Why do Liberals Believe that Higher Taxes cause Economic Booms?

There is no thoughts in what you said to think about.

you merely expressed hate

No, fool, it was written that way with two meanings.

1) Liberals don't think, they just choose the opposite of whatever conservatives believe.

2) Liberals know that everything that conservatives believe is wrong and choose the opposite.

No hatred at all, just a little kidding around with both sides, but you just don't comprehend much at all.

How is keeping more of what you earn "wealth redistribution?"

One thing is for certain. "Keeping more of what you earn" not only doesn't get this nation out of debt it adds to the debt we already owe.

I always get a kick out of people who cry "It's my money!!" yet they never seem to acknowledge that it's our debt as well.

And so the huge tax cuts we give to the rich adds to the debt and deficit. This debt has to be repaid so we cut spending. But much of the spending is cut in areas that benefit the poor and middle class.

So the ones that need it the most end up sacrificing to give the ones who have the most more of what they don't need.
There is no thoughts in what you said to think about.

you merely expressed hate

No, fool, it was written that way with two meanings.

1) Liberals don't think, they just choose the opposite of whatever conservatives believe.

2) Liberals know that everything that conservatives believe is wrong and choose the opposite.

No hatred at all, just a little kidding around with both sides, but you just don't comprehend much at all.


That is nothing but hate Immie.
There is no thoughts in what you said to think about.

you merely expressed hate

No, fool, it was written that way with two meanings.

1) Liberals don't think, they just choose the opposite of whatever conservatives believe.

2) Liberals know that everything that conservatives believe is wrong and choose the opposite.

No hatred at all, just a little kidding around with both sides, but you just don't comprehend much at all.


That is nothing but hate Immie.

More lies from you.

We all know that truth doesn't matter to you.

Go get one lie from me.

I have known you for nearly a decade and never lied to you.

You now call me a liar out of hate.
Go get one lie from me.

I have known you for nearly a decade and never lied to you.

You now call me a liar out of hate.

We have all shown you many lies from the tips of your fingers yet you as a damned good liar continue to deny it. And this very conversation from your side is nothing but a lie.

You simply are not capable of taking a little bit of kidding around when it comes to your precious beliefs that you are so much better than everyone else so you accuse me of hatred. However, you should know about hatred as your entire miserable life is built upon hatred of those you consider below you.

And that changes the facts how asshole?

According to you we should have had a worse economy worse than the Great Depression since our inception until Hitlers invasion of Poland

Are you really that ignorant? Did you not realize income tax started in 1913 and then was only on the top 1%?
And that changes the facts how asshole?

According to you we should have had a worse economy worse than the Great Depression since our inception until Hitlers invasion of Poland

Are you really that ignorant? Did you not realize income tax started in 1913 and then was only on the top 1%?

The top rate in 1913 was 7%, and it applied to incomes over $11 Million in 2010 dollars.
And that changes the facts how asshole?

According to you we should have had a worse economy worse than the Great Depression since our inception until Hitlers invasion of Poland

Are you really that ignorant? Did you not realize income tax started in 1913 and then was only on the top 1%?

List of recessions in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nope I never said that.

I just prooved that upping taxes on the wealthy does not produce economic disaster.
And that changes the facts how asshole?

According to you we should have had a worse economy worse than the Great Depression since our inception until Hitlers invasion of Poland

Are you really that ignorant? Did you not realize income tax started in 1913 and then was only on the top 1%?

List of recessions in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nope I never said that.

I just prooved that upping taxes on the wealthy does not produce economic disaster.

No, you just proved that you don't understand the combination of factors that do produce economic disaster, and the fact that impacts take time to occur.
Prove that upping taxes on the wealthy produces economic disaster.

Its what you people have been claiming all week.

"This is no time to raise taxes on the job creators" has been the con montra lately
The cost of giving these tax cuts to the wealthiest will not see a return in jobs.

It was a republican lie all along.

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