Why do Liberals want to be owned by Father Government?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
I know it hasn’t always been that way..when did things change?
“Please feed me Father Government.”
”Please clothe me Father Government.”
“Please house me Father Government.”
“Please keep me healthy Father Government.”
“Please protect me from myself Father Government.”
“Please pay me a “living wage” Father Government.”

“I breathe American air Father Government, I am ENTITLED and you are OBLIGATED to hold my hand and walk me through life. Do not hold me accountable for my own choices and decisions Father Government....Father Government, Please bail me out each and every time I fuck up without judgement.
Thank you for allowing me to serve you Father Government.”
The O/P should be out there lighting crosses on neighbors' yards instead of posting the same bullshit over and over and over again on here.
I know it hasn’t always been that way..when did things change?
“Please feed me Father Government.”
”Please clothe me Father Government.”
“Please house me Father Government.”
“Please keep me healthy Father Government.”
“Please protect me from myself Father Government.”
“Please pay me a “living wage” Father Government.”

“I breathe American air Father Government, I am ENTITLED and you are OBLIGATED to hold my hand and walk me through life. Do not hold me accountable for my own choices and decisions Father Government....Father Government, Please bail me out each and every time I fuck up without judgement.
Thank you for allowing me to serve you Father Government.”
Liberals are afraid of people making their own choices. They aren’t real comfortable making their own either.
The O/P should be out there lighting crosses on neighbors' yards instead of posting the same bullshit over and over and over again on here.

Haha...funny shit. Nat, of all people, calling someone out for redundant posting.haha...WTF?
I know it hasn’t always been that way..when did things change?
“Please feed me Father Government.”
”Please clothe me Father Government.”
“Please house me Father Government.”
“Please keep me healthy Father Government.”
“Please protect me from myself Father Government.”
“Please pay me a “living wage” Father Government.”

“I breathe American air Father Government, I am ENTITLED and you are OBLIGATED to hold my hand and walk me through life. Do not hold me accountable for my own choices and decisions Father Government....Father Government, Please bail me out each and every time I fuck up without judgement.
Thank you for allowing me to serve you Father Government.”

Yet another ass klown waddling around proud of his own abject ignorance of what the term "Liberal" means.
Oblivious to the outside world he regurgitates the vomit of his own backwardity, gulping it down as if it were the Oracle rather than the regurgitated simplistic pap it is. C'est trés amusant.

Next in line please....
I know it hasn’t always been that way..when did things change?
“Please feed me Father Government.”
”Please clothe me Father Government.”
“Please house me Father Government.”
“Please keep me healthy Father Government.”
“Please protect me from myself Father Government.”
“Please pay me a “living wage” Father Government.”

“I breathe American air Father Government, I am ENTITLED and you are OBLIGATED to hold my hand and walk me through life. Do not hold me accountable for my own choices and decisions Father Government....Father Government, Please bail me out each and every time I fuck up without judgement.
Thank you for allowing me to serve you Father Government.”

They don't want to be owned by the government, they want to own your stuff through the government. They want to bring every successful individual down to their level so that they could have a chance at reproduction, and so that all their insane mistakes would have no consequence to them, only other people.
I know it hasn’t always been that way..when did things change?
“Please feed me Father Government.”
”Please clothe me Father Government.”
“Please house me Father Government.”
“Please keep me healthy Father Government.”
“Please protect me from myself Father Government.”
“Please pay me a “living wage” Father Government.”

“I breathe American air Father Government, I am ENTITLED and you are OBLIGATED to hold my hand and walk me through life. Do not hold me accountable for my own choices and decisions Father Government....Father Government, Please bail me out each and every time I fuck up without judgement.
Thank you for allowing me to serve you Father Government.”

Yet another ass klown waddling around proud of his own abject ignorance of what the term "Liberal" means.
Oblivious to the outside world he regurgitates the vomit of his own backwardity, gulping it down as if it were the Oracle rather than the regurgitated simplistic pap it is. C'est trés amusant.

Next in line please....
Get back to your safe space snowflake you’re melting. You people get so upset when it’s pointed out you how much of your life you want government to run, as you’re out protesting the government to run more of your life.
I know it hasn’t always been that way..when did things change?
“Please feed me Father Government.”
”Please clothe me Father Government.”
“Please house me Father Government.”
“Please keep me healthy Father Government.”
“Please protect me from myself Father Government.”
“Please pay me a “living wage” Father Government.”

“I breathe American air Father Government, I am ENTITLED and you are OBLIGATED to hold my hand and walk me through life. Do not hold me accountable for my own choices and decisions Father Government....Father Government, Please bail me out each and every time I fuck up without judgement.
Thank you for allowing me to serve you Father Government.”

Yet another ass klown waddling around proud of his own abject ignorance of what the term "Liberal" means.
Oblivious to the outside world he regurgitates the vomit of his own backwardity, gulping it down as if it were the Oracle rather than the regurgitated simplistic pap it is. C'est trés amusant.

Next in line please....
Get back to your safe space snowflake you’re melting. You people get so upset when it’s pointed out you how much of your life you want government to run, as you’re out protesting the government to run more of your life.

Excellent -- the Bubblist has found a fellow traveler Bubbler, wallowing in the same PoliSci ignorance as his own. They can now give each other Bubble Jobs. And reality be damned.
The O/P should be out there lighting crosses on neighbors' yards instead of posting the same bullshit over and over and over again on here.

Haha...funny shit. Nat, of all people, calling someone out for redundant posting.haha...WTF?

The thread just wouldn't be complete without that added leftist projection and denial.
I know it hasn’t always been that way..when did things change?
“Please feed me Father Government.”
”Please clothe me Father Government.”
“Please house me Father Government.”
“Please keep me healthy Father Government.”
“Please protect me from myself Father Government.”
“Please pay me a “living wage” Father Government.”

“I breathe American air Father Government, I am ENTITLED and you are OBLIGATED to hold my hand and walk me through life. Do not hold me accountable for my own choices and decisions Father Government....Father Government, Please bail me out each and every time I fuck up without judgement.
Thank you for allowing me to serve you Father Government.”

Yet another ass klown waddling around proud of his own abject ignorance of what the term "Liberal" means.
Oblivious to the outside world he regurgitates the vomit of his own backwardity, gulping it down as if it were the Oracle rather than the regurgitated simplistic pap it is. C'est trés amusant.

Next in line please....

Haha...I love it when LefTards act offended by the truth...it’s a bizarre defense mechanism...nobody sane buys your bullshit wacko.
I know it hasn’t always been that way..when did things change?
“Please feed me Father Government.”
”Please clothe me Father Government.”
“Please house me Father Government.”
“Please keep me healthy Father Government.”
“Please protect me from myself Father Government.”
“Please pay me a “living wage” Father Government.”

“I breathe American air Father Government, I am ENTITLED and you are OBLIGATED to hold my hand and walk me through life. Do not hold me accountable for my own choices and decisions Father Government....Father Government, Please bail me out each and every time I fuck up without judgement.
Thank you for allowing me to serve you Father Government.”
I know it hasn't always been this way, but when did conservatives first begin to abandon capitalism?

"Please get me my job back Father Government."
People like del are scared of growing up. They want taxpayers to provide the same level of security he had as a child.
Keeping the working class at each other's throats is an old trick of the ruling class. Divide and conquer. The extremely wealthy keep getting more and more of America's wealth while the working class? Fighting over the crumbs and mumbling 'democrat bad, republican good, on and on.
People like del are scared of growing up. They want taxpayers to provide the same level of security he had as a child.

people like tycho work for me because the world needs ditch diggers too

for now
People working for you? lol

Did you open a lemonade stand?

yeah, 55 years ago

if you save up, maybe your mommy will let you try again
You’re >55 years old and still this stupid?? WTF? lol
I know it hasn’t always been that way..when did things change?
“Please feed me Father Government.”
”Please clothe me Father Government.”
“Please house me Father Government.”
“Please keep me healthy Father Government.”
“Please protect me from myself Father Government.”
“Please pay me a “living wage” Father Government.”

“I breathe American air Father Government, I am ENTITLED and you are OBLIGATED to hold my hand and walk me through life. Do not hold me accountable for my own choices and decisions Father Government....Father Government, Please bail me out each and every time I fuck up without judgement.
Thank you for allowing me to serve you Father Government.”

Yet another ass klown waddling around proud of his own abject ignorance of what the term "Liberal" means.
Oblivious to the outside world he regurgitates the vomit of his own backwardity, gulping it down as if it were the Oracle rather than the regurgitated simplistic pap it is. C'est trés amusant.

Next in line please....

Haha...I love it when LefTards act offended by the truth...it’s a bizarre defense mechanism...nobody sane buys your bullshit wacko.


You started out with "Liberal". Suddenly you've over there on "left".

See what I mean about not knowing what the fuck you're babbling about? QED.

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