Why Hillary Will Win (probably)

Hillary will win because Republicans can't fix stupid

They finally get another shot at the White House after eight years and they think their best chance is Trump, Carson and Fiorina

Seeing that Hillary is the Dems front runner democrats can't fix stupid either.
Doesn't seem that way

Hillary is by far the best qualified in the field and the best known. She also has the most money and the best political machine

Nobody in the GOP clown car can touch her
Oh, RW, is it possible that you're confusing Wishes with Reality, in this case?

Hillary rode Bubba's coattails into the Senate rather than attaining the office through a lifetime of public service and lesser legislative roles preparing her for the grander one.

Hillary was given State as a sop for tossing support to Obumble in 2008 rather than through any administrative or leadership ability, and she did not do well in that role.

Hillary and Bubba have been the focus of many scandals of greater or lesser import, and have (so far) played Teflon Don and Donna, evading serious trouble in most cases.

They are, quite possibly, the most corrupt husband-and-wife tag-team ever to soil the American political landscape.

Hillary is a liar, she has been slipping in the polls throughout most of the summer, and she has morphed from Sure-Fire Nominee to Growing Liability, in a single season.

The trouble for Democrats is, that they really don't have anybody else with a similar (former) drawing-power, warming-up in the bullpen; the price of One-Trick-Pony thinking.

It is true, that the Republicans have a Clown Car at present.

The Democrats, unfortunately, have a Single Pony-Cart, and the Pony is hobbling, badly.

And, after (by then) eight years of the Magic Negro and his reputation for arrogant Rule-by-Imperial-Decree and unwanted social re-engineering initiatives...

You(r side; Democrats / Liberals / Leftists) are in deep trouble with the American People...

Worse, you(r side) can't bring themselves to publicly acknowledge it, nor the shallowness of your bullpen...

I think you're in a lot more trouble, and lining-up for a lot bigger downfall and disappointment, than you can (1) bring yourself to believe or (2) bring yourself to publicly admit.

It's entirely possible that I'm wrong, of course, but, objectively speaking, it's not shaping-up that way, at present.

She can't continue to dodge every metaphorical bullet, like she dodged the fallout from her lies about coming under sniper fire in a hot LZ in Bosnia.

Stick a fork in your girl, RW... she's done.
Now who is confusing wishes with reality?

Hillary won the NY Senate seat twice by large margins. That was her name on the ballot
She ran for President and was narrowly defeated by the biggest political phenomenon in fifty years
She was offered the position as Secretary of State as a huge name with an international reputation. She was a twice elected Senator and knew most major world leaders personally

No Republican candidate has anywhere near her experience. If you think so......name one

Now you want experience? I thought being a community organizer was enough. Interesting.

More experience than your reality TV star
...Now who is confusing wishes with reality? Hillary won the NY Senate seat twice by large margins. That was her name on the ballot...
None of that addresses the allegation that Hillary rode Bubba's coattails into the Senate.

...She ran for President and was narrowly defeated by the biggest political phenomenon in fifty years...
Bad luck for her, that her best window-of-opportunity coincided with that phenomenon.

...She was offered the position as Secretary of State as a huge name with an international reputation. She was a twice elected Senator and knew most major world leaders personally...
We must agree to disagree. Not with her reputation nor acquaintances, but with the primary motivation for her appointment.

...No Republican candidate has anywhere near her experience. If you think so......name one
I can't.

The trouble for you is, that the American People are sick-and-tired of Government-As-Usual.

You(r side) had no trouble in overlooking Obumble's lack of managerial and governing experience in 2008, yet now you hope to rely upon 'experience'.


And funny.

In a situation where Government-As-Usual has become anathema... experience - and association with corrupt personages and practices - is probably a fatal liability.

With confidence in the Presidency and the Congress at a very low ebb, and with confidence in Hillary's trustworthiness quickly tumbling into the cellar, you're on the ropes.

The question is... can you... and will you... recognize the grave liability that Hillary has become, and take effective corrective measures, before it's too late?

Given the 'circling-of-the-wagons' that you and other (perceived) Democrats engage-in, when Hillary is under fire... sadly, I don't think you've got it in you, this season.

Not so much out of any deficit of ability, but because of the shallowness of your bullpen, this time around.

But... you're all grown-ups, and can make your own decisions, and you can engage in as much self-delusion as you like, while the rest of us shake our heads in bewilderment.

So be it.
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Seeing that Hillary is the Dems front runner democrats can't fix stupid either.
Doesn't seem that way

Hillary is by far the best qualified in the field and the best known. She also has the most money and the best political machine

Nobody in the GOP clown car can touch her
Oh, RW, is it possible that you're confusing Wishes with Reality, in this case?

Hillary rode Bubba's coattails into the Senate rather than attaining the office through a lifetime of public service and lesser legislative roles preparing her for the grander one.

Hillary was given State as a sop for tossing support to Obumble in 2008 rather than through any administrative or leadership ability, and she did not do well in that role.

Hillary and Bubba have been the focus of many scandals of greater or lesser import, and have (so far) played Teflon Don and Donna, evading serious trouble in most cases.

They are, quite possibly, the most corrupt husband-and-wife tag-team ever to soil the American political landscape.

Hillary is a liar, she has been slipping in the polls throughout most of the summer, and she has morphed from Sure-Fire Nominee to Growing Liability, in a single season.

The trouble for Democrats is, that they really don't have anybody else with a similar (former) drawing-power, warming-up in the bullpen; the price of One-Trick-Pony thinking.

It is true, that the Republicans have a Clown Car at present.

The Democrats, unfortunately, have a Single Pony-Cart, and the Pony is hobbling, badly.

And, after (by then) eight years of the Magic Negro and his reputation for arrogant Rule-by-Imperial-Decree and unwanted social re-engineering initiatives...

You(r side; Democrats / Liberals / Leftists) are in deep trouble with the American People...

Worse, you(r side) can't bring themselves to publicly acknowledge it, nor the shallowness of your bullpen...

I think you're in a lot more trouble, and lining-up for a lot bigger downfall and disappointment, than you can (1) bring yourself to believe or (2) bring yourself to publicly admit.

It's entirely possible that I'm wrong, of course, but, objectively speaking, it's not shaping-up that way, at present.

She can't continue to dodge every metaphorical bullet, like she dodged the fallout from her lies about coming under sniper fire in a hot LZ in Bosnia.

Stick a fork in your girl, RW... she's done.
Now who is confusing wishes with reality?

Hillary won the NY Senate seat twice by large margins. That was her name on the ballot
She ran for President and was narrowly defeated by the biggest political phenomenon in fifty years
She was offered the position as Secretary of State as a huge name with an international reputation. She was a twice elected Senator and knew most major world leaders personally

No Republican candidate has anywhere near her experience. If you think so......name one

Now you want experience? I thought being a community organizer was enough. Interesting.

More experience than your reality TV star

How is he my reality TV star? I'd vote him over Hillary but not too many others.

I find the Democrats inconsistency amusing. Eights years ago experience was over rated. Now it is a must. LOL!
One smart thing the GOP did was limit the number of debates. On the surface, at least, this was smart because it gives the whackjob candidacies of Cruz and Paul less official forums to announce their positions. Contrary to the belief that the Parties pick the candidtes; they actually have very little authority over them let alone control what they say. The flip side is that the urge to make a "big splash" may be too great for either of them to understand. Those who are looking to put their marker down somewhere between the hard right and the moderate right are probably the most dangerous.

Every karem to or pander toward the hard right forces the eventual nominee to move in that direction. This will, of course, hamstring him in the general election when the enevitable move back to the center has to be made.

The reason Hillary will win is because no such force sits to her left which would force her to react in such an irrational manner. Also, if such a force were to materialize, there would still be no need for Clinton to make the move; the voters on the hard left will be there for her in November. If we learned anything from 2012 it is that the hard right will abandon a GOP candidate that is seen as not willing to carry their water and message.

Obama fatigue and the ocassional flub (if they are ocassional) and tactical mis-step of the Clinton campaign will play a role as well but there shouldn't be enough of them to swing the election.

She isn't a shoo-in for the Presidency; there is still a long way to go. But it would be hard to imagine a better set-up for Secretary Clinton than what has happened in the last few weeks with Cruz, Paul and Rubio entering the race

She will win because too many Americans don't pay attention to truth and reality, and have spent 12 years being indoctrinated in democrat run schools...and some go on to 4 more years of intense indoctrination in college.
One smart thing the GOP did was limit the number of debates. On the surface, at least, this was smart because it gives the whackjob candidacies of Cruz and Paul less official forums to announce their positions. Contrary to the belief that the Parties pick the candidtes; they actually have very little authority over them let alone control what they say. The flip side is that the urge to make a "big splash" may be too great for either of them to understand. Those who are looking to put their marker down somewhere between the hard right and the moderate right are probably the most dangerous.

Every karem to or pander toward the hard right forces the eventual nominee to move in that direction. This will, of course, hamstring him in the general election when the enevitable move back to the center has to be made.

The reason Hillary will win is because no such force sits to her left which would force her to react in such an irrational manner. Also, if such a force were to materialize, there would still be no need for Clinton to make the move; the voters on the hard left will be there for her in November. If we learned anything from 2012 it is that the hard right will abandon a GOP candidate that is seen as not willing to carry their water and message.

Obama fatigue and the ocassional flub (if they are ocassional) and tactical mis-step of the Clinton campaign will play a role as well but there shouldn't be enough of them to swing the election.

She isn't a shoo-in for the Presidency; there is still a long way to go. But it would be hard to imagine a better set-up for Secretary Clinton than what has happened in the last few weeks with Cruz, Paul and Rubio entering the race

She will win because too many Americans don't pay attention to truth and reality, and have spent 12 years being indoctrinated in democrat run schools...and some go on to 4 more years of intense indoctrination in college.
You forgot to mention free stuff.......don't forget the free stuff
One smart thing the GOP did was limit the number of debates. On the surface, at least, this was smart because it gives the whackjob candidacies of Cruz and Paul less official forums to announce their positions. Contrary to the belief that the Parties pick the candidtes; they actually have very little authority over them let alone control what they say. The flip side is that the urge to make a "big splash" may be too great for either of them to understand. Those who are looking to put their marker down somewhere between the hard right and the moderate right are probably the most dangerous.

Every karem to or pander toward the hard right forces the eventual nominee to move in that direction. This will, of course, hamstring him in the general election when the enevitable move back to the center has to be made.

The reason Hillary will win is because no such force sits to her left which would force her to react in such an irrational manner. Also, if such a force were to materialize, there would still be no need for Clinton to make the move; the voters on the hard left will be there for her in November. If we learned anything from 2012 it is that the hard right will abandon a GOP candidate that is seen as not willing to carry their water and message.

Obama fatigue and the ocassional flub (if they are ocassional) and tactical mis-step of the Clinton campaign will play a role as well but there shouldn't be enough of them to swing the election.

She isn't a shoo-in for the Presidency; there is still a long way to go. But it would be hard to imagine a better set-up for Secretary Clinton than what has happened in the last few weeks with Cruz, Paul and Rubio entering the race

She will win because too many Americans don't pay attention to truth and reality, and have spent 12 years being indoctrinated in democrat run schools...and some go on to 4 more years of intense indoctrination in college.
You forgot to mention free stuff.......don't forget the free stuff

Yeah....there is always that..you can't fight Santa Claus or in this case Mrs. Claus......
One smart thing the GOP did was limit the number of debates. On the surface, at least, this was smart because it gives the whackjob candidacies of Cruz and Paul less official forums to announce their positions. Contrary to the belief that the Parties pick the candidtes; they actually have very little authority over them let alone control what they say. The flip side is that the urge to make a "big splash" may be too great for either of them to understand. Those who are looking to put their marker down somewhere between the hard right and the moderate right are probably the most dangerous.

Every karem to or pander toward the hard right forces the eventual nominee to move in that direction. This will, of course, hamstring him in the general election when the enevitable move back to the center has to be made.

The reason Hillary will win is because no such force sits to her left which would force her to react in such an irrational manner. Also, if such a force were to materialize, there would still be no need for Clinton to make the move; the voters on the hard left will be there for her in November. If we learned anything from 2012 it is that the hard right will abandon a GOP candidate that is seen as not willing to carry their water and message.

Obama fatigue and the ocassional flub (if they are ocassional) and tactical mis-step of the Clinton campaign will play a role as well but there shouldn't be enough of them to swing the election.

She isn't a shoo-in for the Presidency; there is still a long way to go. But it would be hard to imagine a better set-up for Secretary Clinton than what has happened in the last few weeks with Cruz, Paul and Rubio entering the race

She will win because too many Americans don't pay attention to truth and reality, and have spent 12 years being indoctrinated in democrat run schools...and some go on to 4 more years of intense indoctrination in college.
You forgot to mention free stuff.......don't forget the free stuff

Yeah....there is always that..you can't fight Santa Claus or in this case Mrs. Claus......


Don't forget low information voters
One smart thing the GOP did was limit the number of debates. On the surface, at least, this was smart because it gives the whackjob candidacies of Cruz and Paul less official forums to announce their positions. Contrary to the belief that the Parties pick the candidtes; they actually have very little authority over them let alone control what they say. The flip side is that the urge to make a "big splash" may be too great for either of them to understand. Those who are looking to put their marker down somewhere between the hard right and the moderate right are probably the most dangerous.

Every karem to or pander toward the hard right forces the eventual nominee to move in that direction. This will, of course, hamstring him in the general election when the enevitable move back to the center has to be made.

The reason Hillary will win is because no such force sits to her left which would force her to react in such an irrational manner. Also, if such a force were to materialize, there would still be no need for Clinton to make the move; the voters on the hard left will be there for her in November. If we learned anything from 2012 it is that the hard right will abandon a GOP candidate that is seen as not willing to carry their water and message.

Obama fatigue and the ocassional flub (if they are ocassional) and tactical mis-step of the Clinton campaign will play a role as well but there shouldn't be enough of them to swing the election.

She isn't a shoo-in for the Presidency; there is still a long way to go. But it would be hard to imagine a better set-up for Secretary Clinton than what has happened in the last few weeks with Cruz, Paul and Rubio entering the race

She will win because too many Americans don't pay attention to truth and reality, and have spent 12 years being indoctrinated in democrat run schools...and some go on to 4 more years of intense indoctrination in college.
You forgot to mention free stuff.......don't forget the free stuff

Yeah....there is always that..you can't fight Santa Claus or in this case Mrs. Claus......


Don't forget low information voters

You mean democrats...sure, them too.....
One smart thing the GOP did was limit the number of debates. On the surface, at least, this was smart because it gives the whackjob candidacies of Cruz and Paul less official forums to announce their positions. Contrary to the belief that the Parties pick the candidtes; they actually have very little authority over them let alone control what they say. The flip side is that the urge to make a "big splash" may be too great for either of them to understand. Those who are looking to put their marker down somewhere between the hard right and the moderate right are probably the most dangerous.

Every karem to or pander toward the hard right forces the eventual nominee to move in that direction. This will, of course, hamstring him in the general election when the enevitable move back to the center has to be made.

The reason Hillary will win is because no such force sits to her left which would force her to react in such an irrational manner. Also, if such a force were to materialize, there would still be no need for Clinton to make the move; the voters on the hard left will be there for her in November. If we learned anything from 2012 it is that the hard right will abandon a GOP candidate that is seen as not willing to carry their water and message.

Obama fatigue and the ocassional flub (if they are ocassional) and tactical mis-step of the Clinton campaign will play a role as well but there shouldn't be enough of them to swing the election.

She isn't a shoo-in for the Presidency; there is still a long way to go. But it would be hard to imagine a better set-up for Secretary Clinton than what has happened in the last few weeks with Cruz, Paul and Rubio entering the race

She will win because too many Americans don't pay attention to truth and reality, and have spent 12 years being indoctrinated in democrat run schools...and some go on to 4 more years of intense indoctrination in college.

In 30 states, the GOP runs the schools. In the same number of states, the GOP usually appoints the people who run the State colleges.

You are, as always, lying.
Doesn't seem that way

Hillary is by far the best qualified in the field and the best known. She also has the most money and the best political machine

Nobody in the GOP clown car can touch her
Oh, RW, is it possible that you're confusing Wishes with Reality, in this case?

Hillary rode Bubba's coattails into the Senate rather than attaining the office through a lifetime of public service and lesser legislative roles preparing her for the grander one.

Hillary was given State as a sop for tossing support to Obumble in 2008 rather than through any administrative or leadership ability, and she did not do well in that role.

Hillary and Bubba have been the focus of many scandals of greater or lesser import, and have (so far) played Teflon Don and Donna, evading serious trouble in most cases.

They are, quite possibly, the most corrupt husband-and-wife tag-team ever to soil the American political landscape.

Hillary is a liar, she has been slipping in the polls throughout most of the summer, and she has morphed from Sure-Fire Nominee to Growing Liability, in a single season.

The trouble for Democrats is, that they really don't have anybody else with a similar (former) drawing-power, warming-up in the bullpen; the price of One-Trick-Pony thinking.

It is true, that the Republicans have a Clown Car at present.

The Democrats, unfortunately, have a Single Pony-Cart, and the Pony is hobbling, badly.

And, after (by then) eight years of the Magic Negro and his reputation for arrogant Rule-by-Imperial-Decree and unwanted social re-engineering initiatives...

You(r side; Democrats / Liberals / Leftists) are in deep trouble with the American People...

Worse, you(r side) can't bring themselves to publicly acknowledge it, nor the shallowness of your bullpen...

I think you're in a lot more trouble, and lining-up for a lot bigger downfall and disappointment, than you can (1) bring yourself to believe or (2) bring yourself to publicly admit.

It's entirely possible that I'm wrong, of course, but, objectively speaking, it's not shaping-up that way, at present.

She can't continue to dodge every metaphorical bullet, like she dodged the fallout from her lies about coming under sniper fire in a hot LZ in Bosnia.

Stick a fork in your girl, RW... she's done.
Now who is confusing wishes with reality?

Hillary won the NY Senate seat twice by large margins. That was her name on the ballot
She ran for President and was narrowly defeated by the biggest political phenomenon in fifty years
She was offered the position as Secretary of State as a huge name with an international reputation. She was a twice elected Senator and knew most major world leaders personally

No Republican candidate has anywhere near her experience. If you think so......name one

Now you want experience? I thought being a community organizer was enough. Interesting.

More experience than your reality TV star

How is he my reality TV star? I'd vote him over Hillary but not too many others.

I find the Democrats inconsistency amusing. Eights years ago experience was over rated. Now it is a must. LOL!

Well, Obama was in the Illinois Legislature and elected as US Senator.
So yes, Obama had more experience than a reality TV Start. That you are so ignorant of history is consistently amusing. LOL!
Oh, RW, is it possible that you're confusing Wishes with Reality, in this case?

Hillary rode Bubba's coattails into the Senate rather than attaining the office through a lifetime of public service and lesser legislative roles preparing her for the grander one.

Hillary was given State as a sop for tossing support to Obumble in 2008 rather than through any administrative or leadership ability, and she did not do well in that role.

Hillary and Bubba have been the focus of many scandals of greater or lesser import, and have (so far) played Teflon Don and Donna, evading serious trouble in most cases.

They are, quite possibly, the most corrupt husband-and-wife tag-team ever to soil the American political landscape.

Hillary is a liar, she has been slipping in the polls throughout most of the summer, and she has morphed from Sure-Fire Nominee to Growing Liability, in a single season.

The trouble for Democrats is, that they really don't have anybody else with a similar (former) drawing-power, warming-up in the bullpen; the price of One-Trick-Pony thinking.

It is true, that the Republicans have a Clown Car at present.

The Democrats, unfortunately, have a Single Pony-Cart, and the Pony is hobbling, badly.

And, after (by then) eight years of the Magic Negro and his reputation for arrogant Rule-by-Imperial-Decree and unwanted social re-engineering initiatives...

You(r side; Democrats / Liberals / Leftists) are in deep trouble with the American People...

Worse, you(r side) can't bring themselves to publicly acknowledge it, nor the shallowness of your bullpen...

I think you're in a lot more trouble, and lining-up for a lot bigger downfall and disappointment, than you can (1) bring yourself to believe or (2) bring yourself to publicly admit.

It's entirely possible that I'm wrong, of course, but, objectively speaking, it's not shaping-up that way, at present.

She can't continue to dodge every metaphorical bullet, like she dodged the fallout from her lies about coming under sniper fire in a hot LZ in Bosnia.

Stick a fork in your girl, RW... she's done.
Now who is confusing wishes with reality?

Hillary won the NY Senate seat twice by large margins. That was her name on the ballot
She ran for President and was narrowly defeated by the biggest political phenomenon in fifty years
She was offered the position as Secretary of State as a huge name with an international reputation. She was a twice elected Senator and knew most major world leaders personally

No Republican candidate has anywhere near her experience. If you think so......name one

Now you want experience? I thought being a community organizer was enough. Interesting.

More experience than your reality TV star

How is he my reality TV star? I'd vote him over Hillary but not too many others.

I find the Democrats inconsistency amusing. Eights years ago experience was over rated. Now it is a must. LOL!

Well, Obama was in the Illinois Legislature and elected as US Senator.
So yes, Obama had more experience than a reality TV Start. That you are so ignorant of history is consistently amusing. LOL!
With a lackluster, do-nothing, nobody-caliber track record in both chambers.

Trump has the advantage of having built a financial empire.

Not that I want Trump in the White House, but...

If it's a choice between a Never-Did-Anything and Did-Lots-in-the-Private-Sector, well...
Oh, RW, is it possible that you're confusing Wishes with Reality, in this case?

Hillary rode Bubba's coattails into the Senate rather than attaining the office through a lifetime of public service and lesser legislative roles preparing her for the grander one.

Hillary was given State as a sop for tossing support to Obumble in 2008 rather than through any administrative or leadership ability, and she did not do well in that role.

Hillary and Bubba have been the focus of many scandals of greater or lesser import, and have (so far) played Teflon Don and Donna, evading serious trouble in most cases.

They are, quite possibly, the most corrupt husband-and-wife tag-team ever to soil the American political landscape.

Hillary is a liar, she has been slipping in the polls throughout most of the summer, and she has morphed from Sure-Fire Nominee to Growing Liability, in a single season.

The trouble for Democrats is, that they really don't have anybody else with a similar (former) drawing-power, warming-up in the bullpen; the price of One-Trick-Pony thinking.

It is true, that the Republicans have a Clown Car at present.

The Democrats, unfortunately, have a Single Pony-Cart, and the Pony is hobbling, badly.

And, after (by then) eight years of the Magic Negro and his reputation for arrogant Rule-by-Imperial-Decree and unwanted social re-engineering initiatives...

You(r side; Democrats / Liberals / Leftists) are in deep trouble with the American People...

Worse, you(r side) can't bring themselves to publicly acknowledge it, nor the shallowness of your bullpen...

I think you're in a lot more trouble, and lining-up for a lot bigger downfall and disappointment, than you can (1) bring yourself to believe or (2) bring yourself to publicly admit.

It's entirely possible that I'm wrong, of course, but, objectively speaking, it's not shaping-up that way, at present.

She can't continue to dodge every metaphorical bullet, like she dodged the fallout from her lies about coming under sniper fire in a hot LZ in Bosnia.

Stick a fork in your girl, RW... she's done.
Now who is confusing wishes with reality?

Hillary won the NY Senate seat twice by large margins. That was her name on the ballot
She ran for President and was narrowly defeated by the biggest political phenomenon in fifty years
She was offered the position as Secretary of State as a huge name with an international reputation. She was a twice elected Senator and knew most major world leaders personally

No Republican candidate has anywhere near her experience. If you think so......name one

Now you want experience? I thought being a community organizer was enough. Interesting.

More experience than your reality TV star

How is he my reality TV star? I'd vote him over Hillary but not too many others.

I find the Democrats inconsistency amusing. Eights years ago experience was over rated. Now it is a must. LOL!

Well, Obama was in the Illinois Legislature and elected as US Senator.
So yes, Obama had more experience than a reality TV Start. That you are so ignorant of history is consistently amusing. LOL!

Ok, no real experience. As far as Trump, he is a property mogul. The fact you twist shit proves how dishonest you are.
Now who is confusing wishes with reality?

Hillary won the NY Senate seat twice by large margins. That was her name on the ballot
She ran for President and was narrowly defeated by the biggest political phenomenon in fifty years
She was offered the position as Secretary of State as a huge name with an international reputation. She was a twice elected Senator and knew most major world leaders personally

No Republican candidate has anywhere near her experience. If you think so......name one

Now you want experience? I thought being a community organizer was enough. Interesting.

More experience than your reality TV star

How is he my reality TV star? I'd vote him over Hillary but not too many others.

I find the Democrats inconsistency amusing. Eights years ago experience was over rated. Now it is a must. LOL!

Well, Obama was in the Illinois Legislature and elected as US Senator.
So yes, Obama had more experience than a reality TV Start. That you are so ignorant of history is consistently amusing. LOL!

Ok, no real experience. As far as Trump, he is a property mogul. The fact you twist shit proves how dishonest you are.
Trump is a reality TV Star and runs beauty pageants

Presidential material for Conservatives
Now you want experience? I thought being a community organizer was enough. Interesting.

More experience than your reality TV star

How is he my reality TV star? I'd vote him over Hillary but not too many others.

I find the Democrats inconsistency amusing. Eights years ago experience was over rated. Now it is a must. LOL!

Well, Obama was in the Illinois Legislature and elected as US Senator.
So yes, Obama had more experience than a reality TV Start. That you are so ignorant of history is consistently amusing. LOL!

Ok, no real experience. As far as Trump, he is a property mogul. The fact you twist shit proves how dishonest you are.
Trump is a reality TV Star and runs beauty pageants

Presidential material for Conservatives

And a real estate mogul, he owns the beauty pageants, something Hillary could never get close to. He also runs many other companies. Hillary only knows how to illegally siphon money into her foundation.
Now who is confusing wishes with reality?

Hillary won the NY Senate seat twice by large margins. That was her name on the ballot
She ran for President and was narrowly defeated by the biggest political phenomenon in fifty years
She was offered the position as Secretary of State as a huge name with an international reputation. She was a twice elected Senator and knew most major world leaders personally

No Republican candidate has anywhere near her experience. If you think so......name one

Now you want experience? I thought being a community organizer was enough. Interesting.

More experience than your reality TV star

How is he my reality TV star? I'd vote him over Hillary but not too many others.

I find the Democrats inconsistency amusing. Eights years ago experience was over rated. Now it is a must. LOL!

Well, Obama was in the Illinois Legislature and elected as US Senator.
So yes, Obama had more experience than a reality TV Start. That you are so ignorant of history is consistently amusing. LOL!

Ok, no real experience. As far as Trump, he is a property mogul. The fact you twist shit proves how dishonest you are.


Obama held political office. Hence experience.
Trump has not. Hence no experience.

Christ, I hope you're just pretending to be this dense.
Now you want experience? I thought being a community organizer was enough. Interesting.

More experience than your reality TV star

How is he my reality TV star? I'd vote him over Hillary but not too many others.

I find the Democrats inconsistency amusing. Eights years ago experience was over rated. Now it is a must. LOL!

Well, Obama was in the Illinois Legislature and elected as US Senator.
So yes, Obama had more experience than a reality TV Start. That you are so ignorant of history is consistently amusing. LOL!

Ok, no real experience. As far as Trump, he is a property mogul. The fact you twist shit proves how dishonest you are.


Obama held political office. Hence experience.
Trump has not. Hence no experience.

Christ, I hope you're just pretending to be this dense.

Experience is gained in many ways, and some learn like myself and Trump and Biden and others never learn, like you, Obama and Hillary.
More experience than your reality TV star

How is he my reality TV star? I'd vote him over Hillary but not too many others.

I find the Democrats inconsistency amusing. Eights years ago experience was over rated. Now it is a must. LOL!

Well, Obama was in the Illinois Legislature and elected as US Senator.
So yes, Obama had more experience than a reality TV Start. That you are so ignorant of history is consistently amusing. LOL!

Ok, no real experience. As far as Trump, he is a property mogul. The fact you twist shit proves how dishonest you are.


Obama held political office. Hence experience.
Trump has not. Hence no experience.

Christ, I hope you're just pretending to be this dense.

Experience is gained in many ways, and some learn like myself and Trump and Biden and others never learn, like you, Obama and Hillary.

And some never learn at all...like you.
Yes, children......

This is going to be a fun election to watch

Hillary wins the WH

The democrats with the senate.

The GOP keeps the house.

It will be SSDD
Hillary Clinton's ONLY hope of winning the nomination is if DONALD TRUMP is the Republican Nominee.

She would would tear him to shreds in any debate. He doesn't know Jack Shit.
Donald Trump: Asking who terrorists are is 'ridiculous' - CNNPolitics.com

One smart thing the GOP did was limit the number of debates. On the surface, at least, this was smart because it gives the whackjob candidacies of Cruz and Paul less official forums to announce their positions. Contrary to the belief that the Parties pick the candidtes; they actually have very little authority over them let alone control what they say. The flip side is that the urge to make a "big splash" may be too great for either of them to understand. Those who are looking to put their marker down somewhere between the hard right and the moderate right are probably the most dangerous.

Every karem to or pander toward the hard right forces the eventual nominee to move in that direction. This will, of course, hamstring him in the general election when the enevitable move back to the center has to be made.

The reason Hillary will win is because no such force sits to her left which would force her to react in such an irrational manner. Also, if such a force were to materialize, there would still be no need for Clinton to make the move; the voters on the hard left will be there for her in November. If we learned anything from 2012 it is that the hard right will abandon a GOP candidate that is seen as not willing to carry their water and message.

Obama fatigue and the ocassional flub (if they are ocassional) and tactical mis-step of the Clinton campaign will play a role as well but there shouldn't be enough of them to swing the election.

She isn't a shoo-in for the Presidency; there is still a long way to go. But it would be hard to imagine a better set-up for Secretary Clinton than what has happened in the last few weeks with Cruz, Paul and Rubio entering the race

She will win because too many Americans don't pay attention to truth and reality, and have spent 12 years being indoctrinated in democrat run schools...and some go on to 4 more years of intense indoctrination in college.

In 30 states, the GOP runs the schools. In the same number of states, the GOP usually appoints the people who run the State colleges.

You are, as always, lying.
rofl... what a dumb ass you are.

The governor usually appoints the head of the education agency. The same voters that elected a GOP governor vote for school boards.

The GOP owns the schools in 30 states. It's that simple--so why can't you understand it?

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