Why do leftists lie about lying about Russia?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
Trump has been exonerated, and yet all we hear from the leftists is that he's guilty anyway. Now that prosecutors are turning their eyes (finally) to the real collusion among the democrats and the Russians and other enemies, the democrats are claiming the *story* about Clinton and Obama's lucrative dealings with Russia, which are quite well documented, have been *debunked*.

Only if by *debunked* they mean *proven beyond a doubt*...

Which is why they refuse to *debunk* it when they claim it has been debunked.

It hasn't been debunked. It happened. No matter how many times lying leftists start yammering "debunked" it hasn't been debunked. If you agree it happened but nothing bad has come of it..that isn't *debunked*, you sad hacks. That's just justifying what they did and admitting that yeah, it did happen but it was COOL when criminal leftists do it.

"...eyewitness accounts and documents indicate that the Russian nuclear pirates spent millions of dollars to "benefit former President Bill Clinton's charitable foundation."

"So why would Russian nuclear officials send money to the Clinton Foundation? As we've pointed out, Hillary Clinton was then secretary of state. In that position, she sat on the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), the panel that decides whether strategic foreign investments such as Rosatom's will be allowed to proceed.

"Despite the FBI's evidence of bribery, extortion and racketeering, Hillary Clinton and then-Attorney General Eric Holder and other members of the Obama administration approved of Rosatom's takeover of Uranium One."

Russian collusion (the real thing. Not debunked. Justifying is not the same as *debunking*. Justifying is just admitting that it happened, and they're ok with it).

"Hillary Clinton's campaign chief, John Podesta, served on the board of a small Russian energy company, Joule Unlimited, along with Russian officials. It took in $35 million from a Russian government fund, of course linked to Vladimir Putin. That money came just two months after Podesta joined the board."


Obama Administration, Hillary Clinton Covered Up Their Deep, Corrupt Ties To Russia | Investor's Business Daily
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Why did you make a thread with a link to an article that is one and half years old as a "current event"?
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"But the biggest reason I never believed the Russian collusion charge was that the charge emanated from the left. And the left lies about everything. Truth is a liberal value, and truth is a conservative value, but it has never been a left-wing value. People on the left say whatever advances their immediate agenda. Power is their moral lodestar; therefore, truth is always subservient to it.

"The left wanted to undo the 2016 presidential election from the day Trump won. So they made up the Russian collusion story."

This is good too:

"...the collusion hoax may well have been an effort to divert attention from the real crimes here: American intelligence agencies’ being used to spy on a presidential candidate for the first time in American history; getting Clinton off the hook for her illegal use of a private server while secretary of state; her use of that office to enrich herself and her husband; and her destruction of the evidence once her hidden emails were subpoenaed.

"If you always doubt a leftist claim, you will almost always be closer to the truth. I employed that rule in concluding the collusion story was a fraud, and it served me well.

"Name the issue and you will likely find a left-wing lie. The left claims our universities are saturated by a “culture of rape.” Not only is that a lie, but deep down, leftists know it’s a lie. The proof? Every left-wing parent who speaks about the “culture of rape” on college campuses sends his or her daughter to college. As no parents would ever send their daughter to an actual rape culture, left-wing parents who send their daughters to college know it is not really a rape culture."

Or maybe they would.

Either way, they're disgusting.

Don’t forget the Podesta Group lobbied for Uranium One and failed to register.

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