Why do Republicans keep saying we are lying about GOP policies and positions????

They say we are lying about their policies so they do not have to defend those policies. Pretty obvious.

Which policies? Be specific
People like you mostly reject the almost certain aftermath.

War with Iran: Couldn't possibly be as fucked up as Iraq.
Repealing Obamacare: Couldn't possibly result in thousands losing coverage and severely damaging the healthcare system.
Cutting social programs: Hurts no one worth worrying about.
Cutting taxes on the wealthy: Trickle down works goddammit!!! It really, really does!
Allowing unlimited election spending: No way it could make things worse.
Fascistic approach to immigration: No way militarized police with special powers treating people like scum on American soil could backfire.

I really could go on and on but practically everything the republicans want is seriously going to hurt the working poor more than anyone and you people do not care. Now tell me I am lying but be specific.

You have a hodge podge of policies there, narrow it down some. It'd take forever to respond to each one individually
Pick one and show me where you have seriously considered the downside.

Right now black youth has an unemployment rate near 50% and we think legalizing 5 million unskilled, uneducated illegals to compete with them for jobs is a bad thing, are we wrong?

The left has used up the blacks, the illegals are fresh meat
They say we are lying about their policies so they do not have to defend those policies. Pretty obvious.

Which policies? Be specific
People like you mostly reject the almost certain aftermath.

War with Iran: Couldn't possibly be as fucked up as Iraq.
Repealing Obamacare: Couldn't possibly result in thousands losing coverage and severely damaging the healthcare system.
Cutting social programs: Hurts no one worth worrying about.
Cutting taxes on the wealthy: Trickle down works goddammit!!! It really, really does!
Allowing unlimited election spending: No way it could make things worse.
Fascistic approach to immigration: No way militarized police with special powers treating people like scum on American soil could backfire.

I really could go on and on but practically everything the republicans want is seriously going to hurt the working poor more than anyone and you people do not care. Now tell me I am lying but be specific.

You have a hodge podge of policies there, narrow it down some. It'd take forever to respond to each one individually
Pick one and show me where you have seriously considered the downside.

Right now black youth has an unemployment rate near 50% and we think legalizing 5 million unskilled, uneducated illegals to compete with them for jobs is a bad thing, are we wrong?
Yes, you are wrong.
Which policies? Be specific
People like you mostly reject the almost certain aftermath.

War with Iran: Couldn't possibly be as fucked up as Iraq.
Repealing Obamacare: Couldn't possibly result in thousands losing coverage and severely damaging the healthcare system.
Cutting social programs: Hurts no one worth worrying about.
Cutting taxes on the wealthy: Trickle down works goddammit!!! It really, really does!
Allowing unlimited election spending: No way it could make things worse.
Fascistic approach to immigration: No way militarized police with special powers treating people like scum on American soil could backfire.

I really could go on and on but practically everything the republicans want is seriously going to hurt the working poor more than anyone and you people do not care. Now tell me I am lying but be specific.

You have a hodge podge of policies there, narrow it down some. It'd take forever to respond to each one individually
Pick one and show me where you have seriously considered the downside.

Right now black youth has an unemployment rate near 50% and we think legalizing 5 million unskilled, uneducated illegals to compete with them for jobs is a bad thing, are we wrong?
Yes, you are wrong.

How so?
People like you mostly reject the almost certain aftermath.

War with Iran: Couldn't possibly be as fucked up as Iraq.
Repealing Obamacare: Couldn't possibly result in thousands losing coverage and severely damaging the healthcare system.
Cutting social programs: Hurts no one worth worrying about.
Cutting taxes on the wealthy: Trickle down works goddammit!!! It really, really does!
Allowing unlimited election spending: No way it could make things worse.
Fascistic approach to immigration: No way militarized police with special powers treating people like scum on American soil could backfire.

I really could go on and on but practically everything the republicans want is seriously going to hurt the working poor more than anyone and you people do not care. Now tell me I am lying but be specific.

You have a hodge podge of policies there, narrow it down some. It'd take forever to respond to each one individually
Pick one and show me where you have seriously considered the downside.

Right now black youth has an unemployment rate near 50% and we think legalizing 5 million unskilled, uneducated illegals to compete with them for jobs is a bad thing, are we wrong?
Yes, you are wrong.

How so?
Minimum Wage Workers in Texas 2013 Southwest Information Office U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Actually, if you look state by state, you will find Red States that have the largest number of workers at or below minimum wage as a percentage of their workers.

Then you look at the states with the least number of at or below minimum wage and you get

What's unusual are the number of states with the fewest minimum wage jobs who make big bucks.
So what does that tell you? Obviously, states who invest in education do better.

And what are GOP policies concerning education? You can see it right here on the USMB. Cut education because the schools aren't working.
They say we are lying about their policies so they do not have to defend those policies. Pretty obvious.

Which policies? Be specific
People like you mostly reject the almost certain aftermath.

War with Iran: Couldn't possibly be as fucked up as Iraq.
Repealing Obamacare: Couldn't possibly result in thousands losing coverage and severely damaging the healthcare system.
Cutting social programs: Hurts no one worth worrying about.
Cutting taxes on the wealthy: Trickle down works goddammit!!! It really, really does!
Allowing unlimited election spending: No way it could make things worse.
Fascistic approach to immigration: No way militarized police with special powers treating people like scum on American soil could backfire.

I really could go on and on but practically everything the republicans want is seriously going to hurt the working poor more than anyone and you people do not care. Now tell me I am lying but be specific.
Take Iraq as an example. How many USMB right wingers have said we ALMOST had the war won, but Obama left too early?
In spite of:
After nearly a decade, he left too early?
They didn't want us there so we should have stayed anyway?
Of course people are less likely to protest if they have guns pointed at them. It worked for Saddam. That's what Republicans want us to do?
Who do Republicans want us to support after they turned Iraq over to Iran?

See what I mean? GOP policies are disasters because they are based on bombs, threats and violence and bullying. These are only long term solutions if you are a tard.
They say we are lying about their policies so they do not have to defend those policies. Pretty obvious.

Which policies? Be specific
People like you mostly reject the almost certain aftermath.

War with Iran: Couldn't possibly be as fucked up as Iraq.
Repealing Obamacare: Couldn't possibly result in thousands losing coverage and severely damaging the healthcare system.
Cutting social programs: Hurts no one worth worrying about.
Cutting taxes on the wealthy: Trickle down works goddammit!!! It really, really does!
Allowing unlimited election spending: No way it could make things worse.
Fascistic approach to immigration: No way militarized police with special powers treating people like scum on American soil could backfire.

I really could go on and on but practically everything the republicans want is seriously going to hurt the working poor more than anyone and you people do not care. Now tell me I am lying but be specific.
Take Iraq as an example. How many USMB right wingers have said we ALMOST had the war won, but Obama left too early?
In spite of:
After nearly a decade, he left too early?
They didn't want us there so we should have stayed anyway?
Of course people are less likely to protest if they have guns pointed at them. It worked for Saddam. That's what Republicans want us to do?
Who do Republicans want us to support after they turned Iraq over to Iran?

See what I mean? GOP policies are disasters because they are based on bombs, threats and violence and bullying. These are only long term solutions if you are a tard.
To them, courage ONLY comes from the barrel of a gun and change can only be accomplished by force.
You have a hodge podge of policies there, narrow it down some. It'd take forever to respond to each one individually
Pick one and show me where you have seriously considered the downside.

Right now black youth has an unemployment rate near 50% and we think legalizing 5 million unskilled, uneducated illegals to compete with them for jobs is a bad thing, are we wrong?
Yes, you are wrong.

How so?
Minimum Wage Workers in Texas 2013 Southwest Information Office U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Actually, if you look state by state, you will find Red States that have the largest number of workers at or below minimum wage as a percentage of their workers.

Then you look at the states with the least number of at or below minimum wage and you get

What's unusual are the number of states with the fewest minimum wage jobs who make big bucks.
So what does that tell you? Obviously, states who invest in education do better.

And what are GOP policies concerning education? You can see it right here on the USMB. Cut education because the schools aren't working.

So it's states that invest in education? Good to know, now tell me, what have we gotten from the nearly 2 trillion dollars thrown in that shit hole in DC called the Department of Education? Pleas be specific, what have they accomplished, do we have higher test scores nation wide, do we have higher graduation rates nation wide, tell me what good are they doing?

Edit: BTW how does this address what I asked, why are you deflecting?
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How many times have Republicans on the USMB complained that others are lying about their policies and positions??

How many times have we asked, "OK, what's the lie?" Then they answer with I don't have to say because you already know.

So is it possible to get some examples of those lies? Remember, they will be investigated. So don't come up with an actual GOP position or policy. It might be embarrassing. Just tell us the lies.

You lie about everything, so why should your claims about the GOP be honest?
They say we are lying about their policies so they do not have to defend those policies. Pretty obvious.

Which policies? Be specific
People like you mostly reject the almost certain aftermath.

War with Iran: Couldn't possibly be as fucked up as Iraq.
Repealing Obamacare: Couldn't possibly result in thousands losing coverage and severely damaging the healthcare system.
Cutting social programs: Hurts no one worth worrying about.
Cutting taxes on the wealthy: Trickle down works goddammit!!! It really, really does!
Allowing unlimited election spending: No way it could make things worse.
Fascistic approach to immigration: No way militarized police with special powers treating people like scum on American soil could backfire.

I really could go on and on but practically everything the republicans want is seriously going to hurt the working poor more than anyone and you people do not care. Now tell me I am lying but be specific.
Take Iraq as an example. How many USMB right wingers have said we ALMOST had the war won, but Obama left too early?
In spite of:
After nearly a decade, he left too early?
They didn't want us there so we should have stayed anyway?
Of course people are less likely to protest if they have guns pointed at them. It worked for Saddam. That's what Republicans want us to do?
Who do Republicans want us to support after they turned Iraq over to Iran?

See what I mean? GOP policies are disasters because they are based on bombs, threats and violence and bullying. These are only long term solutions if you are a tard.
To them, courage ONLY comes from the barrel of a gun and change can only be accomplished by force.

ROFL! So you claim that liberals don't believe in using force to accomplish "change?"

Liberals lie. It's what they do, when they aren't deflecting, projecting guilt or calling you their favorite ...ism or ...phobe.

Eat tainted meat = abolish the fda and food standards!
Breathe Poison air = abolish the epa!
Drink nasty water = give all water plant infrastructure to private companies and of course abolish the epa!
Help only yourself...Pretty much corporations own your worthless fucking ass and don't expect ssi when you're older.

Republicans suck!

Oh, infrastructure, science and r&d!
I am starting to think that the republicans goal is to turn this nation into a third world corporate hell hole.
You forgot throwing grandma off the cliff. What a tool. You're a perfect example of a knee-jerk liberal.
They say we are lying about their policies so they do not have to defend those policies. Pretty obvious.

Which policies? Be specific
People like you mostly reject the almost certain aftermath.

War with Iran: Couldn't possibly be as fucked up as Iraq.
Repealing Obamacare: Couldn't possibly result in thousands losing coverage and severely damaging the healthcare system.
Cutting social programs: Hurts no one worth worrying about.
Cutting taxes on the wealthy: Trickle down works goddammit!!! It really, really does!
Allowing unlimited election spending: No way it could make things worse.
Fascistic approach to immigration: No way militarized police with special powers treating people like scum on American soil could backfire.

I really could go on and on but practically everything the republicans want is seriously going to hurt the working poor more than anyone and you people do not care. Now tell me I am lying but be specific.
Take Iraq as an example. How many USMB right wingers have said we ALMOST had the war won, but Obama left too early?
In spite of:
After nearly a decade, he left too early?
They didn't want us there so we should have stayed anyway?
Of course people are less likely to protest if they have guns pointed at them. It worked for Saddam. That's what Republicans want us to do?
Who do Republicans want us to support after they turned Iraq over to Iran?

See what I mean? GOP policies are disasters because they are based on bombs, threats and violence and bullying. These are only long term solutions if you are a tard.
To them, courage ONLY comes from the barrel of a gun and change can only be accomplished by force.

ROFL! So you claim that liberals don't believe in using force to accomplish "change?"


Now there's a whopper lie from the left.
I am starting to think that the republicans goal is to turn this nation into a third world corporate hell hole.

Our goal is to destroy liberals, throw them to the ground and kick dirt in their faces while we laugh. They got a dose in 2010 and again in 2014. I predict liberals as a political force will go the way of 8 track tapes.
They say we are lying about their policies so they do not have to defend those policies. Pretty obvious.

Which policies? Be specific
People like you mostly reject the almost certain aftermath.

War with Iran: Couldn't possibly be as fucked up as Iraq.
Repealing Obamacare: Couldn't possibly result in thousands losing coverage and severely damaging the healthcare system.
Cutting social programs: Hurts no one worth worrying about.
Cutting taxes on the wealthy: Trickle down works goddammit!!! It really, really does!
Allowing unlimited election spending: No way it could make things worse.
Fascistic approach to immigration: No way militarized police with special powers treating people like scum on American soil could backfire.

I really could go on and on but practically everything the republicans want is seriously going to hurt the working poor more than anyone and you people do not care. Now tell me I am lying but be specific.
Take Iraq as an example. How many USMB right wingers have said we ALMOST had the war won, but Obama left too early?
In spite of:
After nearly a decade, he left too early?
They didn't want us there so we should have stayed anyway?
Of course people are less likely to protest if they have guns pointed at them. It worked for Saddam. That's what Republicans want us to do?
Who do Republicans want us to support after they turned Iraq over to Iran?

See what I mean? GOP policies are disasters because they are based on bombs, threats and violence and bullying. These are only long term solutions if you are a tard.
To them, courage ONLY comes from the barrel of a gun and change can only be accomplished by force.
Them leave them the fuck alone. When they get tired of killing each other, we can deal with who is left over.

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