Why do you want us bankrupt?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
The insane opposition to cutting spending can only mean one thing. You guys want us bankrupt. Why? What on earth do you gain when the government has no money and can't pay our bills?

Or is someone honestly going to claim that we aren't spending ourselves into irrelevancy? Is there anyone who doesn't think our debt is a problem?
The insane opposition to cutting spending can only mean one thing. You guys want us bankrupt. Why? What on earth do you gain when the government has no money and can't pay our bills?

Or is someone honestly going to claim that we aren't spending ourselves into irrelevancy? Is there anyone who doesn't think our debt is a problem?

Dubya had to borrow money from Communist China to fund the invasion of Iraq. We have been broke and spending ourselves into irrelevancy for years. Why just now, is this such an issue for you?
The insane opposition to cutting spending can only mean one thing. You guys want us bankrupt. Why? What on earth do you gain when the government has no money and can't pay our bills?

Or is someone honestly going to claim that we aren't spending ourselves into irrelevancy? Is there anyone who doesn't think our debt is a problem?

Dubya had to borrow money from Communist China to fund the invasion of Iraq. We have been broke and spending ourselves into irrelevancy for years. Why just now, is this such an issue for you?

Just a bit of an fyi...........this is a POLITCS forum and nobody cares about George Bush anymore. The whole "broke" thing falls squarely on the shoulders of Democrats and particularly Obama..........the November election results are the clear indicator. The lefty intenet k00ks live in this world where they truly believe the distraction crap works, but most people are never exposed to it. ( emphasis on "most"). In here you have hyper-partisans on both sides.......not so in the real world where liberls are not winning.

For those on the right, its simply a matter of how we make the case. Do it effectively and it'll be like hitting a big old pumpkin off the tee in 2012.
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The insane opposition to cutting spending can only mean one thing. You guys want us bankrupt. Why? What on earth do you gain when the government has no money and can't pay our bills?

Or is someone honestly going to claim that we aren't spending ourselves into irrelevancy? Is there anyone who doesn't think our debt is a problem?

Dubya had to borrow money from Communist China to fund the invasion of Iraq. We have been broke and spending ourselves into irrelevancy for years. Why just now, is this such an issue for you?

Just a bit of an fyi...........this is a POLITCS forum and nobody cares about George Bush anymore. The whole "broke" thing falls squarely on the shoulders of Democrats and particularly Obama..........the November election results are the clear indicator. The lefty intenet k00ks live in this world where they truly believe the distraction crap works, but most people are never exposed to it. ( emphasis on "most"). In here you have hyper-partisans on both sides.......not so in the real world where liberls are not winning.

For those on the right, its simply a matter of how we make the case. Do it effectively and it'll be like hitting a big old pumpkin off the tee in 2012.

i.e., you are hypocrites and can't stand it when you are called out.
Dubya had to borrow money from Communist China to fund the invasion of Iraq. We have been broke and spending ourselves into irrelevancy for years. Why just now, is this such an issue for you?

Just a bit of an fyi...........this is a POLITCS forum and nobody cares about George Bush anymore. The whole "broke" thing falls squarely on the shoulders of Democrats and particularly Obama..........the November election results are the clear indicator. The lefty intenet k00ks live in this world where they truly believe the distraction crap works, but most people are never exposed to it. ( emphasis on "most"). In here you have hyper-partisans on both sides.......not so in the real world where liberls are not winning.

For those on the right, its simply a matter of how we make the case. Do it effectively and it'll be like hitting a big old pumpkin off the tee in 2012.

i.e., you are hypocrites and can't stand it when you are called out.

s0n........like I said, this is a POLITICS forum, not an ECONOMY forum. Theory isnt worth shit in here.

You, like all the hyper-partisan left in here are looking at a very fcukked up landscape and your guy is being given credit for the fcukk-up. Thats politics.......its not 2008 anymore despite all the hyperpartisan left k00ks attempts to paint it as still 2008. Nobody cares about 2008 anymore...........might as well have been 100 years ago.

Why the change in the dynamic?

Because the curtain has been pulled all the way open on the Wizard of Oz president. He only got elected because he sold himself as an innovative moderate, thus bamboozaling the center. That is a fact..........and is even more apparent follwing his economic "speech" last week. Obama knows..........his only chance at 4 more years is to squeek out a victory by firing up the base. Thats what the political reality becomes when you see even your core base........blacks......jumping off your bandwagon.

Enjoy the ride s0n..............sitting on the red hot poker up the pooper. Sucked for us in 2008.

Your turn...............:fu::fu::fu::fu::fu:

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Trying to decide on my 2012 gay MSPaint Photobucket campaign??

Which one is better???



Hey Avatar.............note the PINK car??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At least we wont be seeing that gay rainbow thing next year, thats for damn sure!!!
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61% of Obama's Voters were white. Black only 23%,

But regardless, he's definitely a disappointment. He is not fixing a damn thing, but helping make it worse.

Skooks, realists look at the whole picture, not just who's in office now. You're right, Political hacks do that (only look at now), thus you're calling yourself one.

Most people know that this has been a growing Problem since the late 70's early 80's.
61% of Obama's Voters were white. Black only 23%,

But regardless, he's definitely a disappointment. He is not fixing a damn thing, but helping make it worse.

Skooks, realists look at the whole picture, not just who's in office now. You're right, Political hacks do that (only look at now), thus you're calling yourself one.

Most people know that this has been a growing Problem since the late 70's early 80's.

Ummmm..........fAiL s0n.....as usual.

Nobody looks at it as a "growing problem" since the late 70's. Only those with the political IQ of a small soap dish think the people think that. A huge majority of the public has zero political sophistication..........they are moved only by the wind in their thinking. Only a handful is on the fcukking PC at night debating this crap.........

Food prices through the roof, gas $4,000 bucks a fill-up, 9% unemployment, 14 trillion debt. They know its a big spend lefty in charge and they want it fixed.........nothing else to say. You lament your guy is a fcukk up, but nobody cares. It happens to be a time when liberals running the government aree seen as fcukk ups.:lol::lol::fu::boobies:

s0n.......you look to be too old to still be clinging to liberal philosophy. Most people get older and see through the limpwristed/bleeding heart smoke and mirrors shit. So what happened s0n??
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Dubya had to borrow money from Communist China to fund the invasion of Iraq. We have been broke and spending ourselves into irrelevancy for years. Why just now, is this such an issue for you?

Just a bit of an fyi...........this is a POLITCS forum and nobody cares about George Bush anymore. The whole "broke" thing falls squarely on the shoulders of Democrats and particularly Obama..........the November election results are the clear indicator. The lefty intenet k00ks live in this world where they truly believe the distraction crap works, but most people are never exposed to it. ( emphasis on "most"). In here you have hyper-partisans on both sides.......not so in the real world where liberls are not winning.

For those on the right, its simply a matter of how we make the case. Do it effectively and it'll be like hitting a big old pumpkin off the tee in 2012.

i.e., you are hypocrites and can't stand it when you are called out.

Yeah.... ole Skooks is himself a total k00k not living in reality. Thinks everything fell apart in Jan 2009.
C'mon.........would ANY Democrat ever get elected without support of millions who have zero clue............

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5p3OB6roAg&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - Howard Stern - 2008-10-01 - Sal Interviews "Obama Supporters" in Harlem[/ame]

Anybody know if Article 15 was interviewed on that clip???
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The insane opposition to cutting spending can only mean one thing. You guys want us bankrupt. Why? What on earth do you gain when the government has no money and can't pay our bills?

Or is someone honestly going to claim that we aren't spending ourselves into irrelevancy? Is there anyone who doesn't think our debt is a problem?

You will be hard pressed to find people who are against cutting spending. What you will find is that people are fine with cutting the other side's sacred cows but not their own. Those that just flat out oppose spending cuts are morons.


Replace "cutting spending" with "increasing taxes" and answer me the same questions.
Just a bit of an fyi...........this is a POLITCS forum and nobody cares about George Bush anymore. The whole "broke" thing falls squarely on the shoulders of Democrats and particularly Obama..........the November election results are the clear indicator. The lefty intenet k00ks live in this world where they truly believe the distraction crap works, but most people are never exposed to it. ( emphasis on "most"). In here you have hyper-partisans on both sides.......not so in the real world where liberls are not winning.

For those on the right, its simply a matter of how we make the case. Do it effectively and it'll be like hitting a big old pumpkin off the tee in 2012.

i.e., you are hypocrites and can't stand it when you are called out.

Yeah.... ole Skooks is himself a total k00k not living in reality. Thinks everything fell apart in Jan 2009.

Indeed.........but go over to DRUDGE this am.............IDK, I look at those headlines, thinking about January 2009 and saying to myself, "Ooooooooooooops!!!!!!":coffee:
61% of Obama's Voters were white. Black only 23%,

But regardless, he's definitely a disappointment. He is not fixing a damn thing, but helping make it worse.

Skooks, realists look at the whole picture, not just who's in office now. You're right, Political hacks do that (only look at now), thus you're calling yourself one.

Most people know that this has been a growing Problem since the late 70's early 80's.

Ummmm..........fAiL s0n.....as usual.

Nobody looks at it as a "growing problem" since the late 70's. Only those with the political IQ of a small soap dish think the people think that. A huge majority of the public has zero political sophistication..........they are moved only by the wind in their thinking. Only a handful is on the fcukking PC at night debating this crap.........

Food prices through the roof, gas $4,000 bucks a fill-up, 9% unemployment, 14 trillion debt. They know its a big spend lefty in charge and they want it fixed.........nothing else to say. You lament your guy is a fcukk up, but nobody cares. It happens to be a time when liberals running the government aree seen as fcukk ups.:lol::lol::fu::boobies:

s0n.......you look to be too old to still be clinging to liberal philosophy. Most people get older and see through the limpwristed/bleeding heart smoke and mirrors shit. So what happened s0n??

So you deny reality and go with the wind as well?

Are you denying it's been a growing problem for that long, or aren't you denying that? Sounds like you're double-talking in attempt to save face for being a hack.
I think you would be hard pressed to find people that don't believe we should cut spending...it is in WHAT is cut that the ideological differences come in. A budget proposal that does not include cuts to military spending isn't serious. A budget proposal that does not include tax increases is not a serious proposal. Never in our history have we gone to war, let alone TWO of them, and not raised taxes.
I think you would be hard pressed to find people that don't believe we should cut spending...it is in WHAT is cut that the ideological differences come in. A budget proposal that does not include cuts to military spending isn't serious. A budget proposal that does not include tax increases is not a serious proposal. Never in our history have we gone to war, let alone TWO of them, and not raised taxes.

And it's those that want to lay off the rich that ignore the fact that the rich are doing better than EVER, in the history of mankind. Right now, today. Under a "socialist, marxist, communist, Muslim, Terrorist, Kenyan Born" President, no less.
61% of Obama's Voters were white. Black only 23%,

But regardless, he's definitely a disappointment. He is not fixing a damn thing, but helping make it worse.

Skooks, realists look at the whole picture, not just who's in office now. You're right, Political hacks do that (only look at now), thus you're calling yourself one.

Most people know that this has been a growing Problem since the late 70's early 80's.

Ummmm..........fAiL s0n.....as usual.

Nobody looks at it as a "growing problem" since the late 70's. Only those with the political IQ of a small soap dish think the people think that. A huge majority of the public has zero political sophistication..........they are moved only by the wind in their thinking. Only a handful is on the fcukking PC at night debating this crap.........

Food prices through the roof, gas $4,000 bucks a fill-up, 9% unemployment, 14 trillion debt. They know its a big spend lefty in charge and they want it fixed.........nothing else to say. You lament your guy is a fcukk up, but nobody cares. It happens to be a time when liberals running the government aree seen as fcukk ups.:lol::lol::fu::boobies:

s0n.......you look to be too old to still be clinging to liberal philosophy. Most people get older and see through the limpwristed/bleeding heart smoke and mirrors shit. So what happened s0n??

So you deny reality and go with the wind as well?

Are you denying it's been a growing problem for that long, or aren't you denying that? Sounds like you're double-talking in attempt to save face for being a hack.

Hey.........I call it as I see it s0n. You and your pals were predicting a Dem blowout of the GOP last November. I predicted the opposite and well............red maps all over the place from sea to shining sea. No need for me to save face s0n..........


By the way..............#1 story on DRUDGE right now???



Bad news for the GOP I guess!!!!!!!!!!!

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