Why do the Koch brothers want to end public education?

You're kidding.

This country had no real middle class for most of it's existence. It's only the last seven or so decades where there has been a strong and vibrant middle class.

Before that we look like any tin horn third world country. We had a small band of kazillionaires and an ocean of poor people. I can remember back when poor meant going without food for a week, no electricity from time to time. and wearing "holely" clothing everyday. That was my childhood. And I am sure it was worse for people older then me.

80 years ago was the start[ish] of the Great Depression.

so no, I'm not kidding.

remove the Dept of Ed and education will improve, remove the non-sense classes and our kids needed skills will improve.

Yep..and after that was the real rise of a Middle Class. Before that there was no middle class.

And removing the department of education will insure that for a good amount of the people in this country..there would be no access to education..and no standards to speak of.

In other words..welcome to the third world.

Our country is bankrupt, 50% of the electorate is dependent on the government for financial support - yep, we are a third world country indeed.

You're kidding.

This country had no real middle class for most of it's existence. It's only the last seven or so decades where there has been a strong and vibrant middle class.

Before that we look like any tin horn third world country. We had a small band of kazillionaires and an ocean of poor people. I can remember back when poor meant going without food for a week, no electricity from time to time. and wearing "holely" clothing everyday. That was my childhood. And I am sure it was worse for people older then me.

80 years ago was the start[ish] of the Great Depression.

so no, I'm not kidding.

remove the Dept of Ed and education will improve, remove the non-sense classes and our kids needed skills will improve.

Yep..and after that was the real rise of a Middle Class. Before that there was no middle class.

And removing the department of education will insure that for a good amount of the people in this country..there would be no access to education..and no standards to speak of.

In other words..welcome to the third world.

Never mind that it worked very well and we were in the top third in the world before the department.
Mainly because it insures only wealthy people get an education.

Silly, I know, but they don't seem to want to "Spread the wealth" for some odd reason.

And it's well known that educated people are generally productive people.

So..it seems a good idea to use government funds to make sure that poor people don't stay that way..and eventually wind up paying taxes.

Seems like a good investment..too.

That government should pay for poor kids to get educated doesn't imply a government school system. The government school system has particularly failed poor and minorities. The system needs to be privatized, with government involvement limited to providing vouchers for those not able to pay.

It hasn't "failed" anyone.

America's been failing the education system.

Riiiiiiiight - the US exists to serve the education establishment, not vice versa. Never heard it put better. :lmao:
You're kidding.

This country had no real middle class for most of it's existence. It's only the last seven or so decades where there has been a strong and vibrant middle class.

Before that we look like any tin horn third world country. We had a small band of kazillionaires and an ocean of poor people. I can remember back when poor meant going without food for a week, no electricity from time to time. and wearing "holely" clothing everyday. That was my childhood. And I am sure it was worse for people older then me.

80 years ago was the start[ish] of the Great Depression.

so no, I'm not kidding.

remove the Dept of Ed and education will improve, remove the non-sense classes and our kids needed skills will improve.

Yep..and after that was the real rise of a Middle Class. Before that there was no middle class.

And removing the department of education will insure that for a good amount of the people in this country..there would be no access to education..and no standards to speak of.

In other words..welcome to the third world.

If an entire region couldn't care about education, it should suffer.

Imagine states and counties competing to bring people to them by having the best schools.

With the Fed lording over, that can't really happen.

And the part middle class started up b/c there were more factory jobs needed and fewer people were needed to work the farms. Not much education needed to work at Ford and put cars together.

And please cool it with the 3rd world non-sense. Once you have seen one, you will know just how far we would have to fall. Think pre-whiteman.
80 years ago was the start[ish] of the Great Depression.

so no, I'm not kidding.

remove the Dept of Ed and education will improve, remove the non-sense classes and our kids needed skills will improve.

Yep..and after that was the real rise of a Middle Class. Before that there was no middle class.

And removing the department of education will insure that for a good amount of the people in this country..there would be no access to education..and no standards to speak of.

In other words..welcome to the third world.

Our country is bankrupt, 50% of the electorate is dependent on the government for financial support - yep, we are a third world country indeed.


When we are killing each other for food, then we are 3rd world, but not a moment before.
80 years ago was the start[ish] of the Great Depression.

so no, I'm not kidding.

remove the Dept of Ed and education will improve, remove the non-sense classes and our kids needed skills will improve.

Yep..and after that was the real rise of a Middle Class. Before that there was no middle class.

And removing the department of education will insure that for a good amount of the people in this country..there would be no access to education..and no standards to speak of.

In other words..welcome to the third world.

Our country is bankrupt, 50% of the electorate is dependent on the government for financial support - yep, we are a third world country indeed.



Go on.

Show me which third world country is like that?

Needless to say..we are not bankrupt, 50% of our country is not on financial support from the government (you may have a point if you meant the electorate, 41% of people in this country vote..and while I have no figures on it..seniors generally don't miss elections and are on financial support from the government, so show me a third world country with generous benefits for seniors?).

But feel free.

I don't know of any.
Just watch" waiting for superman" and see how ( at least Tenure teachers act) Sometimes you can get more of an education by having your kids learn on an online school!!

School is not just for "book" learning. It's for gaining socialization skills. It's for learning how to adhere to a daily schedule.

Both things are key in the work place.
There are other places to socialize!! Most home schooled children socialize they have place to get together for functions and field trips. You have sports that kids can socialize. So dont give me you can only do it at schools!! As a parent I can put a daily schedule had to do it all the time when the kids were babies, in preschool, in grade school and highschool . Yeah! even in the summer so dont tell me parents cant put a child on a schedule to do course ect..

I don't even have a clue what your video says. I can't run it.

But from the get go I'll say this. My daughter, bless her soul, always wanted to be a teacher.

And I made damn well sure that I gave her the funds to reach her goal. McMaster University out of Hamilton Ontario. MASTERS. A lot of years went into this. $$$$$

She became a teacher. And she's a freaking major lib. Hey I used to be as well. She starts teaching out in union territory (GM Oshawa turf) and she bails.

Why? As my darling girl so succintly put it " they're freaking commie mother fuckers mom and no way on the planet am I going to get killed trying to teach real world to their kids".

So whatever and please give me a transcript don't tell me about shit from teachers. Or teachers unions or whatever.

And all you ever do is just post an article. You can't even engage in a conversation. You are a robo lib.

Did anybody watch the video. Anybody. Bueller?

I did. My brother and sister-in-law teach in that area....I'm asking their opinion on this issue.

But it is indeed MORE in the best interest of an informed electorate to have public education. I can understand Conservatives working against that.

Thank you very much.
A public education ensures that an education is AVAILABLE to all....it does not mean that all will WANT to become educated. There are the slackers, the selfish, the lazy, etc. but at least it is offered to them and maybe, just maybe, they wake up and take part in their own education. It doesn't always happen and those who CHOSE to not take their education seriously are the ones always held up as why our system fails.

In other countries, the lazy are weeded out early and are not measured in testing. Furthermore, in other countries, the schools have more power to pick and choose their students and have more power to override the parents on educational choices.

But...all in all, if people like vouchers, if people like school choice....let's try it first for about 12-13 years (one whole group of kids from Kindergarten to Graduation) in one state....say Texas...and see how it works there. Or eliminate public education all together for 13 years in one state...say Texas...and see how it works.

How does it work?

I'd really like to know. My daughter was thoroughly disgusted by the union she had to join.

We're talking serious lib kid here....I know....Mom's kookoo bye bye conservative but did spawn left winger child but always remember I knew Karenga before Karenga knew Karenga.

My daughter truly was disgusted by the teachers union and she told me that everything was about the union and the teachers and NOT the students.

What's going on for true? Or have we hit a point we can't get truth anymore?

I don't even have a clue what your video says. I can't run it.

But from the get go I'll say this. My daughter, bless her soul, always wanted to be a teacher.

And I made damn well sure that I gave her the funds to reach her goal. McMaster University out of Hamilton Ontario. MASTERS. A lot of years went into this. $$$$$

She became a teacher. And she's a freaking major lib. Hey I used to be as well. She starts teaching out in union territory (GM Oshawa turf) and she bails.

Why? As my darling girl so succintly put it " they're freaking commie mother fuckers mom and no way on the planet am I going to get killed trying to teach real world to their kids".

So whatever and please give me a transcript don't tell me about shit from teachers. Or teachers unions or whatever.

And all you ever do is just post an article. You can't even engage in a conversation. You are a robo lib.


You can't discuss the video because you didn't watch it. None of you know what it's really about. And I'll be damned if I'll fill your tiny little minds in.
Just watch" waiting for superman" and see how ( at least Tenure teachers act) Sometimes you can get more of an education by having your kids learn on an online school!!

School is not just for "book" learning. It's for gaining socialization skills. It's for learning how to adhere to a daily schedule.

Both things are key in the work place.
There are other places to socialize!! Most home schooled children socialize they have place to get together for functions and field trips. You have sports that kids can socialize. So dont give me you can only do it at schools!! As a parent I can put a daily schedule had to do it all the time when the kids were babies, in preschool, in grade school and highschool . Yeah! even in the summer so dont tell me parents cant put a child on a schedule to do course ect..

That's fine.

I applaud that.

But kids need to socialize with people of different ethnicities, religions and socio-economic backgrounds.

I've seen poorly socialized people in my field (believe me IT is crowded with them) including one guy who broke down hysterically crying when asked to do a simple network task because he thought he was "over worked " (over coddled if you ask me).

And poorly socialized people do poorly.

True story.
Yep..and after that was the real rise of a Middle Class. Before that there was no middle class.

And removing the department of education will insure that for a good amount of the people in this country..there would be no access to education..and no standards to speak of.

In other words..welcome to the third world.

Our country is bankrupt, 50% of the electorate is dependent on the government for financial support - yep, we are a third world country indeed.



Go on.

Show me which third world country is like that?

Needless to say..we are not bankrupt, 50% of our country is not on financial support from the government (you may have a point if you meant the electorate, 41% of people in this country vote..and while I have no figures on it..seniors generally don't miss elections and are on financial support from the government, so show me a third world country with generous benefits for seniors?).

But feel free.

I don't know of any.

5 Reasons Why American Riots Will Be the Worst in the World

by Silver Shield

Don't Tread On Me

Recently by Silver Shield: Death By A Thousand Cuts

I wrote an article called 5 Places NOT To Be When The Dollar Collapses. In it I wrote that societies that benefited the most from the dollar would be the worst places to be when it fell apart. While the dollar has not even collapsed yet, the strain in these areas is becoming more apparent. England is number 3 on the list has had 4 days of violent riots as people start to lose it. Israel is number 1 on that list has had massive protests. There is revolution in the air all over the world except in the US.

America is still in deep denial which is still the first stage of the Awakening. This denial will be wiped away when the dollar collapses. For now the economy is still functioning with food and fuel available. Americans still have the illusion of wealth and normalcy. They still are stuck in the false left right paradigm and think some other sock puppet will turn things around.

When the dollar collapses, all American illusions will collapse with it. Deep denial will turn into deep anger. The violence I expect in the other 3 areas on the list and all urban areas in the US, will make all other global riots pale in comparison. America is deeply infused with arrogance, denial, narcissism, drugs and violence. There is no other society that I know of that has the degree of intensity and combination of these factors.

5 Reasons Why American Riots Will Be the Worst in the World by Silver Shield
education is what helped make this country great.

killing education will make us a third world country

No. Pretending propaganda is education will destroy this nation.

BTW do you even know what a third world nation is?
It's simple...

Once they moved all the manufacturing jobs overseas the only thing America produces is information. In order to be in that field you need a college education which costs a ton of money. If they destroy the public education system (which sucks but is better than no public education) then that lowers the amount of people who get into college. Essentially making it a pay to play game. The haves will have more and the have nots will have even less.
It's simple...

Once they moved all the manufacturing jobs overseas the only thing America produces is information. In order to be in that field you need a college education which costs a ton of money. If they destroy the public education system (which sucks but is better than no public education) then that lowers the amount of people who get into college. Essentially making it a pay to play game. The haves will have more and the have nots will have even less.

Do you need a degree to fill one of those shovel-ready jobs Obama created ?

Our country is bankrupt, 50% of the electorate is dependent on the government for financial support - yep, we are a third world country indeed.



Go on.

Show me which third world country is like that?

Needless to say..we are not bankrupt, 50% of our country is not on financial support from the government (you may have a point if you meant the electorate, 41% of people in this country vote..and while I have no figures on it..seniors generally don't miss elections and are on financial support from the government, so show me a third world country with generous benefits for seniors?).

But feel free.

I don't know of any.

5 Reasons Why American Riots Will Be the Worst in the World

by Silver Shield

Don't Tread On Me

Recently by Silver Shield: Death By A Thousand Cuts

I wrote an article called 5 Places NOT To Be When The Dollar Collapses. In it I wrote that societies that benefited the most from the dollar would be the worst places to be when it fell apart. While the dollar has not even collapsed yet, the strain in these areas is becoming more apparent. England is number 3 on the list has had 4 days of violent riots as people start to lose it. Israel is number 1 on that list has had massive protests. There is revolution in the air all over the world except in the US.

America is still in deep denial which is still the first stage of the Awakening. This denial will be wiped away when the dollar collapses. For now the economy is still functioning with food and fuel available. Americans still have the illusion of wealth and normalcy. They still are stuck in the false left right paradigm and think some other sock puppet will turn things around.

When the dollar collapses, all American illusions will collapse with it. Deep denial will turn into deep anger. The violence I expect in the other 3 areas on the list and all urban areas in the US, will make all other global riots pale in comparison. America is deeply infused with arrogance, denial, narcissism, drugs and violence. There is no other society that I know of that has the degree of intensity and combination of these factors.

5 Reasons Why American Riots Will Be the Worst in the World by Silver Shield

So England is your answer?


I thought you were going to say Greece.. :lol:

You'd at least be in the ballpark with that one..if you went there.
The Koch Brothers And The Battle Over Integration In Wake County's Schools

For all those too lazy-ass to watch the video.

The stakes in the battle over the Wake County Public School System in North Carolina couldn’t be higher.

On one side are the billionaire brothers, Charles and David Koch, and the Tea Party and libertarian groups they fund. On the other, parents, students and community leaders who are bent on stopping measures passed by the conservative-led school board that they argue would re-segregate the county’s public schools, which had been a national model for diversity and integration.

Since 2000, Wake County has used a system of integration based on income. Under this program, no more than 40 percent of any school’s students could receive subsidized lunches, a proxy for determining the level of poverty. The school district is the 18th largest in the country, and includes Raleigh, its surrounding suburbs and rural areas. It became one of the first school systems in the nation to adopt such a plan.

But Wake County’s plan became a political flash point when five conservative candidates, bankrolled by Americans for Prosperity, a political activist group funded in part by the Kochs, were elected to the school board on a “neighborhood schools” platform that would dismantle the existing integration policy.

The new board touted their plan as one that would end busing and eliminate class, and subsequently race, as a factor for student school assignments. The "neighborhood schools" plan would assign students to schools closer to where they lived, meaning students from mostly poor and black communities would likely attend schools whose demographics were much the same. White children from well-heeled families would be more likely to attend schools filled with upper-middle class white children and enjoy more resources.

Our country is bankrupt, 50% of the electorate is dependent on the government for financial support - yep, we are a third world country indeed.



Go on.

Show me which third world country is like that?

Needless to say..we are not bankrupt, 50% of our country is not on financial support from the government (you may have a point if you meant the electorate, 41% of people in this country vote..and while I have no figures on it..seniors generally don't miss elections and are on financial support from the government, so show me a third world country with generous benefits for seniors?).

But feel free.

I don't know of any.

5 Reasons Why American Riots Will Be the Worst in the World

by Silver Shield

Don't Tread On Me

Recently by Silver Shield: Death By A Thousand Cuts

I wrote an article called 5 Places NOT To Be When The Dollar Collapses. In it I wrote that societies that benefited the most from the dollar would be the worst places to be when it fell apart. While the dollar has not even collapsed yet, the strain in these areas is becoming more apparent. England is number 3 on the list has had 4 days of violent riots as people start to lose it. Israel is number 1 on that list has had massive protests. There is revolution in the air all over the world except in the US.

America is still in deep denial which is still the first stage of the Awakening. This denial will be wiped away when the dollar collapses. For now the economy is still functioning with food and fuel available. Americans still have the illusion of wealth and normalcy. They still are stuck in the false left right paradigm and think some other sock puppet will turn things around.

When the dollar collapses, all American illusions will collapse with it. Deep denial will turn into deep anger. The violence I expect in the other 3 areas on the list and all urban areas in the US, will make all other global riots pale in comparison. America is deeply infused with arrogance, denial, narcissism, drugs and violence. There is no other society that I know of that has the degree of intensity and combination of these factors.

5 Reasons Why American Riots Will Be the Worst in the World by Silver Shield

I can draw a bead.

Can you?

It only takes this reason why these riots will be the worst in the world.
The Koch Brothers And The Battle Over Integration In Wake County's Schools

For all those too lazy-ass to watch the video.

The stakes in the battle over the Wake County Public School System in North Carolina couldn’t be higher.

On one side are the billionaire brothers, Charles and David Koch, and the Tea Party and libertarian groups they fund. On the other, parents, students and community leaders who are bent on stopping measures passed by the conservative-led school board that they argue would re-segregate the county’s public schools, which had been a national model for diversity and integration.

Since 2000, Wake County has used a system of integration based on income. Under this program, no more than 40 percent of any school’s students could receive subsidized lunches, a proxy for determining the level of poverty. The school district is the 18th largest in the country, and includes Raleigh, its surrounding suburbs and rural areas. It became one of the first school systems in the nation to adopt such a plan.

But Wake County’s plan became a political flash point when five conservative candidates, bankrolled by Americans for Prosperity, a political activist group funded in part by the Kochs, were elected to the school board on a “neighborhood schools” platform that would dismantle the existing integration policy.

The new board touted their plan as one that would end busing and eliminate class, and subsequently race, as a factor for student school assignments. The "neighborhood schools" plan would assign students to schools closer to where they lived, meaning students from mostly poor and black communities would likely attend schools whose demographics were much the same. White children from well-heeled families would be more likely to attend schools filled with upper-middle class white children and enjoy more resources.

Give me the transcript. I'm not lazy. I live in the middle of nowhere man.

Don't hand me that crap. Lord almighty I've lived enough and been thru enough times to not have to eat shit off of the likes of you.

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