Why do whites call it hate when........

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
Blacks rightfully point out the racist actions of whites, past and present? If truth is truth and it sets one free, why can't whites acknowledge the truth instead of accusing people of hate when the wrongs of whites are pointed out. Conversely, when whites point out the actions of non-whites, its never considered as hate and or racism.

Example, when Black Muslims state that the white enslaved the black man, rape black women during slavery, brainwashed blacks into believing they never had any history, denied and prevented enslaved Africans from speaking their language and outwardly practicing their culture, forcefully imposed European names upon the same people, denied the black people the right to vote, enacted social policies which pushed black people into ghettos, discriminated against black in employment and housing acquisition, used violence and intimidation against blacks to stop them from demanding equal rights, etc the Black Muslims are stating the truth because it is an undeniable fact that these have happened and some of these things still happen even today. Based on the above *FACTS* how can anyone call that hate speech and or being racist?
Some the glass half full. others see the glass half empty, Charlie sees the racism and hatred in the company that made the glass.

Have a nice life.
Some the glass half full. others see the glass half empty, Charlie sees the racism and hatred in the company that made the glass.

Have a nice life.

You have answered the question, nor have you properly responded so let the Bass ask a simple forward question, the acts which the Bass described, are they not true? Did they not happen and still continue to happen for some of those acts? These are simple yes/no answers so tapdancing isn't necessary, if you can't and or refuse to answer you simply have proven that the Bass is right about some whites, that they're hypocrites.
Why does C-Bass call it hate when posters rightfully point out his racist actions, past and present?

Don't troll, answer the questions put forth, is it not a fact that those above mentioned acts truthfully did happen and still happen for some of them?
Why does C-Bass call it hate when posters rightfully point out his racist actions, past and present?

Don't troll, answer the questions put forth, is it not a fact that those above mentioned acts truthfully did happen and still happen for some of them?

Just responding in the same manner as your bigoted troll post.

Ok, so basically you're a hypocrite because you refused to answer the questions because it nullifies calling the stating of such facts as hate. The Bass' point has been proven, thanks a lot RacistmanATL
I have no problem pointing out the crimes of whites as long as blacks understand their own crimes.

For instance, most slaves sold and trasported to the New World (same as the old world) were captured and sold by other black people to white people.

You see the proof race is an artificial way to look at the human condition (the human condition being a universal condition more imporatant than race) is the fact that every race has been a fucking bastard to some other race, or in the case of Africa, mostly to their own.
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Don't troll, answer the questions put forth, is it not a fact that those above mentioned acts truthfully did happen and still happen for some of them?

Just responding in the same manner as your bigoted troll post.

Ok, so basically you're a hypocrite because you refused to answer the questions because it nullifies calling the stating of such facts as hate. The Bass' point has been proven, thanks a lot RacistmanATL

No. You fail.

I didn't respond to your post seriously because I never give racists a thoughtful response. Since you are a racist, therefore, all you get is me responding in the exact same way your OP was posted.

That you can't see the racist streak in your OP is just further proof of your own racist tendencies.
Just responding in the same manner as your bigoted troll post.

Ok, so basically you're a hypocrite because you refused to answer the questions because it nullifies calling the stating of such facts as hate. The Bass' point has been proven, thanks a lot RacistmanATL

No. You fail.

I didn't respond to your post seriously because I never give racists a thoughtful response.

Strawman, you just refuse to acknowledge the truth that was stated. If your intent wasn't o address so called racists you should have never posted in this thread. You can keep calling the Bass a racist all you like, but its not making the statement truthful.

Getting back on topic, were the acts mentioned by the Bass facts or not? Did not all of those things happen, yes or no? Its as simple as that, will you answer the question or act like a coward and spew fake accusations of racism? Even if the Bass was a racist, it will not refute the fact that those acts mentioned are truthful.
Blacks rightfully point out the racist actions of whites, past and present? If truth is truth and it sets one free, why can't whites acknowledge the truth instead of accusing people of hate when the wrongs of whites are pointed out. Conversely, when whites point out the actions of non-whites, its never considered as hate and or racism.

Example, when Black Muslims state that the white enslaved the black man, rape black women during slavery, brainwashed blacks into believing they never had any history, denied and prevented enslaved Africans from speaking their language and outwardly practicing their culture, forcefully imposed European names upon the same people, denied the black people the right to vote, enacted social policies which pushed black people into ghettos, discriminated against black in employment and housing acquisition, used violence and intimidation against blacks to stop them from demanding equal rights, etc the Black Muslims are stating the truth because it is an undeniable fact that these have happened and some of these things still happen even today. Based on the above *FACTS* how can anyone call that hate speech and or being racist?

The example you gave is not hate speech or racist. But when this is a pretext to the claim that all white people are part of a global conspiracy to kill all black people or other such nonsense, then it is hate speech.
Mr Bass,

Once again you miss the point however the fact that you are Negro does explain it - your intellectual capacity is low.

It is not Democrat/Liberal whites who call it hate it is REPUBLICAN whites. They are the racists among us. They would not support JFK's Civil Rights, they forced the Negro to be separte in the south, they rebeled against busing, they hate Obama; REPUBLICAN whites, and don't you forget it sonny.
Blacks rightfully point out the racist actions of whites, past and present? If truth is truth and it sets one free, why can't whites acknowledge the truth instead of accusing people of hate when the wrongs of whites are pointed out. Conversely, when whites point out the actions of non-whites, its never considered as hate and or racism.

Example, when Black Muslims state that the white enslaved the black man, rape black women during slavery, brainwashed blacks into believing they never had any history, denied and prevented enslaved Africans from speaking their language and outwardly practicing their culture, forcefully imposed European names upon the same people, denied the black people the right to vote, enacted social policies which pushed black people into ghettos, discriminated against black in employment and housing acquisition, used violence and intimidation against blacks to stop them from demanding equal rights, etc the Black Muslims are stating the truth because it is an undeniable fact that these have happened and some of these things still happen even today. Based on the above *FACTS* how can anyone call that hate speech and or being racist?


I believe your statement is NOT true and have a racist slant to them because even though the past events can not be denied they were not done by all white people. It is stated in such a way as to blame all white people, which is racist and not true. What do you call someone that only posts negative comments about another race?

Blacks rightfully point out the racist actions of whites, past and present? If truth is truth and it sets one free, why can't whites acknowledge the truth instead of accusing people of hate when the wrongs of whites are pointed out. Conversely, when whites point out the actions of non-whites, its never considered as hate and or racism.

Example, when Black Muslims state that the white enslaved the black man, rape black women during slavery, brainwashed blacks into believing they never had any history, denied and prevented enslaved Africans from speaking their language and outwardly practicing their culture, forcefully imposed European names upon the same people, denied the black people the right to vote, enacted social policies which pushed black people into ghettos, discriminated against black in employment and housing acquisition, used violence and intimidation against blacks to stop them from demanding equal rights, etc the Black Muslims are stating the truth because it is an undeniable fact that these have happened and some of these things still happen even today. Based on the above *FACTS* how can anyone call that hate speech and or being racist?

The example you gave is not hate speech or racist. But when this is a pretext to the claim that all white people are part of a global conspiracy to kill all black people or other such nonsense, then it is hate speech.

Well all white people aren't part of a global conspiracy against blacks, but there are some who basically do have an agenda against blacks.

Thanks for answering the question head on.
Blacks rightfully point out the racist actions of whites, past and present? If truth is truth and it sets one free, why can't whites acknowledge the truth instead of accusing people of hate when the wrongs of whites are pointed out. Conversely, when whites point out the actions of non-whites, its never considered as hate and or racism.

Example, when Black Muslims state that the white enslaved the black man, rape black women during slavery, brainwashed blacks into believing they never had any history, denied and prevented enslaved Africans from speaking their language and outwardly practicing their culture, forcefully imposed European names upon the same people, denied the black people the right to vote, enacted social policies which pushed black people into ghettos, discriminated against black in employment and housing acquisition, used violence and intimidation against blacks to stop them from demanding equal rights, etc the Black Muslims are stating the truth because it is an undeniable fact that these have happened and some of these things still happen even today. Based on the above *FACTS* how can anyone call that hate speech and or being racist?

The example you gave is not hate speech or racist. But when this is a pretext to the claim that all white people are part of a global conspiracy to kill all black people or other such nonsense, then it is hate speech.

Well all white people aren't part of a global conspiracy against blacks, but there are some who basically do have an agenda against blacks.

Thanks for answering the question head on.

Yes, you are correct about the agenda. And, of course, it applies to all races, creeds and colors.
The example you gave is not hate speech or racist. But when this is a pretext to the claim that all white people are part of a global conspiracy to kill all black people or other such nonsense, then it is hate speech.

Well all white people aren't part of a global conspiracy against blacks, but there are some who basically do have an agenda against blacks.

Thanks for answering the question head on.

Yes, you are correct about the agenda. And, of course, it applies to all races, creeds and colors.

Historically people do acknowledge that all races are guilty of this, but what about the American white man, who continues to practice these acts while making the same acknowledgment you just made and then denying that any such things are still going on and downplays the historical acts? When the Bass says American white he's referring exclusively to the racist adversaries of the black man, not all American whites.

I believe your statement is NOT true and have a racist slant to them because even though the past events can not be denied they were not done by all white people.

Now you're putting words in Superstar Bass' mouth, The Bass never said all whites are guilty, perhaps the Bass should have specified that "white man and whites" as used in that context refers specifically to those whites who are the deliberate adversaries, oppressors, etc of Black people. Mr Bass thought you and others would see that obviously.

Nevertheless, you do not deny that those thing did and still do in fact happen(ed). so the truth itself cannot be stated to be racist.
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The truth is that the black people have been ripped off in our society and still are being ripped off by some today. But it is also true that the black people today have equal rights under our laws and the support of most white people who believe the racist past in America was wrong.
Whether the truth could be considered as racist or not doesn’t matter because it would still be the truth.
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The truth is that the black people have been ripped off in our society and still are being ripped off by some today. But it is also true that the black people today have equal rights under our laws and the support of most white people who believe the racist past in America was wrong.
Whether the truth could be considered as racist or not doesn’t matter because it would still be the truth.

On paper there have been equal rights for all but for blacks and other people of color they are not being lawfully and properly enforced.
I’m not sure what you are referring to but I support equal justice under the law and believe there are legal ways to address injustice.

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