Why have there not been successful peace negotiations?

The Palestinian can talk about " International Law" all he wants . Even the Arab League concedes that Israel is never going to allow " Right of Return" which would destroy the Jewish State and annex Israel to " Palestine. "

Why wouldn't it?
Its the right thing to do. Just because Israel wants their farms and lands it doesn't mean it deserves them.

For example, Israel is still getting money as reparations for acts against individuals in WWII. Individuals are still getting back artwork, which was stolen from their families in WWII, and which have since been circulated on the world market.

It seems to me that unless Israel will find a way to compensate these families for what it stole, it will have to return the land. The long arm of the law will catch up with it.

So you don't think the Jews who lost their land, businesses and other assets in the other Middle East countries shouldn't be compensated. I once read that it would be 10 to 1 in favor of the Jews when it came to money paid out. Say perhaps you can suggest to the Iranian government to pay out for all the property that Jews and Muslims lost when those crazies came into power. One Iranian was telling me once about this huge apartment building he had to leave behind.
Abbas is a well intentioned man but has no mandate to negotiate, his presidential term ended years ago and remains in the position only because Israel controls when the Palestinian can hold elections.

Hamas won the elections both in Gaza & the West Bank and before Castlead there was plenty of indication of a change of heart, "The Charter is not the Koran, cast in stone" as Hamas made the transition from political party looking after their members interests to ruling party representing all Palestinians. They even had made acknowledged inroads in reigning in attacks on Israel. Of course Castlead, started by Israel breeching the ceasefire, ruined that avenue of progress and that was entirely Israel's intent.

When Arafat's Fatah were in power Israel blamed them for any attack by Hamas and now that Hamas are in power (or at least hold the mandate) Israel now blame Hamas for any attack by Fatah. By this deception Israel claim they have no partner in peace to negotiate with when the reality is they don't want one. It is more true to say the Palestinians have no partner in peace.

Israel's dissolution remains the only avenue for peace. I've only ever acquiesed to the the two state solution because it seemed the Palestinians would but I remain convinced that a one state solution is the only way forward, a state where each man (or woman) has an equal vote, where each man (or woman) is treated equally regardless of race, religion or creed. The two state solution, should it ever be achieved, still leaves the world with an odius apartheid state that respects neither international law, Geneva Conventions or human rights.
Abbas is a well intentioned man but has no mandate to negotiate, his presidential term ended years ago and remains in the position only because Israel controls when the Palestinian can hold elections.

Hamas won the elections both in Gaza & the West Bank and before Castlead there was plenty of indication of a change of heart, "The Charter is not the Koran, cast in stone" as Hamas made the transition from political party looking after their members interests to ruling party representing all Palestinians. They even had made acknowledged inroads in reigning in attacks on Israel. Of course Castlead, started by Israel breeching the ceasefire, ruined that avenue of progress and that was entirely Israel's intent.

When Arafat's Fatah were in power Israel blamed them for any attack by Hamas and now that Hamas are in power (or at least hold the mandate) Israel now blame Hamas for any attack by Fatah. By this deception Israel claim they have no partner in peace to negotiate with when the reality is they don't want one. It is more true to say the Palestinians have no partner in peace.

Israel's dissolution remains the only avenue for peace. I've only ever acquiesed to the the two state solution because it seemed the Palestinians would but I remain convinced that a one state solution is the only way forward, a state where each man (or woman) has an equal vote, where each man (or woman) is treated equally regardless of race, religion or creed. The two state solution, should it ever be achieved, still leaves the world with an odius apartheid state that respects neither international law, Geneva Conventions or human rights.

nice propaganda. perhaps an actual basis in reality would help you.

you're dismissed. like the other pal apologists.
The Palestinian can talk about " International Law" all he wants . Even the Arab League concedes that Israel is never going to allow " Right of Return" which would destroy the Jewish State and annex Israel to " Palestine. "

Why wouldn't it?
Its the right thing to do. Just because Israel wants their farms and lands it doesn't mean it deserves them.

For example, Israel is still getting money as reparations for acts against individuals in WWII. Individuals are still getting back artwork, which was stolen from their families in WWII, and which have since been circulated on the world market.

It seems to me that unless Israel will find a way to compensate these families for what it stole, it will have to return the land. The long arm of the law will catch up with it.

So you don't think the Jews who lost their land, businesses and other assets in the other Middle East countries shouldn't be compensated. I once read that it would be 10 to 1 in favor of the Jews when it came to money paid out. Say perhaps you can suggest to the Iranian government to pay out for all the property that Jews and Muslims lost when those crazies came into power. One Iranian was telling me once about this huge apartment building he had to leave behind.

Its your whataboutism raising its ugly head again Sally.

Palestinians who have been robbed will have to be compensated, or their property returned, by Israel. There is no case that because others may have been robbed, the Palestinians lose any rights to their property.
How can the so called peace process succeed? They keep repeating the same narrative over and over since it failed in 1937.

and hate mongers have been spouting the same rhetoric and libel since 1918, actually long than that

Really? Like what?

Pogrom Name
Alternative Name(s)

Alexandrian pogrom (name disputed)[a]
Alexandrian riots
Aulus Avilius Flaccus, the Egyptian prefect of Alexandria appointed by Tiberius in 32 CE, may have encouraged the outbreak of violence; Philo wrote that Flaccus was later arrested and eventually executed for his part in this event. Scholarly research around the subject has been divided on certain points, including whether the Alexandrian Jews fought to keep their citizenship or to acquire it, whether they evaded the payment of the poll-tax or prevented any attempts to impose it on them, and whether they were safeguarding their identity against the Greeks or against the Egyptians.

Granada pogrom
1066 Granada massacre
4,000 Jews
A mob stormed the royal palace in Granada, which was at that time in Muslim-ruled al-Andalus, assassinated the Jewish vizier Joseph ibn Naghrela and massacred many of the Jewish population of the city.

1096 pogroms
Rhineland massacres
2,000 Jews
Peasant crusaders from France and Germany attacked Jewish communities in the three towns of Speyer, Worms and Mainz. They were the first Christian pogroms to be officially recorded.

Kiev pogrom (name disputed)
Kiev revolt
Rebellion sparked by the death of the Grand Prince of Kiev, in which Jews connected to the prince's economic affairs were among the victims

Lisbon pogrom
Lisbon Massacre
500 New Christians
After an episode of famine and bad harvests, a pogrom happened in Lisbon, Portugal, in which more than 500 "New Christian" (forcibly converted Jews) people were slaughtered and/or burnt by an angry Christian mob, in the first night of what became known as the "Lisbon Massacre". The killing occurred from 19 to 21 April, almost eliminating the entire Jewish or Jewish-descendant community residing in that city. Even the Portuguese military and the king himself had difficulty stopping it. The event is today remembered with a monument in S. Domingos' church.

First Odessa pogroms
The Greeks of Odessa attacked the local Jewish community, in what began as economic disputes

First Russian Tsarist pogroms
2 Jews
A large-scale wave of anti-Jewish riots swept through south-western Imperial Russia (present-day Ukraine and Poland) from 1881 to 1884 (in that period over 200 anti-Jewish events occurred in the Russian Empire, notably the Kiev, Warsaw and Odessa pogroms)

Warsaw pogrom
2 Jews (Included above)
Three days of rioting against Jews, Jewish stores, businesses, and residences in the streets adjoining the Holy Cross Church.

Częstochowa pogrom
14 Jews
A mob attacked the Jewish shops, killing fourteen Jews and one gendarme. The Russian military brought to restore order were stoned by mob.

Second Russian Tsarist pogroms
2,000+ Jews
A much bloodier wave of pogroms broke out from 1903 to 1906, leaving an estimated 2,000 Jews dead and many more wounded, as the Jews took to arms to defend their families and property from the attackers. The 1905 pogrom against Jews in Odessa was the most serious pogrom of the period, with reports of up to 2,500 Jews killed.

First Kishinev pogrom
47 Jews (Included above)
Three days of anti-Jewish rioting sparked by anti-semitic articles in local newspapers

Limerick pogrom (name disputed)
Limerick Boycott
An economic boycott waged against the small Jewish community in Limerick, Ireland, for over two years
Second Kishinev pogrom
19 Jews (Included above)
Two days of anti-Jewish rioting beginning as political protests against the Tsar

Kiev Pogrom (1905)
100 Jews (Included above)
Following a city hall meeting, a mob was drawn into the streets, proclaiming that "all Russia's troubles stemmed from the machinations of the Jews and socialists."

Siedlce pogrom
26 Jews (Included above)
An attack organized by the Russian secret police (Okhrana). Anti-semitic pamphlets had been distributed for over a week and before any unrest begun, a curfew was declared.

Adana pogrom
Adana massacre
30,000 Armenians
A massacre of Armenian Christians in the city of Adana amidst the Countercoup (1909) resulted in a series of anti-Armenian pogroms throughout the district.

Tredegar pogrom (name disputed)
Tredegar riots
Jewish shops were ransacked and the army had to be brought in

Lwów pogrom (name disputed)
Lemberg massacre
52-150 Jews, 270 Ukrainians
During the Polish-Ukrainian War over three days of unrest in the city, an estimated 52–150 Jewish residents were killed and hundreds injured, with widespread looting carried out by Polish soldiers, as well as lawless civilians, and local criminals. Two hundred and seventy more Ukrainians were killed during this time as well. The Poles did not stop the pogrom until two days after it began. The independent investigations by the British and American missions in Poland stated that there were no clear conclusions and that foreign press reports were exaggerated.

Kiev Pogroms (1919)
A series of Jewish pogroms in various places around Kiev carried out by White Volunteer Army troops

Pinsk pogrom (name disputed)
Pinsk massacre
36 Jews
Mass execution of thirty-five Jewish residents of Pinsk in April 1919 by the Polish Army, during the opening stages of the Polish-Soviet War

Vilna pogrom (name disputed)
Vilna offensive
65+ Jews and non-Jews
As Polish troops entered the city, dozens of people connected with the Lit-Bel were arrested, and some were executed

Hebron pogrom (name disputed)
Hebron massacre
During the 1929 Palestine riots, sixty-seven Jews were killed as the violence spread to Hebron, then part of Mandatory Palestine, by Arabs incited to violence by rumors that Jews were massacring Arabs in Jerusalem and seizing control of Muslim holy places.

Przytyk pogrom (name disputed)
Przytyk riot
2 Jews and 1 Polish
Some of the Jewish residents gathered in the town square in anticipation of the attack by the peasants, but nothing happened on that day. Two days later, however, on a market day, as Jewish historians Martin Gilbert and David Vital claim, the peasants attacked the Jews.

November pogrom
91 Jews
Coordinated attacks against Jews throughout Nazi Germany and parts of Austria, carried out by SA paramilitary forces and non-Jewish civilians. Accounts from the foreign journalists working in Germany sent shock waves around the world.
Dorohoi pogrom
53 Jews
Romanian military units carried out a pogrom against the local Jews, during which, according to an official Romanian report, 53 Jews were murdered, and dozens injured

Iași pogrom
13,266 Jews
One of the most violent pogroms in Jewish history, launched by governmental forces in the Romanian city of Iaşi (Jassy) against its Jewish population

Antwerp Pogrom
One of the few pogroms of Belgian history. Flemish collaborators attacked and burned synagogues and attacked a rabbi in the city of Antwerp

Bucharest pogrom
Legionnaires' rebellion
125 Jews and 30 soldiers
As the privileges of the paramilitary organisation Iron Guard were being cut off by Conducător Ion Antonescu, members of the Iron Guard, also known as the Legionnaires, revolted. During the rebellion and pogrom, the Iron Guard killed 125 Jews and 30 soldiers died in the confrontation with the rebels.

Tykocin pogrom
1,400–1,700 Jews
Mass murder of Jewish residents of Tykocin in occupied Poland during World*War*II, soon after Nazi German attack on the Soviet Union.

Jedwabne pogrom
340 Jews
The local rabbi was forced to lead a procession of about 40 people to a pre-emptied barn, killed and buried along with fragments of a destroyed monument of Lenin. A further 250-300 Jews were led to the same barn later that day, locked inside and burned alive using kerosene

Lviv pogroms
4,000–8,000 civilian prisoners and 5,000 Jews
Massacres of civilian prisoners by Soviet forces prior to evacuation, followed by massacre of Jews by German and other forces. Subject of a protracted controversy

Kunmadaras pogrom
2 Jews
A frenzy instigated by the crowd's belief that the Jews had made sausage out of Christian children

Miskolc pogrom
2 Jews
Riots started as demonstrations against economic hardships and later became anti-Semitic

Kielce pogrom
38-42 Jews
Violence against the Jewish community centre, initiated by Polish Communist armed forces (LWP, KBW, GZI WP) and continued by a mob of local townsfolk.

Istanbul pogrom
Istanbul riots
13-30 Greeks
Organized mob attacks directed primarily at Istanbul's Greek minority. Accelerated the emigration of ethnic Greeks from Turkey (Jews were also targeted in this event).
1966 anti-Igbo pogrom

A series of massacres directed at Igbo and other southern Nigerian residents throughout Nigeria before and after the overthrow (and assassination) of the Aguiyi-Ironsi junta by Murtala Mohammed.

Crown Heights pogrom (name disputed)
Crown Heights riot
1 Jew and 1 non-Jew
A three-day riot that occurred in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn, New York. The riot unleashed simmering tensions of the Crown Heights' black community against the Orthodox Jewish community. In its wake, several Jews were seriously injured; one Orthodox Jewish man, Yankel Rosenbaum, was killed; and a non-Jewish man, allegedly mistaken by rioters for a Jew, was killed by a group of African-American men.

Gujarat Godhra Train Burning
Godhra Train Burning
59 Hindu pilgrims including 25 women and 15 children
59 Hindus including 25 women and 15 children were killed in a coach. A court convicted 31 Muslims for the incident and the conspiracy for the crime.

Gujarat pogrom
2002 Gujarat violence
790-2,000 Muslims and 254 Hindus
Inter-communal violence in the Indian state of Gujarat which lasted for approximately three days, sparked by the burning of a train of Hindu pilgrims
and hate mongers have been spouting the same rhetoric and libel since 1918, actually long than that

Really? Like what?

Pogrom Name
Alternative Name(s)

Great. That's a long list of suffering. Can you make a list for all of humanity and all ethnic groups in the history of the middle east, america, asia, south america, etc and then please use that to justify whatever you wish? That would be helpful for this conversation.
They really milk the victim role, enough to justify making others victims. Crazy concept.
and hate mongers have been spouting the same rhetoric and libel since 1918, actually long than that

Really? Like what?

Pogrom Name
Alternative Name(s)

Alexandrian pogrom (name disputed)[a]
Alexandrian riots
Aulus Avilius Flaccus, the Egyptian prefect of Alexandria appointed by Tiberius in 32 CE, may have encouraged the outbreak of violence; Philo wrote that Flaccus was later arrested and eventually executed for his part in this event. Scholarly research around the subject has been divided on certain points, including whether the Alexandrian Jews fought to keep their citizenship or to acquire it, whether they evaded the payment of the poll-tax or prevented any attempts to impose it on them, and whether they were safeguarding their identity against the Greeks or against the Egyptians.

Granada pogrom
1066 Granada massacre
4,000 Jews
A mob stormed the royal palace in Granada, which was at that time in Muslim-ruled al-Andalus, assassinated the Jewish vizier Joseph ibn Naghrela and massacred many of the Jewish population of the city.

1096 pogroms
Rhineland massacres
2,000 Jews
Peasant crusaders from France and Germany attacked Jewish communities in the three towns of Speyer, Worms and Mainz. They were the first Christian pogroms to be officially recorded.

Kiev pogrom (name disputed)
Kiev revolt
Rebellion sparked by the death of the Grand Prince of Kiev, in which Jews connected to the prince's economic affairs were among the victims

Lisbon pogrom
Lisbon Massacre
500 New Christians
After an episode of famine and bad harvests, a pogrom happened in Lisbon, Portugal, in which more than 500 "New Christian" (forcibly converted Jews) people were slaughtered and/or burnt by an angry Christian mob, in the first night of what became known as the "Lisbon Massacre". The killing occurred from 19 to 21 April, almost eliminating the entire Jewish or Jewish-descendant community residing in that city. Even the Portuguese military and the king himself had difficulty stopping it. The event is today remembered with a monument in S. Domingos' church.

First Odessa pogroms
The Greeks of Odessa attacked the local Jewish community, in what began as economic disputes

First Russian Tsarist pogroms
2 Jews
A large-scale wave of anti-Jewish riots swept through south-western Imperial Russia (present-day Ukraine and Poland) from 1881 to 1884 (in that period over 200 anti-Jewish events occurred in the Russian Empire, notably the Kiev, Warsaw and Odessa pogroms)

Warsaw pogrom
2 Jews (Included above)
Three days of rioting against Jews, Jewish stores, businesses, and residences in the streets adjoining the Holy Cross Church.

Częstochowa pogrom
14 Jews
A mob attacked the Jewish shops, killing fourteen Jews and one gendarme. The Russian military brought to restore order were stoned by mob.

Second Russian Tsarist pogroms
2,000+ Jews
A much bloodier wave of pogroms broke out from 1903 to 1906, leaving an estimated 2,000 Jews dead and many more wounded, as the Jews took to arms to defend their families and property from the attackers. The 1905 pogrom against Jews in Odessa was the most serious pogrom of the period, with reports of up to 2,500 Jews killed.

First Kishinev pogrom
47 Jews (Included above)
Three days of anti-Jewish rioting sparked by anti-semitic articles in local newspapers

Limerick pogrom (name disputed)
Limerick Boycott
An economic boycott waged against the small Jewish community in Limerick, Ireland, for over two years
Second Kishinev pogrom
19 Jews (Included above)
Two days of anti-Jewish rioting beginning as political protests against the Tsar

Kiev Pogrom (1905)
100 Jews (Included above)
Following a city hall meeting, a mob was drawn into the streets, proclaiming that "all Russia's troubles stemmed from the machinations of the Jews and socialists."

Siedlce pogrom
26 Jews (Included above)
An attack organized by the Russian secret police (Okhrana). Anti-semitic pamphlets had been distributed for over a week and before any unrest begun, a curfew was declared.

Adana pogrom
Adana massacre
30,000 Armenians
A massacre of Armenian Christians in the city of Adana amidst the Countercoup (1909) resulted in a series of anti-Armenian pogroms throughout the district.

Tredegar pogrom (name disputed)
Tredegar riots
Jewish shops were ransacked and the army had to be brought in

Lwów pogrom (name disputed)
Lemberg massacre
52-150 Jews, 270 Ukrainians
During the Polish-Ukrainian War over three days of unrest in the city, an estimated 52–150 Jewish residents were killed and hundreds injured, with widespread looting carried out by Polish soldiers, as well as lawless civilians, and local criminals. Two hundred and seventy more Ukrainians were killed during this time as well. The Poles did not stop the pogrom until two days after it began. The independent investigations by the British and American missions in Poland stated that there were no clear conclusions and that foreign press reports were exaggerated.

Kiev Pogroms (1919)
A series of Jewish pogroms in various places around Kiev carried out by White Volunteer Army troops

Pinsk pogrom (name disputed)
Pinsk massacre
36 Jews
Mass execution of thirty-five Jewish residents of Pinsk in April 1919 by the Polish Army, during the opening stages of the Polish-Soviet War

Vilna pogrom (name disputed)
Vilna offensive
65+ Jews and non-Jews
As Polish troops entered the city, dozens of people connected with the Lit-Bel were arrested, and some were executed

Hebron pogrom (name disputed)
Hebron massacre
During the 1929 Palestine riots, sixty-seven Jews were killed as the violence spread to Hebron, then part of Mandatory Palestine, by Arabs incited to violence by rumors that Jews were massacring Arabs in Jerusalem and seizing control of Muslim holy places.

Przytyk pogrom (name disputed)
Przytyk riot
2 Jews and 1 Polish
Some of the Jewish residents gathered in the town square in anticipation of the attack by the peasants, but nothing happened on that day. Two days later, however, on a market day, as Jewish historians Martin Gilbert and David Vital claim, the peasants attacked the Jews.

November pogrom
91 Jews
Coordinated attacks against Jews throughout Nazi Germany and parts of Austria, carried out by SA paramilitary forces and non-Jewish civilians. Accounts from the foreign journalists working in Germany sent shock waves around the world.
Dorohoi pogrom
53 Jews
Romanian military units carried out a pogrom against the local Jews, during which, according to an official Romanian report, 53 Jews were murdered, and dozens injured

Iași pogrom
13,266 Jews
One of the most violent pogroms in Jewish history, launched by governmental forces in the Romanian city of Iaşi (Jassy) against its Jewish population

Antwerp Pogrom
One of the few pogroms of Belgian history. Flemish collaborators attacked and burned synagogues and attacked a rabbi in the city of Antwerp

Bucharest pogrom
Legionnaires' rebellion
125 Jews and 30 soldiers
As the privileges of the paramilitary organisation Iron Guard were being cut off by Conducător Ion Antonescu, members of the Iron Guard, also known as the Legionnaires, revolted. During the rebellion and pogrom, the Iron Guard killed 125 Jews and 30 soldiers died in the confrontation with the rebels.

Tykocin pogrom
1,400–1,700 Jews
Mass murder of Jewish residents of Tykocin in occupied Poland during World*War*II, soon after Nazi German attack on the Soviet Union.

Jedwabne pogrom
340 Jews
The local rabbi was forced to lead a procession of about 40 people to a pre-emptied barn, killed and buried along with fragments of a destroyed monument of Lenin. A further 250-300 Jews were led to the same barn later that day, locked inside and burned alive using kerosene

Lviv pogroms
4,000–8,000 civilian prisoners and 5,000 Jews
Massacres of civilian prisoners by Soviet forces prior to evacuation, followed by massacre of Jews by German and other forces. Subject of a protracted controversy

Kunmadaras pogrom
2 Jews
A frenzy instigated by the crowd's belief that the Jews had made sausage out of Christian children

Miskolc pogrom
2 Jews
Riots started as demonstrations against economic hardships and later became anti-Semitic

Kielce pogrom
38-42 Jews
Violence against the Jewish community centre, initiated by Polish Communist armed forces (LWP, KBW, GZI WP) and continued by a mob of local townsfolk.

Istanbul pogrom
Istanbul riots
13-30 Greeks
Organized mob attacks directed primarily at Istanbul's Greek minority. Accelerated the emigration of ethnic Greeks from Turkey (Jews were also targeted in this event).
1966 anti-Igbo pogrom

A series of massacres directed at Igbo and other southern Nigerian residents throughout Nigeria before and after the overthrow (and assassination) of the Aguiyi-Ironsi junta by Murtala Mohammed.

Crown Heights pogrom (name disputed)
Crown Heights riot
1 Jew and 1 non-Jew
A three-day riot that occurred in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn, New York. The riot unleashed simmering tensions of the Crown Heights' black community against the Orthodox Jewish community. In its wake, several Jews were seriously injured; one Orthodox Jewish man, Yankel Rosenbaum, was killed; and a non-Jewish man, allegedly mistaken by rioters for a Jew, was killed by a group of African-American men.

Gujarat Godhra Train Burning
Godhra Train Burning
59 Hindu pilgrims including 25 women and 15 children
59 Hindus including 25 women and 15 children were killed in a coach. A court convicted 31 Muslims for the incident and the conspiracy for the crime.

Gujarat pogrom
2002 Gujarat violence
790-2,000 Muslims and 254 Hindus
Inter-communal violence in the Indian state of Gujarat which lasted for approximately three days, sparked by the burning of a train of Hindu pilgrims

Wow, those Palestinians really get around.

Oh, wait...
The Palestinian can talk about " International Law" all he wants . Even the Arab League concedes that Israel is never going to allow " Right of Return" which would destroy the Jewish State and annex Israel to " Palestine. "

Why wouldn't it?
Its the right thing to do. Just because Israel wants their farms and lands it doesn't mean it deserves them.

For example, Israel is still getting money as reparations for acts against individuals in WWII. Individuals are still getting back artwork, which was stolen from their families in WWII, and which have since been circulated on the world market.

It seems to me that unless Israel will find a way to compensate these families for what it stole, it will have to return the land. The long arm of the law will catch up with it.

So you don't think the Jews who lost their land, businesses and other assets in the other Middle East countries shouldn't be compensated. I once read that it would be 10 to 1 in favor of the Jews when it came to money paid out. Say perhaps you can suggest to the Iranian government to pay out for all the property that Jews and Muslims lost when those crazies came into power. One Iranian was telling me once about this huge apartment building he had to leave behind.

I have always favored their return and/or compensation.

However, that is a completely separate and unrelated issue to the Palestinian's return. The Palestinians had nothing to do with that.
They really milk the victim role, enough to justify making others victims. Crazy concept.

Here we go again, blaming Israelis for EXACTLY what the Palestinians are guilty of.
Do you think you're fooling anyone?

It looks as though you are fooling yourself. It is amazing how these Israel Firsters can just ignore the fact that Jews are holding Christians and Muslims in virtual Gulags where they control every aspect of life. When the Russians did it, they were considered inhumane. When the Germans did it, they were considered monsters, when the Jews do it, they are considered victims by the Israel Firsters.
They really milk the victim role, enough to justify making others victims. Crazy concept.

Here we go again, blaming Israelis for EXACTLY what the Palestinians are guilty of.
Do you think you're fooling anyone?

It looks as though you are fooling yourself. It is amazing how these Israel Firsters can just ignore the fact that Jews are holding Christians and Muslims in virtual Gulags where they control every aspect of life. When the Russians did it, they were considered inhumane. When the Germans did it, they were considered monsters, when the Jews do it, they are considered victims by the Israel Firsters.

You are so full of shit monty, and you know it.

As a Palestinians supporter, you just said that Israelis "milk the victim role".
I mean, you don't need to be an Israel supporter to know that not only is that not true, but it actually very much applies to the Palestinian mentality.

"Enough to justify making other victims".

Again, this applies to Palestinians and not Israelis.
It's the Palestinians who use their victim status as an excuse/justification to attack Israelis. In fact, they think that because they are victims, that they are morally allowed to kill Israeli civilians.

Monty, you are becoming the face of pro Palestinian delusion.
I call it as I see it.

You call it as you want to see it. (Very common among anti Zionists)

You see it as an Israel Firster, a traitorous point of view.

Just because someone defends Israel, it doesn't make them an Israeli firster.

Does he have an off switch? He seems abscessed about speaking to every post and every poster like it is some mission.
Some compulsion to always have the last word, as if that makes it more important.

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