Why Do Conservatives Emote So Much? Why Not Use Facts?

Well said and accurate. Conservatives will.....
Nice demonstration of 'opinion' and 'projection'. You can always tell when a snowflake is full of shit - it's when they seek to speak for others who do not share their views and attempt to project their lies onto that other group.

IN, your name is that of a renowned mathematician, astronomer, and physicist who relied on facts. Try to emulate the man now by foregoing false accusation based on a complete lack of evidence - please be the 1st person to present any definitive evidence to support the snowflake accusation of 'Russian-Trump Collusion'.

Prove the superiority of the snowflake grasp on reality and fact by putting this issue to rest by providing the evidence that has eluded everyone else to date that supports this claim.

We're all waiting...

Don't worry snowflake, you can still go to Faux News to soothe your need to hear lies in your ears. They still do that. Or cry on uncle oxycotin Rush to make you feel all better.
And Conservative Racists point those leaked Democrat emails to make themselves feel less racist.
No, Deer-in-the-headlights, Conservatives point to those leaked DNC racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitics e-mails as EVIDENCE of Democrats racism, sexism, homophobia, and anti-Semitism. We don't do like snowflakes and just call people those names - we 'feed them' their own words to show they are.
Don't worry snowflake, you can still go to Faux News to soothe your need to hear lies in your ears. They still do that. Or cry on uncle oxycotin Rush to make you feel all better.

I ask you for evidence to support your claims and arguments, and THIS is what you come back with? A simple, 'I don't have any' would have sufficed.
And Conservative Racists point those leaked Democrat emails to make themselves feel less racist.
No, Deer-in-the-headlights, Conservatives point to those leaked DNC racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitics e-mails as EVIDENCE of Democrats racism, sexism, homophobia, and anti-Semitism. We don't do like snowflakes and just call people those names - we 'feed them' their own words to show they are.

Democrats don't need to do that...they let the Conservative actions and policies speak for themselves.
Democrats don't need to do that...they let the Conservative actions and policies speak for themselves.
Funny, snowflakes always need to 'translate' Conservative actions and policies before they turn into 'racist' (it's called 'projection'). Liberal e-mails / words, as seen, speak for themselves and need no translation to be racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic......
People who believe there are 73 genders lecture us about facts, it's a twisted ironic joke.

73 genders?

Can you people make any fact-based statements without wildly exaggerating?

I sincerely apologize. There are so many that it's difficult to remember them all. Just this week, the liberals in Canada made it a crime to not remember/respect them all, I really ought to do better. They love freedoms just as much as facts...

Indeed, the exact amount is 71 genders.

Like I said. Literally impossible for you to make a point without exaggerating.

Way to prove the OP 100% correct.
I've noticed that conservatives are the most emotional group of people here. They whine, they cry, they lash out, they're petty, immature, emotional basket cases. They rarely use facts and logic to support their arguments. Why is that? Why can't they just say "Look, you're wrong because x + y = whatever." Instead, every single "debate" here turns into "But but but libruls are STUPID and EVIL!!!! They're big mean poopie heads and I hate them!!!" Their emoting is inevitably followed by some meme, generally one that's been posted at least 100 times already.

For a group of people who proclaim to be more reasonable and logical than everyone else, they're more emotional than the biggest school drama queen.

How did Trump win? It sure as hell wasn't on facts. Trump won because he knows how to manipulate conservatives. He knows that they aren't motivated by facts and logic -- that stuff is boring. Fear, hate, anger and outrage are their hot buttons, and he spend his entire campaign cycle poking those buttons. It worked!

He stoked their fears about losing jobs to illegal immigrants, Mexican "rapists," brown people, on and on an on, and spent the majority of HIS time not focusing on facts, but instead on gaslighting and whipping up existing fears to a fever pitch.

Trump knew something that few other people know -- that conservatives are highly emotional and actually aren't persuaded with facts and reason. Hit those emotions though, and you become their new savior.

You say "emote" after that huge quief? What a fag.
Partisans are controlled intellectually by their ideology, which is not rational, so they are conditioned to fill the holes in their logic by using emotion-based behaviors such as spin, deflection, denial, distortion, hyperbole, straw man arguments, personal insults, name-calling and outright lies.

"Side" irrelevant, of course.
10+ months of multiple investigations - ZERO Evidence
The CIA testified - No Evidence, NEVER was any Evidence
The FBI testified - No Evidence, NEVER was any Evidence
The NSA testified - No Evidence, NEVER was any Evidence
The DIA testified - No Evidence, NEVER was any Evidence
The Chairman of the House Intel Committee declared - No Evidence
House Intel Committee Member D-Feinstein publicly declared - No Evidence
Maxine Waters publicly declared - No Evidence

Snowflakes STILL insist there was 'Russia-Trump Collusion'

Snowflakes then ask, 'Why Do Conservatives Emote So Much? Why Not Use Facts?'

10+ Months investigating Trump and his team results in ZERO evidence of criminal activity by Trump or his team...10+ Months investigating Trump and his team results in evidence of criminal activity by former Obama administration and Obama holdovers - NSA & FBI declare crimes equate to 'Felony Espionage'

Snowflakes deny, distract, and want to dismiss Democratic party / Obama administration and loyalist crimes...

Snowflakes then ask, 'Why Do Conservatives Emote So Much? Why Not Use Facts?'

No Evidence 'Russia hacked the Election'
- No Evidence Russia hacked state voting / election machines...like Obama & his DHS tried to do
- FBI never allowed to analyze DNC computers - 'Just take our word for it'
- DNC Chairman hired 3 Pakistani spies and gave them access to classified files and DNC e-mails
- Seth Rich, a DNC/Hillary Insider, named as DNC info leaker

Snowflakes still insist RUSSIA hacked and stole DNC's 'dirty little secrets'

Snowflakes then ask, 'Why Do Conservatives Emote So Much? Why Not Use Facts?'

Snowflakes then ask, 'Why Do Conservatives Emote So Much? Why Not Use Facts?'

View attachment 128377
You really should learn to lead off with stronger openings. I rarely make it to the second line of your posts, simply because the first line is so idiotic.

"10+ months of multiple investigations - ZERO Evidence"

REALLY?? Annnnd how long was hillary investigated and we still had to hear "lock her up (with no evidence)" all year.
The hypocrisy is blinding.
I've noticed that conservatives are the most emotional group of people here. They whine, they cry, they lash out, they're petty, immature, emotional basket cases. They rarely use facts and logic to support their arguments. Why is that? Why can't they just say "Look, you're wrong because x + y = whatever." Instead, every single "debate" here turns into "But but but libruls are STUPID and EVIL!!!! They're big mean poopie heads and I hate them!!!" Their emoting is inevitably followed by some meme, generally one that's been posted at least 100 times already.

For a group of people who proclaim to be more reasonable and logical than everyone else, they're more emotional than the biggest school drama queen.

How did Trump win? It sure as hell wasn't on facts. Trump won because he knows how to manipulate conservatives. He knows that they aren't motivated by facts and logic -- that stuff is boring. Fear, hate, anger and outrage are their hot buttons, and he spend his entire campaign cycle poking those buttons. It worked!

He stoked their fears about losing jobs to illegal immigrants, Mexican "rapists," brown people, on and on an on, and spent the majority of HIS time not focusing on facts, but instead on gaslighting and whipping up existing fears to a fever pitch.

Trump knew something that few other people know -- that conservatives are highly emotional and actually aren't persuaded with facts and reason. Hit those emotions though, and you become their new savior.

You say "emote" after that huge quief? What a fag.

Another conservative chimes in to emote. Feel better?
Here's a hilarious example of a conservative emoting in her very typical, passive aggressive way.


Why do progressives always accuse others of what themselves do?

Why do conservatives always do what they accuse others of doing?

The answer to both questions is HYPOCRISY.
Yeah, that's why Democrats call Conservatives Racist yet were exposed through their own leaked e-mails as being racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semites. :p

And Conservative Racists point those leaked Democrat emails to make themselves feel less racist.

A conservative in America context , by definition, holds to the fundamental truth that all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, namely the right to life liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

A racist, by definition, holds to nonsense that we are unequal if our skin color is slightly different.

Thus the term conservative racist is an oxymoron. There is no such thing. There may be racists in the alt right, but they aren't conservative. Though I've seen many attempt to conflate the two.

Which is probably why we should go by constitutionalist rather than conservative. Our enemies destroyed the meaning of the word.
Facts like....

GOP want to cut taxes for the richest, even though they haven't had this low of effective tax rates since before the GOP great depression, AS the debt increases? And they want to make sure multi millionaires and billionaires pass on their estates tax free? AND they can find not a single correlation with tax cuts and jobs creation in the past 50 years?

That's a start Bubs


Libtardz like you don't deserve to enjoy the benefits of lower taxation.

If you think you have a fucking right to the wealth and riches of someone else. Man up and take the son of a bitch to court or put a sock in your cock socket.
Well said and accurate. Conservatives will.....
Nice demonstration of 'opinion' and 'projection'. You can always tell when a snowflake is full of shit - it's when they seek to speak for others who do not share their views and attempt to project their lies onto that other group.

IN, your name is that of a renowned mathematician, astronomer, and physicist who relied on facts. Try to emulate the man now by foregoing false accusation based on a complete lack of evidence - please be the 1st person to present any definitive evidence to support the snowflake accusation of 'Russian-Trump Collusion'.

Prove the superiority of the snowflake grasp on reality and fact by putting this issue to rest by providing the evidence that has eluded everyone else to date that supports this claim.

We're all waiting...

He was also a devout and faithful follower of Jesus Christ. I'd recommend emulating that aspect of his life as well
Stupidity is a luxury. Most Conservatives have had life too easy. They grew up on easy credit. They thought they deserved everything just because they are white Americans.

Intelligence is difficult. The brain is like a muscle - when you don't exercise it, it stays weak and you don't want to use it. But if you exercise it regularly you start to enjoy using it.

The biggest problem America has is spoiled brat Americans. Evidenced by the election of a spoiled brat, voted into office by spoiled brats.

You actually think that conservatives are more spoiled than liberals? Apparently, that is also because... they are white (oh no!).

I am not a liberal nor a conservative, but this is why no one who regularly exercises their mind muscle can take liberals seriously. Dude, your party is literally that of free shit and you lecture us about too much spoiling! ROFLMAO!

List of U.S. states by educational attainment - Wikipedia

Notice how the top 10 states with the highest education levels are either blue states or battle ground states, while all of the bottom 10 are extreme red states?

Liberals bypass conservatives as far as education by far.

And no we are not the party of free loaders. We are the party of hard working professionals that have compassion for all the red state ignoramuses that need government handouts.

Having guys with guns give away other peoples money isn't compassionate

So you don't think we should tax people?

The taxing power should always be used as sparingly as possible. Every cent we take in taxes has come from someone's blood, sweat, labor, and ingenuity. Many times with ours away from their family. Taxing people over a third of their efforts is morally wrong. As is wasting the money with bad budgeting and spending it on things the government is unauthorized to spend it on.

The constitution does not authorize a single entitlement program. The federal government shouldn't be involved in entitlements. If such programs should exist they should come through the States. We need to restore power to the states and to individuals to bless others with their own resources.
I've noticed that conservatives are the most emotional group of people here. They whine, they cry, they lash out, they're petty, immature, emotional basket cases. They rarely use facts and logic to support their arguments. Why is that? Why can't they just say "Look, you're wrong because x + y = whatever." Instead, every single "debate" here turns into "But but but libruls are STUPID and EVIL!!!! They're big mean poopie heads and I hate them!!!" Their emoting is inevitably followed by some meme, generally one that's been posted at least 100 times already.

For a group of people who proclaim to be more reasonable and logical than everyone else, they're more emotional than the biggest school drama queen.

How did Trump win? It sure as hell wasn't on facts. Trump won because he knows how to manipulate conservatives. He knows that they aren't motivated by facts and logic -- that stuff is boring. Fear, hate, anger and outrage are their hot buttons, and he spend his entire campaign cycle poking those buttons. It worked!

He stoked their fears about losing jobs to illegal immigrants, Mexican "rapists," brown people, on and on an on, and spent the majority of HIS time not focusing on facts, but instead on gaslighting and whipping up existing fears to a fever pitch.

Trump knew something that few other people know -- that conservatives are highly emotional and actually aren't persuaded with facts and reason. Hit those emotions though, and you become their new savior.
They whine, they cry, they lash out, they're petty, immature, emotional basket cases
you just described many in both parties......

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