Why do you like Bush ?

Originally posted by BlueGin
Thanks :D . Didn't vote for Bush last time but will for sure this time. To think I actually gave Gore a vote during the last election that may have put that man in the Whitehouse makes my skin crawl now. :mad: The Democratic party has been so nasty this last year that It will probably be a very long long LONG time before they get another vote from me. (if ever).

Well welcome Blue Gin from a fellow junior member:cool:
Originally posted by freeandfun1
you were like many that got caught up into believing that Clinton actually did something other than get a BJ in office. I would be willing to bet you are under 35 and so you really had nothing to compare against as you were probably not at all involved (or very little) in politics before Bush 1 or the first term of Clinton.

I might be wrong but venturing a guess.

I am 36. Didn't follow politics very closely until the 2000 elections. I voted for Gore because 1). He was the VP and at the time I thought (wrongly) that = experience. I also liked Joe Lieberman. Plus, I felt that both parties were pretty much the same and wanted the best for Americans (wrong again) 2) I thought he had good christian values...you know.. all those photo ops with bible in hand, walking out of church services with wifey poo (blech) 3) He was a good speaker and carried himself well ...boy was I TOTALLY wrong on that score. 4) I was torn because the media was touting GWB as an alcoholic. etc etc etc.

When Gore started demanding recount after recount,I couldn't believe what a jerk he really was . Then I kept thinking surely the people are going to think the same...but to my suprise the media started touting Bush as a poor loser because he was standing up for himself. WTF??

Still,I gave Democrats the benefit of the doubt UNTIL they went on the attack and started acting like freaks (see Ted Kennedy for reference).
Originally posted by Walker_68
Im just curious as to why you all like George Bush as our commander and chief. One thing I think we need as a leader for our country is just an obvious intelligent individual. I cant see how anyone thinks this man is intelligent. Lets say that the IRAQ war is actually justified (which it isnt) and lets say that the economy is doing wonderful. Just look at the way this guy comes off when speaking to people. The footage of our president that makes him look very uneducated is absolutely amazing. I have read books of the things George Bush has said over the years and it is just purely embarrasing to call this guy our leader.

I have not like presidents before , but never was I embarrased about one (maybe except carter) And im not even talking about the F. 911 movie but I will now. I will assume michael moore is wrong about everything in the movie. , just the quote of Bush at the end of that movie alone where he cant even get the "Fool me once" saying down correct is simply embarrasing.

Now I know this was old news but I never knew this till I saw the movie but why was OSAMAS family flown out of the country with never ever being questioned by the FBI ? I dont care if it is old. these are things that you just have to wonder what the hell is going on.

Why did we abnadon the hunt for OSAMA and attack IRAQ when we knew OSAMA attacked the Twin towers and not IRAQ. Dont you all think thats crazy ? That we just invade and overthrow another govt and they werent even the ones that attacked us ? Doesnt that seem like an injustice to you ?

Welcome to the debate:cool:
Originally posted by krisy
Welcome BlueGin...I'm the girl that can't type!!!!:D

Thanks for the welcome...

Oh, and I can't type well either :p:
you want to now why I love Bush....because a couple of days after 9-11 he went to ground zero and stood atop the rubble of the twin towers and while speaking though a mega-phone to the rescue workers was interupted by one of them saying he couldn't hear the president.so then the president said (not sure if this are the exact quotes,if someones knows them for sure please post them)"I can hear you and pretty soon the rest of the world will hear you!"

He is a true leader.Tell me something that Clinton said or did that proves he's a true leader.

And by the way whats Kerry's policy on the war on terrorism.Because it looks like he's more worried about who has better hair(and you LIBs are worried about what Bush has said in public)
'love bush'???

most people who 'love' bush THINK he cares about the unborn child's life. or they THINK that by siding with him, they are going to get a piece of the american success pie. or they even THINK he is a good christian. all of which are highly convuluted, if not totally off assumptions.

there are just far too many hypocrisies with this admin's policies for anyone to take a humanitarian defender stance. the fact they try to paint their ticket as the 'optimisitis' one, is laughable, at best.

furthermore, people that have not seen MM's movie, should not be trying to make commentary on it.

and even more to the point is, instead of doing what most people accuse him of, SLANDERING, at least debate some points he makes about bush.

and if one is going to debate points, be ready to concede that there are many point that he makes that are totally valid.

i personally think his film leaned to far to the left, and he could have portayed bush as a numbskull (he does just fine on his own), he did take it too far at points. it's still a great flick with good insight for TRUE AMERICANS. the man really believes in america,. and you gotta respect that...

as for bush, it's sad statement that we even QUESTION his true belief in our great country. that should say enough alone.

for the record, my favorite point in the movie was a MONSTEROUS FLIP FLOP of condi and powell saying in 2000, we've got saddam bottled up, he can't get any weapons in there, etc.... and then turning around and asserting hed POSSESSED NUCLEAR CAPABILITY less than a year later. any respect i had for powell went out the window. there's just no refuting that.
Originally posted by spillmind
for the record, my favorite point in the movie was a MONSTEROUS FLIP FLOP of condi and powell saying in 2000, we've got saddam bottled up, he can't get any weapons in there, etc.... and then turning around and asserting hed POSSESSED NUCLEAR CAPABILITY less than a year later. any respect i had for powell went out the window. there's just no refuting that.

Fine. Now why don't you apply that same principle to kerry?

Why is it that libs rationalize kerry's lack of principle and constant waffling by stating that "changing one's mind is the hallmark of progressive thinking".

I'd accuse you lefties of having a double standard, but it's gone way beyond that. I think we're into the triple digits by now.

I am curious as to how you know that Bush does not care for an unborn childs life. Or that he is not a true Christian? Did you have brunch with him this morning? Those kind of statements have no more to them than Michael Moore's radical rants. I haven't even heard a defense plan out of Kerry. Check out the Drudge report. There is a statement from Kerry that they have offered to brief him,but he hasn't had time. That is sad and scary for our country.

since merlin doesn't want to address the current topic (bush) and revert to smearing kerry (no suprise), i'd like to take out this opportunity to show that this is the bush platform. no record of his own to run on, instead jhust trying to smear and bring others down instead of being able to rise above it. this alone is very telling, but so many bushies miss it! amazing.

but since you went there with the flip-flop thing, we might as well run with it:

FLIP: Bush opposes campaign finance reform.
FLOP: Bush signs campaign finance reform.

FLIP: Bush opposes and stalls a 9/11 commission.
FLOP: Bush supports it. (and appoints a dummy puppet commitee)

FLIP: Bush is against deficits while running in 2000
FLOP: Bush's policies create the highest deficits ever.

FLIP: Bush opposes an Iraq WMD investigation.
FLOP: Bush grudgingly supports it.

FLIP: Bush is for free trade.
FLOP: Bush supports tariffs on steel.

FLIP: Bush is against a Homeland Security Department
FLOP: Bush takes credit for it.

FLIP: Bush is for state’s rights to decide on gay marriage.
FLOP: Bush then proposes amending the Constitution so they can't.

FLIP: Bush is against the U.S. taking a role in the Israeli Palestinian conflict.
FLOP: Bush then pushes for a "road map" and a Palestinian State.
FLOP: Bush supports Sharon plan that disregards Roadmap altogether.

FLIP: Bush first says that 'help is on the way' to the military.
FLOP: Bush cuts Veterans benefits.
Slams Kerry for not supporting Body armor for troops in Iraq. Why were they sent to fight an optional war that we had more than a year to prepare for without necessary equipment in the first place?

FLIP: Bush says he'll provide money for first responders (fire, police, emergency).
FLOP: Bush dramatically shortchanges law enforcement.

FLIP: Bush-"The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden."
FLOP: Bush-"I don't know where he is. I have no idea and I really don't care."

FLIP: Bush says he'll take care of the environment.
FLOP: Bush then guts laws that protect the environment.

FLIP: Bush talks about helping education.
FLOP: Bush increases mandates while cutting funding.

FLIP: Bush said he would demand a U.N. Security Council vote on whether to sanction military action against Iraq.
FLOP: Bush then changes his mind and announced he would not call for a vote.

FLIP: Bush said the "mission accomplished" banner was put up by the sailors.
FLOP: Bush later blames his advance team. April 2004 claims 136 American military
lives, bloodiest of the war or occupation.

FLIP: Rice will not testify before 9/11 Commission in public
FLOP: Rice will be allowed to testify before 9/11 Commission in public.

FLIP: Bush Regime won't release Aug 6, 2001 Daily Briefing.
FLOP: Regime moves to declassify Aug 6, 2001 PDB.

FLIP: Bush resisted a major role for the U.N. in Iraq
FLOP: Bush begs U.N. to take control of his criminal disaster.

FLIP: Bush defends illegal war on removing Baathists (never mind WMD), ending rape rooms and torture chambers.
FLOP: Bush restores Baathist general and turns over Fallujah. Pictures surface of torture in Saddam's Abu Ghraib prison.

FLIP: Bush says no more money needed for Iraq/Afghan Wars until after election.

FLIP: Bush says Al-Sadr “will be captured or killed”.
FLOP: Now negotiating with Sadr’s armed thugs.
Bigger Flop: Sadr is now a "politician".

i mean, come on. this guy has f***ed up SOOO many times, it's ridiculous. at what point do you say enough is enough?!
I am curious as to how you know that Bush does not care for an unborn childs life. Or that he is not a true Christian? Did you have brunch with him this morning? Those kind of statements have no more to them than Michael Moore's radical rants. I haven't even heard a defense plan out of Kerry. Check out the Drudge report. There is a statement from Kerry that they have offered to brief him,but he hasn't had time. That is sad and scary for our country.

you might as well link newsmax. drudge is about as bias as it gets! what ever happened to the BULLSH** kerry intern scandal he was hoping to break! :laugh: he's a has been... as for 9/11... you probably haven't even SEEN the movie, and you can't even point out one 'rant'. ...and what kind of credibility are you coming at me with? :laugh:

kerry is biding his time. i'm not worried what kind of plan he'll come up with. it sure as hell can't be as bad as the underesitmate/overestimate quagmire in iraq. and it IS a quagmire over there. the puppet goverment was far more show than substance. we are building permanent bases in iraq and i'll bet our troops will be there at leat FIVE MORE years.... maybe ten or fifteen!

was that part of bush's plan? when did he tell us that? when our boys are actually stationed there? if you don't have a problem with that, you need a reality check....!

as far as his 'christian' standing, unless you are claiming he is doing god's work with His authority, THOU SHALL NOT KILL is a little tidbit you might mull over. if you can deal with the truth.

and as for the unborn child's life, yeah, ok. he defends it, right? too bad he isn't a champion of human rights after the womb. that doesn't make you think? really? :confused:
Originally posted by spillmind
you might as well link newsmax. drudge is about as bias as it gets! what ever happened to the BULLSH** kerry intern scandal he was hoping to break! :laugh: he's a has been... as for 9/11... you probably haven't even SEEN the movie, and you can't even point out one 'rant'. ...and what kind of credibility are you coming at me with? :laugh:

kerry is biding his time. i'm not worried what kind of plan he'll come up with. it sure as hell can't be as bad as the underesitmate/overestimate quagmire in iraq. and it IS a quagmire over there. the puppet goverment was far more show than substance. we are building permanent bases in iraq and i'll bet our troops will be there at leat FIVE MORE years.... maybe ten or fifteen!

was that part of bush's plan? when did he tell us that? when our boys are actually stationed there? if you don't have a problem with that, you need a reality check....!

as far as his 'christian' standing, unless you are claiming he is doing god's work with His authority, THOU SHALL NOT KILL is a little tidbit you might mull over. if you can deal with the truth.

and as for the unborn child's life, yeah, ok. he defends it, right? too bad he isn't a champion of human rights after the womb. that doesn't make you think? really? :confused:

The item on Drudge Report is off of an interview from CNN,whom I'm sure your a big fan of. It was an interview with Larry King.

As far as Michael Moore's movie,I have seen plenty of snippets of it,and I know Michael Moore,he is a radical...nuff said.

The war,well,anyone who knows anything about history knows that after a war,we end up stationed in that country or countries for years. That is no surprise spillmind! Check out WW2.

Christianity is in our hearts. You imply that because Bush has a war under his belt,he has broken a commandment and will go to hell. I would be willing to bet that you too have sinned,spillmind. For pete's sake,it's ridiculous to imply he isn't a Chrstian because he saved Iraq from an evil dictator. We all sin,it's called humanity,but I think saving millions of people may not be such a bad thing.
As far as Michael Moore's movie,I have seen plenty of snippets of it,and I know Michael Moore,he is a radical...nuff said.

stop acting like you are an expert on something you're not even privy to. it's totally ridiculous!

name one point that you can refute. i won't hold my breath :rolleyes:

The item on Drudge Report is off of an interview from CNN,whom I'm sure your a big fan of. It was an interview with Larry King.
i don't watch tv, and i rarely go to CNN.com unless somebody cries about a source.

The war,well,anyone who knows anything about history knows that after a war,we end up stationed in that country or countries for years. That is no surprise spillmind! Check out WW2.
and i'm sure the general american populace (and the troops stationed there) expected this the whole time?

Christianity is in our hearts. You imply that because Bush has a war under his belt,he has broken a commandment and will go to hell. I would be willing to bet that you too have sinned,spillmind. For pete's sake,it's ridiculous to imply he isn't a Chrstian because he saved Iraq from an evil dictator. We all sin,it's called humanity,but I think saving millions of people may not be such a bad thing.
this is to the source of why you support bush. you religious ZEALOTS forget there is freedom of religion in this country, one of the things that makes this country great. when you 'christians' walk around with your holier than thou attitude, it blinds you from seeing the writing on the wall.

you'd better believe bush is going to hell (if there were one) :rolleyes: after commissioning all that death! he falsely led us into a war that was most certainly NOT ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY, and thousands have paid for it with their lives. the WH just announced bush's military records were 'accidentally' destroyed, and let me guess, you believe that too? it's a joke. the man is a liar, a commissioner of murder, and an intellectual midget. while the latter may not be punishable by your fairy tale damnation, it certainly disqualifies him from another four years of lying, blundering, and cover-ups. funniest thing is, that's not even one of the ten commandments. i bet your good little church doesn't teach that, does it? :laugh: what a joke.

now go watch the movie or stop trying to critique it. i can't take you seriously.
Originally posted by spillmind

stop acting like you are an expert on something you're not even privy to. it's totally ridiculous!

name one point that you can refute. i won't hold my breath :rolleyes:

i don't watch tv, and i rarely go to CNN.com unless somebody cries about a source.

and i'm sure the general american populace (and the troops stationed there) expected this the whole time?

this is to the source of why you support bush. you religious ZEALOTS forget there is freedom of religion in this country, one of the things that makes this country great. when you 'christians' walk around with your holier than thou attitude, it blinds you from seeing the writing on the wall.

you'd better believe bush is going to hell (if there were one) :rolleyes: after commissioning all that death! he falsely led us into a war that was most certainly NOT ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY, and thousands have paid for it with their lives. the WH just announced bush's military records were 'accidentally' destroyed, and let me guess, you believe that too? it's a joke. the man is a liar, a commissioner of murder, and an intellectual midget. while the latter may not be punishable by your fairy tale damnation, it certainly disqualifies him from another four years of lying, blundering, and cover-ups. funniest thing is, that's not even one of the ten commandments. i bet your good little church doesn't teach that, does it? :laugh: what a joke.

now go watch the movie or stop trying to critique it. i can't take you seriously.


You may want to open your mind a little and understand that just because someone is a Christian,does not mean they have a holier than thou attitude. I respect others opinions,and I can see you obviously don't. Bush's faith is one thing I like about him. I never said you had too. I can see with that lousy attitude though,that you have no happiness in your life.

I also think YOU sound very naieve beleiving that Bush lies about this and that. ALL politicians at least fib!!!! You might want to get some help for your anger probem too. Bush liberated a country from a dictator,plain and simple-youdon't have to like it or agree,but look at it this way...we put up with 8 years of pot smokin hillbilly Bill-now it's your turn.

And NO,I will not pay money that I work hard for to see MM trash. I might as well burn it if I do that!!!
You may want to open your mind a little and understand that just because someone is a Christian,does not mean they have a holier than thou attitude. I respect others opinions,and I can see you obviously don't. Bush's faith is one thing I like about him. I never said you had too. I can see with that lousy attitude though,that you have no happiness in your life.

you are a certified pyschologist, too? you don't know anything about my life! and i don't know anything about you except that you have a religion that gives you a false sense of security. bush represents to christians their last chance at keeping power in this country. many people vote along religious lines. i simply don't agree with this, because it creates false justifications for atrocities.

I also think YOU sound very naieve beleiving that Bush lies about this and that. ALL politicians at least fib!!!!
give me a break. because bush isn't under oath, he shouldn't be held to the same prosecution as our last president? wake up and smell your hypocrisy, already!

You might want to get some help for your anger probem too.
nothing pisses me off more than selective ignorance.

if only you could open your eyes and see the TRUTH, but i guess you'd rather remain oblivious to preserve false sense of happiness :laugh:

we put up with 8 years of pot smokin hillbilly Bill-now it's your turn.
put up with? oh, but doing coke and racking DUIs is all good? i can't take the freaking contradictions! you bush lovers are amazing!!!! :eek:

And NO,I will not pay money that I work hard for to see MM trash. I might as well burn it if I do that!!!
you will burn if you condone the killings we have continued to commission. it's your choice. i've got a ripped copy of the movie, i can post it and you can download it. what are you afraid of? THE TRUTH??!!!! NUFF SAID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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