Why do black people fight with the police so often?

Never understood the mentality it takes to actually get into a pissing contest with a guy who caries a gun.

I never understood the mentality that thinks just because someone carries a gun, or wears a badge, they are better than I am.

I hate that attitude that so many of them have while on the job. In fact, it pisses me off, but when you know them off the job, and I have known and worked with quite a few, they don't really have that attitude.

They need to command respect and maintain their authority to protect their lives. If they seem week, they won't last long on the job.

OMG the sky is falling. I actually agree with Zona.

Even though this will turn into a race thing..(starting off with the title to this thread), and I am against bad cops....this man was 100% in his rights to protect himself.

I think mace would have worked beautifully here, but whatever. This could have been much worse.

He should be somewhat ashamed of himself for taking so long to get her in cuffs though.

Hell froze over... both Ollie and Immie agree with you in this thread. :lol:

Punching her is a problem for me, but he did have every right to protect himself. This could have gotten ugly real fast. Someone earlier stated that had he taken her to the ground he could have been mobbed. I don't remember who said that, but they too are right.

Actually, by law the police officer is allowed, if not encouraged, to escalte use of force in this way in these situations. From everyhting ive read, it appears this police officer will face no charges at all. In fact the police officers guild said they were relieved that someone actually had a video of it, because it proves the police officer did nothing wrong.

What happened before the video probably has an awful lot to do with the incident, but right or wrong, justified or not, a man punching a woman in the face... just plain seems wrong to me.

I don't know what caused this and I must say that it appears to me that the officer was justified in defending himself and both of those ladies need to be arrested, but I still have a problem with him punching her in the face.

Probably just the way I was raised.


Sometimes it sucks being a gentleman, but there has to be some way a fully grown man who is trained in self defense can deal with a 17 yo girl without punching her in the face.

Who said I was a gentleman?

I still was raised not to hit women and definitely not in the face or the stomach... a swat on the butt is one thing, but a punch? I'm not sure I could have thrown that one.


1- They can't afford the ticket
2- They have been raised without respect for authority
3- They do it so Al Sharpton can keep his job
4- So they can file a lawsuit.

Thats why they fight the cops. No respect for authority, keep lawyers employed, oh and to "keep it real" hahahaha!!!

You sound a whiny bitch that instead of admitting he did something wrong, hes throws a tantrum and acts like a child. If i was the police officer, im certain i could find a legal way to cite you for disrupting the peace and then id arrest you and you would sit in a jail cell without your gameboys and ipods.

You know Jack Shit about policing so STFU...
My first impression has to go in favor of the cop since the character of the other person is highly questionable.

I do not have enough input to make a final conclusion.
Why did it take him forever to get that girl in cuffs? He had every, EVERY right in the world to punch that other girl in the face. She cannot put her hands on him like that, but whats up with him not being able to get her in cuffs? Mace, or at least get her down to the ground.

When a cop is in the process of putting cuffs on a person (even though it took him FOREVER), you do not put hyour hands on him. Period! This could ended way way way worse than this.

I hate bad cops, but this is not the case here.

Put yourself in his place. How did he feel? He was surrounded by people who largely felt hostile too him. He didn't want an outcome like what we saw, but he could not back down. He wore her down, and finally subdued her. He got the job done and no one really got hurt.

Equal justice, not social justice.

As far as the "jay walking" statute, where there is aggregious disregard it has to be enforced or the law has to be changed. But public safety requires it. If it is not to be enforced, then the cops will have to retreat from other enforcement, and none of it is optional.
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[...] America needs, no America wants illegal aliens because they do the work that Americans won't do.
America doesn't want illegal aliens. America wants documented foreign workers who are willing to do those menial jobs. But the problem is our government has failed, either because of gross incompetence or because of corrupt compliance with corporate interests, to administer an efficient system of controlling the documentation, entry and presence of temporary foreign workers.
I am not talking about resisting arrest, I am talking about resisting the cop attitude that thinks he can "lecture" someone.

When you break the law, youre damn right he can lecture you, and more, so you better listen to what he says and answer with alot of "yes sir"s.

Wrong. Ask a lawyer, I don't have to listen to a cop just because he is talking, and I never have to say yes sir to anything he says.

You are right QW ... no one HAS to do anything.....free will and all, however, we do have to live with the results/consequences of our decisions. You don't have to listen to the cop lecture you........however, what's the alternative?

I, for one, will listen to a lecture while thinking to myself .....when this is over I'm going to buy myself something to make me feel better ...... and let the cop go on his way, rather than escalating a situation.

If I feel the cop is wrong I'll sign the ticket and fight it in court, where the fight should be conducted, not on the street .... and take that lawyer that says I don't have to listen....

just my take on the situation
I think everyone involved comes off looking like a complete doucher.

And I'd also say the thread title should land this in the flame zone.

Meh, i wasnt sure how else to put it. I was kind of hoping for more of a discussion on the cultural differences in "black America" and why they exist.

Well, Godboy, I can't speak for "black America", but I can say that it's just as bad in some white cultural areas. I am white and our neighborhoods had an attitude about cops and authority figures also....I am the only one of seven kids that doesn't have an arrest record. I don't think it's just about race ... I think it's about environment because I am also the only one who's children don't have an arrest record (I moved away and disowned my family). And speaking from personal experience, it takes a huge effort to break loose from family/neighborhood/friends groupthink and move away .... away from all of it and break the cycle.
He should be somewhat ashamed of himself for taking so long to get her in cuffs though.

I agree. I've never seen a cop not be able to get cuffs on someone. Usually, they kick their feet out from under them, pin them on the ground, and it's all done.

It looked like he was trying to corral a toddler covered in lotion.

And where was the backup?
Because white folks don't have the balls to stand up to these brainwashed, steroid infested, Nazi pricks.
Someday they'll have to and there will be blood in the streets..........and lots of dead Nazi's......again.
Most of you probably havent seen this yet, but im guessing it will make national news soon enough. A cop stops 2 jaywalking girls, they get into an arguement with him and they escalate it by resisting arrest and attacking the police officer, at which piint he clocks this 17 year old chick squarely in the face. Its pretty hilarious actually.

If these two had just listened to the officer and not made a scene, it would have never come to this, but innevitably it seems, young black people have this problem with disobeying authority figures to the point of becoming verbally and physically abusive with said authority figure.

YouTube - Seattle Police Confrontation - komonews.com

Lesson to be learned? Dont fuck with the police if you dont want to get bitch slapped, unless of course someone is around to film it, because then ill want to see the aftermath for myself. :lol:

shoulda tazed her and then maced anyone who got close- after calling for backup

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