Why Haven't Dogs Evolved?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
They have been subjected to intense genetic specialization for 5,000 years, resulting in the greatest intraspecies variation in Earth's history. Despite a 100X size disparity, a Great Dane and a Chihuahua can still (theoretically) mate. Why? Because they are both still DOGS.

Can someone explain why they haven't evolved into different species?
5,000 years is 1/4 of a sneeze in evolutionary terms, barring extremely radical climate shift.
Dogs are a result of intelligent design

With the intelligence being man
Because the evolution heresy is false.

by the tenants of that "theory", a dog would have grown a nose that acts as an extra limb to reach leaves on the higher branches.
Because the evolution heresy is false.

by the tenants of that "theory", a dog would have grown a nose that acts as an extra limb to reach leaves on the higher branches.
Then how do you explain a lion and a tiger? And please, don't give us that "they are the same kind" bullshit. That is so ridiculous.
In this day and age of science and technology, how can right wingers be so profoundly ignorant? It has to be from extreme determination. Is it any surprise business wants immigrants over them?
Because the evolution heresy is false.

by the tenants of that "theory", a dog would have grown a nose that acts as an extra limb to reach leaves on the higher branches.
Then how do you explain a lion and a tiger? And please, don't give us that "they are the same kind" bullshit. That is so ridiculous.
They can interbreed. God made it so, when he designed them.
I've had a change of heart since participating on USMB for seven years.

I absolutely believe that some of the folks here are indeed the descendants of monkeys.
Anyway, to answer the question, dogs have evolved...Woo hoo, a twofer, evolution and climate change!

Dog Ancestors Evolved From Mongoose-Like Forest Dwellers


The first canines emerged in North America, where climate change transformed them from mongoose-like forest dwellers into pursuit-and-pounce predators, new research finds.

The discovery adds to the growing body of evidence that climate change dramatically affects the evolution of both predators and their prey.

“It’s reinforcing the idea that predators may be as directly sensitive to climate and habitat as herbivores,” co-author Christine Janis, a professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at Brown University, said in a press release. “Although this seems logical, it hadn’t been demonstrated before.”
They have been subjected to intense genetic specialization for 5,000 years, resulting in the greatest intraspecies variation in Earth's history. Despite a 100X size disparity, a Great Dane and a Chihuahua can still (theoretically) mate. Why? Because they are both still DOGS.

Can someone explain why they haven't evolved into different species?

As I understand it, all the modern breeds of dogs are the result of human manipulation and breeding to heightened various desired traits or suppress others. All came from wolves originally.

Plus, the human-guided evolution isn't long enough to see naturally occuring evolution. At most, we've had 'dogs' proper a few thousand years. That's not nearly enough time for evolution to do its thing.
without humans intervention all dogs would be brownish middle sized mutts with ......a curled tail......no clue dont ask me....must be the dominant gene....but yea a curled tail....
They have been subjected to intense genetic specialization for 5,000 years, resulting in the greatest intraspecies variation in Earth's history. Despite a 100X size disparity, a Great Dane and a Chihuahua can still (theoretically) mate. Why? Because they are both still DOGS.

Can someone explain why they haven't evolved into different species?

That's not how heredity and genetics work.
No matter how much you breed canids, you'll never get anything other than a canid. They won't "evolve" into another species.

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