We are not paying for someone else

How can I find out how much is in my personal Social Security fund?

You don't need to know, that's the point! You will be getting the checks from the day you become eligible and until you are dead. And you don't have to worry that you will run out of money.

Those working now pay for their parents and grandparents. Later, their children and grandchildren will pay for them. How that is a Ponzi scheme?
For Grandma

Another debunked lie. Social Security is not a ponzi scheme, we pay into our own fund from the time we start working until we retire. We are not paying for someone else

How can I find out how much is in my personal Social Security fund?

You don't need to know, that's the point! You will be getting the checks from the day you become eligible and until you are dead. And you don't have to worry that you will run out of money.

Those working now pay for their parents and grandparents. Later, their children and grandchildren will pay for them. How that is a Ponzi scheme?

Yes, nothing to see here. :doubt:

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