Parkland Kids Need To Get More Informed


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
It looks like a lot of energy (and some money) is being put into the activism being engaged in by the high school kids turned protestors. The kids are getting on buses (who's paying for that ?) and traveling some long distances to protest gun control (usually about background checks & banning assault weapons ). They're wearing T-shirts that read "March For Our Lives" (who's paying for that ?)

I'm assuming that since these kids are still in school, that they don't have jobs, or much money of their own. So somebody (adults) out there is financing all this. In any case, the kids are wearing the shirts and doing the legwork, and kudos to them for that, but simultaneously, they all seem to be on just one mission > gun control.

Sure looks like some elements of the anti-gun culture are driving this thing, and using the kids to do their bidding. I wonder if the kids would be as enthusiastic, is they knew a bit more about the whole school shooting issue, like all these things >>

1. There is a leniency program at MSDHS (and around the country) to shelter kids from getting arrest records (the PROMISE Program). Despite committing violent crimes, Nikolas Cruz was shielded by this dangerous program, and thus (with no criminal record) was able to buy guns. If it's background checks the kids are concerned about, they ought to be protesting about this.

2. There's another program (the "jail-to school pipeline") that takes violent criminal kids out of jail, and puts them right into the classroom. What kind of school safety is that ? Odds are that the kids are unaware of this too - and the liberal media hasn't breathed a word of it. Is anybody getting this information to the kids ?

3. There are various definititons for the term assault weapons, but the most clear one is guns capable of selective fire (including burst and fully automatic). The AR-15 that Nikolas Cruz used is not one of these, it is merely a semi-automatic, that fires only with each pull of the trigger. The assault weapons (machine guns) that are so much the object of the protests, are already illegal (if made since 1985). Ones made before 1985 are prohibitively expensive.

4. Large capacity magazines being protested about, have not been used in school shootings, and smaller capacity magazines can be reloaded in a few seconds.

5. The kids seem to be echoing the calls of liberal school boards (and perhaps teachers and parents) to keep the schools as "gun-free zones" and not allow teachers and other school employees from being armed. These are invitations to mass shooters. Do the kids know that states don't have the money to hire cops to guard the schools ? Arming trained school employees is absolutley necessary for them to be protected, while the foolish gun-free zone policy is what got 17 people killed in MSDHS. Odds are nobody's telling them that.

As long as certain apparently wealthy anti-gun zealots are pulling the strings of the high school kid puppets, it looks like all this admirable idealism and energy of the kids is going to be diverted away from the critical issues, and wasted on nothing but the desires of shadowy, narrow-interest, gun-control plotters.

Behind Cruz's Florida Rampage, Obama's School-Leniency Policy


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So long as all law enforcement agencies, and other government agencies that are not military, have to comply to the same laws/rules the government sets for it's citizens I have no problem with establishing a limit on what firearms and equipment can be purchased.

So now the question is when are all those government agencies going to turn over their illegal firearms and equipment to the military?


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Yesterday our local talk radio had one of them on the air. She was rambling about how teachers with guns could not shoot a shooter who's using an ar15 because the pistol can't fire as fast as the ar.

That is literally how stupid these fucking kids are.
The sad part is the interviewer never challenged her on her incredible stupidity.
They all follow the same script about "common sense" gun control. Someone drilled these kids in what to say.
Yesterday our local talk radio had one of them on the air. She was rambling about how teachers with guns could not shoot a shooter who's using an ar15 because the pistol can't fire as fast as the ar.

That is literally how stupid these fucking kids are.
The sad part is the interviewer never challenged her on her incredible stupidity.
The media interviewers are as guilty as the puppetmasters$$$. The big question is who is going to bust through this dirty cloud, and get the TRUTH told to the kids ?

They're in dire need of deprogramming. Maybe one or two will read this thread. :dunno:
Perhaps we could talk to them at their protest marches. They're all over the country now.
Yesterday our local talk radio had one of them on the air. She was rambling about how teachers with guns could not shoot a shooter who's using an ar15 because the pistol can't fire as fast as the ar.

That is literally how stupid these fucking kids are.
The sad part is the interviewer never challenged her on her incredible stupidity.

Kids are not stupid, they are just immature mush brains who haven't grown up yet. That's why we don't put kids in charge of nuclear submarines, or laundry.
Yesterday our local talk radio had one of them on the air. She was rambling about how teachers with guns could not shoot a shooter who's using an ar15 because the pistol can't fire as fast as the ar.

That is literally how stupid these fucking kids are.
The sad part is the interviewer never challenged her on her incredible stupidity.

Kids are not stupid, they are just immature mush brains who haven't grown up yet. That's why we don't put kids in charge of nuclear submarines, or laundry.
Indeed! Tide pods and nukes do NOT mix!
Kids are not stupid, they are just immature mush brains who haven't grown up yet. That's why we don't put kids in charge of nuclear submarines, or laundry.
They need to get themselves informed. But who ? How ? Forget the mudia. Yeah, I meant mudia.
Kids are not stupid, they are just immature mush brains who haven't grown up yet. That's why we don't put kids in charge of nuclear submarines, or laundry.
They need to get themselves informed. But who ? How ? Forget the mudia. Yeah, I meant mudia.

I can only speak for myself, it wasn't until I was in my early 20's that I realized Democrats are big fat liars and the so called "news" is incredibly biased and how often it was just half the story. Back then nobody even questioned what was reported in the news, most people just assumed it was true, until Rush came along.
It looks like a lot of energy (and some money) is being put into the activism being engaged in by the high school kids turned protestors. The kids are getting on buses (who's paying for that ?) and traveling some long distances to protest gun control (usually about background checks & banning assault weapons ). They're wearing T-shirts that read "March For Our Lives" (who's paying for that ?)

I'm assuming that since these kids are still in school, that they don't have jobs, or much money of their own. So somebody (adults) out there is financing all this. In any case, the kids are wearing the shirts and doing the legwork, and kudos to them for that, but simultaneously, they all seem to be on just one mission > gun control.

Sure looks like some elements of the anti-gun culture are driving this thing, and using the kids to do their bidding. I wonder if the kids would be as enthusiastic, is they knew a bit more about the whole school shooting issue, like all these things >>

1. There is a leniency program at MSDHS (and around the country) to shelter kids from getting arrest records (the PROMISE Program). Despite committing violent crimes, Nikolas Cruz was shielded by this dangerous program, and thus (with no criminal record) was able to buy guns. If it's background checks the kids are concerned about, they ought to be protesting about this.

2. There's another program (the "jail-to school pipeline") that takes violent criminal kids out of jail, and puts them right into the classroom. What kind of school safety is that ? Odds are that the kids are unaware of this too - and the liberal media hasn't breathed a word of it. Is anybody getting this information to the kids ?

3. There are various definititons for the term assault weapons, but the most clear one is guns capable of selective fire (including burst and fully automatic). The AR-15 that Nikolas Cruz used is not one of these, it is merely a semi-automatic, that fires only with each pull of the trigger. The assault weapons (machine guns) that are so much the object of the protests, are already illegal (if made since 1985). Ones made before 1985 are prohibitively expensive.

4. Large capacity magazines being protested about, have not been used in school shootings, and smaller capacity magazines can be reloaded in a few seconds.

5. The kids seem to be echoing the calls of liberal school boards (and perhaps teachers and parents) to keep the schools as "gun-free zones" and not allow teachers and other school employees from being armed. These are invitations to mass shooters. Do the kids know that states don't have the money to hire cops to guard the schools ? Arming trained school employees is absolutley necessary for them to be protected, while the foolish gun-free zone policy is what got 17 people killed in MSDHS. Odds are nobody's telling them that.

As long as certain apparently wealthy anti-gun zealots are pulling the strings of the high school kid puppets, it looks like all this admirable idealism and energy of the kids is going to be diverted away from the critical issues, and wasted on nothing but the desires of shadowy, narrow-interest, gun-control plotters.

Behind Cruz's Florida Rampage, Obama's School-Leniency Policy



Promis program only dealt with misdemeanors.

Because of lax Florida laws that kid was able to walk in and buy an AR with just an ID .

But you want to blame feds because Florida laws suck.
The kids need to be in school
With guns there to protect them, and without the PROMISE program and jail-to-school pipeline.

Obama's gone, but his moronic racist programs still are in place (getting people killed)
It looks like a lot of energy (and some money) is being put into the activism being engaged in by the high school kids turned protestors. The kids are getting on buses (who's paying for that ?) and traveling some long distances to protest gun control (usually about background checks & banning assault weapons ). They're wearing T-shirts that read "March For Our Lives" (who's paying for that ?)

I'm assuming that since these kids are still in school, that they don't have jobs, or much money of their own. So somebody (adults) out there is financing all this. In any case, the kids are wearing the shirts and doing the legwork, and kudos to them for that, but simultaneously, they all seem to be on just one mission > gun control.

Sure looks like some elements of the anti-gun culture are driving this thing, and using the kids to do their bidding. I wonder if the kids would be as enthusiastic, is they knew a bit more about the whole school shooting issue, like all these things >>

1. There is a leniency program at MSDHS (and around the country) to shelter kids from getting arrest records (the PROMISE Program). Despite committing violent crimes, Nikolas Cruz was shielded by this dangerous program, and thus (with no criminal record) was able to buy guns. If it's background checks the kids are concerned about, they ought to be protesting about this.

2. There's another program (the "jail-to school pipeline") that takes violent criminal kids out of jail, and puts them right into the classroom. What kind of school safety is that ? Odds are that the kids are unaware of this too - and the liberal media hasn't breathed a word of it. Is anybody getting this information to the kids ?

3. There are various definititons for the term assault weapons, but the most clear one is guns capable of selective fire (including burst and fully automatic). The AR-15 that Nikolas Cruz used is not one of these, it is merely a semi-automatic, that fires only with each pull of the trigger. The assault weapons (machine guns) that are so much the object of the protests, are already illegal (if made since 1985). Ones made before 1985 are prohibitively expensive.

4. Large capacity magazines being protested about, have not been used in school shootings, and smaller capacity magazines can be reloaded in a few seconds.

5. The kids seem to be echoing the calls of liberal school boards (and perhaps teachers and parents) to keep the schools as "gun-free zones" and not allow teachers and other school employees from being armed. These are invitations to mass shooters. Do the kids know that states don't have the money to hire cops to guard the schools ? Arming trained school employees is absolutley necessary for them to be protected, while the foolish gun-free zone policy is what got 17 people killed in MSDHS. Odds are nobody's telling them that.

As long as certain apparently wealthy anti-gun zealots are pulling the strings of the high school kid puppets, it looks like all this admirable idealism and energy of the kids is going to be diverted away from the critical issues, and wasted on nothing but the desires of shadowy, narrow-interest, gun-control plotters.

Behind Cruz's Florida Rampage, Obama's School-Leniency Policy



Promis program only dealt with misdemeanors.

Because of lax Florida laws that kid was able to walk in and buy an AR with just an ID .

But you want to blame feds because Florida laws suck.

That's a lie.
It looks like a lot of energy (and some money) is being put into the activism being engaged in by the high school kids turned protestors. The kids are getting on buses (who's paying for that ?) and traveling some long distances to protest gun control (usually about background checks & banning assault weapons ). They're wearing T-shirts that read "March For Our Lives" (who's paying for that ?)

I'm assuming that since these kids are still in school, that they don't have jobs, or much money of their own. So somebody (adults) out there is financing all this. In any case, the kids are wearing the shirts and doing the legwork, and kudos to them for that, but simultaneously, they all seem to be on just one mission > gun control.

Sure looks like some elements of the anti-gun culture are driving this thing, and using the kids to do their bidding. I wonder if the kids would be as enthusiastic, is they knew a bit more about the whole school shooting issue, like all these things >>

1. There is a leniency program at MSDHS (and around the country) to shelter kids from getting arrest records (the PROMISE Program). Despite committing violent crimes, Nikolas Cruz was shielded by this dangerous program, and thus (with no criminal record) was able to buy guns. If it's background checks the kids are concerned about, they ought to be protesting about this.

2. There's another program (the "jail-to school pipeline") that takes violent criminal kids out of jail, and puts them right into the classroom. What kind of school safety is that ? Odds are that the kids are unaware of this too - and the liberal media hasn't breathed a word of it. Is anybody getting this information to the kids ?

3. There are various definititons for the term assault weapons, but the most clear one is guns capable of selective fire (including burst and fully automatic). The AR-15 that Nikolas Cruz used is not one of these, it is merely a semi-automatic, that fires only with each pull of the trigger. The assault weapons (machine guns) that are so much the object of the protests, are already illegal (if made since 1985). Ones made before 1985 are prohibitively expensive.

4. Large capacity magazines being protested about, have not been used in school shootings, and smaller capacity magazines can be reloaded in a few seconds.

5. The kids seem to be echoing the calls of liberal school boards (and perhaps teachers and parents) to keep the schools as "gun-free zones" and not allow teachers and other school employees from being armed. These are invitations to mass shooters. Do the kids know that states don't have the money to hire cops to guard the schools ? Arming trained school employees is absolutley necessary for them to be protected, while the foolish gun-free zone policy is what got 17 people killed in MSDHS. Odds are nobody's telling them that.

As long as certain apparently wealthy anti-gun zealots are pulling the strings of the high school kid puppets, it looks like all this admirable idealism and energy of the kids is going to be diverted away from the critical issues, and wasted on nothing but the desires of shadowy, narrow-interest, gun-control plotters.

Behind Cruz's Florida Rampage, Obama's School-Leniency Policy



Promis program only dealt with misdemeanors.

Because of lax Florida laws that kid was able to walk in and buy an AR with just an ID .

But you want to blame feds because Florida laws suck.

That's a lie.
He doesn’t care
Promis program only dealt with misdemeanors.

Because of lax Florida laws that kid was able to walk in and buy an AR with just an ID .

But you want to blame feds because Florida laws suck.
In Florida, Battery is a misdemeanor. Without a weapon, a kid could beat another kid 3/4 to death, and it's still a misdemeanor.

Also the kids being brought into the schools on Obama's crazy jail to school pipeline, are convicted FELONS (including murder)

Sure, I blame feds. That's where these crazy programs came from. Try reading the OP (incl LINKS), before you post.
It looks like a lot of energy (and some money) is being put into the activism being engaged in by the high school kids turned protestors. The kids are getting on buses (who's paying for that ?) and traveling some long distances to protest gun control (usually about background checks & banning assault weapons ). They're wearing T-shirts that read "March For Our Lives" (who's paying for that ?)

I'm assuming that since these kids are still in school, that they don't have jobs, or much money of their own. So somebody (adults) out there is financing all this. In any case, the kids are wearing the shirts and doing the legwork, and kudos to them for that, but simultaneously, they all seem to be on just one mission > gun control.

Sure looks like some elements of the anti-gun culture are driving this thing, and using the kids to do their bidding. I wonder if the kids would be as enthusiastic, is they knew a bit more about the whole school shooting issue, like all these things >>

1. There is a leniency program at MSDHS (and around the country) to shelter kids from getting arrest records (the PROMISE Program). Despite committing violent crimes, Nikolas Cruz was shielded by this dangerous program, and thus (with no criminal record) was able to buy guns. If it's background checks the kids are concerned about, they ought to be protesting about this.

2. There's another program (the "jail-to school pipeline") that takes violent criminal kids out of jail, and puts them right into the classroom. What kind of school safety is that ? Odds are that the kids are unaware of this too - and the liberal media hasn't breathed a word of it. Is anybody getting this information to the kids ?

3. There are various definititons for the term assault weapons, but the most clear one is guns capable of selective fire (including burst and fully automatic). The AR-15 that Nikolas Cruz used is not one of these, it is merely a semi-automatic, that fires only with each pull of the trigger. The assault weapons (machine guns) that are so much the object of the protests, are already illegal (if made since 1985). Ones made before 1985 are prohibitively expensive.

4. Large capacity magazines being protested about, have not been used in school shootings, and smaller capacity magazines can be reloaded in a few seconds.

5. The kids seem to be echoing the calls of liberal school boards (and perhaps teachers and parents) to keep the schools as "gun-free zones" and not allow teachers and other school employees from being armed. These are invitations to mass shooters. Do the kids know that states don't have the money to hire cops to guard the schools ? Arming trained school employees is absolutley necessary for them to be protected, while the foolish gun-free zone policy is what got 17 people killed in MSDHS. Odds are nobody's telling them that.

As long as certain apparently wealthy anti-gun zealots are pulling the strings of the high school kid puppets, it looks like all this admirable idealism and energy of the kids is going to be diverted away from the critical issues, and wasted on nothing but the desires of shadowy, narrow-interest, gun-control plotters.

Behind Cruz's Florida Rampage, Obama's School-Leniency Policy



Promis program only dealt with misdemeanors.

Because of lax Florida laws that kid was able to walk in and buy an AR with just an ID .

But you want to blame feds because Florida laws suck.

That's a lie.

What’s a lie?
Promis program only dealt with misdemeanors.

Because of lax Florida laws that kid was able to walk in and buy an AR with just an ID .

But you want to blame feds because Florida laws suck.
In Florida, Battery is a misdemeanor. Without a weapon, a kid could beat another kid 3/4 to death, and it's still a misdemeanor.

Also the kids being brought into the schools on Obama's crazy jail to school pipeline, are convicted FELONS (including murder)

Sure, I blame feds. That's where these crazy programs came from. Try reading the OP (incl LINKS), before you post.

Please . Let’s say he did comit a felony. He’s a minor . That doesn’t come up on the fed backgroud check.

By the way, this is fed law . If it was up to Florida you wouldn’t even have background checks .

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