Why Does California Need Flex Alerts?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Yep, here in the 21st century they just randomly cut your power, typically when it's hot and the elderly and sick need AC to stay alive. Why does California have them all the time?

We don't need no stinking whirlybird fans.
DTE in Michigan has the same thing, as your A/C is on a smart circuit that they can control in high demand times. You can pay extra monthly(a couple of dollars) to opt out.
The sick and elderly can opt out for free once they show need, so fill out the forms and get a note from your doctor.
California governments by reason of silly environmental fantasies refuse to enlarge or update the grid to handle the increased load that has grown over the years.
They used to do that to my cousin. He bought a surplus Army generator and wired it up so when they cut the power, he just started the generator and flipped a switch.
Just hold out a bit longer
Everyone is leaving there anyways :abgg2q.jpg:
But there is not sufficient room for them and nobody wants their economic and political idiots. I have actually heard ex-Calis ask about how bad post fire mudslides are here in flat as a pancake FL. The idea that quake code works against hurricanes is even dumber.

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