Why Doesn't The Koch Brothers Just Run For Office?


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
If they wish to be in power so much, why don't they run for a public position?

Any of you self-proclaimed conservatives care to answer that one?
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Because they wield more power by doing what they do. Think about it. If they ran and won, they'd only be able to influence where they represent. By staying out of the political arena, they can influence across the country and put people in office that have the same ideals as they do.

They are much more powerful now.
Because a politico must answer to the populace and the media. The money behind the politico's have always been immune from the people's rage and lets face it, money lasts a lot longer than one or two terms. The money men can stay hidden back in the shadows pulling strings and getting laws passed that will benefit them financially where a politco cannot (not supposed to anyway.)
What's the correct syntax or grammar professors?
Again, your after the Koch brothers and Soros gives more money then they do combined. Hypocrites much!!


I really wish that were true!

There are other differences as well ... Koch's had their money given to them. Yeah, just like FlipFlopRomney of the Magic Underwear Fame.

Soros and Obama both had to earn theirs.
Because you are paranoid and they dont have nearly the designs you think.
The left's ongoing paranoia about a Jewish conspiracy rears it's ugly head? Why doesn't George Soros run for office?
If they wish to be in power so much, why don't they run for a public position?

Any of you self-proclaimed conservatives care to answer that one?

can i take a stab at it?

1. they'd have to disclose their finances.
2. they'd have to take a pay cut
3. why would they? they have their hoards to do their bidding.

Could easily say the same thing for George Soros.

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