Why does the Democratic Party hate Israel?

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"Peace without the right of return is not acceptable terms"

I guess that means Israel will have to exterminate the Muzzie savages then.
1 billion few a few million

Pakistan alone could wipe them off the map and they're crazy enough

You are utterly deluded about how strong the Israeli military is.

Watch how weak they become when you cut off travel and economically sanction them

Why would we do that?

Because it's apartheid and america is about to be majority non white? catholics don't give a shit about Israel

The NYT used to be american Zionist HQ. Now they only allow Farakhand disciples HAHAHA. Those tables turned quick
You may be able to sell that crap to the brain-damaged SJW morons, but intelligent people aren't buying it.

Actually, many Catholics do give a shit about Israel, but not the antisemitic vermin like you.

Awfully considered about another nation for some one who thinks of himself as a patriot
How is doing what's right not patriotic?

What's right for Americans is what is in our geopolitical and domestic interests

Anything that goes against that is inherently unpatriotic

You are subverting our priorities for some one else's.
geopolitical and domestic interests

You are admitting that Muslims will attack any nation that doesn't support the destruction of Israel.
Muslims are very civilized.

Why would i care?

Israel is out of control too, what is your point? lol

Difference is when Saudi Arabia attacks Yemen it doesn't piss off literally a billion people
Difference is when Saudi Arabia attacks Yemen it doesn't piss off literally a billion people

Who's pissed off besides you and CNN?
"Peace without the right of return is not acceptable terms"

I guess that means Israel will have to exterminate the Muzzie savages then.
1 billion few a few million

Pakistan alone could wipe them off the map and they're crazy enough

You are utterly deluded about how strong the Israeli military is.

Watch how weak they become when you cut off travel and economically sanction them

Why would we do that?

Because it's apartheid and america is about to be majority non white? catholics don't give a shit about Israel

The NYT used to be american Zionist HQ. Now they only allow Farakhand disciples HAHAHA. Those tables turned quick
You may be able to sell that crap to the brain-damaged SJW morons, but intelligent people aren't buying it.

Actually, many Catholics do give a shit about Israel, but not the antisemitic vermin like you.

Awfully considered about another nation for some one who thinks of himself as a patriot
How is doing what's right not patriotic?

What's right for Americans is what is in our geopolitical and domestic interests

Anything that goes against that is inherently unpatriotic

You are subverting our priorities for some one else's.
geopolitical and domestic interests

You are admitting that Muslims will attack any nation that doesn't support the destruction of Israel.
Muslims are very civilized.

Why would i care?

Israel is out of control too, what is your point? lol

Difference is when Saudi Arabia attacks Yemen it doesn't piss off literally a billion people. And we are not blamed, rightly, for propping the Saudis up. Unlike Israel whose largest private employer is Intel.
What about the other 6+ billion people?
There is so much distorted & twisted history not sure that it is possible to sort it out. As a very solid supporter of Israel for many many years, my own thinking is that many of the problems we have now with Israel is a leader who would be king. Netanyahu, has lost his way. That must be corrected.

It's very simple, Israeli history starts with the first aliyah, google it

American zionists are very good at obfuscating the timeline.

It's much shorter than American history, and ous is short.
"Peace without the right of return is not acceptable terms"

I guess that means Israel will have to exterminate the Muzzie savages then.
1 billion few a few million

Pakistan alone could wipe them off the map and they're crazy enough

You are utterly deluded about how strong the Israeli military is.

Watch how weak they become when you cut off travel and economically sanction them

Why would we do that?

Because it's apartheid and america is about to be majority non white? catholics don't give a shit about Israel

The NYT used to be american Zionist HQ. Now they only allow Farakhand disciples HAHAHA. Those tables turned quick
You may be able to sell that crap to the brain-damaged SJW morons, but intelligent people aren't buying it.

Actually, many Catholics do give a shit about Israel, but not the antisemitic vermin like you.

Awfully considered about another nation for some one who thinks of himself as a patriot
How is doing what's right not patriotic?

What's right for Americans is what is in our geopolitical and domestic interests

Anything that goes against that is inherently unpatriotic

You are subverting our priorities for some one else's.
geopolitical and domestic interests

You are admitting that Muslims will attack any nation that doesn't support the destruction of Israel.
Muslims are very civilized.

Why would i care?

Israel is out of control too, what is your point? lol

Difference is when Saudi Arabia attacks Yemen it doesn't piss off literally a billion people
Difference is when Saudi Arabia attacks Yemen it doesn't piss off literally a billion people

Who's pissed off besides you and CNN?

The billion muslims on the planet? lol what? where did you think that number came from?

An actual count would probably end up more like 2 billion, but we'll just stick with the Muslims

The other billion aren't angry enough to do anything about it.
"Peace without the right of return is not acceptable terms"

I guess that means Israel will have to exterminate the Muzzie savages then.
1 billion few a few million

Pakistan alone could wipe them off the map and they're crazy enough

You are utterly deluded about how strong the Israeli military is.

Watch how weak they become when you cut off travel and economically sanction them

Why would we do that?

Because it's apartheid and america is about to be majority non white? catholics don't give a shit about Israel

The NYT used to be american Zionist HQ. Now they only allow Farakhand disciples HAHAHA. Those tables turned quick
You may be able to sell that crap to the brain-damaged SJW morons, but intelligent people aren't buying it. Muslims have the same rights as Jews in Israel, moron.

Actually, many Catholics do give a shit about Israel, but not the antisemitic vermin like you.

No Muslims and Jews do not at all have the same rights in Israel.
Muslims in Israel are not allowed to use the same schools, hospitals, or even roads.
They are continually beaten, abused, and prevented from voting.
Arabs paid for their homes and have them stolen.
Jews in Israel get their homes for free, so know they are in possession of stolen property.
I believe the Democrats' attitude reflects back to their view of apartheid in Israel just as much as they were against its practice in South Africa.

well, no. The "democrats" who imagine that there is apartheid in Israel----are
victims of islamo nazi propaganda. Try to educate yourself-----read the koran

theist ramblings are not history books you vapid bitch

god damn i hope you are barren

so unbearably stupid

did I suggest that the islamo nazi propaganda pamphlets were "HISTORY"?------they were
propaganda pamphlets. Do you consider Farrakhan's FINAL CALL to be "HISTORY"?
How about the SUPERMAN comics of the 1950s-----I read them too-----but do not quote

Try taking your own advice and read the Quran some day?
It clearly says Judaism and Christianity are valid religions, Brothers of the Book, use the same Old Testament, and are not to be harmed or abused.
Anyone claiming Moslem hate or abuse Jews or Christians is just a liar.

But Zionists are not Jews.
They are evil people going against Judaism in in order to murder and steal.
The Quran tells Muzzie savages to murder all Jews.
well----not true----only if they refuse to convert to islam OR refuse total
subjugation to muslims-----UNCONDITIONALLY

As opposed to the Jews who want unconditional surrender with no chance of conversion?

One group is a religion one is an ethnic group. There are many secular Jews

Secular Muslims do not exist
"unconditional surrender" to what?
What do you think the two state solution is?

They are agreeing to give up teh right of return, basic sovereignty, and the best parts of their land

That's unconditional surrender. They get nothing

Palestinians want basically the same thing via the right of return. But they were there first and Israel would not exist without Anglo backing. This is not the strong eating the weak. This is us eating the weak via proxy. First the British elite and now ours.

Also they will allow all those jews to convert to islam and would probably be very happy to just get land back and go on about their day. Their offer of conversion is real.

Jews don't even pretend to offer the opportunity to convert
from where do you get BEST PARTS OF THEIR LAND?

The arable parts/ THe contiguous (it's all one big piece because i know you don't know what that fucking means) parts? have you looked at a map of israel/palestine?

Even without knowing where farmland/water/port access etc was. You should be able to tell who gets the better end of that deal.

Yea the Jews just split it 50/50 after winning armed conflicts...?
the "BEST PARTS OF THEIR LAND" are that way because Israel made them that way. Why should Israel give anything to those war mongering muzzie savages at their own game?

Because they don't have the power to defend it without Anglo backing

Which we will remove

Welcome to woke America

Best thing about all this is the end of Zionist support in the democratic party. 2050 max and America cuts all ties with them.

They would not have beaten the billion muslims without us. It would have been a bloodly slaughter
Only those who want the Muzzies to commit genocide would support such move.

I get it, you're not a good american and support apartheid for no reason.

YOu care more about Israeli stability than american domestic cohesion, that's fine.

Move to israel you traitorous fuck
Do you care that Saudi Arabia is murdering Yemenites?

Only to the extent it causes us geopolitical problems and social disharmony at home

At the moment I don't care. But if we had a large sunni/shiite split and they were getting riled up by our involvement. Then that would be an obvious problem not worth having over fucking yemen. As it is we seem to be just selling the Saudis arms with no visible downsides.

Even if israeli apartheid was distasteful, if there were no drawbacks from an empire perspective it would be hard to argue against. But that's not the case. They are one of the few settler colonial states outside the western hemisphere. And we have very publicly propped them up for decades.

Unsustainable for us to continue support
You are using a chip designed and manufactured in Israel; please throw your smart device away.

Designed? lol

Manufactured sure

Jews love to claim European inventions for their own
I met an Israeli who was working on a chip for the X-Box. Israel does a lot of work in high tech.

They have contracts to manufacture, but it's all American/Euro tech. Mostly American

They made none of it outside software

All the hardware is at it's root American

They get contracts because of nepotists and zionists. Not because Israel is some rational place to manufacture anything considering it's geopolitical situation
Are you so ignorant you don't know that MS has most of it's actual working software written in Israel?
Also, India doesn't use Indian software developers, it uses Israelis.

I worked at Microsoft, and none of the software came from Israel.
And not only does India use its own domestic developers, but they are the most common contractors in the US.
Not once have I ever seen a software project come out of Israel, or any Israeli contractors.

It is true Intel has a plant in Israel, but nothing useful comes out of it.
Intel has some of the worse technology in the world, and they only succeed because IBM granted them a monopoly using some very bad hardware, the x86 instruction set.
"Peace without the right of return is not acceptable terms"

I guess that means Israel will have to exterminate the Muzzie savages then.
1 billion few a few million

Pakistan alone could wipe them off the map and they're crazy enough

You are utterly deluded about how strong the Israeli military is.

Watch how weak they become when you cut off travel and economically sanction them

Why would we do that?

Because it's apartheid and america is about to be majority non white? catholics don't give a shit about Israel

The NYT used to be american Zionist HQ. Now they only allow Farakhand disciples HAHAHA. Those tables turned quick
You may be able to sell that crap to the brain-damaged SJW morons, but intelligent people aren't buying it.

Actually, many Catholics do give a shit about Israel, but not the antisemitic vermin like you.

Awfully considered about another nation for some one who thinks of himself as a patriot
How is doing what's right not patriotic?

What's right for Americans is what is in our geopolitical and domestic interests

Anything that goes against that is inherently unpatriotic

You are subverting our priorities for some one else's.
geopolitical and domestic interests

You are admitting that Muslims will attack any nation that doesn't support the destruction of Israel.
Muslims are very civilized.
That's why Thomas Jefferson had to create the Marines, because the Mooslims were so civilized.
"Peace without the right of return is not acceptable terms"

I guess that means Israel will have to exterminate the Muzzie savages then.
1 billion few a few million

Pakistan alone could wipe them off the map and they're crazy enough

You are utterly deluded about how strong the Israeli military is.

Watch how weak they become when you cut off travel and economically sanction them

Why would we do that?

Because it's apartheid and america is about to be majority non white? catholics don't give a shit about Israel

The NYT used to be american Zionist HQ. Now they only allow Farakhand disciples HAHAHA. Those tables turned quick
You may be able to sell that crap to the brain-damaged SJW morons, but intelligent people aren't buying it.

Actually, many Catholics do give a shit about Israel, but not the antisemitic vermin like you.

Awfully considered about another nation for some one who thinks of himself as a patriot
How is doing what's right not patriotic?

What's right for Americans is what is in our geopolitical and domestic interests

Anything that goes against that is inherently unpatriotic

You are subverting our priorities for some one else's.
Preventing genocide is in our interests, you fucking moron.
"Peace without the right of return is not acceptable terms"

I guess that means Israel will have to exterminate the Muzzie savages then.
1 billion few a few million

Pakistan alone could wipe them off the map and they're crazy enough

You are utterly deluded about how strong the Israeli military is.

Watch how weak they become when you cut off travel and economically sanction them

Why would we do that?

Because it's apartheid and america is about to be majority non white? catholics don't give a shit about Israel

The NYT used to be american Zionist HQ. Now they only allow Farakhand disciples HAHAHA. Those tables turned quick
You may be able to sell that crap to the brain-damaged SJW morons, but intelligent people aren't buying it.

Actually, many Catholics do give a shit about Israel, but not the antisemitic vermin like you.

Awfully considered about another nation for some one who thinks of himself as a patriot
How is doing what's right not patriotic?

What's right for Americans is what is in our geopolitical and domestic interests

Anything that goes against that is inherently unpatriotic

You are subverting our priorities for some one else's.
Preventing genocide is in our interests, you fucking moron.

No it's not

Which is why we allowed the fucking holocaust to happen

We aren't some fucking charity or world police. No one gives a shit


If we can't look like the good guys or it costs too much why would we give a shit? Just stay out of it. Let them off each other

You are high on your own fucking supply. Should we have open borders too since everyone needs our help? What the fuck is wrong with you?
I believe the Democrats' attitude reflects back to their view of apartheid in Israel just as much as they were against its practice in South Africa.

well, no. The "democrats" who imagine that there is apartheid in Israel----are
victims of islamo nazi propaganda. Try to educate yourself-----read the koran

theist ramblings are not history books you vapid bitch

god damn i hope you are barren

so unbearably stupid

did I suggest that the islamo nazi propaganda pamphlets were "HISTORY"?------they were
propaganda pamphlets. Do you consider Farrakhan's FINAL CALL to be "HISTORY"?
How about the SUPERMAN comics of the 1950s-----I read them too-----but do not quote

Try taking your own advice and read the Quran some day?
It clearly says Judaism and Christianity are valid religions, Brothers of the Book, use the same Old Testament, and are not to be harmed or abused.
Anyone claiming Moslem hate or abuse Jews or Christians is just a liar.

But Zionists are not Jews.
They are evil people going against Judaism in in order to murder and steal.
The Quran tells Muzzie savages to murder all Jews.
well----not true----only if they refuse to convert to islam OR refuse total
subjugation to muslims-----UNCONDITIONALLY

As opposed to the Jews who want unconditional surrender with no chance of conversion?

One group is a religion one is an ethnic group. There are many secular Jews

Secular Muslims do not exist
"unconditional surrender" to what?
What do you think the two state solution is?

They are agreeing to give up teh right of return, basic sovereignty, and the best parts of their land

That's unconditional surrender. They get nothing

Palestinians want basically the same thing via the right of return. But they were there first and Israel would not exist without Anglo backing. This is not the strong eating the weak. This is us eating the weak via proxy. First the British elite and now ours.

Also they will allow all those jews to convert to islam and would probably be very happy to just get land back and go on about their day. Their offer of conversion is real.

Jews don't even pretend to offer the opportunity to convert
from where do you get BEST PARTS OF THEIR LAND?

The arable parts/ THe contiguous (it's all one big piece because i know you don't know what that fucking means) parts? have you looked at a map of israel/palestine?

Even without knowing where farmland/water/port access etc was. You should be able to tell who gets the better end of that deal.

Yea the Jews just split it 50/50 after winning armed conflicts...?
the "BEST PARTS OF THEIR LAND" are that way because Israel made them that way. Why should Israel give anything to those war mongering muzzie savages at their own game?

Because they don't have the power to defend it without Anglo backing

Which we will remove

Welcome to woke America

Best thing about all this is the end of Zionist support in the democratic party. 2050 max and America cuts all ties with them.

They would not have beaten the billion muslims without us. It would have been a bloodly slaughter
Only those who want the Muzzies to commit genocide would support such move.

I get it, you're not a good american and support apartheid for no reason.

YOu care more about Israeli stability than american domestic cohesion, that's fine.

Move to israel you traitorous fuck
Do you care that Saudi Arabia is murdering Yemenites?
uhm-----sorry---NOMENCLATURE check "yemenites" means JOOOS from Yemen.
Muslims from Yemen are YEMENIS. Saudi arabia is not murdering Yemenis. The HOUTHIS
who are a DESPISED minority (despised by the majority sunni muslim population) and
FAITHFUL TO IRAN ---as shiites are gung ho to attack Saudi arabia and get control of the giant
black turd in the sand -----AND get control of the VITAL SEAPORTS which are part of Yemen----
to wit ADEN, Hodeida and a few more in order to COMPLETELY control sea traffic on the RED
SEA------and CRIPPLE world trade for anything not IRANIAN. What is going on is a very GIANT
IMPERIALIST program controlled by IRAN ----he who controls the black turd and the sea ports---

The Houthis not only are the majority in most of the regions of Yemen, but also have support of other natives who are either Sunni or Shiite.

The Houthi movement (/ˈhuːθi/; Arabic: ٱلْحُوثِيُّون‎ al-Ḥūthīyūn [al.ħuː.θiː.juːn]), officially called Ansar Allah (ʾAnṣār Allāh أَنْصَار ٱللَّٰه "Supporters of God") and colloquially simply Houthis, is an Islamist political and armed movement that emerged from Saada in northern Yemen in the 1990s. The movement was called Houthis because its founder is from the Houthi tribe.[49] The Houthi movement is a predominately Zaidi Shia force.[50] The Houthis have a complex relationship with Yemen's Sunni Muslims; the movement has both discriminated against Sunnis, but also recruited and allied with them.[51][11][52][53] Under the leadership of Hussein Badreddin al-Houthi, the group emerged as an opposition to former Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh, whom they charged with massive financial corruption and criticized for being backed by Saudi Arabia and the United States[40] at the expense of the Yemeni people[54] and Yemen's sovereignty.[55] Resisting Saleh's order for his arrest,[56] Hussein was killed in Sa'dah in 2004 along with a number of his guards by the Yemeni army, sparking the Houthi insurgency in Yemen.[57] Since then, except for a short intervening period, the movement has been led by his brother Abdul-Malik al-Houthi.[56]

The Houthi movement attracts its Zaidi-Shia followers in Yemen by promoting regional political-religious issues in its media, including the overarching U.S.–Israeli conspiracy theory and Arab "collusion".[58][59] In 2003, the Houthis' slogan, "God is great, death to the US, death to Israel, curse the Jews, and victory for Islam", became the group's trademark.[59] Houthi officials, however, have rejected the literal interpretation of the slogan.[60]

The movement's expressed goals include combating economic underdevelopment and political marginalization in Yemen while seeking greater autonomy for Houthi-majority regions of the country.[61] They also claim to support a more democratic non-sectarian republic in Yemen.[62][63] The Houthis have made fighting corruption the centerpiece of their political program.[40]
I believe the Democrats' attitude reflects back to their view of apartheid in Israel just as much as they were against its practice in South Africa.

well, no. The "democrats" who imagine that there is apartheid in Israel----are
victims of islamo nazi propaganda. Try to educate yourself-----read the koran

theist ramblings are not history books you vapid bitch

god damn i hope you are barren

so unbearably stupid

did I suggest that the islamo nazi propaganda pamphlets were "HISTORY"?------they were
propaganda pamphlets. Do you consider Farrakhan's FINAL CALL to be "HISTORY"?
How about the SUPERMAN comics of the 1950s-----I read them too-----but do not quote

Try taking your own advice and read the Quran some day?
It clearly says Judaism and Christianity are valid religions, Brothers of the Book, use the same Old Testament, and are not to be harmed or abused.
Anyone claiming Moslem hate or abuse Jews or Christians is just a liar.

But Zionists are not Jews.
They are evil people going against Judaism in in order to murder and steal.
The Quran tells Muzzie savages to murder all Jews.
well----not true----only if they refuse to convert to islam OR refuse total
subjugation to muslims-----UNCONDITIONALLY

As opposed to the Jews who want unconditional surrender with no chance of conversion?

One group is a religion one is an ethnic group. There are many secular Jews

Secular Muslims do not exist
"unconditional surrender" to what?
What do you think the two state solution is?

They are agreeing to give up teh right of return, basic sovereignty, and the best parts of their land

That's unconditional surrender. They get nothing

Palestinians want basically the same thing via the right of return. But they were there first and Israel would not exist without Anglo backing. This is not the strong eating the weak. This is us eating the weak via proxy. First the British elite and now ours.

Also they will allow all those jews to convert to islam and would probably be very happy to just get land back and go on about their day. Their offer of conversion is real.

Jews don't even pretend to offer the opportunity to convert
from where do you get BEST PARTS OF THEIR LAND?

The arable parts/ THe contiguous (it's all one big piece because i know you don't know what that fucking means) parts? have you looked at a map of israel/palestine?

Even without knowing where farmland/water/port access etc was. You should be able to tell who gets the better end of that deal.

Yea the Jews just split it 50/50 after winning armed conflicts...?
the "BEST PARTS OF THEIR LAND" are that way because Israel made them that way. Why should Israel give anything to those war mongering muzzie savages at their own game?

Because they don't have the power to defend it without Anglo backing

Which we will remove

Welcome to woke America

Best thing about all this is the end of Zionist support in the democratic party. 2050 max and America cuts all ties with them.

They would not have beaten the billion muslims without us. It would have been a bloodly slaughter
Only those who want the Muzzies to commit genocide would support such move.

I get it, you're not a good american and support apartheid for no reason.

YOu care more about Israeli stability than american domestic cohesion, that's fine.

Move to israel you traitorous fuck
Do you care that Saudi Arabia is murdering Yemenites?

Only to the extent it causes us geopolitical problems and social disharmony at home

At the moment I don't care. But if we had a large sunni/shiite split and they were getting riled up by our involvement. Then that would be an obvious problem not worth having over fucking yemen. As it is we seem to be just selling the Saudis arms with no visible downsides.

Even if israeli apartheid was distasteful, if there were no drawbacks from an empire perspective it would be hard to argue against. But that's not the case. They are one of the few settler colonial states outside the western hemisphere. And we have very publicly propped them up for decades.

Unsustainable for us to continue support
You are using a chip designed and manufactured in Israel; please throw your smart device away.

Designed? lol

Manufactured sure

Jews love to claim European inventions for their own
I met an Israeli who was working on a chip for the X-Box. Israel does a lot of work in high tech.

They have contracts to manufacture, but it's all American/Euro tech. Mostly American

They made none of it outside software

All the hardware is at it's root American

They get contracts because of nepotists and zionists. Not because Israel is some rational place to manufacture anything considering it's geopolitical situation
Are you so ignorant you don't know that MS has most of it's actual working software written in Israel?
Also, India doesn't use Indian software developers, it uses Israelis.

I worked at Microsoft, and none of the software came from Israel.
And not only does India use its own domestic developers, but they are the most common contractors in the US.
Not once have I ever seen a software project come out of Israel, or any Israeli contractors.

It is true Intel has a plant in Israel, but nothing useful comes out of it.
Intel has some of the worse technology in the world, and they only succeed because IBM granted them a monopoly using some very bad hardware, the x86 instruction set.
I just posted the evidence that MS has a development center in Israel, dumbfuck:

Science and technology in Israel - Wikipedia

Israeli companies excel in computer software and hardware development, particularly computer security technologies, semiconductors and communications. Israeli firms include Check Point, a leading firewall firm; Amdocs, which makes business and operations support systems for telecoms; Comverse, a voice-mail company; and Mercury Interactive, which measures software performance.[77] A high concentration of high-tech industries in the coastal plain of Israel has led to the nickname Silicon Wadi (lit: "Silicon Valley").[78] Both Israeli and international companies are based there. Intel,[79] Microsoft,[80] and Apple[81][82] built their first overseas research and development centers in Israel, and other high-tech multi-national corporations, such as IBM, Cisco Systems, and Motorola, have opened facilities in the country. Intel developed its dual-core Core Duo processor at its Israel Development Center in Haifa.[83] More than 3,850 start-ups have been established in Israel, making it second only to the US in this sector[84] and has the largest number of NASDAQ-listed companies outside North America.[85]
"Peace without the right of return is not acceptable terms"

I guess that means Israel will have to exterminate the Muzzie savages then.
1 billion few a few million

Pakistan alone could wipe them off the map and they're crazy enough

You are utterly deluded about how strong the Israeli military is.

Watch how weak they become when you cut off travel and economically sanction them

Why would we do that?

Because it's apartheid and america is about to be majority non white? catholics don't give a shit about Israel

The NYT used to be american Zionist HQ. Now they only allow Farakhand disciples HAHAHA. Those tables turned quick
You may be able to sell that crap to the brain-damaged SJW morons, but intelligent people aren't buying it.

Actually, many Catholics do give a shit about Israel, but not the antisemitic vermin like you.

Awfully considered about another nation for some one who thinks of himself as a patriot
How is doing what's right not patriotic?

What's right for Americans is what is in our geopolitical and domestic interests

Anything that goes against that is inherently unpatriotic

You are subverting our priorities for some one else's.
Preventing genocide is in our interests, you fucking moron.

The only genocide in the Mideast is the Zionists slowly trying to eliminate the Palestinian natives.
Moslem never have attacked Jews, but instead have always defended them.
But Zionists are not Jews.
Zionism is totally against all the principles of Judaism, and their goal obviously is to murder all the natives then can so they can steal ALL of Palestine.
"Peace without the right of return is not acceptable terms"

I guess that means Israel will have to exterminate the Muzzie savages then.
1 billion few a few million

Pakistan alone could wipe them off the map and they're crazy enough

You are utterly deluded about how strong the Israeli military is.

Watch how weak they become when you cut off travel and economically sanction them

Why would we do that?

Because it's apartheid and america is about to be majority non white? catholics don't give a shit about Israel

The NYT used to be american Zionist HQ. Now they only allow Farakhand disciples HAHAHA. Those tables turned quick
You may be able to sell that crap to the brain-damaged SJW morons, but intelligent people aren't buying it.

Actually, many Catholics do give a shit about Israel, but not the antisemitic vermin like you.

Awfully considered about another nation for some one who thinks of himself as a patriot
How is doing what's right not patriotic?

What's right for Americans is what is in our geopolitical and domestic interests

Anything that goes against that is inherently unpatriotic

You are subverting our priorities for some one else's.
Preventing genocide is in our interests, you fucking moron.

No it's not

Which is why we allowed the fucking holocaust to happen

We aren't some fucking charity or world police. No one gives a shit


If we can't look like the good guys or it costs too much why would we give a shit? Just stay out of it. Let them off each other

You are high on your own fucking supply. Should we have open borders too since everyone needs our help? What the fuck is wrong with you?
Yes it is.
"Peace without the right of return is not acceptable terms"

I guess that means Israel will have to exterminate the Muzzie savages then.
1 billion few a few million

Pakistan alone could wipe them off the map and they're crazy enough

You are utterly deluded about how strong the Israeli military is.

Watch how weak they become when you cut off travel and economically sanction them

Why would we do that?

Because it's apartheid and america is about to be majority non white? catholics don't give a shit about Israel

The NYT used to be american Zionist HQ. Now they only allow Farakhand disciples HAHAHA. Those tables turned quick
You may be able to sell that crap to the brain-damaged SJW morons, but intelligent people aren't buying it.

Actually, many Catholics do give a shit about Israel, but not the antisemitic vermin like you.

Awfully considered about another nation for some one who thinks of himself as a patriot
How is doing what's right not patriotic?

What's right for Americans is what is in our geopolitical and domestic interests

Anything that goes against that is inherently unpatriotic

You are subverting our priorities for some one else's.
Preventing genocide is in our interests, you fucking moron.

The only genocide in the Mideast is the Zionists slowly trying to eliminate the Palestinian natives.
Moslem never have attacked Jews, but instead have always defended them.
But Zionists are not Jews.
Zionism is totally against all the principles of Judaism, and their goal obviously is to murder all the natives then can so they can steal ALL of Palestine.
Another antisemitic douchebag. I never imagined there were so many of you.
I believe the Democrats' attitude reflects back to their view of apartheid in Israel just as much as they were against its practice in South Africa.

well, no. The "democrats" who imagine that there is apartheid in Israel----are
victims of islamo nazi propaganda. Try to educate yourself-----read the koran

theist ramblings are not history books you vapid bitch

god damn i hope you are barren

so unbearably stupid

did I suggest that the islamo nazi propaganda pamphlets were "HISTORY"?------they were
propaganda pamphlets. Do you consider Farrakhan's FINAL CALL to be "HISTORY"?
How about the SUPERMAN comics of the 1950s-----I read them too-----but do not quote

Try taking your own advice and read the Quran some day?
It clearly says Judaism and Christianity are valid religions, Brothers of the Book, use the same Old Testament, and are not to be harmed or abused.
Anyone claiming Moslem hate or abuse Jews or Christians is just a liar.

But Zionists are not Jews.
They are evil people going against Judaism in in order to murder and steal.
The Quran tells Muzzie savages to murder all Jews.
well----not true----only if they refuse to convert to islam OR refuse total
subjugation to muslims-----UNCONDITIONALLY

As opposed to the Jews who want unconditional surrender with no chance of conversion?

One group is a religion one is an ethnic group. There are many secular Jews

Secular Muslims do not exist
"unconditional surrender" to what?
What do you think the two state solution is?

They are agreeing to give up teh right of return, basic sovereignty, and the best parts of their land

That's unconditional surrender. They get nothing

Palestinians want basically the same thing via the right of return. But they were there first and Israel would not exist without Anglo backing. This is not the strong eating the weak. This is us eating the weak via proxy. First the British elite and now ours.

Also they will allow all those jews to convert to islam and would probably be very happy to just get land back and go on about their day. Their offer of conversion is real.

Jews don't even pretend to offer the opportunity to convert
from where do you get BEST PARTS OF THEIR LAND?

The arable parts/ THe contiguous (it's all one big piece because i know you don't know what that fucking means) parts? have you looked at a map of israel/palestine?

Even without knowing where farmland/water/port access etc was. You should be able to tell who gets the better end of that deal.

Yea the Jews just split it 50/50 after winning armed conflicts...?
the "BEST PARTS OF THEIR LAND" are that way because Israel made them that way. Why should Israel give anything to those war mongering muzzie savages at their own game?

Because they don't have the power to defend it without Anglo backing

Which we will remove

Welcome to woke America

Best thing about all this is the end of Zionist support in the democratic party. 2050 max and America cuts all ties with them.

They would not have beaten the billion muslims without us. It would have been a bloodly slaughter
Only those who want the Muzzies to commit genocide would support such move.

I get it, you're not a good american and support apartheid for no reason.

YOu care more about Israeli stability than american domestic cohesion, that's fine.

Move to israel you traitorous fuck
Do you care that Saudi Arabia is murdering Yemenites?

Only to the extent it causes us geopolitical problems and social disharmony at home

At the moment I don't care. But if we had a large sunni/shiite split and they were getting riled up by our involvement. Then that would be an obvious problem not worth having over fucking yemen. As it is we seem to be just selling the Saudis arms with no visible downsides.

Even if israeli apartheid was distasteful, if there were no drawbacks from an empire perspective it would be hard to argue against. But that's not the case. They are one of the few settler colonial states outside the western hemisphere. And we have very publicly propped them up for decades.

Unsustainable for us to continue support
You are using a chip designed and manufactured in Israel; please throw your smart device away.

Designed? lol

Manufactured sure

Jews love to claim European inventions for their own
I met an Israeli who was working on a chip for the X-Box. Israel does a lot of work in high tech.

They have contracts to manufacture, but it's all American/Euro tech. Mostly American

They made none of it outside software

All the hardware is at it's root American

They get contracts because of nepotists and zionists. Not because Israel is some rational place to manufacture anything considering it's geopolitical situation
Are you so ignorant you don't know that MS has most of it's actual working software written in Israel?
Also, India doesn't use Indian software developers, it uses Israelis.

I worked at Microsoft, and none of the software came from Israel.
And not only does India use its own domestic developers, but they are the most common contractors in the US.
Not once have I ever seen a software project come out of Israel, or any Israeli contractors.

It is true Intel has a plant in Israel, but nothing useful comes out of it.
Intel has some of the worse technology in the world, and they only succeed because IBM granted them a monopoly using some very bad hardware, the x86 instruction set.
I just posted the evidence that MS has a development center in Israel, dumbfuck:

Science and technology in Israel - Wikipedia

Israeli companies excel in computer software and hardware development, particularly computer security technologies, semiconductors and communications. Israeli firms include Check Point, a leading firewall firm; Amdocs, which makes business and operations support systems for telecoms; Comverse, a voice-mail company; and Mercury Interactive, which measures software performance.[77] A high concentration of high-tech industries in the coastal plain of Israel has led to the nickname Silicon Wadi (lit: "Silicon Valley").[78] Both Israeli and international companies are based there. Intel,[79] Microsoft,[80] and Apple[81][82] built their first overseas research and development centers in Israel, and other high-tech multi-national corporations, such as IBM, Cisco Systems, and Motorola, have opened facilities in the country. Intel developed its dual-core Core Duo processor at its Israel Development Center in Haifa.[83] More than 3,850 start-ups have been established in Israel, making it second only to the US in this sector[84] and has the largest number of NASDAQ-listed companies outside North America.[85]

You think MS code is made in israel? lol

I was referring to little projects, like because of their laws they tend to be the ones to create tools to "hack" iphones and droid devices. They can legally sell that kind of software and it's truly israeli. Even if it's based on subverting american in IP in a way that would be illegal here. They made it, and it has to be theirs or the American interests would be sued into the ground.

MS is huge i'm not surprised they have a presence there. But literally nothing you interact with from MS comes from Israel

How the fuck could you possibly believe that?

There are probably more Jews in the states who do more for MS alone before you get to any other ethnicity.
So unbelievably delusional.
Last edited:
I believe the Democrats' attitude reflects back to their view of apartheid in Israel just as much as they were against its practice in South Africa.

well, no. The "democrats" who imagine that there is apartheid in Israel----are
victims of islamo nazi propaganda. Try to educate yourself-----read the koran

theist ramblings are not history books you vapid bitch

god damn i hope you are barren

so unbearably stupid

did I suggest that the islamo nazi propaganda pamphlets were "HISTORY"?------they were
propaganda pamphlets. Do you consider Farrakhan's FINAL CALL to be "HISTORY"?
How about the SUPERMAN comics of the 1950s-----I read them too-----but do not quote

Try taking your own advice and read the Quran some day?
It clearly says Judaism and Christianity are valid religions, Brothers of the Book, use the same Old Testament, and are not to be harmed or abused.
Anyone claiming Moslem hate or abuse Jews or Christians is just a liar.

But Zionists are not Jews.
They are evil people going against Judaism in in order to murder and steal.
The Quran tells Muzzie savages to murder all Jews.
well----not true----only if they refuse to convert to islam OR refuse total
subjugation to muslims-----UNCONDITIONALLY

As opposed to the Jews who want unconditional surrender with no chance of conversion?

One group is a religion one is an ethnic group. There are many secular Jews

Secular Muslims do not exist
"unconditional surrender" to what?
What do you think the two state solution is?

They are agreeing to give up teh right of return, basic sovereignty, and the best parts of their land

That's unconditional surrender. They get nothing

Palestinians want basically the same thing via the right of return. But they were there first and Israel would not exist without Anglo backing. This is not the strong eating the weak. This is us eating the weak via proxy. First the British elite and now ours.

Also they will allow all those jews to convert to islam and would probably be very happy to just get land back and go on about their day. Their offer of conversion is real.

Jews don't even pretend to offer the opportunity to convert
from where do you get BEST PARTS OF THEIR LAND?

The arable parts/ THe contiguous (it's all one big piece because i know you don't know what that fucking means) parts? have you looked at a map of israel/palestine?

Even without knowing where farmland/water/port access etc was. You should be able to tell who gets the better end of that deal.

Yea the Jews just split it 50/50 after winning armed conflicts...?
the "BEST PARTS OF THEIR LAND" are that way because Israel made them that way. Why should Israel give anything to those war mongering muzzie savages at their own game?

Because they don't have the power to defend it without Anglo backing

Which we will remove

Welcome to woke America

Best thing about all this is the end of Zionist support in the democratic party. 2050 max and America cuts all ties with them.

They would not have beaten the billion muslims without us. It would have been a bloodly slaughter
Only those who want the Muzzies to commit genocide would support such move.

I get it, you're not a good american and support apartheid for no reason.

YOu care more about Israeli stability than american domestic cohesion, that's fine.

Move to israel you traitorous fuck
Do you care that Saudi Arabia is murdering Yemenites?

Only to the extent it causes us geopolitical problems and social disharmony at home

At the moment I don't care. But if we had a large sunni/shiite split and they were getting riled up by our involvement. Then that would be an obvious problem not worth having over fucking yemen. As it is we seem to be just selling the Saudis arms with no visible downsides.

Even if israeli apartheid was distasteful, if there were no drawbacks from an empire perspective it would be hard to argue against. But that's not the case. They are one of the few settler colonial states outside the western hemisphere. And we have very publicly propped them up for decades.

Unsustainable for us to continue support
You are using a chip designed and manufactured in Israel; please throw your smart device away.

Designed? lol

Manufactured sure

Jews love to claim European inventions for their own
I met an Israeli who was working on a chip for the X-Box. Israel does a lot of work in high tech.

They have contracts to manufacture, but it's all American/Euro tech. Mostly American

They made none of it outside software

All the hardware is at it's root American

They get contracts because of nepotists and zionists. Not because Israel is some rational place to manufacture anything considering it's geopolitical situation
Are you so ignorant you don't know that MS has most of it's actual working software written in Israel?
Also, India doesn't use Indian software developers, it uses Israelis.

I worked at Microsoft, and none of the software came from Israel.
And not only does India use its own domestic developers, but they are the most common contractors in the US.
Not once have I ever seen a software project come out of Israel, or any Israeli contractors.

It is true Intel has a plant in Israel, but nothing useful comes out of it.
Intel has some of the worse technology in the world, and they only succeed because IBM granted them a monopoly using some very bad hardware, the x86 instruction set.
I just posted the evidence that MS has a development center in Israel, dumbfuck:

Science and technology in Israel - Wikipedia

Israeli companies excel in computer software and hardware development, particularly computer security technologies, semiconductors and communications. Israeli firms include Check Point, a leading firewall firm; Amdocs, which makes business and operations support systems for telecoms; Comverse, a voice-mail company; and Mercury Interactive, which measures software performance.[77] A high concentration of high-tech industries in the coastal plain of Israel has led to the nickname Silicon Wadi (lit: "Silicon Valley").[78] Both Israeli and international companies are based there. Intel,[79] Microsoft,[80] and Apple[81][82] built their first overseas research and development centers in Israel, and other high-tech multi-national corporations, such as IBM, Cisco Systems, and Motorola, have opened facilities in the country. Intel developed its dual-core Core Duo processor at its Israel Development Center in Haifa.[83] More than 3,850 start-ups have been established in Israel, making it second only to the US in this sector[84] and has the largest number of NASDAQ-listed companies outside North America.[85]

You think MS code is made in israel? lol

I was referring to little projects, like because of their laws they tend to be the ones to create tools to "hack" iphones and droid devices. They can legally sell that kind of software

MS is huge i'm not surprised they have a presence there. But literally nothing you interact with from MS comes from Israel

Intel manufactures there, they do not design anything there.
What part of "development center" in Israel didn't you understand?
"Peace without the right of return is not acceptable terms"

I guess that means Israel will have to exterminate the Muzzie savages then.
1 billion few a few million

Pakistan alone could wipe them off the map and they're crazy enough

You are utterly deluded about how strong the Israeli military is.

Watch how weak they become when you cut off travel and economically sanction them

Why would we do that?

Because it's apartheid and america is about to be majority non white? catholics don't give a shit about Israel

The NYT used to be american Zionist HQ. Now they only allow Farakhand disciples HAHAHA. Those tables turned quick
You may be able to sell that crap to the brain-damaged SJW morons, but intelligent people aren't buying it. Muslims have the same rights as Jews in Israel, moron.

Actually, many Catholics do give a shit about Israel, but not the antisemitic vermin like you.

No Muslims and Jews do not at all have the same rights in Israel.
Muslims in Israel are not allowed to use the same schools, hospitals, or even roads.
They are continually beaten, abused, and prevented from voting.
Arabs paid for their homes and have them stolen.
Jews in Israel get their homes for free, so know they are in possession of stolen property.
Prove it.
I believe the Democrats' attitude reflects back to their view of apartheid in Israel just as much as they were against its practice in South Africa.

well, no. The "democrats" who imagine that there is apartheid in Israel----are
victims of islamo nazi propaganda. Try to educate yourself-----read the koran

theist ramblings are not history books you vapid bitch

god damn i hope you are barren

so unbearably stupid

did I suggest that the islamo nazi propaganda pamphlets were "HISTORY"?------they were
propaganda pamphlets. Do you consider Farrakhan's FINAL CALL to be "HISTORY"?
How about the SUPERMAN comics of the 1950s-----I read them too-----but do not quote

Try taking your own advice and read the Quran some day?
It clearly says Judaism and Christianity are valid religions, Brothers of the Book, use the same Old Testament, and are not to be harmed or abused.
Anyone claiming Moslem hate or abuse Jews or Christians is just a liar.

But Zionists are not Jews.
They are evil people going against Judaism in in order to murder and steal.
The Quran tells Muzzie savages to murder all Jews.
well----not true----only if they refuse to convert to islam OR refuse total
subjugation to muslims-----UNCONDITIONALLY

As opposed to the Jews who want unconditional surrender with no chance of conversion?

One group is a religion one is an ethnic group. There are many secular Jews

Secular Muslims do not exist
"unconditional surrender" to what?
What do you think the two state solution is?

They are agreeing to give up teh right of return, basic sovereignty, and the best parts of their land

That's unconditional surrender. They get nothing

Palestinians want basically the same thing via the right of return. But they were there first and Israel would not exist without Anglo backing. This is not the strong eating the weak. This is us eating the weak via proxy. First the British elite and now ours.

Also they will allow all those jews to convert to islam and would probably be very happy to just get land back and go on about their day. Their offer of conversion is real.

Jews don't even pretend to offer the opportunity to convert
from where do you get BEST PARTS OF THEIR LAND?

The arable parts/ THe contiguous (it's all one big piece because i know you don't know what that fucking means) parts? have you looked at a map of israel/palestine?

Even without knowing where farmland/water/port access etc was. You should be able to tell who gets the better end of that deal.

Yea the Jews just split it 50/50 after winning armed conflicts...?
the "BEST PARTS OF THEIR LAND" are that way because Israel made them that way. Why should Israel give anything to those war mongering muzzie savages at their own game?

Because they don't have the power to defend it without Anglo backing

Which we will remove

Welcome to woke America

Best thing about all this is the end of Zionist support in the democratic party. 2050 max and America cuts all ties with them.

They would not have beaten the billion muslims without us. It would have been a bloodly slaughter
Only those who want the Muzzies to commit genocide would support such move.

I get it, you're not a good american and support apartheid for no reason.

YOu care more about Israeli stability than american domestic cohesion, that's fine.

Move to israel you traitorous fuck
Do you care that Saudi Arabia is murdering Yemenites?

Only to the extent it causes us geopolitical problems and social disharmony at home

At the moment I don't care. But if we had a large sunni/shiite split and they were getting riled up by our involvement. Then that would be an obvious problem not worth having over fucking yemen. As it is we seem to be just selling the Saudis arms with no visible downsides.

Even if israeli apartheid was distasteful, if there were no drawbacks from an empire perspective it would be hard to argue against. But that's not the case. They are one of the few settler colonial states outside the western hemisphere. And we have very publicly propped them up for decades.

Unsustainable for us to continue support
You are using a chip designed and manufactured in Israel; please throw your smart device away.

Designed? lol

Manufactured sure

Jews love to claim European inventions for their own
I met an Israeli who was working on a chip for the X-Box. Israel does a lot of work in high tech.

They have contracts to manufacture, but it's all American/Euro tech. Mostly American

They made none of it outside software

All the hardware is at it's root American

They get contracts because of nepotists and zionists. Not because Israel is some rational place to manufacture anything considering it's geopolitical situation
Are you so ignorant you don't know that MS has most of it's actual working software written in Israel?
Also, India doesn't use Indian software developers, it uses Israelis.

I worked at Microsoft, and none of the software came from Israel.
And not only does India use its own domestic developers, but they are the most common contractors in the US.
Not once have I ever seen a software project come out of Israel, or any Israeli contractors.

It is true Intel has a plant in Israel, but nothing useful comes out of it.
Intel has some of the worse technology in the world, and they only succeed because IBM granted them a monopoly using some very bad hardware, the x86 instruction set.
I just posted the evidence that MS has a development center in Israel, dumbfuck:

Science and technology in Israel - Wikipedia

Israeli companies excel in computer software and hardware development, particularly computer security technologies, semiconductors and communications. Israeli firms include Check Point, a leading firewall firm; Amdocs, which makes business and operations support systems for telecoms; Comverse, a voice-mail company; and Mercury Interactive, which measures software performance.[77] A high concentration of high-tech industries in the coastal plain of Israel has led to the nickname Silicon Wadi (lit: "Silicon Valley").[78] Both Israeli and international companies are based there. Intel,[79] Microsoft,[80] and Apple[81][82] built their first overseas research and development centers in Israel, and other high-tech multi-national corporations, such as IBM, Cisco Systems, and Motorola, have opened facilities in the country. Intel developed its dual-core Core Duo processor at its Israel Development Center in Haifa.[83] More than 3,850 start-ups have been established in Israel, making it second only to the US in this sector[84] and has the largest number of NASDAQ-listed companies outside North America.[85]

You think MS code is made in israel? lol

I was referring to little projects, like because of their laws they tend to be the ones to create tools to "hack" iphones and droid devices. They can legally sell that kind of software

MS is huge i'm not surprised they have a presence there. But literally nothing you interact with from MS comes from Israel

Intel manufactures there, they do not design anything there.
I told you I met an angineer who was working on the chip for the X-box. What part didn't you understand?
Hamas and Hezbollah fired buku missiles into Israel over the past few days, not caring where they land. Israel retaliates, but it's Israel's fault? They're to blame, are you kidding me? I hear democrats saying that, and some democrats have called for the end of the Jewish state, by genocide/mass murder if necessary. I don't hear any democrats saying that is wrong, do you?

Politically, the Jews vote heavily for the democrats and they donate a lot of money to the Democratic Party, and yet the dems are pissing all over the Jews. And I'm thinking WTF, over? These people want to end Israel's existence and kill you, but you're going to support that party? Unbelievable.

From the dems perspective, it's equally hard to comprehend. Why are you indirectly attacking your own constituents by demagoguing Israel? And the way they're doing it is Trump-like, no frills, no class, and no doubts about what they mean. You tell me, aren't they (some of them) acting a whole lot like Trump in this instance?

This isn't about Trump though, Obama was anti-Israel before Trump came along. The democrats have been shifting their position on Israel for some years now, and I don't get why. Answer me this: if the Islamists ever do destroy Israel, who do you think they will turn against as their next enemy? If they ever do develop nukes, do you really think they wouldn't use them against Israel? Or eventually against us? Are the democrats that short-sighted? I guess they are.

The thread premise is a lie.
I believe the Democrats' attitude reflects back to their view of apartheid in Israel just as much as they were against its practice in South Africa.

well, no. The "democrats" who imagine that there is apartheid in Israel----are
victims of islamo nazi propaganda. Try to educate yourself-----read the koran

theist ramblings are not history books you vapid bitch

god damn i hope you are barren

so unbearably stupid

did I suggest that the islamo nazi propaganda pamphlets were "HISTORY"?------they were
propaganda pamphlets. Do you consider Farrakhan's FINAL CALL to be "HISTORY"?
How about the SUPERMAN comics of the 1950s-----I read them too-----but do not quote

Try taking your own advice and read the Quran some day?
It clearly says Judaism and Christianity are valid religions, Brothers of the Book, use the same Old Testament, and are not to be harmed or abused.
Anyone claiming Moslem hate or abuse Jews or Christians is just a liar.

But Zionists are not Jews.
They are evil people going against Judaism in in order to murder and steal.
The Quran tells Muzzie savages to murder all Jews.
well----not true----only if they refuse to convert to islam OR refuse total
subjugation to muslims-----UNCONDITIONALLY

As opposed to the Jews who want unconditional surrender with no chance of conversion?

One group is a religion one is an ethnic group. There are many secular Jews

Secular Muslims do not exist
"unconditional surrender" to what?
What do you think the two state solution is?

They are agreeing to give up teh right of return, basic sovereignty, and the best parts of their land

That's unconditional surrender. They get nothing

Palestinians want basically the same thing via the right of return. But they were there first and Israel would not exist without Anglo backing. This is not the strong eating the weak. This is us eating the weak via proxy. First the British elite and now ours.

Also they will allow all those jews to convert to islam and would probably be very happy to just get land back and go on about their day. Their offer of conversion is real.

Jews don't even pretend to offer the opportunity to convert
from where do you get BEST PARTS OF THEIR LAND?

The arable parts/ THe contiguous (it's all one big piece because i know you don't know what that fucking means) parts? have you looked at a map of israel/palestine?

Even without knowing where farmland/water/port access etc was. You should be able to tell who gets the better end of that deal.

Yea the Jews just split it 50/50 after winning armed conflicts...?
the "BEST PARTS OF THEIR LAND" are that way because Israel made them that way. Why should Israel give anything to those war mongering muzzie savages at their own game?

Because they don't have the power to defend it without Anglo backing

Which we will remove

Welcome to woke America

Best thing about all this is the end of Zionist support in the democratic party. 2050 max and America cuts all ties with them.

They would not have beaten the billion muslims without us. It would have been a bloodly slaughter
Only those who want the Muzzies to commit genocide would support such move.

I get it, you're not a good american and support apartheid for no reason.

YOu care more about Israeli stability than american domestic cohesion, that's fine.

Move to israel you traitorous fuck
Do you care that Saudi Arabia is murdering Yemenites?

Only to the extent it causes us geopolitical problems and social disharmony at home

At the moment I don't care. But if we had a large sunni/shiite split and they were getting riled up by our involvement. Then that would be an obvious problem not worth having over fucking yemen. As it is we seem to be just selling the Saudis arms with no visible downsides.

Even if israeli apartheid was distasteful, if there were no drawbacks from an empire perspective it would be hard to argue against. But that's not the case. They are one of the few settler colonial states outside the western hemisphere. And we have very publicly propped them up for decades.

Unsustainable for us to continue support
You are using a chip designed and manufactured in Israel; please throw your smart device away.

Designed? lol

Manufactured sure

Jews love to claim European inventions for their own
I met an Israeli who was working on a chip for the X-Box. Israel does a lot of work in high tech.

They have contracts to manufacture, but it's all American/Euro tech. Mostly American

They made none of it outside software

All the hardware is at it's root American

They get contracts because of nepotists and zionists. Not because Israel is some rational place to manufacture anything considering it's geopolitical situation
Are you so ignorant you don't know that MS has most of it's actual working software written in Israel?
Also, India doesn't use Indian software developers, it uses Israelis.

I worked at Microsoft, and none of the software came from Israel.
And not only does India use its own domestic developers, but they are the most common contractors in the US.
Not once have I ever seen a software project come out of Israel, or any Israeli contractors.

It is true Intel has a plant in Israel, but nothing useful comes out of it.
Intel has some of the worse technology in the world, and they only succeed because IBM granted them a monopoly using some very bad hardware, the x86 instruction set.
I just posted the evidence that MS has a development center in Israel, dumbfuck:

Science and technology in Israel - Wikipedia

Israeli companies excel in computer software and hardware development, particularly computer security technologies, semiconductors and communications. Israeli firms include Check Point, a leading firewall firm; Amdocs, which makes business and operations support systems for telecoms; Comverse, a voice-mail company; and Mercury Interactive, which measures software performance.[77] A high concentration of high-tech industries in the coastal plain of Israel has led to the nickname Silicon Wadi (lit: "Silicon Valley").[78] Both Israeli and international companies are based there. Intel,[79] Microsoft,[80] and Apple[81][82] built their first overseas research and development centers in Israel, and other high-tech multi-national corporations, such as IBM, Cisco Systems, and Motorola, have opened facilities in the country. Intel developed its dual-core Core Duo processor at its Israel Development Center in Haifa.[83] More than 3,850 start-ups have been established in Israel, making it second only to the US in this sector[84] and has the largest number of NASDAQ-listed companies outside North America.[85]

Microsoft is building cloud server in Israel in order to service Israeli customers.
It does no development for software there.


This marks a significant investment by Microsoft in the Israeli market​

Microsoft Reporter

Microsoft today announced plans to establish the company’s first cloud region in Israel to deliver its intelligent, trusted cloud services through a local datacenter region. This investment expands the Microsoft global cloud infrastructure to 56 cloud regions in 21 countries, with the new Israel region anticipated to be available starting with Microsoft Azure in 2021, with Office 365 to follow. The new Israel region will adhere to Microsoft’s trusted cloud principles and become part of one of the largest cloud infrastructures in the world, already serving more than a billion customers and 20 million businesses.

Intel is the only company that does development of any scale there, and what Intel does is really bad junk.
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