Why do lefties love murderers and rapists

Uh dont gloss over that, you may have not had a problem, but the people you love and support did, they represent you.....
Oh? I'm responsible for other people?

People you love, support Dylan Root, the guy who drove into a massive crowd of people, question Sandy Hook taking place, thought the neo-nazis were very fine people...etc...

Why are you so in love with people who love criminals?

so we're not playing that I dont like it bullshit.....show me a post where you criticized Pelosi?

Wow...really.. You want to see me criticizing Pelosi?


First course...
Pelosi Suggests Delaying State of the Union

Second helping?
The reason for the broad investigation? To scare Trump, to provide fake narratives before 2020

Third helping?
The reason for the broad investigation? To scare Trump, to provide fake narratives before 2020

And now some dessert?
Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

Some art work for you now:

View attachment 253544

And now the coup-de-grace

View attachment 253546

Now lets see your posts criticizing Trump just as vehemently....

I bet you can't.

Lets see it. We're not playing that "I don't like it" bullshit...right?

Well...where is your criticism of the blob?
This was about the animals comment.....why should I criticize Trump for calling them animals., I already told you I agree with that.....now since you said they were animals, where is your criticism of Pelosi or the media on this? Lefties play games, I don't.....you're full of shit.....

You were challenging me to show where I criticized pelosi. I showed you.

So can you show us where you have ever criticized your master?

Show us or shut the fuck up
he should have left the government shut down.
I agree......
Coming from the guys who hid and supported Eric Rudolph for 12 years...the allegation is funny.
Again, random criminals you guys love. you call Trump non human but get mad when we call MS13 animals..you guys really hate normal folks, but you love you some criminals.....I just want to know why you guys are so soft on criminals?
INCELS are darling.
Do you ever post on the topic?.......and yes I have a wife......maybe you need to look for one.....dipshit.
Coming from the guys who hid and supported Eric Rudolph for 12 years...the allegation is funny.
Again, random criminals you guys love. you call Trump non human but get mad when we call MS13 animals..you guys really hate normal folks, but you love you some criminals.....I just want to know why you guys are so soft on criminals?

I think they are animals--MS13. I had no problem with that.

But you guys hid and supported Eric Rudolph for over a decade. I want to know why you guys are so soft on criminals.
Rudolph's prosecution was politically motivated.

Gee a trump voter who loves murderous scum. Shocking! I’m sure buckeye45_73 will he here to scold you any time now.
Yeah I don't condone violence and he killed someone at that Atlanta Olympics, he'd be dead if it were up to me. he injured hundreds, pretty bad guy. Why is he still alive?
Tipsycatlover ...you going to let him say that about your hero?
Coming from the guys who hid and supported Eric Rudolph for 12 years...the allegation is funny.
Again, random criminals you guys love. you call Trump non human but get mad when we call MS13 animals..you guys really hate normal folks, but you love you some criminals.....I just want to know why you guys are so soft on criminals?
INCELS are darling.
Do you ever post on the topic?.......and yes I have a wife......maybe you need to look for one.....dipshit.
Was I calling YOU INCEL? If you were to pay attention, they are doing a great deal of the raping and murdering these days.
Eric Rudolph killed two people and wounded 120. He was hunted, captured, prosecuted and sentenced. No one supported his actions.

Contrast with the Tsaranev brothers who killed 3, injured several hundred others 16 of those lost limbs. Even after being warned, our FBI let the killers in to this country and set them up with generous refugee public benefits. The surviving bomber was made a cover boy on Rolling Stone and called "a rock star ".

The left loves killers especially if they kill cops. I'll see your Eric Rudolph and raise you a Free Mumia.

The left is maggot shit after those maggots have chowed down on a week old corpse.
Again, random criminals you guys love. you call Trump non human but get mad when we call MS13 animals..you guys really hate normal folks, but you love you some criminals.....I just want to know why you guys are so soft on criminals?

I think they are animals--MS13. I had no problem with that.

But you guys hid and supported Eric Rudolph for over a decade. I want to know why you guys are so soft on criminals.
Rudolph's prosecution was politically motivated.

Gee a trump voter who loves murderous scum. Shocking! I’m sure buckeye45_73 will he here to scold you any time now.
Yeah I don't condone violence and he killed someone at that Atlanta Olympics, he'd be dead if it were up to me. he injured hundreds, pretty bad guy. Why is he still alive?
Tipsycatlover ...you going to let him say that about your hero?
I'm consistent, politics guides your believes, not mine.
Coming from the guys who hid and supported Eric Rudolph for 12 years...the allegation is funny.
Again, random criminals you guys love. you call Trump non human but get mad when we call MS13 animals..you guys really hate normal folks, but you love you some criminals.....I just want to know why you guys are so soft on criminals?
INCELS are darling.
Do you ever post on the topic?.......and yes I have a wife......maybe you need to look for one.....dipshit.
Was I calling YOU INCEL? If you were to pay attention, they are doing a great deal of the raping and murdering these days.
So losers that can't score with women?

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