Why Do Democrats Continue To Engage In Political Theater / Waste Our Time?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
D-Nadler Schedules Vote To Subpoena Entire Mueller Report

According to the Law, certain items in the Mueller Report must be redacted because the information, for example, exposes U.S. Methods of collecting Intelligence. Releasing this information would arguably be a case of 'Espionage' (which requires NO INTENT), exposing classified information that would benefit the enemies of this nation. Doing so would damage this nation's Intelligence agencies and their ability to collect Intel.

No request, no demand, no subpoena from Congress / Democrats can change this and can NOT force the US AG / Justice Department to release the full un-redacted report, and the Democrats - like Nadler - damn-well know this. So either they are wasting time / tax dollars putting on this political theater meant to keep the indoctrinated Trump-hating, reality/fact-denying Leftist snowflake sheep stirred up OR they simply hate the President so much that they do not mind compromising national security in order to continue to try to successfully affect their coup.

"The House Judiciary Committee will vote Wednesday on whether to subpoena the full Mueller report and all of its underlying documents, committee chairman Jerry Nadler said Monday. Democrats, led by Nadler, are pushing back against the redactions, saying that the full report should be made public. He has called on Barr to ask a federal judge to relax restrictions on publishing grand jury materials."

Nadler and Democrats acknowledge there are restrictions against publishing grand jury material....they just don't give a damn about comply with rules, regs, and laws - something they have demonstrated throughout the entire Mueller Witch Hunt / their attempted coup!

“Judiciary Democrats have escalated from setting arbitrary deadlines to demanding unredacted material that Congress does not, in truth, require and that the law does not allow to be shared outside the Justice Department.

“It’s unfortunate that a body meant to uphold the law has grown so desperate that it’s patently misrepresenting the law”.

Nadler Schedules Vote To Subpoena Entire Mueller Report

So, again, either Democrats are so desperate to 'get Trump' that they are willing to violate laws and compromise national security OR they are engaging in political theatrics. Either way, they are acting in 'the best interest' of their own party, not that of the country!


Democrats? How about Dems and Reps... or Congress. It’s coming from both sides and has for a while now. If you can’t see that then you have blinders on.
Democrats? How about Dems and Reps... or Congress. It’s coming from both sides and has for a while now. If you can’t see that then you have blinders on.

Both engage in political theater. The Democrats are the only ones doing it right now as part of their on-going exposed criminal / treasonous coup attempt.
I think it's great! The majority of the public think that the Mueller probe was a political witch hunt (true), and that it's time to move on. The more the Dems engage in Sore Loserman Part III, the more we'll get Trump 2020!
Democrats? How about Dems and Reps... or Congress. It’s coming from both sides and has for a while now. If you can’t see that then you have blinders on.

Both engage in political theater. The Democrats are the only ones doing it right now as part of their on-going exposed criminal / treasonous coup attempt.
The coup is overblown rhetoric. If you want to stick to facts and reality then talk about their politicalization of the investigation. When you take it a step to far like you do then you discredit yourself.
D-Nadler Schedules Vote To Subpoena Entire Mueller Report

According to the Law, certain items in the Mueller Report must be redacted because the information, for example, exposes U.S. Methods of collecting Intelligence. Releasing this information would arguably be a case of 'Espionage' (which requires NO INTENT), exposing classified information that would benefit the enemies of this nation. Doing so would damage this nation's Intelligence agencies and their ability to collect Intel.

No request, no demand, no subpoena from Congress / Democrats can change this and can NOT force the US AG / Justice Department to release the full un-redacted report, and the Democrats - like Nadler - damn-well know this. So either they are wasting time / tax dollars putting on this political theater meant to keep the indoctrinated Trump-hating, reality/fact-denying Leftist snowflake sheep stirred up OR they simply hate the President so much that they do not mind compromising national security in order to continue to try to successfully affect their coup.

"The House Judiciary Committee will vote Wednesday on whether to subpoena the full Mueller report and all of its underlying documents, committee chairman Jerry Nadler said Monday. Democrats, led by Nadler, are pushing back against the redactions, saying that the full report should be made public. He has called on Barr to ask a federal judge to relax restrictions on publishing grand jury materials."

Nadler and Democrats acknowledge there are restrictions against publishing grand jury material....they just don't give a damn about comply with rules, regs, and laws - something they have demonstrated throughout the entire Mueller Witch Hunt / their attempted coup!

“Judiciary Democrats have escalated from setting arbitrary deadlines to demanding unredacted material that Congress does not, in truth, require and that the law does not allow to be shared outside the Justice Department.

“It’s unfortunate that a body meant to uphold the law has grown so desperate that it’s patently misrepresenting the law”.

Nadler Schedules Vote To Subpoena Entire Mueller Report

So, again, either Democrats are so desperate to 'get Trump' that they are willing to violate laws and compromise national security OR they are engaging in political theatrics. Either way, they are acting in 'the best interest' of their own party, not that of the country!


Their problem is that the Party is severely split on important issues and about the only thing all Democrats can agree on, is that they hate the President, so that's where they put all their energy.
Congress reviews classified data all the time.

Why does Trumpybear want to deep six the information?
The coup is overblown rhetoric. If you want to stick to facts and reality then talk about their politicalization of the investigation.
You sound like Adam Schiff, who continues to deny all the existing and overwhelming evidence of crimes committed by the Democrats. YOU can continue to do like 'Schiff' and repeating 'nuh-huh' and claiming definitive evidence of Trump illegal collusion does exist while refusing to provide any such evidence...except for personal belief - like Schiff demonstrated last week.

By doing so, as already pointed out, you will only continue to ensure President Trump is re-elected.
Congress reviews classified data all the time. Why does Trumpybear want to deep six the information?
WHY do snowflakes yourself like to continue to lie your ass of, like you just did? The article spells out the fact that there are existing regulations and LAWS that dictate what happens in this case, none of which President Trump has any control over.

So, are you just stupid as a f*ing brick, or you intentionally lying and spreading your usual BS?!
Congress reviews classified data all the time.

Why does Trumpybear want to deep six the information?

Sad soggy booboo. The DOJ needs to redact the document for the names of innocent people before the report is distributed. That is standard OP when the LAW IS FOLLOWED. The Dems want the report now so they can find new targets to harass, which is quite disgusting.
Democrats? How about Dems and Reps... or Congress. It’s coming from both sides and has for a while now. If you can’t see that then you have blinders on.

Both engage in political theater. The Democrats are the only ones doing it right now as part of their on-going exposed criminal / treasonous coup attempt.
The coup is overblown rhetoric. If you want to stick to facts and reality then talk about their politicalization of the investigation. When you take it a step to far like you do then you discredit yourself.
is it?

*if* they lied to get an elected president out of office by means of using the government against them, then a threat like this to me is every bit as bad as if russia were in fact involved.

the president is here to defend the constitution against foreign OR domestic threats. *if* this was all based off revenge politics then the coup is NOT overblown rhetoric and i would want it dug into. this is not revenge on the democrats but rather, if no issue was there we cannot allow some kabuki theater every time someone is elected you don't like. that WILL happen if we don't penalize people for the behavior IF NOT based off actual events, but contrived ones it would seem that it was.
D-Nadler Schedules Vote To Subpoena Entire Mueller Report

According to the Law, certain items in the Mueller Report must be redacted because the information, for example, exposes U.S. Methods of collecting Intelligence. Releasing this information would arguably be a case of 'Espionage' (which requires NO INTENT), exposing classified information that would benefit the enemies of this nation. Doing so would damage this nation's Intelligence agencies and their ability to collect Intel.

No request, no demand, no subpoena from Congress / Democrats can change this and can NOT force the US AG / Justice Department to release the full un-redacted report, and the Democrats - like Nadler - damn-well know this. So either they are wasting time / tax dollars putting on this political theater meant to keep the indoctrinated Trump-hating, reality/fact-denying Leftist snowflake sheep stirred up OR they simply hate the President so much that they do not mind compromising national security in order to continue to try to successfully affect their coup.

"The House Judiciary Committee will vote Wednesday on whether to subpoena the full Mueller report and all of its underlying documents, committee chairman Jerry Nadler said Monday. Democrats, led by Nadler, are pushing back against the redactions, saying that the full report should be made public. He has called on Barr to ask a federal judge to relax restrictions on publishing grand jury materials."

Nadler and Democrats acknowledge there are restrictions against publishing grand jury material....they just don't give a damn about comply with rules, regs, and laws - something they have demonstrated throughout the entire Mueller Witch Hunt / their attempted coup!

“Judiciary Democrats have escalated from setting arbitrary deadlines to demanding unredacted material that Congress does not, in truth, require and that the law does not allow to be shared outside the Justice Department.

“It’s unfortunate that a body meant to uphold the law has grown so desperate that it’s patently misrepresenting the law”.

Nadler Schedules Vote To Subpoena Entire Mueller Report

So, again, either Democrats are so desperate to 'get Trump' that they are willing to violate laws and compromise national security OR they are engaging in political theatrics. Either way, they are acting in 'the best interest' of their own party, not that of the country!



Did you just start to pay attention to politics yesterday?

Wasting time is what politicians are best at. That and wasting money.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Congress reviews classified data all the time.

Why does Trumpybear want to deep six the information?
Not all classified data and when they do it's in closed session briefings only.

Depends on the individual members security clearance. They wont be able to hide the facts. They know it. They just wanted to get a leg up for their talking point.
Did you just start to pay attention to politics yesterday?
Nice attempt to distract from the main point of this thread (and the already existing 'Nadler' thread) about how Democrats continue to put out fake news, false narratives, and engage in political theatrics to try to make Trump appear guilty of or trying to hide something the Mueller Report found never existed / happened in the 1st place!

Congress reviews classified data all the time. Why does Trumpybear want to deep six the information?
WHY do snowflakes yourself like to continue to lie your ass of, like you just did? The article spells out the fact that there are existing regulations and LAWS that dictate what happens in this case, none of which President Trump has any control over.

So, are you just stupid as a f*ing brick, or you intentionally lying and spreading your usual BS?!

Why? Because proving you're full of shit is just fun.

By Jeff Mordock - The Washington Times - Monday, May 21, 2018

President Trump ordered his chief of staff Monday to make sure Congress gets “highly classified” information from the Justice Department, intelligence community and FBI — including details that could shed light on whether the FBI had an informant investigate the Trump campaign.

Donald Trump orders ‘highly classified’ data for Congress on FBI’s ‘tactics’
Congress reviews classified data all the time.

Why does Trumpybear want to deep six the information?

Sad soggy booboo. The DOJ needs to redact the document for the names of innocent people before the report is distributed. That is standard OP when the LAW IS FOLLOWED. The Dems want the report now so they can find new targets to harass, which is quite disgusting.
That's just not correct. Mueller's charge was Trump and the Russians. Congress is investigating not just that but Russian and for interference with and without Trump. All of the material on how the KGB infiltrated social media and obtained information identififying likely voters, and all of the information on wiki and Assange are material, and the only secrecy from congress would be names of people who would be lost as future intelligence sources. And even then disclosure can be limited to a few congresscritters.

Stuff is properly redacted from us so long as we get to know the gist of it.

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