Why exactly do you have a problem footing the bill for the daily survival of the poor?

Most of the people who want to dump the poor are narcissists, they are incapable of caring about anyone except themselves and all they know is that they want to keep more of their money for their own purposes.
Hey asshole..When we're struggling just to get by and we then have to listen to you people berate us for being "selfish" you get the backlash you deserve.
I doubt, spoon, you are struggling to get by. And if you are, then are you paying federal income tax?
Pedro, we are not family.

Putting it another way, more understandable, if you were bleeding in a gutter I would not help you if I had the very last band aid in the world.
And this is the difference between us. You don't yet understand this genealogical fact. I blame the horrific state of history and science education in this country. I do understand it and would offer you my last dollar to eat. I would even if you were correct and we weren't kin. This is because, despite the pro-birth-only rhetoric, the pro-life position is exactly what it says: in support of all life regardless of age, gender, sex, color, creed, or belief. You were born with inherent, inalienable worth. Inalienable means that literally nothing you could ever do or fail to do could cause you to lose it.
The bottom 47% of wage earners pay negative income taxes. They get more back than they pay. WHy arent they willing to support the poor?
As for the OP. Fuck off. Let people get jobs and support themselves. IT isnt our responsibility to enable bad behavior.
They pay the bulk of state and local taxes so it more than evens out. When ALL taxes and fees are included the working poor pay a much larger percentage of their income than the wealthy.
We're family, both as a species and a nation. I mean that in the most literal sense. We're all descended from a relatively small pool of people that becomes even smaller the farther back you go. The homeless guy you sneer at on your way to work is your fourth cousin and you don't even know it. The kid you're wishing would just die already so you don't have to pay her medical bills is his third cousin's niece by marriage. It kind of makes me sad to see how people treat their own family like shit like this just because they don't think poor people deserve a safe place to sleep every night and quality medical care.

It's especially frustrating how many of these people claim to be "pro-life" and claim to understand the moral truth that all life has inherent value but only mean they're against killing babies and are utterly apathetic to other forms of human suffering. Why can't people just accept these facts? Why do people have to turn their back on their alleged values when they're asked to put them into practice? If you believe in the inalienable value of life, if you truly understand that we're a massive, inbred, dysfunctional family, then why do you shirk your responsibility to your cousins and nieces and nephews and allow them to starve and die on the street? -.-
"because they don't think poor people deserve a safe place to sleep every night and quality medical care."
Who the HELL said that?
Hey look cup-cake....The target is NOT the needy or the most vulnerable. The ones who are targeted are those able bodied people who can work but refuse to work because bleeding hearts LIKE YOU fee sorry for them.
Your side makes all these lame excuses for those whoa re gaming the system.....
Tell ya what. You go ahead and find the crooks. The ones who are ripping off the system. Take away their taxpayer tit. Then you come back and tell the rest of us how much you need for the needy.

he's a walking talking point idiot of some reality world that doesn't frikken exist. Its easy to SAY you care about the poor when it ISNT their money they are DEMANDING of everyone else in this country. last I recalled I wasn't born into some COMMUNE. I was born into a free country where EVERYONE has the same opportunities to either make it or stay poor
We're family, both as a species and a nation. I mean that in the most literal sense. We're all descended from a relatively small pool of people that becomes even smaller the farther back you go. The homeless guy you sneer at on your way to work is your fourth cousin and you don't even know it. The kid you're wishing would just die already so you don't have to pay her medical bills is his third cousin's niece by marriage. It kind of makes me sad to see how people treat their own family like shit like this just because they don't think poor people deserve a safe place to sleep every night and quality medical care.

It's especially frustrating how many of these people claim to be "pro-life" and claim to understand the moral truth that all life has inherent value but only mean they're against killing babies and are utterly apathetic to other forms of human suffering. Why can't people just accept these facts? Why do people have to turn their back on their alleged values when they're asked to put them into practice? If you believe in the inalienable value of life, if you truly understand that we're a massive, inbred, dysfunctional family, then why do you shirk your responsibility to your cousins and nieces and nephews and allow them to starve and die on the street? -.-

Collectivist Poppycock.

The End.
It is collectivist. This is true. Healthy families are inherently collectivist by nature. Father and Mother don't work for themselves and leave Junior to die. Father and Mother work for the benefit of each other and Junior. We should be acting like the family that we are. I even would go so far as to argue that, even if you don't accept our kinship, a certain level of collectivism is a necessary component of a functional pro-life ideology. One cannot put the belief in the inherent value of life into practice without devoting themselves to defending and nurturing life. One might as well not even hold that belief if they're not willing to work towards it as a goal.
Hey..Here's an idea. MOve to a country where the extended family is part of the culture. I hope you are thrilled with the widespread abject poverty.
I don't mind paying for the poor but I do mind paying for the administrators salaries and agencies that give taxpayer money to the poor . I also don't like the waste going into helping the poor that allows them to live lavishly on taxpayer money . A basic amount of honest help to an honest poor person is fine with me . I knew old people dead for the last 50 years that raised families on basic charity and their own menial labor as they worked to do as best they could , I'm thinking of widows . They were good people and deserved and were THANKFUL for all the basic Relief that they got and that Basic relief was also at taxpayer expense .
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Never mind the relatively small amount of fraud in welfare.

We need to go after corporate welfare, welfare ranchers. They're the ones who sap the system.
these people don't care about THE POOR. they are just USED as pawns to beat the rest of us over the head with

if they cared about anyone they wouldn't support ABORITONS of the innocent on demand.
go to hell

Says Stephanie who has said she gets food stamps and medicaid.
I remember a female poster back in 2010 and 2011 (whom I generally liked) who was on assistance yet criticized the government for handing out assistance
You did know that conservatives give more of their time and money to charity than anyone other group of people, right. We simply have a problem with the government stealing our money for the their war on poverty. How's that going, btw? 1.5 trillion spent and it's actually worse now.
This isn't about conservative vs liberal. Both of those positions are flawed anyway. This is about our responsibility to our brothers and sisters and cousins who are our fellow citizens and human beings.
What responsibility?
If I had a relative who thought like you, I'd want to know why you believe I'm the bad guy because I won't just hand over part of what I EARN to make you feel better.
We're family, both as a species and a nation. I mean that in the most literal sense. We're all descended from a relatively small pool of people that becomes even smaller the farther back you go. The homeless guy you sneer at on your way to work is your fourth cousin and you don't even know it. The kid you're wishing would just die already so you don't have to pay her medical bills is his third cousin's niece by marriage. It kind of makes me sad to see how people treat their own family like shit like this just because they don't think poor people deserve a safe place to sleep every night and quality medical care.

It's especially frustrating how many of these people claim to be "pro-life" and claim to understand the moral truth that all life has inherent value but only mean they're against killing babies and are utterly apathetic to other forms of human suffering. Why can't people just accept these facts? Why do people have to turn their back on their alleged values when they're asked to put them into practice? If you believe in the inalienable value of life, if you truly understand that we're a massive, inbred, dysfunctional family, then why do you shirk your responsibility to your cousins and nieces and nephews and allow them to starve and die on the street? -.-

You're an idiot. A grizzly bear would chew your ass up. he doesn't care what family or "species" you believe yourself superior of.
We're family, both as a species and a nation. I mean that in the most literal sense. We're all descended from a relatively small pool of people that becomes even smaller the farther back you go. The homeless guy you sneer at on your way to work is your fourth cousin and you don't even know it. The kid you're wishing would just die already so you don't have to pay her medical bills is his third cousin's niece by marriage. It kind of makes me sad to see how people treat their own family like shit like this just because they don't think poor people deserve a safe place to sleep every night and quality medical care.

It's especially frustrating how many of these people claim to be "pro-life" and claim to understand the moral truth that all life has inherent value but only mean they're against killing babies and are utterly apathetic to other forms of human suffering. Why can't people just accept these facts? Why do people have to turn their back on their alleged values when they're asked to put them into practice? If you believe in the inalienable value of life, if you truly understand that we're a massive, inbred, dysfunctional family, then why do you shirk your responsibility to your cousins and nieces and nephews and allow them to starve and die on the street? -.-

Collectivist Poppycock.

The End.
It is collectivist. This is true. Healthy families are inherently collectivist by nature. Father and Mother don't work for themselves and leave Junior to die. Father and Mother work for the benefit of each other and Junior. We should be acting like the family that we are. I even would go so far as to argue that, even if you don't accept our kinship, a certain level of collectivism is a necessary component of a functional pro-life ideology. One cannot put the belief in the inherent value of life into practice without devoting themselves to defending and nurturing life. One might as well not even hold that belief if they're not willing to work towards it as a goal.

go start a commune/cult. You sound just like JIM JONES. maybe you can lead 1000 people to drink cyanide kool aide

my gawd, I hope you also send in your weekly paychecks to the guberment to take care of them POOR
these accusatory questions and threads like this ticks me off

I've been PAYING for the survival of THE POOR for over 45 years of my working LIFE. yet we are still accused of NOT GIVING or wanting to give.

it just never ends folks. YOU can give until you and YOUR FAMILY have nothing and they would still bitch at you (about THE POOR poor folks) who still has a better standard of living than any OTHER COUNTRY
They are not questions at all. And this is typical of the main stream media. They do the same thing.
They make statements and place a question mark after them for the sole purpose of making accusations and offering conclusions.
For example...
Responsible journalist......" Hmm, I heard so and so made a racist remark. Let me do some fact checking then go talk to the person who allegedly made the remark".
Irresponsible main stream media:
" Mr so and so....Sources say you made a racist remark. When can we expect a public apology?"
You did know that conservatives give more of their time and money to charity than anyone other group of people, right. We simply have a problem with the government stealing our money for the their war on poverty. How's that going, btw? 1.5 trillion spent and it's actually worse now.
I bet Jesus gave you a sticky star for the theft....put it right next to your name on the chart....
Bolded above is the most ignorant statement of the day.
The number is actually higher. MUCH higher.
Public Aid, Food Stamps, Unemployment, Disability, Medicare, Medicaid, etc. are all grossly abused in this country. To the tune of tens of billions of dollars. That is what I object to. Not to the care of the truly needy who sincerely want to improve their lot in life through personal effort.

Shrugging off your responsibility, If you really know people who are scamming the system you should report them, instead I think you are generalizing and spewing talking points

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