Why Gov. Jerry Brown pardoned five ex-convicts facing deportation

Ray From Cleveland

Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2015
In a Saturday morning tweet from West Palm Beach, Fla., President Trump took aim at California Gov. Jerry Brown (D), who a day earlier pardoned five immigrants who were facing deportation.

“Governor Jerry ‘Moonbeam’ Brown pardoned 5 criminal illegal aliens whose crimes include (1) Kidnapping and Robbery (2) Badly beating wife and threatening a crime with intent to terrorize (3) Dealing drugs. Is this really what the great people of California want? @FoxNews,” Trump tweeted. “Moonbeam” was a nickname given to Brown because of his interest in space exploration during his earlier terms as California’s governor in the 1970s.

Trump’s tweet, sent while the president was traveling from his Mar-a-Lago estate to the nearby Trump International Golf Club, may have been prompted by a report during the 6 a.m. hour of “Fox and Friends,” which Trump watches regularly. The show aired a segment titled “Lawless in California.” As an infographic described the crimes for which the five pardoned men were convicted, the show’s weekend hosts tore into Brown, suggesting that he was putting Californians at risk.

Why Gov. Jerry Brown pardoned five ex-convicts facing deportation, drawing Trump’s ire

So I guess the theme in Cali is that if you are a bad person and stopped being a bad person after prison, you are okay by us.

While all five of these foreigners stayed out of trouble afterwards, how long before they might start again?

If you live in California, shouldn't you be the least concerned about this? Especially if they move to your street?
Jerry Brown pardons these men because he intends that they kill Americans. It's part of the population replacement program.
Book your vacation to California today!!

If you live in California, shouldn't you be the least concerned about this? Especially if they move to your street?
If so, they'll vote that way. I suspect not, though.

Well.....there you go. Then when liberal areas go to hell, people blame everybody but themselves.

The only good thing is that they can still be deported by the feds..........that is if some leftist Mayor doesn't warn them when the feds are coming.

The only people that deserve a second chance in our country are people who are born here.
Brown needs people to replace those leaving.............the smart ones are hauling ass.

Brown needs people to replace those leaving.............the smart ones are hauling ass.


I guess some didn't learn the lesson from bussing. When bussing was forced on cities, the people with the money left the city to migrate to the suburbs or country. That left only people who didn't have the money to move. No money means no taxes.

It may take a while, but I see the same thing happening in Cali. they are almost 150 billion in debt now, and heavily rely on those rich people to keep it from going to 160 billion. So the wealthy move and leave behind a bunch of lettuce pickers.
Brown needs people to replace those leaving.............the smart ones are hauling ass.


I guess some didn't learn the lesson from bussing. When bussing was forced on cities, the people with the money left the city to migrate to the suburbs or country. That left only people who didn't have the money to move. No money means no taxes.

It may take a while, but I see the same thing happening in Cali. they are almost 150 billion in debt now, and heavily rely on those rich people to keep it from going to 160 billion. So the wealthy move and leave behind a bunch of lettuce pickers.
The migration has been going on with citizens there for quite some time.....just like businesses have been leaving as well.

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