Why do the New York Dems want Weiner to stay?

Let me ask you this.... why are you considering a vote for Newt Gingrich for President? This guy did not post a pic of his penis on the internet... he actually Screwed women outside of his marriage!

Why does this not enrage you at LEAST as much as some Cybersex?

Don't get me wrong... I think that what Weiner did was fucked up. But He is not the first, nor the last to have issues with temptation.
No dumber than being a regular client of prostitutes (Vitter), trying to solicit Gay sex in an airport bathroom (Craig), or sexting underage male interns and pages in Congress (Foley).

All three are Republicans, too!
I think the DUMBEST thing ever and takes the category for MOST SEXUALLY DEVIANT in American Political History goes to the toe-tapping KAWK Hunting Deviant...Senator "Wide Stance" Craig.

I mean...how EFFIN DUMB can you be? His deviancy took full control of his action and sent him down a HELLISH path...the scumbag couldn't help himself.

Damn RepubliCON$

Not even close to getting blow jobs in the White House from a star struck intern.

Now you see... this is just pure rationalization on your part. Just out of curiosity... what does one's sexual exploits have to do with their ability to perform their job? I am talking about Craig as well as Weiner.

With Craig it is slightly different... he was so embarrassed by his own sexual preference that he compensated legislatively to hide his own meanderings.... but even still... it really probably wouldn't have mattered on a great number of issues.
His staying or going wouldn't affect redistricting.

It is also not true, your thread title. There is no consensus either way.

They are going to loose a Democratic seat no matter what. If he stays they can eliminate his seat and everyone else gets to keep theirs.

How is my thread title not true? I was not aware questions could be either true or false.
Why do you still beat your wife?

Because we both like it.

Next question?
Let me ask you this.... why are you considering a vote for Newt Gingrich for President? This guy did not post a pic of his penis on the internet... he actually Screwed women outside of his marriage!

Why does this not enrage you at LEAST as much as some Cybersex?

Don't get me wrong... I think that what Weiner did was fucked up. But He is not the first, nor the last to have issues with temptation.

What makes you think anyone is going to vote for Newt? His entire campaign staff just quit.
Let me ask you this.... why are you considering a vote for Newt Gingrich for President? This guy did not post a pic of his penis on the internet... he actually Screwed women outside of his marriage!

Why does this not enrage you at LEAST as much as some Cybersex?

Don't get me wrong... I think that what Weiner did was fucked up. But He is not the first, nor the last to have issues with temptation.

What makes you think anyone is going to vote for Newt? His entire campaign staff just quit.

I called it weeks ago...NEWT had too much baggage...and he sunk himself on 'Meet The Depressed'.
NY democrats are among the most left wing radicals in the Country with the exception of the left coast crazies. They operate on old style politics which means they probably still think the liberal media (Walter Cronkite and Dan Rather) will cover up the scandal. The problem is that Wally is dead and Dan is a ghost wandering around annoying people. It's a new world of information and old stye left wing politicians can't seem to grasp the concept.
NY democrats are among the most left wing radicals in the Country with the exception of the left coast crazies. They operate on old style politics which means they probably still think the liberal media (Walter Cronkite and Dan Rather) will cover up the scandal. The problem is that Wally is dead and Dan is a ghost wandering around annoying people. It's a new world of information and old stye left wing politicians can't seem to grasp the concept.

Now? Tell this to NY Carbineer? That guy refuses to understand a friggin thing except to manufacture crap...and LIE to prove a point?
rightwingnuts don't toss their own ... even for outing CIA agents.

but want to get rid of an effective leftleaning congressman?



Can we dig up the quote where you deny he did anything wrong and you accuse the right wing of hacking his account?
Your lies are even more outrageous. A symbol of degenerative brain disorder.

Typical New Yorker, shout the opponent down know matter how wrong and stupid your view is. The guy's a liar and a cheat and you assholes defend the pile of shit.....pathetic.

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....in New York, it's still spelled "....no matter....", you stupid, fuckin', Teabaggin'-rube.


Gee, with that extra long uh you sounded like your favorite dildo prez when he attempts to speak without someone furnishing him words on a teleprompter. Please continue to proof read all of my posts, you're hired......I'll pay you in bottles of Ripple and some cheap smokes.
Did I mention that your little skooter looks like white trash personified.........you take a motorcycle that performs well and turn it into a "look at me" piece of shit that performs like garbage......... I bet that dick Paul Senior is your idol.
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rightwingnuts don't toss their own ... even for outing CIA agents.

but want to get rid of an effective leftleaning congressman?



Can we dig up the quote where you deny he did anything wrong and you accuse the right wing of hacking his account?
Your lies are even more outrageous. A symbol of degenerative brain disorder.

LMAO!:lol::lol: Your lies are outstanding for a ribeye.................ya fucking liar!!
rightwingnuts don't toss their own ... even for outing CIA agents.

but want to get rid of an effective leftleaning congressman?



Can we dig up the quote where you deny he did anything wrong and you accuse the right wing of hacking his account?
Your lies are even more outrageous. A symbol of degenerative brain disorder.

LMAO!:lol::lol: Your lies are outstanding for a ribeye.................ya fucking liar!!

How many GOP pols have been forced to resign? Bob Barr. Newt. Delay. The list goes on and on. When Republican pols are discovered to have done something wrong in their personal lives, they resign. When Democrats do it they write books. How many Dems have held on?
Barney Frank
Jim McGreevey
Bill Clinton
That's a good point. Regardless, he looks like such a buffoon that he should resign. And he did lie about it.

If looking like a buffoon is the standard, then McConnell, Rand Paul, Bob Corker, Eric Cantor, and about 40 others should resign.

As for the lying, I disagree. This stood out for me, over at Alternet.org:

No laws seem to have been broken, no public trust compromised, no campaign irregularities indicated, and there’s been no suggestion that his flirtations interfered with his ability to do his job. The entire rationale for the scandal is that Weiner isn’t living in accordance with strict social mores regarding monogamy, and that’s it. Even the whining about how he lied when initially confronted is hollow. In the past, lying when someone asks nosy questions that are none of their business was considered a socially acceptable white lie. (And really, who among us would be a paragon of transparency with Wolf Blitzer waving a penis picture in our face and saying, “Is this yours?”) The pretense that it has to matter to the public in order for the public to get involved has been dropped.

pathetic :lol:


It's absolutely true.

Now we've got a 24 hour media cycle which feeds on these kind of stories. It's like blood in the water for them.
If looking like a buffoon is the standard, then McConnell, Rand Paul, Bob Corker, Eric Cantor, and about 40 others should resign.

As for the lying, I disagree. This stood out for me, over at Alternet.org:

No laws seem to have been broken, no public trust compromised, no campaign irregularities indicated, and there’s been no suggestion that his flirtations interfered with his ability to do his job. The entire rationale for the scandal is that Weiner isn’t living in accordance with strict social mores regarding monogamy, and that’s it. Even the whining about how he lied when initially confronted is hollow. In the past, lying when someone asks nosy questions that are none of their business was considered a socially acceptable white lie. (And really, who among us would be a paragon of transparency with Wolf Blitzer waving a penis picture in our face and saying, “Is this yours?”) The pretense that it has to matter to the public in order for the public to get involved has been dropped.

pathetic :lol:


It's absolutely true.

Now we've got a 24 hour media cycle which feeds on these kind of stories. It's like blood in the water for them.

It's OK when Dems lie.
Truly pathetic. Especially since Dems created this nonsense. Remember Bork?
Plame affair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Civil suit
According to testimony given in the CIA leak grand jury investigation and United States v. Libby, Bush administration officials Richard Armitage, Karl Rove, and Lewis Libby discussed the employment of a then-classified, covert CIA officer, Valerie E. Wilson (also known as Valerie Plame) with members of the press.[2][25]
The Wilsons also brought a civil law suit against Libby, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, and Richard Armitage, in Wilson v. Cheney.[26][27] On July 19, 2007, Wilson v. Cheney was dismissed in United States District Court for the District of Columbia.[28] On behalf of the Wilsons, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington filed an appeal of the U.S. District Court's decision the following day.[29]
The civil suit was dismissed on July 19, 2007. In dismissing the suit, United States District Judge John D. Bates states:
The merits of plaintiffs' claims pose important questions relating to the propriety of actions undertaken by our highest government officials. Defendants' motions, however, raise issues that the Court is obliged to address before it can consider the merits of plaintiffs' claims. As it turns out, the Court will not reach, and therefore expresses no views on, the merits of the constitutional and other tort claims asserted by plaintiffs based on defendants' alleged disclosures because the motions to dismiss will be granted...The alleged means by which defendants chose to rebut Mr. Wilson's comments and attack his credibility may have been highly unsavory. But there can be no serious dispute that the act of rebutting public criticism, such as that levied by Mr. Wilson against the Bush Administration's handling of prewar foreign intelligence, by speaking with members of the press is within the scope of defendants' duties as high-level Executive Branch officials. Thus, the alleged tortious conduct, namely the disclosure of Mrs. Wilson's status as a covert operative, was incidental to the kind of conduct that defendants were employed to perform.[30]
Judge Bates ruled that the "plaintiffs have not exhausted their administrative remedies under the Federal Tort Claims Act, which is the proper, and exclusive, avenue for relief on such a claim." Bates ruled that the FTCA outlines the appropriate remedy since the FTCA "accords federal employees absolute immunity from common-law tort claims arising out of acts they undertake in the course of their official duties," and the "plaintiffs have not pled sufficient facts that would rebut the [FTCA] certification filed in this action."[30]
The Wilsons appealed that decision the next day. On August 12, 2008, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit upheld the District Court's ruling in a 2-1 decision.[31]
Main article: Plame v. Cheney#Appeal
The Wilsons have asked the U.S. Supreme Court to hear their appeal of the U.S. Court of Appeals ruling. On May 20, 2009, the Justice Department, in a brief filed by Solicitor General Elena Kagan, Assistant Attorney General Tony West, and Justice Department attorneys Mark B. Stern and Charles W. Scarborough, took the position that, "The decision of the court of appeals is correct and does not conflict with any decision of this Court or any other court of appeals,...Further review is unwarranted." Melanie Sloan, an attorney for the Wilsons and the executive director of the watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, released a statement that read, "We are deeply disappointed that the Obama administration has failed to recognize the grievous harm top Bush White House officials inflicted on Joe and Valerie Wilson...The government's position cannot be reconciled with President Obama's oft-stated commitment to once again make government officials accountable for their actions."[32]
According to the brief filed by the Justice Department:
"Petitioners allege that Novak's July 14, 2003 column publicly disclosed Ms. Wilson's covert CIA employment and that that disclosure 'destroyed her cover as a classified CIA employee.' Petitioners, however, allege that Novak's source was Armitage, and do not allege that any of the three defendants against whom Mr. Wilson presses his First Amendment claim-Cheney, Rove, and Libby-caused that column to be published. In the absence of factual allegations that Mr. Wilson's alleged injury from the public disclosure of his wife's CIA employment is 'fairly traceable' to alleged conduct by Cheney, Rove, or Libby, petitioners have failed to establish Article III jurisdiction over Mr. Wilson's First Amendment claim."[33]
On June 22, 2009, the U.S. Supreme Court announced, without comment, it would not hear an appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals ruling.[34] According to a statement issued by CREW, the Supreme Court decision brings "the case to a close." In the statement, Melanie Sloan responded to the ruling:
"The Wilsons and their counsel are disappointed by the Supreme Court’s refusal to hear the case, but more significantly, this is a setback for our democracy. This decision means that government officials can abuse their power for political purposes without fear of repercussion. Private citizens like the Wilsons, who see their careers destroyed and their lives placed in jeopardy by administration officials seeking to score political points and silence opposition, have no recourse."[35]

One of the dozens of crimes that Bush and company should have been removed from office for but hailed by Conservatives as "smart policy".

It's absolutely true.

Now we've got a 24 hour media cycle which feeds on these kind of stories. It's like blood in the water for them.

It's OK when Dems lie.
Truly pathetic. Especially since Dems created this nonsense. Remember Bork?

Bork was a nut that should have never been a judge.

And you have the basis to make such a judgement, how? You don't know shit about him, except what the lib media has force fed you.

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