Why do men..... ?


Diamond Member
May 17, 2015
.... well at least a few on here, keep posting (whining?) about what they want for women or what they are not getting out of women? What is the point? Looking for someone to agree or commiserate with?

For example:

"Why can't chicks for free have social morals"?
"I want a young student to sit on me and use me for a couch"

I'm sure there are more but it's like over and over and over .....

I have my own wishes but I'm pretty sure they are not going to come true or even that I'll feel better posting about them on here....

Not a criticism, just wondering......
Line from "Batman Begins" comes to mind,

"Don't burden yourself with the secrets of scary people."

...Or people on discussion sites. They think they're anonymous, and their asinine posts reflect that mistaken belief.
I agree. There are truly some pathetic assholes on here.

This bullshit is how they legitimize their feelings. They cannot tell their dude friends because they would be laughed at. They cannot say it to their gal pals or significant others because they would lose all respect.

Truth is, men are emotionally retarded compared to women.
Line from "Batman Begins" comes to mind,

"Don't burden yourself with the secrets of scary people."

...Or people on discussion sites. They think they're anonymous, and their asinine posts reflect that mistaken belief.
Uh oh, here comes Delta to straighten everything out for us.

Sorry dude, no anal sex or masturbation with sand paper going on right now. We will let you know if anything changes.
oh yeah, I forgot men obsessed with big tits also....
but I guess that is pretty normal....
.... well at least a few on here, keep posting (whining?) about what they want for women or what they are not getting out of women? What is the point? Looking for someone to agree or commiserate with?

For example:

"Why can't chicks for free have social morals"?
"I want a young student to sit on me and use me for a couch"

I'm sure there are more but it's like over and over and over .....

I have my own wishes but I'm pretty sure they are not going to come true or even that I'll feel better posting about them on here....

Not a criticism, just wondering......

I don't believe I have ever done that...

Couple of conversations with friends a long time ago.

A more recent one with the wife...

I guess, women and our interactions with them are very interesting to us, even if they are not to ANYONE else.
.... well at least a few on here, keep posting (whining?) about what they want for women or what they are not getting out of women? What is the point? Looking for someone to agree or commiserate with?

For example:

"Why can't chicks for free have social morals"?
"I want a young student to sit on me and use me for a couch"

I'm sure there are more but it's like over and over and over .....

I have my own wishes but I'm pretty sure they are not going to come true or even that I'll feel better posting about them on here....

Not a criticism, just wondering......

Fiery! lol
Some men, Bonzi. There are still some decent blokes left...like Defcon.

Men have not evolved to point where we can be emotional creatures. We are still emotional retards. That is why discussions about our "feelings" get so fucking ridiculous and repulsive. It is as ridiculous for us to be emotional creatures as it is for women to be in the military or voting.

I like things the old way, where men are still knuckle draggers emerging from the primordial ooze to serve their purpose to the earth, to kill, fuck, and eat. Women are just as important to men, but in different ways. This is the natural order. However, this spirit has been tainted by an evolutionary swing away from the natural order and toward agrarianism, then industrialism, and now into post-industrial techno culture. Man becomes farther and farther removed each generation from its ancestral genesis. At some point soon we will cease to be men at all; we will instead be women with dicks. That will be the day that human kind will begin its true decent into nothingness, for the earth will not tolerate its creations being perverted and out of balance of the natural order of things but for so long. For a millennia? That is but a passing moment in the life of the earth. The earth does not posses the vanity of humanity.

We are at the end of the road, brothers. It may not befall us in our life time, your children's lifetime, or their children's lifetime, but it is here, make no mistake. The earth will cleanse itself of the wretched filth that humanity has become. If it so pleases it may create another creature not unlike man...or not.

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