Why did the Media ONCE AGAIN misidentify a shooter as White?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
They also managed to "Whiten" his first name from Jarrod to Jared. Within a couple of hours, and without stating his name JARROD RAMOS we hear "WHAT WE KNOW SO FAR IS THAT THE SHOOTER IS A WHITE MALE IN HIS THIRTIES.....".

Every day President Trump correctly calls out the Media as FAKE NEWS and everyday they prove him right.
They also managed to "Whiten" his first name from Jarrod to Jared. Within a couple of hours, and without stating his name JARROD RAMOS we hear "WHAT WE KNOW SO FAR IS THAT THE SHOOTER IS A WHITE MALE IN HIS THIRTIES.....".

Every day President Trump correctly calls out the Media as FAKE NEWS and everyday they prove him right.

Ramos? Could be white. You know Hispanics aren't a race, right? There are black and white Hispanics.
They also managed to "Whiten" his first name from Jarrod to Jared. Within a couple of hours, and without stating his name JARROD RAMOS we hear "WHAT WE KNOW SO FAR IS THAT THE SHOOTER IS A WHITE MALE IN HIS THIRTIES.....".

Every day President Trump correctly calls out the Media as FAKE NEWS and everyday they prove him right.

He is a white male.
They also managed to "Whiten" his first name from Jarrod to Jared. Within a couple of hours, and without stating his name JARROD RAMOS we hear "WHAT WE KNOW SO FAR IS THAT THE SHOOTER IS A WHITE MALE IN HIS THIRTIES.....".

Every day President Trump correctly calls out the Media as FAKE NEWS and everyday they prove him right.

because they are desperate to full an agenda
He looks white.
Of course, that is only important to hacks and racists.
He looks white.
Of course, that is only important to hacks and racists.

It appeared important to the OP that the shooter not be identified as white.

He appears to think the surname Ramos means the man isn't white. I would bet he argued Zimmerman is Puerto Rican.
They also managed to "Whiten" his first name from Jarrod to Jared. Within a couple of hours, and without stating his name JARROD RAMOS we hear "WHAT WE KNOW SO FAR IS THAT THE SHOOTER IS A WHITE MALE IN HIS THIRTIES.....".

Every day President Trump correctly calls out the Media as FAKE NEWS and everyday they prove him right.

Ramos? Could be white. You know Hispanics aren't a race, right? There are black and white Hispanics.

And there are people who get all decked out these days and wear their pants in uber water high mode ftg. Regular Americans can spot ghey a mile away!:2up:
He looks white.
Of course, that is only important to hacks and racists.

It appeared important to the OP that the shooter not be identified as white.

He appears to think the surname Ramos means the man isn't white. I would bet he argued Zimmerman is Puerto Rican.
It is important to the Media to identify mass shooters as White. That is why they created the new designation "White Hispanic" when Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin which apparently applies to this maniac. Prior to Trayvon who ever heard of a White Hispanic? I've lived in Arizona for 35 years and live among and have many friends who are Mexican/Hispanic and never heard that term once.
They also managed to "Whiten" his first name from Jarrod to Jared. Within a couple of hours, and without stating his name JARROD RAMOS we hear "WHAT WE KNOW SO FAR IS THAT THE SHOOTER IS A WHITE MALE IN HIS THIRTIES.....".

Every day President Trump correctly calls out the Media as FAKE NEWS and everyday they prove him right.
He is white enough for Media usage.
...because whites are the only race that is human--they are evil..they hate/etc
...all the other races are inhuman--they can do NO wrong
...everyday you read in Huff/Daily Mail/ABC/CNN/etc how a white has done EVIL-- and they make sure they emphasize the race
...where as when another race commits MURDER/hate/etc, it is rarely headlines, and they almost never even mention the race of the jackass [ even though blacks commit hate crimes/murder/rape at much higher rates than whites ]
...because whites are the only race that is human--they are evil..they hate/etc
...all the other races are inhuman--they can do NO wrong
...everyday you read in Huff/Daily Mail/ABC/CNN/etc how a white has done EVIL-- and they make sure they emphasize the race
...where as when another race commits MURDER/hate/etc, it is rarely headlines, and they almost never even mention the race of the jackass [ even though blacks commit hate crimes/murder/rape at much higher rates than whites ]
The media rats have been flushed out of their holes and can't get back in. Hence they are screwed on being credible and not to be trusted. I have noticed that the whole line from NBC to local home town newspapers can not be trusted anymore. Most os the News you can get from the Internet and try to put the puzzle together. Some of the time you can find the truth. I have spent months reading Clinton emails and I will tell you it is not pretty. Here is a example: Hillys support
From: H <[email protected] >
Sunday, January 3, 20104:11 PM
To: '[email protected]'
Huma Abed in
Subject: Call list and HRC Support Network

Pis add:

Marsha Lauffer
--but I think she's moved to Florida so ask KPK if she has another #

Stephanie Minor and Jack Mannion; she's the new mayor of Syracuse

Sen. Kit Bond to discuss his book The Next Front

Paul Farmer

Add Sec Ken Salazar--note the Arctic

Jon Bon Jovi--TY

Jo Luck

Cong. Dianne Watson

Kirsten Gillibrand--cybersecurity

Marvin Hammlisch

Martha Stewart

Robert Hunter--omit from the end and move up

Sec Sebelius

Ed Koch

Dorothy Height

Pls remove from list the following:





UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05773004 Date: 08/31/2015

Allida Black


Loida Lewis

Winifred Greene

Also, we have to decide what to do w the "Fan Club" and tell Ruth Love and Rosemary. Should we invite them to lunch?

Also, whatever happened w
Hilly Support network:
They also managed to "Whiten" his first name from Jarrod to Jared. Within a couple of hours, and without stating his name JARROD RAMOS we hear "WHAT WE KNOW SO FAR IS THAT THE SHOOTER IS A WHITE MALE IN HIS THIRTIES.....".

Every day President Trump correctly calls out the Media as FAKE NEWS and everyday they prove him right.
What makes him not white?
They also managed to "Whiten" his first name from Jarrod to Jared. Within a couple of hours, and without stating his name JARROD RAMOS we hear "WHAT WE KNOW SO FAR IS THAT THE SHOOTER IS A WHITE MALE IN HIS THIRTIES.....".

Every day President Trump correctly calls out the Media as FAKE NEWS and everyday they prove him right.
He is white enough for Media usage.

And if he isn't white enough the media will just brighten his pic so he looks white, just like MSNBC did with Zimmerman's photo.

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