Why has the Left United with the Deep State?


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2011
The consequences of this are most unsettling.

Great column from Paul Craig Roberts highlights the Left’s crazed actions.

For some time I have pointed out the paradox of the American liberal/progressive/left being allied with the CIA, FBI, military/security complex and deep state. Now leftist Ann Garrison has noticed the paradox of this alliance. She concludes that the left has lost its mind.

Indeed, it has.

Out of its hatred of Trump the left has united with the forces of evil and war that are leading to conflict with Russia. The left’s hatred of Trump shows that the American left has totally seperated from the interests of the working class, which elected Trump. The American left has abandoned the working class for the group victimizations and hatreds of Identity Politics. As Hillary put it, the working class comprises the “Trump deplorables.” The Democratic Party, like the Republicans, represents the ruling oligarchy.
Armageddon - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
Most government employees are leftist Democrats that only want to grow government for their personal gain. That's why.
Most government employees are leftist Democrats that only want to grow government for their personal gain. That's why.
I don’t think that’s it. Trump is more than happy to grow government, and is doing just that.
The consequences of this are most unsettling.

Great column from Paul Craig Roberts highlights the Left’s crazed actions.

For some time I have pointed out the paradox of the American liberal/progressive/left being allied with the CIA, FBI, military/security complex and deep state. Now leftist Ann Garrison has noticed the paradox of this alliance. She concludes that the left has lost its mind.

Indeed, it has.

Out of its hatred of Trump the left has united with the forces of evil and war that are leading to conflict with Russia. The left’s hatred of Trump shows that the American left has totally seperated from the interests of the working class, which elected Trump. The American left has abandoned the working class for the group victimizations and hatreds of Identity Politics. As Hillary put it, the working class comprises the “Trump deplorables.” The Democratic Party, like the Republicans, represents the ruling oligarchy.
Armageddon - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
Lew Rockwell - Wikipedia
Most government employees are leftist Democrats that only want to grow government for their personal gain. That's why.

Really? The fbi and cia are a bunch of liberal hippies?

You righties have really lost it.
If the gop is for the working man then why do they always want to cut social security and Medicare and medicaid....the things average workers need to retire and survive?
If the gop is for the working man then why do they always want to cut social security and Medicare and medicaid....the things average workers need to retire and survive?
Also, WHY does the the GOP want to cut these safety nets? Is it to help the needy or enrich the rich?
The consequences of this are most unsettling.

Great column from Paul Craig Roberts highlights the Left’s crazed actions.

For some time I have pointed out the paradox of the American liberal/progressive/left being allied with the CIA, FBI, military/security complex and deep state. Now leftist Ann Garrison has noticed the paradox of this alliance. She concludes that the left has lost its mind.

Indeed, it has.

Out of its hatred of Trump the left has united with the forces of evil and war that are leading to conflict with Russia. The left’s hatred of Trump shows that the American left has totally seperated from the interests of the working class, which elected Trump. The American left has abandoned the working class for the group victimizations and hatreds of Identity Politics. As Hillary put it, the working class comprises the “Trump deplorables.” The Democratic Party, like the Republicans, represents the ruling oligarchy.
Armageddon - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

LewRockewell is an ostensible conservative source, liberals won't read it or pay attention to it.

Consortium News OTH, has a slightly left of center reputation.


These sources have minimal bias and use very few loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes). The reporting is factual and usually sourced. These are the most credible media sources. See all Least Biased sources.

Factual Reporting: HIGH

Notes: Consortium News is an alternative independent news source established in 1995. It is considered the first alternative investigative journalism internet news source. Consortium News covers stories deeply and has been responsible for uncovering scandals and important information that was not found/covered by the mainstream media. They are factual and evidence based, but present information with a slight left of center tone. (D. Van Zandt 11/3/2016)

Consortium News (CN) is an investigative journalism site that publishes fact and evidence based articles. While there is a slight left bias overall, CN is as likely to point out faults on the left as well as the right. As is common with truly fair and balanced reporting, it can lead to charges of bias from both sides from having their beliefs challenged. Despite the slightly left bias CN earns a Least Biased rating. (D. Kelley 3/25/17)

(New) Consortium News has articles that many on the right may consider left biased"
Consortium News - Media Bias/Fact Check

. . . and the ODD thing?

They report the EXACT SAME THING!

‘Progressive’ Journalists Jump the Shark on Russiagate
‘Progressive’ Journalists Jump the Shark on Russiagate

". . . .Odd? Nothing is too odd when it comes to spinning and dyeing the yarn of Russiagate; especially now that some strands are unraveling from the thin material of the “Steele dossier.”

Before the 2016 election, British ex-spy Christopher Steele was contracted (through a couple of cutouts) by the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee to dig up dirt on candidate Donald Trump. They paid him $168,000. They should ask for their money back.

Mayer and Uygur have now joined with other Trump-despisers and new “progressive” fans of the FBI and CIA – among them Amy Goodman and her go-to, lost-in-the-trees journalist, Marcy Wheeler of Emptywheel.net. All of them (well, maybe not Cenk) are staying up nights with needle and thread trying to sew a silk purse out of the sow’s-ear dossier of Steele allegations and then dye it red for danger.

Monday brought a new low, with a truly extraordinary one-two punch by Mayer and Uygur.

A Damning Picture?

Mayer does her part in a New Yorker article, in which she – intentionally or not – cannot seem to see the forest for the trees.

In her article, Mayer explains up front that the Steele dossier “painted a damning picture of collusion between Trump and Russia,” and then goes on to portray him as a paragon of virtue with praise that is fulsome, in the full meaning of that word. For example, a friend of Steele told Mayer that regarding Steele, “Fairness, integrity, and truth, for him, trump any ideology.”

Now, if one refuses to accept this portrait on faith, then you are what Mayer describes as a “Trump defender.” According to Mayer, Trump defenders argue that Steele is “a dishonest Clinton apparatchik who had collaborated with American intelligence and law enforcement officials to fabricate false charges against Trump and his associates, in a dastardly (sic) attempt to nullify the 2016 election. According to this story line, it was not the President who needed to be investigated, but the investigators themselves.”

Can you imagine!

I could not help but think that Mayer wrote her piece some months ago and that she and her editors might have missed more recent documentary evidence that gives considerable support to that “dastardly” story line. But seriously, it should be possible to suspect Steele of misfeasance or malfeasance – or simply telling his contractors what he knows they want to hear – without being labeled a “Trump supporter.” I, for example, am no Trump supporter. I am, however, a former intelligence officer and I have long since concluded that what Steele served up is garbage.

Character References

Mayer reports that Richard Dearlove, head of MI6 from 1999 to 2004, described Steele as “superb.” Personally, I would shun any “recommendation” from that charlatan. Are memories so short? Dearlove was the intelligence chief who briefed Prime Minister Tony Blair on July 23, 2002 after a quick trip to Washington. The official minutes of that meeting were leaked to the London Times and published on May 1, 2005.

Dearlove explained to Blair that President George W. Bush had decided to attack Iraq for regime change and that the war was to be “justified by the conjunction of terrorism and weapons of mass destruction.” Dearlove added matter-of-factly, “The intelligence and facts are being fixed around the policy.. . . ”

The consequences of this are most unsettling.

Great column from Paul Craig Roberts highlights the Left’s crazed actions.

For some time I have pointed out the paradox of the American liberal/progressive/left being allied with the CIA, FBI, military/security complex and deep state. Now leftist Ann Garrison has noticed the paradox of this alliance. She concludes that the left has lost its mind.

Indeed, it has.

Out of its hatred of Trump the left has united with the forces of evil and war that are leading to conflict with Russia. The left’s hatred of Trump shows that the American left has totally seperated from the interests of the working class, which elected Trump. The American left has abandoned the working class for the group victimizations and hatreds of Identity Politics. As Hillary put it, the working class comprises the “Trump deplorables.” The Democratic Party, like the Republicans, represents the ruling oligarchy.
Armageddon - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

The "left" can't be united with something that doesn't exist.
The Deep State was formed by the Great Obama to check the evil doings of Crooked Donnie

Like the true PATRIOTS they are, they fight for truth, justice and the American way
The consequences of this are most unsettling.

Great column from Paul Craig Roberts highlights the Left’s crazed actions.

For some time I have pointed out the paradox of the American liberal/progressive/left being allied with the CIA, FBI, military/security complex and deep state. Now leftist Ann Garrison has noticed the paradox of this alliance. She concludes that the left has lost its mind.

Indeed, it has.

Out of its hatred of Trump the left has united with the forces of evil and war that are leading to conflict with Russia. The left’s hatred of Trump shows that the American left has totally seperated from the interests of the working class, which elected Trump. The American left has abandoned the working class for the group victimizations and hatreds of Identity Politics. As Hillary put it, the working class comprises the “Trump deplorables.” The Democratic Party, like the Republicans, represents the ruling oligarchy.
Armageddon - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

The "left" can't be united with something that doesn't exist.

State within a state - Wikipedia
I joined the Deep State mostly for the Dental Benefits and weekly keg parties.

After going through the initiation and learning the secret handshake, I was taught how to defy the evil Trump and bring down his regime
I joined the Deep State mostly for the Dental Benefits and weekly keg parties.

After going through the initiation and learning the secret handshake, I was taught how to defy the evil Trump and bring down his regime
This would be a much better avatar for you. . .

The consequences of this are most unsettling.

Great column from Paul Craig Roberts highlights the Left’s crazed actions.

For some time I have pointed out the paradox of the American liberal/progressive/left being allied with the CIA, FBI, military/security complex and deep state. Now leftist Ann Garrison has noticed the paradox of this alliance. She concludes that the left has lost its mind.

Indeed, it has.

Out of its hatred of Trump the left has united with the forces of evil and war that are leading to conflict with Russia. The left’s hatred of Trump shows that the American left has totally seperated from the interests of the working class, which elected Trump. The American left has abandoned the working class for the group victimizations and hatreds of Identity Politics. As Hillary put it, the working class comprises the “Trump deplorables.” The Democratic Party, like the Republicans, represents the ruling oligarchy.
Armageddon - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

and by LEFT he means everyone who is NOT a trump voter......
The consequences of this are most unsettling.

Great column from Paul Craig Roberts highlights the Left’s crazed actions.

For some time I have pointed out the paradox of the American liberal/progressive/left being allied with the CIA, FBI, military/security complex and deep state. Now leftist Ann Garrison has noticed the paradox of this alliance. She concludes that the left has lost its mind.

Indeed, it has.

Out of its hatred of Trump the left has united with the forces of evil and war that are leading to conflict with Russia. The left’s hatred of Trump shows that the American left has totally seperated from the interests of the working class, which elected Trump. The American left has abandoned the working class for the group victimizations and hatreds of Identity Politics. As Hillary put it, the working class comprises the “Trump deplorables.” The Democratic Party, like the Republicans, represents the ruling oligarchy.
Armageddon - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

The "left" can't be united with something that doesn't exist.
You just exposed yourself as an idiot and dupe of the state. You will do well in our Orwellian future.

Ever heard of Ike’s farewell speech? He warned fools like you nearly 60 years ago of the Deep State.

Stop being a dupe of the ruling class.
The consequences of this are most unsettling.

Great column from Paul Craig Roberts highlights the Left’s crazed actions.

For some time I have pointed out the paradox of the American liberal/progressive/left being allied with the CIA, FBI, military/security complex and deep state. Now leftist Ann Garrison has noticed the paradox of this alliance. She concludes that the left has lost its mind.

Indeed, it has.

Out of its hatred of Trump the left has united with the forces of evil and war that are leading to conflict with Russia. The left’s hatred of Trump shows that the American left has totally seperated from the interests of the working class, which elected Trump. The American left has abandoned the working class for the group victimizations and hatreds of Identity Politics. As Hillary put it, the working class comprises the “Trump deplorables.” The Democratic Party, like the Republicans, represents the ruling oligarchy.
Armageddon - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

The "left" can't be united with something that doesn't exist.
You just exposed yourself as an idiot and dupe of the state. You will do well in our Orwellian future.

Ever heard of Ike’s farewell speech? He warned fools like you nearly 60 years ago of the Deep State.

Stop being a dupe of the ruling class.
Ike warned about the military industrial complex
The consequences of this are most unsettling.

Great column from Paul Craig Roberts highlights the Left’s crazed actions.

For some time I have pointed out the paradox of the American liberal/progressive/left being allied with the CIA, FBI, military/security complex and deep state. Now leftist Ann Garrison has noticed the paradox of this alliance. She concludes that the left has lost its mind.

Indeed, it has.

Out of its hatred of Trump the left has united with the forces of evil and war that are leading to conflict with Russia. The left’s hatred of Trump shows that the American left has totally seperated from the interests of the working class, which elected Trump. The American left has abandoned the working class for the group victimizations and hatreds of Identity Politics. As Hillary put it, the working class comprises the “Trump deplorables.” The Democratic Party, like the Republicans, represents the ruling oligarchy.
Armageddon - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

The "left" can't be united with something that doesn't exist.
You just exposed yourself as an idiot and dupe of the state. You will do well in our Orwellian future.

Ever heard of Ike’s farewell speech? He warned fools like you nearly 60 years ago of the Deep State.

Stop being a dupe of the ruling class.
Ike warned about the military industrial complex

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