Why Do We Have Different Skin Colors

There are two big mistakes you can make about people: one, is to think that they are all the same; the other, is to think that they are different.
If it just boils down to some scientific reason why races have different skin colors, then why are some races more intelligent than others?
Because they aren't --- as has been proven over and over by scientific studies --- proper scientific studies, not the hare-brained pseudo-science which the scientific illiterates here seem to like so much.

New Guinea natives a couple of generations removed from the Stone Age have become PhDs in nuclear physics. Case closed.
Sorry, but no, case not closed...

Racial Differences in Intelligence, Personality, and Behavior
Just as I thought, the usual anecdotal, impressionistic BS that racists always vomit.

The only thing remotely scientific in that ridiculous screed is IQ testing --- which is very remotely scientific, since it is notoriously subject to cultural bias.

I will agree that, in general, orientals (and Jews) are more intelligent than the average -- and certainly more intelligent than the brainwashed hysteriacs who soil this site for enlightened discussion. However, that is because education has always, in general, been highly valued in their cultures.


I had a scholarship to study at Beijing University in the late 70s. I will never forget the drive to study I saw there. The university authorities turned the electricity in the dorms off at 10 PM, because they wanted the students to get a good night's sleep. Many students were so determined to study they took their books outside and stood under street lamps in order to read --- and remember, the winter climate of Beijing is like that of North Dakota !

Could you imagine the brainwashed brats churned out by the education mills of the Excited States of Hysteria doing that?

Then, of course, there is the question of clearly defining what intelligence really is, but that is a question for another thread.
Very strange thing, but I have noticed that people in families that have a great love and respect of education seem to be much smarter than those from families that practice willful ignorance. Irregardless of race. LOL

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