Why have Republicans been so much more successful in smearing Mrs. Clinton than smearing Mr. Obama?



For one, in Mrs. Clinton's case, they have been at it since 1980, a far longer time. I'm sure that's part of it. They have tried to smear her in so many ways so many times, the are confused that she hasn't been charged with anything. Not even during 8 years under Bush when Republicans controlled the entire government for most of those years. And when you can use reconciliation three times, once per year, you know you control the entire government without filibuster for at least three years.

The bottom line is that the GOP's smears against Obama have been so far out there, only the most gullible and tards could believe them. Like being born in Kenya. Or supporting al Qaeda. After all, it was Republicans who let Bin Laden go and Obama who took him down.

Right wing charges against Hillary have been Whitewater, Travel gate, Benghazi and things that are complicated and not such obvious fantasy. Leave out facts, take it out of context and wallah, you have a scandal.

Would Republicans do better on policy rather than constant smears? So what are GOP policies?
Hillary has a more extensive criminal history...

Maybe you should seriously look for another rookie with no real job and no "experience"..

Oh, wait, you have that goofball Bernie!!!
Check out the GOP responses above. She's loopy. She has a criminal history. She is easier to smear.

Pretty much what I said. They can't give concrete examples because they have none.
Check out the GOP responses above. She's loopy. She has a criminal history. She is easier to smear.

Pretty much what I said. They can't give concrete examples because they have none.

You started this thread for attention didn't you? It's completely obvious why Clinton is easy to smear, she's a lying corrupt old crow
For one, in Mrs. Clinton's case, they have been at it since 1980, a far longer time. I'm sure that's part of it. They have tried to smear her in so many ways so many times, the are confused that she hasn't been charged with anything. Not even during 8 years under Bush when Republicans controlled the entire government for most of those years. And when you can use reconciliation three times, once per year, you know you control the entire government without filibuster for at least three years.

The bottom line is that the GOP's smears against Obama have been so far out there, only the most gullible and tards could believe them. Like being born in Kenya. Or supporting al Qaeda. After all, it was Republicans who let Bin Laden go and Obama who took him down.

Right wing charges against Hillary have been Whitewater, Travel gate, Benghazi and things that are complicated and not such obvious fantasy. Leave out facts, take it out of context and wallah, you have a scandal.

Would Republicans do better on policy rather than constant smears? So what are GOP policies?
What do you mean by smearing? Telling the truth? No need to reply.
Travel Gate

Marc Rich


Cattle Futures

Cash from foreign sources

Ran sacking Vince Foster's office

"lost" Whitewater documents


Her smirking lying laughing lie about Bosnia, not a crime but certainly an indication of character.

Just off the top of my head.
For one, in Mrs. Clinton's case, they have been at it since 1980, a far longer time. I'm sure that's part of it. They have tried to smear her in so many ways so many times, the are confused that she hasn't been charged with anything. Not even during 8 years under Bush when Republicans controlled the entire government for most of those years. And when you can use reconciliation three times, once per year, you know you control the entire government without filibuster for at least three years.

The bottom line is that the GOP's smears against Obama have been so far out there, only the most gullible and tards could believe them. Like being born in Kenya. Or supporting al Qaeda. After all, it was Republicans who let Bin Laden go and Obama who took him down.

Right wing charges against Hillary have been Whitewater, Travel gate, Benghazi and things that are complicated and not such obvious fantasy. Leave out facts, take it out of context and wallah, you have a scandal.

Would Republicans do better on policy rather than constant smears? So what are GOP policies?
What do you mean by smearing? Telling the truth? No need to reply.
The truth about what? Any examples?
Travel Gate

Marc Rich


Cattle Futures

Cash from foreign sources

Ran sacking Vince Foster's office

"lost" Whitewater documents


Her smirking lying laughing lie about Bosnia, not a crime but certainly an indication of character.

Just off the top of my head.
OK, you've named the GOP conspiracies. Where are the charges and the indictments. And why do they sound as stupid as Fast and Furious?
For one, in Mrs. Clinton's case, they have been at it since 1980, a far longer time. I'm sure that's part of it. They have tried to smear her in so many ways so many times, the are confused that she hasn't been charged with anything. Not even during 8 years under Bush when Republicans controlled the entire government for most of those years. And when you can use reconciliation three times, once per year, you know you control the entire government without filibuster for at least three years.

The bottom line is that the GOP's smears against Obama have been so far out there, only the most gullible and tards could believe them. Like being born in Kenya. Or supporting al Qaeda. After all, it was Republicans who let Bin Laden go and Obama who took him down.

Right wing charges against Hillary have been Whitewater, Travel gate, Benghazi and things that are complicated and not such obvious fantasy. Leave out facts, take it out of context and wallah, you have a scandal.

Would Republicans do better on policy rather than constant smears? So what are GOP policies?
What do you mean by smearing? Telling the truth? No need to reply.
The truth about what? Any examples?
No need to go further than Benghazi.
Rdean thinks telling the truth is smearing people. I guess that's why he lies so he can't be accused of smearing
Check out the GOP responses above. She's loopy. She has a criminal history. She is easier to smear.

Pretty much what I said. They can't give concrete examples because they have none.
Concrete examples? At this point they are as apparent as the fact the sun rises in the east.
For one, in Mrs. Clinton's case, they have been at it since 1980, a far longer time. I'm sure that's part of it. They have tried to smear her in so many ways so many times, the are confused that she hasn't been charged with anything. Not even during 8 years under Bush when Republicans controlled the entire government for most of those years. And when you can use reconciliation three times, once per year, you know you control the entire government without filibuster for at least three years.

The bottom line is that the GOP's smears against Obama have been so far out there, only the most gullible and tards could believe them. Like being born in Kenya. Or supporting al Qaeda. After all, it was Republicans who let Bin Laden go and Obama who took him down.

Right wing charges against Hillary have been Whitewater, Travel gate, Benghazi and things that are complicated and not such obvious fantasy. Leave out facts, take it out of context and wallah, you have a scandal.

Would Republicans do better on policy rather than constant smears? So what are GOP policies?
dean you are not going to convince anyone that the woman has no baggage....she has accumulated quite a bit.....like it or not it follows her everywhere she goes.....i would think that with all the democrats in politics that the democrats could have found much better people to run than the 2 running....
Travel Gate

Marc Rich


Cattle Futures

Cash from foreign sources

Ran sacking Vince Foster's office

"lost" Whitewater documents


Her smirking lying laughing lie about Bosnia, not a crime but certainly an indication of character.

Just off the top of my head.
OK, you've named the GOP conspiracies. Where are the charges and the indictments. And why do they sound as stupid as Fast and Furious?

Blah blah blah, the left wing has called Bush a war criminal for years, where are the indictments?

Feds fight disclosure of Hillary Clinton Whitewater indictment drafts

Read more: Feds fight disclosure of Hillary Clinton Whitewater indictment drafts

Whitewater convictions:

Ultimately the Clintons were never charged, but 15 other persons were convicted of more than 40 crimes, including Bill Clinton's successor as Governor, who was removed from office.[44]


Tax returns[edit]
In March 1992, during his presidential campaign, the Clintons acknowledged that on their 1984 and 1985 tax returns, they had claimed improper tax deductions forinterest payments made by the Whitewater Development Company and not them personally.[45] Due to the age of mistake, the Clintons were not obligated to make good the error, but Bill Clinton announced that they would nonetheless do so.[45]

Deputy White House counsel Vince Foster looked into this matter, but did not take any action before his death.[45] Almost two years from the original announcement passed before, on December 28, 1993, the Clintons did make this reimbursement payment, for $4,900, to the Internal Revenue Service. This was done just before Justice Department investigators started seeking the Clintons' Whitewater files. The payment was made without filing an amended return (possibly because the three-year period for amended return filing had passed), but did include full interest on the amount in error, including the additional two-year delay.[45] The Whitewater files in question, publicly released in August 1995, cast some doubt on the Clintons' assertions in the matter, as they showed that the couple were aware that the interest payments in question were by the Whitewater corporation and not them personally.[45]

And that was just Whitewater. Yes, they are protected for some strange reason. All the corruption, all the convictions and they stay out of jail. Kind of reminds me of Capone avoiding jail. Hell, using your excuses Capone was only guilty of tax invasion, other then that he was pure as the driven snow, or at least as pure as Mrs. Clinton.

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