Why do we still have US service members dying in Afghanistan?

Harpy Eagle

Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2017
That would be against the US policy of interference. Have you ever sat there and wondered how it is our country has the gall to tell other countries they cant have nuclear weapons and we have them?

Anerica, Fuck Yeah!!


We war all over the place
The World Police
We all up in your face

The World Police....Police..Police...
3 US service members killed in Afghanistan blast

Army Ranger killed in Afghanistan likely was accidentally shot by Afghan soldier

In 3 months it will become the longest running "war" in US history and the outcome will be as meaningless as the war it will surpass.

There is no end game, there is no victory. The USSR found this out and we are too stupid to learn from their mistakes and deaths.

Trump needs to get our men and women the hell out of there...NOW.
Why didn't Obama 'get our men and women the hell out of there'?

A better question, though, is why did Obama ever commit an International War Crime to illegally invade Syria without being asked by President Al-Assad to do so, without Congressional approval to do so in violation of the US Constitution, and why are we still fighting and having troops die in Obama's Syrian War?
3 US service members killed in Afghanistan blast

Army Ranger killed in Afghanistan likely was accidentally shot by Afghan soldier

In 3 months it will become the longest running "war" in US history and the outcome will be as meaningless as the war it will surpass.

There is no end game, there is no victory. The USSR found this out and we are too stupid to learn from their mistakes and deaths.

Trump needs to get our men and women the hell out of there...NOW.
Why didn't Obama 'get our men and women the hell out of there'?

A better question, though, is why did Obama ever commit an International War Crime to illegally invade Syria without being asked by President Al-Assad to do so, without Congressional approval to do so in violation of the US Constitution, and why are we still fighting and having troops die in Obama's Syrian War?

jesus, this tripe again. I am not sure if you are more pathetic or more predictable.

Obama had the exact same Authorization to Use Military Force that Bush II did and that Trump still has. It has never been taken back, it was a black check by Congress given to the Executive Branch.

Obama fucked up by not getting the troops out and now Trump is fucking up by not doing it and all you give a shit about is Obama...you could not give a flying rats ass about the troops.
Obama had the exact same Authorization to Use Military Force that Bush II did and that Trump still has.
Bush was given the Constitutional Authority to go to war in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Please post the link to where Obama went before Congress - as Bush did - and asked Congress for the authorization to take the war to help Al Qaeda - who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 - kill Qadaffi, who was helping the Coalition fight terrorists in Northern Africa, and take over their own country.......

Please post the link to where Obama went before Congress - as Bush did - and asked Congress for the authorization to take the war , thereby committing an International WAR CRIME by invading a sovereign nation without the request or permission of that nation's leader.

Tick tock, snowflake.
Obama fucked up by not getting the troops out...
That must have been hard to admit but obviously not as hard as admitting the NOBEL PEACE PRIZE WINNER FOR 'POTENTIAL' also dragged the US into 2 un-Constitutional Un-authorized wars designed to aid and abet TERRORISTS.
Obama had the exact same Authorization to Use Military Force that Bush II did and that Trump still has.
Bush was given the Constitutional Authority to go to war in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Please post the link to where Obama went before Congress - as Bush did - and asked Congress for the authorization to take the war to help Al Qaeda - who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 - kill Qadaffi, who was helping the Coalition fight terrorists in Northern Africa, and take over their own country.......

Please post the link to where Obama went before Congress - as Bush did - and asked Congress for the authorization to take the war , thereby committing an International WAR CRIME by invading a sovereign nation without the request or permission of that nation's leader.

Tick tock, snowflake.

Obama did not have to do those things because Congress gave the Executive branch an Authorization to Use Military Force and it is still in effect today. Trump used it to attack Syria.

Until such time as Congress grows some balls and takes back their Constitutional authority, the Executive Branch has a free pass to attack anyone and everyone they want.
Obama fucked up by not getting the troops out...
That must have been hard to admit but obviously not as hard as admitting the NOBEL PEACE PRIZE WINNER FOR 'POTENTIAL' also dragged the US into 2 un-Constitutional Un-authorized wars designed to aid and abet TERRORISTS.

Why has your savoir not gotten our people out? Can you stick to the topic of the thread?
A strange "war." W ignored it and invaded the wrong country. Obama touted it, but didn't really want to mess with it. Hillary wanted to nationbuild. Biden wanted to keep some special forces around and tell them any hanky panky from the Taliban letting terrorist threaten us would mean every Taliban Hut took a hellfire .....

Trump really wants to let Blackwater suck money off of it.
3 US service members killed in Afghanistan blast

Army Ranger killed in Afghanistan likely was accidentally shot by Afghan soldier

In 3 months it will become the longest running "war" in US history and the outcome will be as meaningless as the war it will surpass.

There is no end game, there is no victory. The USSR found this out and we are too stupid to learn from their mistakes and deaths.

Trump needs to get our men and women the hell out of there...NOW.
Why didn't Obama 'get our men and women the hell out of there'?

A better question, though, is why did Obama ever commit an International War Crime to illegally invade Syria without being asked by President Al-Assad to do so, without Congressional approval to do so in violation of the US Constitution, and why are we still fighting and having troops die in Obama's Syrian War?
obama is gone. he can't get us out of there now. while you can argue he should have, that only amplifies trumps inaction to do what you feel the previous admin should have done.

they need to come home. period.
Obama did not have to do those things because Congress gave the Executive branch an Authorization to Use Military Force....
Congress gave that authorization to BUSH after he WRNT BEFORE CONGRESS AND ASKED FOR THAT AUTHORIZATION.

The NOBEL PEACE PRIZE WINNER never went before Congress and explained, like Bush did, WHE he wanted to take the nation to war.

The reason he probably chose not to is because he knew there is no way Congress would have given Obama authorization the authority to go to war with the intention of HELPING TERRORISTS - Al Qaeda - who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01, murder the President of a sovereign nation who was helping the coalition FIGHT Against terrorists and giving control of that nation to Al Qaeda.

The reason he probably chose not to is because he knew there is no way Congress would have given Obama authorization the authority to go to war, in the case of INVADING SYRIA, an International WAR CRIME of invading a sovereign nation without any reason to do so, without being requested or given permission to do so by that nation's leader.

And you are still asking why OBAMA did not take our troops out of Afghanistan? Why did he not only INVADE but also leave our troops in Syria?
3 US service members killed in Afghanistan blast

Army Ranger killed in Afghanistan likely was accidentally shot by Afghan soldier

In 3 months it will become the longest running "war" in US history and the outcome will be as meaningless as the war it will surpass.

There is no end game, there is no victory. The USSR found this out and we are too stupid to learn from their mistakes and deaths.

Trump needs to get our men and women the hell out of there...NOW.
Why do we still have soldiers dying in Afghanistan? Same reason Trump’s given the Saudi's carte blanche to murder dissenters. Our defense contractors like money.
Obama had the exact same Authorization to Use Military Force that Bush II did and that Trump still has.
Bush was given the Constitutional Authority to go to war in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Please post the link to where Obama went before Congress - as Bush did - and asked Congress for the authorization to take the war to help Al Qaeda - who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 - kill Qadaffi, who was helping the Coalition fight terrorists in Northern Africa, and take over their own country.......

Please post the link to where Obama went before Congress - as Bush did - and asked Congress for the authorization to take the war , thereby committing an International WAR CRIME by invading a sovereign nation without the request or permission of that nation's leader.

Tick tock, snowflake.
Wow. You really are retarded. Actually retarded.

You just shit out of your mouth without engaging a single brain cell.

Obama tried several times for a total withdrawal from Afghanistan, but was met by opposition by the GOP and your propagandists at Fox News, you unbelievably retarded amnesiac dipshit.

GOP questions Obama's Afghanistan troop withdrawal

Republicans offer starkly different views on Obama’s Afghanistan strategy

In a fundamental shift from nearly two years of aggressive counterinsurgency efforts in Afghanistan, President Obama announced Wednesday that the United States would immediately withdraw 10,000 of its troops from the country, and said that the remaining 20,000 troops from last year’s “surge” would return home by next summer. “The tide of war is receding,” Obama said, adding that the U.S. was “meeting our goals” in Afghanistan. He also acknowledged that American forces would concede some of their more ambitious reconstruction plans in the country, declaring, “We won’t try to make Afghanistan a perfect place.”


Gov. Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota has staked out the most hawkish position on the Afghan war. In an appearance on Fox News Wednesday, he called Obama’s decision “a grave mistake” and said withdrawing 30,000 troops from the country would leave Afghanistan vulnerable to back-sliding.
Obama did not have to do those things because Congress gave the Executive branch an Authorization to Use Military Force....
Congress gave that authorization to BUSH after he WRNT BEFORE CONGRESS AND ASKED FOR THAT AUTHORIZATION.

Congress did not give Bush anything ,they gave the President of the Untied States the authorization. It was not limited to an individual POTUS. I have posted the AUMF 10 times for you and you always keep coming back to this fucking lie.

You have now taken over the mantle of the most dishonest person on this forum.
Senior Republicans signal issues in Congress for Obama Afghan plan | Reuters

Representative Mac Thornberry, the Republican chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives Armed Services Committee, said on Wednesday that the White House must submit a supplemental funding request immediately to support President Barack Obama’s plans to keep 8,400 troops in Afghanistan.

Senator John McCain, who leads the Senate Armed Services Committee, said he welcomed Obama’s decision but added in a statement: “That said, when the President himself describes the security situation in Afghanistan as ‘precarious,’ it is difficult to discern any strategic rationale for withdrawing 1,400 U.S. troops by the end of the year.”
Fucking tards are trying to revise history now.

GOP slams Obama on foreign policy

Republicans insisted the president is on track to make further errors by withdrawing U.S. troops from Afghanistan at the end of the year.
Why has your savoir not gotten our people out? Can you stick to the topic of the thread?
Just like with Obamacare, WHY do snowflakes like you demand on knowing why Republicans have not cleaned up DEMOCRAT MESSES?!

Have you forgotten...wait, of course not - you INTENTIONALLY leave out the part where your BOI Barry, in the midst of a war - in an attempt to keep a campaign promise of freeing Gitmo, freed the 5 top enemy generals / leaders in the war in Afghanistan - The Taliban 5!


Tell me what kind of sound military strategy it was, snowflake, for Barry to return the top 5 military leaders - who it took effort and the lives of US military men to capture to begin with - to the enemy forces?

The week after the 5 were released the Taliban went into the village that had helped the US capture one of the 5 and slaughtered every man, woman, and child in revenge and as a message to others.
We're still in Afghanistan because that is where the GOP wanted us to be.

Obama diddled around for eight freaking years and now democrats are impatient about Afghanistan after two years of a republican administration. The interesting thing is the reverse psychology that seems to be the order of the day. Retired SEAL Marcus Luttrell wrote a best selling book about a failed mission and H'wood took the book and pretended it was a victory.

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