64% Say Tax the Rich!


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
A national McClatchy-Marist poll shows a 64% to 33% spread in favor of increasing taxes on incomes above $250,000 instead of slashing Medicare and Medicaid.

"At the same time, they say that the government should not raise the legal debt ceiling, which the government must do soon to borrow more money, despite warnings that failing to do so would force the government into default, credit markets into turmoil and the economy into a tailspin."

"By 69-24 percent, voters oppose raising the legal ceiling for debt. That includes Democrats, who oppose it by 53-36 percent, independents, who oppose it by 74-22 percent, and Republicans, who oppose it by 79-16 percent."

Views on cutting defense spending are more mixed. While voters oppose cuts to Medicare and Medicaid by 80-18 percent only 44% support cutting the Pentagon with 54% opposed.

"Other findings:

* Only 44 percent of voters approve of Obama's job performance, while 49 percent disapprove. That was down from 48 percent approval in January, and marked the 17th straight month that his approval has been below 50 percent;
* Only 34 percent of voters approve, and 61 percent disapprove, of the way he's handling the budget deficit, projected to total about $1.6 trillion this year;
* Only 30 percent approve of the way Republicans in Congress are doing their job, while 63 percent disapprove."

Poll: Best Way to Fight Deficits: Raise Taxes on the Rich | Common Dreams
What a bunch of scummy people who would voted for this. not that I believe anything the McClatchy polls.

class warfare at it's finest.

must of been all Liberals.:lol:
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I'm shocked, totally shocked I tell you, that you can find a poll where people agree that raising taxes on someone else is OK.
What a bunch of scummy people who would voted for this. not that I believe anything the McClatchy polls.

class warfare at it's finest.

must of been all Liberals.:lol:
Would you agree with this?

"Underlying it all, Americans are in a pessimistic mood. Fewer than one in three — 32 percent of registered voters — think the country's headed in the right direction, while 63 percent think it's headed in the wrong direction.

"Among all adults, including non-voters, the tally is 31-64 percent, the poorest since November 2007 at the onset of the Great Recession.

"'We're going through a period of partisan bickering in Washington, lots of posturing and an economy that has not taken hold the way people want,' said Lee Miringoff, director of the Marist Institute for Public Opinion at Marist College in New York, which conducted the poll."


"This survey of 1,274 adults was conducted on April 10-14. Adults 18 years of age and older residing in the continental United States were interviewed by telephone. Telephone numbers were selected based upon a list of telephone exchanges from throughout the nation. The exchanges were selected to ensure that each region was represented in proportion to its population. To increase coverage, this land-line sample was supplemented by respondents reached through random dialing of cell phone numbers. The two samples were then combined.

"Results are statistically significant within �3.0 percentage points. There are 1,084 registered voters. The results for this subset are statistically significant within �3.0 percentage points.

"There are 551 registered voters who completed the survey before President Obama's April 13th speech and 470 registered voters who completed the survey after his speech. The results for these subsets are statistically significant within �4.5 percentage points. The error margin increases for cross-tabulations."

Poll: Best Way to Fight Deficits: Raise Taxes on the Rich | Common Dreams
What a bunch of scummy people who would voted for this. not that I believe anything the McClatchy polls.

class warfare at it's finest.

If it's class warfare to increase taxes on billionaires, was it not also class warefare when their taxes were reduced?

I guess my question here is this..

Aren't all tax laws basically a form of class warfare?

Every one seem effects different classes differently, true?
I'm shocked, totally shocked I tell you, that you can find a poll where people agree that raising taxes on someone else is OK.
Would you be REALLY shocked if the government does not raise the debt ceiling?

"By 69-24 percent, voters oppose raising the legal ceiling for debt."

Poll: Best Way to Fight Deficits: Raise Taxes on the Rich | Common Dreams

That shows me that voters have no real idea what the debt ceiling is. Its also proof that just because something is popular doesnt mean it is right.

The line from Dumbledore sums it up pretty good, "Soon we will all have a choice between what is right, and what is easy. "
A national McClatchy-Marist poll shows a 64% to 33% spread in favor of increasing taxes on incomes above $250,000 instead of slashing Medicare and Medicaid.

"At the same time, they say that the government should not raise the legal debt ceiling, which the government must do soon to borrow more money, despite warnings that failing to do so would force the government into default, credit markets into turmoil and the economy into a tailspin."

"By 69-24 percent, voters oppose raising the legal ceiling for debt. That includes Democrats, who oppose it by 53-36 percent, independents, who oppose it by 74-22 percent, and Republicans, who oppose it by 79-16 percent."

Views on cutting defense spending are more mixed. While voters oppose cuts to Medicare and Medicaid by 80-18 percent only 44% support cutting the Pentagon with 54% opposed.

"Other findings:

* Only 44 percent of voters approve of Obama's job performance, while 49 percent disapprove. That was down from 48 percent approval in January, and marked the 17th straight month that his approval has been below 50 percent;
* Only 34 percent of voters approve, and 61 percent disapprove, of the way he's handling the budget deficit, projected to total about $1.6 trillion this year;
* Only 30 percent approve of the way Republicans in Congress are doing their job, while 63 percent disapprove."

Poll: Best Way to Fight Deficits: Raise Taxes on the Rich | Common Dreams

Just to keep it real in here........"Common Dreams" is a hyper-left partisan website frequently referenced by hard left k00ks. Might as well be posting up a link from the DailyKos.:boobies::boobies::D

Only dolts think you solve the debt problem simply by taxing the wealthy. You'd still have an uber debt problem.

The motivation by the class warfare nutballs is always the same: jealousy, misery, inability to accept responsibility for personal decision fcukk ups., etc..........its always about fcukking the successful guys for these types, no matter what the cost. Virtually ALL economists concur: You go progressive with taxes now, its madness given the fragile ecomomy.
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A national McClatchy-Marist poll shows a 64% to 33% spread in favor of increasing taxes on incomes above $250,000 instead of slashing Medicare and Medicaid.

"At the same time, they say that the government should not raise the legal debt ceiling, which the government must do soon to borrow more money, despite warnings that failing to do so would force the government into default, credit markets into turmoil and the economy into a tailspin."

"By 69-24 percent, voters oppose raising the legal ceiling for debt. That includes Democrats, who oppose it by 53-36 percent, independents, who oppose it by 74-22 percent, and Republicans, who oppose it by 79-16 percent."

Views on cutting defense spending are more mixed. While voters oppose cuts to Medicare and Medicaid by 80-18 percent only 44% support cutting the Pentagon with 54% opposed.

"Other findings:

* Only 44 percent of voters approve of Obama's job performance, while 49 percent disapprove. That was down from 48 percent approval in January, and marked the 17th straight month that his approval has been below 50 percent;
* Only 34 percent of voters approve, and 61 percent disapprove, of the way he's handling the budget deficit, projected to total about $1.6 trillion this year;
* Only 30 percent approve of the way Republicans in Congress are doing their job, while 63 percent disapprove."

Poll: Best Way to Fight Deficits: Raise Taxes on the Rich | Common Dreams


A poll from Common Dreams????

Are you aware that Common Dreams is a COMMUNIST WEBSITE??????????

Are you aware you discredit yourself AUTOMATICALLY when you use Common Dreams as a source??????

You might as well channel the old Soviet Union.

Too funny!

What a bunch of scummy people who would voted for this. not that I believe anything the McClatchy polls.

class warfare at it's finest.

must of been all Liberals.:lol:
Would you agree with this?

"Underlying it all, Americans are in a pessimistic mood. Fewer than one in three — 32 percent of registered voters — think the country's headed in the right direction, while 63 percent think it's headed in the wrong direction.

"Among all adults, including non-voters, the tally is 31-64 percent, the poorest since November 2007 at the onset of the Great Recession.

"'We're going through a period of partisan bickering in Washington, lots of posturing and an economy that has not taken hold the way people want,' said Lee Miringoff, director of the Marist Institute for Public Opinion at Marist College in New York, which conducted the poll."


"This survey of 1,274 adults was conducted on April 10-14. Adults 18 years of age and older residing in the continental United States were interviewed by telephone. Telephone numbers were selected based upon a list of telephone exchanges from throughout the nation. The exchanges were selected to ensure that each region was represented in proportion to its population. To increase coverage, this land-line sample was supplemented by respondents reached through random dialing of cell phone numbers. The two samples were then combined.

"Results are statistically significant within �3.0 percentage points. There are 1,084 registered voters. The results for this subset are statistically significant within �3.0 percentage points.

"There are 551 registered voters who completed the survey before President Obama's April 13th speech and 470 registered voters who completed the survey after his speech. The results for these subsets are statistically significant within �4.5 percentage points. The error margin increases for cross-tabulations."

Poll: Best Way to Fight Deficits: Raise Taxes on the Rich | Common Dreams

Any time you have a poll of "adults" it's immediately suspect.

When they don't tell you how many Democrats vs. Republicans vs. Independents are in that poll, IT BECOMES EVEN MORE SUSPECT.

A good poll will be ONLY of LIKELY VOTERS, and will tell you the sampling.

Further, phone polls are become more and more inaccurate since MOSTLY THE VERY OLD still have land lines. Younger voters usually don't even have land lines LIKE MY FAMILY.

The website for your poll, the sampling of your poll . .

Yeah, it's just another example of how liberals will believe ANYTHING as long as it tells them what they want to hear.

I'm shocked, totally shocked I tell you, that you can find a poll where people agree that raising taxes on someone else is OK.
Would you be REALLY shocked if the government does not raise the debt ceiling?

"By 69-24 percent, voters oppose raising the legal ceiling for debt."

Poll: Best Way to Fight Deficits: Raise Taxes on the Rich | Common Dreams


Another "poll" from Common Dreams.


Idiots have been using that website since I've been debating politics. We always laughed in their faces when they used that website.

Common Dreams has been pushing their BS, since the 90s, when they couldn't get over their darling Soviet Union falling.

A national McClatchy-Marist poll shows a 64% to 33% spread in favor of increasing taxes on incomes above $250,000 instead of slashing Medicare and Medicaid.

"At the same time, they say that the government should not raise the legal debt ceiling, which the government must do soon to borrow more money, despite warnings that failing to do so would force the government into default, credit markets into turmoil and the economy into a tailspin."

"By 69-24 percent, voters oppose raising the legal ceiling for debt. That includes Democrats, who oppose it by 53-36 percent, independents, who oppose it by 74-22 percent, and Republicans, who oppose it by 79-16 percent."

Views on cutting defense spending are more mixed. While voters oppose cuts to Medicare and Medicaid by 80-18 percent only 44% support cutting the Pentagon with 54% opposed.

"Other findings:

* Only 44 percent of voters approve of Obama's job performance, while 49 percent disapprove. That was down from 48 percent approval in January, and marked the 17th straight month that his approval has been below 50 percent;
* Only 34 percent of voters approve, and 61 percent disapprove, of the way he's handling the budget deficit, projected to total about $1.6 trillion this year;
* Only 30 percent approve of the way Republicans in Congress are doing their job, while 63 percent disapprove."

Poll: Best Way to Fight Deficits: Raise Taxes on the Rich | Common Dreams

Just to keep it real in here........"Common Dreams" is a hyper-left partisan website frequently referenced by hard left k00ks. Might as well be posting up a link from the DailyKos.:boobies::boobies::D

Only dolts think you solve the debt problem simply by taxing the wealthy. You'd still have an uber debt problem.

The motivation by the class warfare nutballs is always the same: jealousy, misery, inability to accept responsibility for personal decision fcukk ups., etc..........its always about fcukking the successful guys for these types, no matter what the cost. Virtually ALL economists concur: You go progressive with taxes now, its madness given the fragile ecomomy.

Common Dreams isn't "hyper left." IT'S COMMUNIST.

It's hardline communist/soviet style socialism.

Those of us that have been debating liberals since the 90s, know about Common Dreams.
We always laughed at people who use it.

Apparently George hasn't got the memo.

Too funny he thinks this website is the source to end all arguments with conservatives.

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This poll shows the same results as a number of recent polls and all people can do is disparage the poll? Increasing taxes for millionaires is what people want. Why is that so difficult to understand?
This poll shows the same results as a number of recent polls and all people can do is disparage the poll? Increasing taxes for millionaires is what people want. Why is that so difficult to understand?

good then do it, and when "the people" want to come after YOUR ALL'S earnings, I say GO FOR IT.
A national McClatchy-Marist poll shows a 64% to 33% spread in favor of increasing taxes on incomes above $250,000 instead of slashing Medicare and Medicaid.

"At the same time, they say that the government should not raise the legal debt ceiling, which the government must do soon to borrow more money, despite warnings that failing to do so would force the government into default, credit markets into turmoil and the economy into a tailspin."

"By 69-24 percent, voters oppose raising the legal ceiling for debt. That includes Democrats, who oppose it by 53-36 percent, independents, who oppose it by 74-22 percent, and Republicans, who oppose it by 79-16 percent."

Views on cutting defense spending are more mixed. While voters oppose cuts to Medicare and Medicaid by 80-18 percent only 44% support cutting the Pentagon with 54% opposed.

"Other findings:

* Only 44 percent of voters approve of Obama's job performance, while 49 percent disapprove. That was down from 48 percent approval in January, and marked the 17th straight month that his approval has been below 50 percent;
* Only 34 percent of voters approve, and 61 percent disapprove, of the way he's handling the budget deficit, projected to total about $1.6 trillion this year;
* Only 30 percent approve of the way Republicans in Congress are doing their job, while 63 percent disapprove."

Poll: Best Way to Fight Deficits: Raise Taxes on the Rich | Common Dreams

Just to keep it real in here........"Common Dreams" is a hyper-left partisan website frequently referenced by hard left k00ks. Might as well be posting up a link from the DailyKos.:boobies::boobies::D

Only dolts think you solve the debt problem simply by taxing the wealthy. You'd still have an uber debt problem.

The motivation by the class warfare nutballs is always the same: jealousy, misery, inability to accept responsibility for personal decision fcukk ups., etc..........its always about fcukking the successful guys for these types, no matter what the cost. Virtually ALL economists concur: You go progressive with taxes now, its madness given the fragile ecomomy.

Good post.

You could take every dime from every "evil" rich person out there and it wouldn't make a dent it whats owed.

I agree on raising taxes at this time as well is ridiculous. I listened to the speech the Prez gave yesterday to all the gullible college kids. All he talked about was basically class warfare and how anything the Reps come up with is gonna throw grandma in the street and starve all the kids. This guy doesn't seem to want to do much economy fixing. He just wants to raise taxes.

If you want to raise revenue they need to plug the tax loopholes, get rid of a lot of the tax breaks and the subsidies. Stop nannying everything and everyone. People need to stand on their own two feet and take care of themselves. That goes for companies as well.

Medicare needs a massive overhaul and I think Ryan has the right idea. Folks should only be able to draw what they have put into Medicare and SS. I can hear the screaming now.

We also need to stop fighting wars all over the place. Bring our troops home and cut defense spending big time. Cut loads of foreign aide and tell other countries to take care of themselves.
This poll shows the same results as a number of recent polls and all people can do is disparage the poll? Increasing taxes for millionaires is what people want. Why is that so difficult to understand?

good then do it, and when "the people" want to come after YOUR ALL'S earnings, I say GO FOR IT.

Who is going after "ALL" of anyone's earnings? When, in our history, have we ever gone to war and NOT raised taxes? Can you find an instance? Have fun looking, but I'll save you some time. It hasn't happened...until now. We are currently engaged on TWO FRONTS in wars that are not paid for. We cannot keep up this pace and NOT raise taxes. Our deficits are LARGELY the result of two wars and the Bush tax cuts. If you are serious about decreasing the debt and deficit of our country, then raising taxes has to be part of the conversation (as well as cutting military spending).
This poll shows the same results as a number of recent polls and all people can do is disparage the poll? Increasing taxes for millionaires is what people want. Why is that so difficult to understand?

good then do it, and when "the people" want to come after YOUR ALL'S earnings, I say GO FOR IT.

Who is going after "ALL" of anyone's earnings? When, in our history, have we ever gone to war and NOT raised taxes? Can you find an instance? Have fun looking, but I'll save you some time. It hasn't happened...until now. We are currently engaged on TWO FRONTS in wars that are not paid for. We cannot keep up this pace and NOT raise taxes. Our deficits are LARGELY the result of two wars and the Bush tax cuts. If you are serious about decreasing the debt and deficit of our country, then raising taxes has to be part of the conversation (as well as cutting military spending).

Oh jeezze, CUTTING BACK ON THE GUBERMENT is NEVER a frikken solution with you lefties. It's ALWAYS suck more out of the little people, and you all PRENTED TO CARE for the little guy.
This poll shows the same results as a number of recent polls and all people can do is disparage the poll? Increasing taxes for millionaires is what people want. Why is that so difficult to understand?
The Government could confiscate 100% of the earnings of people who make 250,000 and above and that STILL would get them through the end of the year.

Raising taxes isn't the solution. Cutting Government spending is. Why is that so difficult to understand?
This poll shows the same results as a number of recent polls and all people can do is disparage the poll? Increasing taxes for millionaires is what people want. Why is that so difficult to understand?
The Government could confiscate 100% of the earnings of people who make 250,000 and above and that STILL would get them through the end of the year.

Raising taxes isn't the solution. Cutting Government spending is. Why is that so difficult to understand?

Denial.... it ain't just de river in Egypt.
good then do it, and when "the people" want to come after YOUR ALL'S earnings, I say GO FOR IT.

Who is going after "ALL" of anyone's earnings? When, in our history, have we ever gone to war and NOT raised taxes? Can you find an instance? Have fun looking, but I'll save you some time. It hasn't happened...until now. We are currently engaged on TWO FRONTS in wars that are not paid for. We cannot keep up this pace and NOT raise taxes. Our deficits are LARGELY the result of two wars and the Bush tax cuts. If you are serious about decreasing the debt and deficit of our country, then raising taxes has to be part of the conversation (as well as cutting military spending).

Oh jeezze, CUTTING BACK ON THE GUBERMENT is NEVER a frikken solution with you lefties. It's ALWAYS suck more out of the little people, and you all PRENTED TO CARE for the little guy.

Okay, whatcha gonna cut big fella? Our military is something like six times bigger than any other country's military. I don't see the GnOP offering to cut our ridiculous military spending, do you? You righties aren't serious about the debt and deficits because you completely ignored it for the last eight years. Our debt and deficit is the direct result of two things...Bush's tax cuts and the two wars that aren't paid for, but keep talking about cutting Grandma's health care....it's REALLY gonna serve ya'll well in 2012.

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