Why didn't american and european accept chinese immigrants?


VIP Member
Oct 15, 2016
I am not saying that american should have more chinese citizen. I am saying that if you gonna accept some immigrant anyway, you got better deal if you accept chinese instead of mexican or arabs.

1. You don't have to bend over backward to fit their culture. Ask any of your chinese friend, what are their names. They gonna say that their name is Bob, Charlie, John, Winston. Yap. Chinese adopt western name. Not the other way around.
2. They are law abiding. Even if that means putting anchor babies to US, they do it within the laws. Hei, make the law more lucrative for you. Charge money for anchor babies, they'll pay.
3. No need affirmative action. Any chinese demand affirmative action? No. Why discriminate against white?
4. Sharia laws? Lin Chi? You kidding? Look at most asian countries. They pretty much copy western laws letter by letter. No need to fear of changing your culture to match them. If anything, the asians should remind you what western culture "used to be" or arguably, "should be". He he he he he....
5. Lower crime rate. Chinese commit crime at lower rate than any other ethnic groups.
6. Job creation. Asians, like Indians (okay, not chinese), are second only to jews, when it comes to entrepreneurship. Chinese immigrants are not far behind. Jews are asians too btw.
7. Speak english. Every Chinese that come to US knows that they got to speak English. Almost no body demand that every cops need to understand mandarin. We know you can't and won't be able to speak chinese. We don't bother asking.
8. Technologically atuned. Any chinese demand elimination of technology to create jobs? Some white do. Chinese won't. If you're replaceable by robots, you shouldn't earn more than robot salary. Most chinese understand that.
9. Lower birth rate. Most chinese male are on the bottom of pecking order when it comes to pick girls. So they don't compete well against white. Smaller cocks means they're not tough competitors. Most western girl still prefer white cocks. No population bomb. You won't become another chinese colony.
10. Good at Math. VERY GOOD at Math. With average IQ of 107, and most of which are stacked on math/spatial skill, the chinese are the way to go when it comes to Math. Why bother changing curriculum to fit the need of all students? Imagine if the students are already good at Math since the day they are born. Then science and technology will advance without the need of bigger government. Yes. I am aware that jews have even higher average IQ. Let me explain this to you. Do your society need even more lawyers? No right? You need more programmers, engineers, common senses. That means math skills. Not verbal skills.
I am not saying that american should have more chinese citizen. I am saying that if you gonna accept some immigrant anyway, you got better deal if you accept chinese instead of mexican or arabs.

1. You don't have to bend over backward to fit their culture. Ask any of your chinese friend, what are their names. They gonna say that their name is Bob, Charlie, John, Winston. Yap. Chinese adopt western name. Not the other way around.
2. They are law abiding. Even if that means putting anchor babies to US, they do it within the laws. Hei, make the law more lucrative for you. Charge money for anchor babies, they'll pay.
3. No need affirmative action. Any chinese demand affirmative action? No. Why discriminate against white?
4. Sharia laws? Lin Chi? You kidding? Look at most asian countries. They pretty much copy western laws letter by letter. No need to fear of changing your culture to match them. If anything, the asians should remind you what western culture "used to be" or arguably, "should be". He he he he he....
5. Lower crime rate. Chinese commit crime at lower rate than any other ethnic groups.
6. Job creation. Asians, like Indians (okay, not chinese), are second only to jews, when it comes to entrepreneurship. Chinese immigrants are not far behind. Jews are asians too btw.
7. Speak english. Every Chinese that come to US knows that they got to speak English. Almost no body demand that every cops need to understand mandarin. We know you can't and won't be able to speak chinese. We don't bother asking.
8. Technologically atuned. Any chinese demand elimination of technology to create jobs? Some white do. Chinese won't. If you're replaceable by robots, you shouldn't earn more than robot salary. Most chinese understand that.
9. Lower birth rate. Most chinese male are on the bottom of pecking order when it comes to pick girls. So they don't compete well against white. Smaller cocks means they're not tough competitors. Most western girl still prefer white cocks. No population bomb. You won't become another chinese colony.
10. Good at Math. VERY GOOD at Math. With average IQ of 107, and most of which are stacked on math/spatial skill, the chinese are the way to go when it comes to Math. Why bother changing curriculum to fit the need of all students? Imagine if the students are already good at Math since the day they are born. Then science and technology will advance without the need of bigger government. Yes. I am aware that jews have even higher average IQ. Let me explain this to you. Do your society need even more lawyers? No right? You need more programmers, engineers, common senses. That means math skills. Not verbal skills.

I am not against countries having right to govern themselves as they please. I am pretty sure the most profitable arrangement is not far from libertarianism anyway.

However, all this time I hear complaints about rapists, pedophiles, shariah and so on and so on.

It's as if some politicians just want somebody to blame. They actually do not like immigrants because they do not want immigrants to take away their job. And to make their point, they deliberately import some "problematic immigrant" with all those baggage and they use that as justification to kick out productive immigrants.

It's similar to narcotic. Government just want to control as many substance as possible. So they complain about death due to heroin and stuff and use that as justification to criminalize ganja or extacy.

Perhaps the question is not should you allow more immigrant or not. The question should be what kind of immigrant you want?

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